(2011/03) Mar 2011


my massage I ended it on fri...I started 1week after my csect.

Supposed to be at least for 10-14dats but I took only 7 days. Blood clot ML say no more liao...my tummy is now almost flat...so I ended it early

but she say my legs still have water...

Moshi Ladies, wow now wif confinement period, this thread is moving so fast, even on wkend.

Bf is not a easy process, luckily got this forum, also experienced mummies like 2k, Sinmey and Rara for replying my sms. Also the new mummies for their encouragement.

Babybride- Yes, can go toh guan. for me, remember, i was like u, i supposed to go down to see LC, nv go ';cos overslept. Ended up guide me thru the phone and i seen great improvement. If u wann, u can PM me. I was like u, can latch can manual express, can't use machine.

Pixie: hi 5! That is what I do too... But I lazier than u.. Cos I never wake up at wee hours.. I slept thru.. Keke..

My pumping hours is 7-7.30am (depends on what time I wake up), 12 noon, 4pm, 8pm and 12am.

Morning I can yield the amount that I miss in the night..

Lazy right...

1st 2 weeks I also pump every 3 hourly


I will not.... Coz after I pump n empty my breasts, sure got some I never managed to pump out...so my bb drink this very fatty hindmilk...abit only can tong her for another hr or so....then when she cries for milk an hr or two later, I will then feed her the full amt of what she takes normally


not pain leh....she press n say oh got blood clot...after massage the clot really will come out.

She uses hot stone on tummy to rid the blood clot then massage, including the tummy. She also do charcoal burning to get rid of the water trapped in my body like sauna like that...

Then hot stone can use on boobs, ease any blocked ducts or engorgement... No need press n press...shiok

but I broke the stone into 2 today while applying on my boobs sobz


wow... sound shoikingly great experience....but the stone like v.unique method for post natal massage..

can pm me ur ml contact? wanna try.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_clap.gif]

wan to chk..

Hw much are ur bbs drinking nw?

My boy is 18days old nw. drinks 100ml EBM, 10-20mins later cry, will latch him for another half an hour or so. after tat cry agn, warm another 60ml EBM n he can finish all.. and finally Zzz..

In betw, we chk his diaper, change a new one, pat him.. nothing works until he gets his milk.. Am I overfeeding him??? But he wont give up until he's realli full then ZZzzz wor.. hw??


initially only hand squeeze then milk can come out n the pump i turn to max suction also no milk... find it strange..

but i think Jastar explaination clarify this...

now i'll hand sqeeze till milk flow comes, then i pump; milk will eventually come out..


ok will pm u...she is quite booked up leh. No harm asking lah

Summer mummy

fwah!!! Ur bb is another milk monster!

My gal is 16days old n she takes in 60ml per 3 or 2hrly...she cry 2hrs later we will give bm...if within 2hrs, I will just latch her to take in my fatty hindmilk

maybe, boys drink more?

Hi pixie,

Can pm me your ml's contact too. Sounds good leh yours.

Im worry mine cant do for me last min as shes always busy.

Thank you!

Summer mommy: don't worry u are not alone.. My boy is 14 days old hor drinking 75ml and sometimes cry every 1.5 hours then I latch him then another 20-40mins cry again for milk and down another 75ml...

To me I think if he drink Liao can zzz another 2-3 hours and not vomitting milk I think should be fine...

If milk ooze from his nose I will drag his feeding..

My #1 doesn't drink as much.. Abit scary

Wow I wish my son is drinking more man but of cos drink every 3 hourly will do :p else really not enuff rest man.. My son at times drinks 20ml n rest, then 40ml in abt 1.5 hrs or 2 hrs.. Sometimes drinks 50ml or 60ml depending.. Really tough man to catch his drinking habit.. :/

summers mommy n 2Ks: wahhh.. yr boys drink alot.. mine still drinking 90-95 ml every 2.5 to 3 hrly.. =)

but PD always say as long as hungry can give... jus as long as he don vomit or wad shud b alright.. =D

Hazel>my gal also sometimes like this. Drink 50ml can take up to an hr. If latch on can be up to an hour and throughout the 1 hr of latch. Got to burp her or rub her constantly to make her awake!

Summummy> if your boy didnt vomit out milk think should be okay ba. Some overfed bb may get stomach upset so may gets cranky.

2ks u r welcome but till now I haven practise wat I believe in yet .. Will start from tomorrow when I go bk to latching full time

But I try to pump overtime to get second let down

Belinda I also dun yield much 3 hrs ard 100-120 .. But I think more than enuf for my girl .. Currently she only doing 60 every 2-3 hrly


Can I check did u all use pillow for bb to sleep on? My bb got alot of saliva n when I put her to bed, she almost choke on her own Saliva.. So thinking should I use those pillow with a hole in e centre type for her to sleep on? Or how should I lay her?

Ooh the hot stone method quite interesting. But heard from my ml they did the charcoal burning last time but a doctor customer of them told them can cause dehydration,so they stop.


seriously, i didn't know that the fenugreek pills will take effect so fast lor... plus before that i've tried like slping the nite thru... going out for hours not having to pump!!! who knows this time round kenna engorged until so jia lat... the moment i took off my bra... the milk just drip n drip then i was like???!! so the pills really work... hmm... really milk supply will drop drastically ah? i'll be satisfied if i can meet his demand during the day... heee...

Hi ladies doing confinement

Do u get to drink milk? I can't remember if I did last time.


U r very kuai, even wash hands use warm water.

Rach too

Brush teeth also use boiled water

During my first confinement I bathed in herbs but still washed hands in normal tap water.

Did any of use the dry hair wash spray? Can use rite?

Pixelpixie n 2Ks, me also follow your recommendations. Pump every 3 hrly for the night, day time, i will latch on and pump the other boobie after the latch... Boobies still damn rock hard!! Normal right?

Also, want to check if freshly pumped milk can we immediately stored into the freezer so should we chill in then fridge before storing into freezer... Me like no more bottles Liao.....

Serene same lor.. My son will cry for milk but when I give him milk he will take his own sweet time to drink else drink till

Zzz.. Then I gotta wake him up faint


my boobs no more hard liao...initially it was but I didn't pump out fully so production decrease n slowly my boobs began to soften liao...

Then next step is to regulate supply

then drag hours once supply regulate after x hours

step by step

I put in fridge then store surplus ones the next day to freezer. No immediately to freezer. I dunno can or not? Hahaaaa


Hi 5! I tot he's realli drinking too much.. But no vomiting etc. He needs to be realli full to zzz. I rem my gal only takes 60ml when she's almost 2mths. They r sooo different lor. My gal has to be coaxed n carried all the time cos she was colicky. Didi jus drinks alot n Kip wanting more.. Scare me.. We tried to delay more feeds or make him zzz by giving him pacifier.. It doesn't work too.. Sigh..

Spyria, my next visit to Gynae will be this wed, if I haven't popped by then. So this wed Gynae will check again then advise next step ba. She did mention last week can induce if I'm impatient, but she is super pro-natural type so she prefers I wait. She says some of her patients overdue by 10 days lo, faints!!! Hope my case not like that... Plus my bb weight and water level all still alright to her so she is not pushing for me to induce yet. when is your edd and next visit?

Mummies who gave in feb, did u know that feb only 28days? Meaning our confinement shd end at later date. Gosh!! I just realize it today. Sianz. Thou my confinement will end on 24th march. Actually shd b 26th. I still have 6 more days to go. Haiz....

Mil v strict, don't allow me to shower. I stink like hell now. Hb always call me bangala at construction site de. Aft dry clean n using dry shampoo at evening, m still a bangala, but work in office de. Lol

pixiepixel, my massage also got use hot stone... v shiok... but apparently my bm level like drop after the massage session, sigh.. dunno y... then i stop the massage then my bm level become normal again...

Butter: no choice Cos during #1 time, first few days no cl so dunno mah then end up my fingers all numb u know.. I also brush my teeth with warm water... Anyway it's a month thingy only

Tres: if the amount u pump out ok for u to store in freezer, why not? Unless if let's say u pump 100ml per pump , it will be quite wasteful to store in milkbags cos bags can take at least 180ml and more..

Then u must make sure both yields same temp then transfer into one milk bag to the freezer.

Lilprecious - I gave birth on 24 feb. Keep thinking 24 march is end of my confinement. Cos usual mths there r 30 or 31 days. Forgot feb only 28. Meaning count by days mine shd end on 26 march. Kuku me. Happy for nothing. Haha

hai mummies, finally managed to read all the archives since friday. til my eyes blur blur

im still not popping out yet, still waiting waiting waiting

now im making a bet to all my friends, asked them to guess a date of the birth n whoever wins will get a prize from me :p just try to make the waiting game more "fun"

wed will visit gynae again, but so far he doesnt encourge me to induce. just let it natural, plus i also want to experience the water bag burst

won_mummy: haha, i see.. i finishing on 27th aft i count 28 days.. cos i gave birth on 26th.. =Pp

Angelina: ya lo, doc ong not a someone who encourages induce de.. even for my case.. haha, he prefers all natural..keke.. enjoy time w Josh nw...!

Alice/pixespixel, can we massage so fast (after a wk of c-sect delivery)? Mygynae said cannot ler, hav to wait 5-6 weeks later when he chk n confirm de wound is fully recovered. Anyway, can u pm me yr ml''s contact? Will call them to chk. Tks.

Rach/2ks , I've been in day 12. My boobes yield total 50-80ml ebm each time. I pump 3r hrs regularly. I latched on bb in between too. Morning I'll get ard 110-130ml due to overnight longer hrs(5-6hrs). De amt is currently just sufficient for my bb, as she drink 75ml 2-3 hr. It seems dat

my flow is low hor ? Will milkmaid tea help? Pls advise. Tks.


my nxt visit will be this coming tue, which will be my 39w2d checkup. but my gynae dun intend to drag it for so long if bb overstays. she did mentioned that once i hit week40 and bb is nt out yet, then will recommend me to induce the following day.

my current condition is the same as u, normal weight n water level still okie. so just have to wait and see.

its myself getting impatient, hopefully theres abit of dilation during the nxt checkup and see what she advises too then.

lets hang in there!!

Lilprecious.... Just 2 more days difference only... You CAN DO IT!!!!

2Ks.. Ya lah, my yield only abt 100 ml per pump.... A bit wasteful but guess Bo pian... Bought too little bottles....

tres: get some stool softener or digestive pills, ask ur gynae or pharmacy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eat more veg and fruits too. Me faces consyipation during preg, now not so bad cos i took the stool softener and lots of veg.

Anyone still has prob with piles? Mine subsided after one week but now it's getting painful despite frequent cleaning & medication.

Haha, thanks tres.. I knsa enjoy my confinement tt I don wish fr it to end.. =/

U can try getting fybogel frm watsons or guardian.. Or try prune juice.. It works fr some n doesn't work fr some thou.. =D

Minimos , me here.. Ken a piles too... I got some cream from gynae to apply onto the area.... So kinda subsided but it gets flare up occasionally too......

N constipation ... Alr told fybogel n stool softener from gynae... Had my first poo but now feel ken a 'full' but yet can't come out..... So shitty!!!!

Haha come in here don't expect so many mummies awake now.. But we all stil awake at this wee hrs.. Haha.. We all becomin super women all for babies's sake liao..

Jialat I was too tired n forgot to wake uP pump. Supposed to pump at 12 in e nd overslept til baby woke mi up at 3 then latch him, change diaper now then get to pump. Oh God pls don't let my miserable supply of 40ml reduce! Now I only getting maybe 10pm only. Die

Just done with pumping...

2Ks: I believe must pump after latch! Just my day time very irregular cos sometimes I wait for bb to latch, she either sleep past my 3hr interval or she takes v long to latch, plus need to battle with her cos she kinda reject my nipples at times. Then I feel so confused shld I pump out or wait for her to latch. But after latch I will pump. Now I will try to make day pump more regular to up ss! Sorry ah... I gan jiong spider easily & will get anxious & vex easily...

My hubby & elder daughter caught a flu, now so scare virus will spread in e hse! Hate it!

Wah! My son just shot his watery yellow shit on me lor!!! o_O There goes my PJ! My hand also kana...

Sunesis, I have the exact prob as u! Latch only 1 side then my son will doze off...I gonna pump both breasts again on my own.

Babybride, I will be here during wee hours coz my breasts super engorged if I don't pump..

Ya LOH sunesis.. Thk we same same. Juz finish squeezing hard at milking..I really felt like milkin cow except it's my own breasts lah... Output miserable. Got overslept might hav more. Not really leh. Ok I better go sleep else my prince gonna wake up soon. N also for next pump. Sunesis we keep each other accompany in thread k when do pumpin at nits.. Nite nite..

