(2011/03) Mar 2011

Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 9:46 am:       

Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli

3.) Rach/Rayanne/Raylynn/Helper

4.) Annie/Javier







Vivienpg> yup I'm still taking orders for Pupsik Pouch & Nursing Covers.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u can PM me to place order..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Treestar : really is sibei sway lo.. =\ i dont think is opposite nah... Cause opposite is 309... Lol... =p

Poky : wahh!! You good lah... I am sleeping next to the bed you referring lo... Sian!! I saw the one beside is good lah... Cause as what you say, the window there more spacious... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] too bad... I dont get it... =\

Wahh! I half massage half type here... The massage sibei pain lah.... Gosh!! =\

next to me is rm309... so we r just opposite diagonally...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

everybody who deliver at tmc usually book 4 bedded then auto go 2-bedded... actually at nite my hubby go back to eat supper then i alone until 3-4am... i really scared, on all the lights n almost wanna switch room cos my frd who came in the evening was sharing ghost story of her office to me.... siao... make me scared... then the nurse also hardly come in at nite ....

find the nurse in TMC v.smiley[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] , always a big smile when come in but many not so helpful leh only nice sunny smile

Treestar : agree!!! They will greet you morning blah blah.. Than not 100% helpful bah.. Maybe just 85% ?

Wahh!! 3-4am, i haven sleep lo... Waliew... If know than can go over talk!! =\ wasted sia... =\

Treestar : bobian! Must distract myself... =\ is pain but use typing to distract lo... Lol !!! ML now doing leg mah.. So hand-free... Lol !!!


ya... a few time i press for nurse they take forever to come over leh.

ya lor...if only u can come over, i really scared cos my room v.dark one.. then all the ghosty story my friend just share... omg!!! at that point i wonder i agreed to change to 1-bedded!! i only can rest n not let my mind wonder when another mummy wheel past my room with a crying nb... then like got pple...

envy u can do massage... pain but shoik... i can only do 1 month later cos c-section...

Treestar : lol !!! If my friend come and tell me ghost story, i sure will scold them de... I also scare! Lol! =X

Envy? I now like going labour pain again lo... Is pain want lo....! =\ too bad no laughing gas at home to make me

Seh! Lol !!!

Angelia: did u take the FM sample from the nursery nurse? these glass bottle good for storing ebm... i ask for more n nurse say only 6 bottles the max can give, then she tell me she give me extra 4 bottle so total is 10 bottles...

i can't massage... so i massgae myself lor... wahahah, not pain not shiok.

how much milk ur girl drinking? mine is dring abot 75ml-100ml 3/4 hourly

Hi mummies,

Some time back I posted to let go my extra Sophie the Giraffe teether toys, and there were many inquiries. Sorry to disappoint alot of you when I ran out of it.

It's a really safe and stimulating toy for babies 2 months onwards, even now at 10 months my boy still enjoys biting it! I managed to get friends to buy a few more, those interested please email me your address and orders to:

[email protected]

Selling at S$28 each, will include normal local postage or COD at a convenient location e.g. MRT, malls.


Allet: ur bb born 9 mar? Same as mine!!!

Today I machiam snatching bb with CL. I wanna latch, she wanna bottlefeed. After I latch one side, she wanna top up with ebm so I let her lo then I go nap (alrdy pump b4 latch), when I wake up an hr later cos hear bb cry, thot can latch e other side, then she told me bb haven drink finish e ebm -_-"

Y she keeps thinking bb not enough when latch? Yesterday oso like tat... Then I gotta stop her from feeding my ebm. Then she like so sad tt I let my bb go hungry..

Hazel: won't get virus de, tts y I suggested gather at mummies hse so won't go outside n get any virus.. =) I brought Jav out fr gatherings when he's V young also.. No worries.. =) but to yr own comfy ya.. Heee.

Rach: ohh ok.. Ya I und yr concerns... Hehe..

Allets: hurhur.. U wan? I can give u.. Hahaha.. But tt only happens when I din pump thruout the night.. =P I'ma lazy mummy.. =P

poky: okayy I let u know again k!

Hazel n sunesis- yes our BBS shared e same bday..

LilPrecious- i wonder will i ever reach that amt not .. Now 3 hourly pump only pathetic 100ml.. My breasts are lazy today .. Usually can hit 130-150ml de but today dunno why ss so low..

treestar : I FORGET to take the milk sample lo... Dulan !! than when i reach home than remember... =/ KNS lo...

My girl now if 2hour wake up drink only 50ml-60ml.. if 3hour than 60-70ml... ^^


Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli

3.) Rach/Rayanne/Raylynn/Helper

4.) Annie/Javier

5.) sinmey/Shay (depends on location, ok for central/north)





Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli

3.) Rach/Rayanne/Raylynn/Helper

4.) Annie/Javier

5.) sinmey/Shay (depends on location, ok for central/north)






o, u got the one that is bside it, near the door one? actually there gd n bad... cos the one i had was bigger, but everytime, ppl got toilet, i definitely wake up... then the curtain always kena pull back by others lor.... especially the nurses.. they always pull open, nv bother to pull back de... everytime, i had to pull back after they left lor... but at least i got the space... else, i definitely tell the nurse not to forgot to pull back lor.... but also hard, cos mostly always different nurse lor.... lol


u need the glass btls? the one they give with the FM? i got the NAN ones... 90ml with metal caps.. u want? i only need a few, but i got more than 20..... throw so sayang. keep so many also no use.... =p let me know if u want.. or if any other mommies want, let me know.. =)

btw, was it u who pm me on the PIS backpack? find farmiliar, but i juz only reply n didnt ck.. now lookin this thread then saw ur nick again... =p can give even more discount. =)


tot want to do the first round at summer's mommy place? aiya.. then i confirm can join liao!! lol

Yeah finally I can join in moo moo career!

Gonna check in MT A later at 8pm.

Errghh mixed feelings, excited, scare, worried haha!!!

poky : Yup.. i got the one that is sort of next to the door de lo... jidao near the nursery than everytime if nurse open the door, i hear bb crying... =/ hahahah ! agree with the curtain wise... cause when i go toilet that time, than i will accidentally pull the curtain too... =/ LOL ! =P

siao liao...i really feel like crying...

my milk supply is real low....after latching...can only get 20ml (combined)....what happened huh???


Dun stress... Maybe jz siao siao short supply due to lack or fluid n rest... N too stress? Jz make sure u latch/pump diligently n ur supply will come back de..

Me too not having the same supply everytime. Sometime more n sometime less de kelian... I jz ignore the less part n hopefully next pump can get more.. Chill..

won mummy- your hubby humorous..still can use Bagala to disturb..

Mummies on waiting list.


1) Angelina

2) Spyria

3) Cynthia - Mt A lata

4) Lx3

5) Butter8

6) starfruit12

7) Leon

8) Cindy

9) spongehat

10) vivienpg

11) fatbonbon

12) Audrey

Allets, can de.., pump religiously.. =P or latch also can .. Keke..

Poky: ya, I discussing w Evelyn.. We do voting once mummies cfm who's going ya..

Cynthia: Jia You!! =))

jia you to all those mommies who are popping!!! =) gambatte...

bb is cranky ever since last nite... he puked the milk after each feeding for 2 times in the nite! got one time was choking! gawd.. what did i do wrong? i sat him quite upright to feed him... should i put him in a more recline position instead? =( now he kept refusing to slp... and even if he does, it's a very disturbed slp.. we checked everything.. from nappies to feeding... but still no use leh!!!

bb always cry during bathing time... anyone can give some tips on how to successfully bathe bb?

All the best Cynthia!

Think u r better than me. M still having show and pain on & off. Loss count liao. Cant differentiate it's BH/contraction!

Gynea confirmed this morning tat no dilation yet.

Really loss!


jiayou, next one is u, after that can extract ur name from the waiting list le!


think im worse than u ba...i can hardly feel any cramps or BH till now. no show no nothing...haiz.

Spyria tat is good rite?

Wanted to bring my #1 to libaray/playground but pain come on & off. Dare not go anywhere or move ard much!

If nothing happens, I ll gg back to work tmr. Hopefully tats better for me rather than staying at home. Have to go slow while walking, taking train,... Jia lat!


yes on my left boob... red and there was a hard lump... had fever and chills!!! was so xin ku till i really wanted to give up being a milking cow... went to see Dr and lactation nurse 2 nites ago @ KK cos TMC parentcraft centre not open mah.. they refer me to KK.. i think KK nurses are so much nicer.. she took time to massage my breast... answer all my enquiries.. and encouraged me to moo moo somemore lor...

my milk supply is half of what i've previously built up... but i also happy lah.. at least still got milk better than none! but my milk supply quite diluted yday... no wonder today my bb cried n cried asking for more!!! that's what my mom said...

Jaster, my Bb also puke milk after feed for 2-3 times a day. Very stressful.. Then he also dun like bathing. He will cry n scream like nobody biz during bathing time. So scary... I dun dare to bathe him yet loh... Even when I change diaper for him he also cry.. He dislikes ppl to undress him... My boy is very bad temper! Sigh...

Starfruit and spyria,

I also no signs leh. Wait until very pek cek already. Make me very moody n frustrated everyday.

Ask u all mummies, after cervix check will u have stabbing pain at the vagina there? Last week had the check n still pain at times till today.

Jaster, I also having fever n chill n headache since last night n my right breast is hard n painful, is that infection? I thought of going to see doctor for my fever n headache. I suspect it may be due to my breast?? How??


ah! i tot i'm the only mommy facing such problem... dunno is it i too slow when bathing him or he can feeling that i'm not too zhai in handling him but he'll just scream his lungs out lah!!! then my mommy kept on giving me instructions! fwah... i shouted at her today... cos u know what she did? she wanted to feed the bb even before i put him in the tub! then i was likE huh? what should i do now? feed or bathe? urgh...

then puking how u solve? i very heart pain to see him choke on his milk.. and every time he will gek one leh! dunno is it cos he's colic or wat...

Jaster, for my boy is because of his phlegm that's y he puke out milk (milk + sticky phlegm). His phlegm has been in him for more than a week Liao loh. N there is nothing we can do but just hope he recovers soon. We gave Chinese medicine but is slow. Brought him to see PD also nothing can be done but just monitor. Yours maybe is due to colic or reflux? If colic, I heard there is a colic drop to cure. N when feeding using bottle must feed half, burp Bb then continue another half feeding... Cannot feed all at one go. Then try to apply Ru Yi you on his tummy. If reflux I dunno how le..


thank u! he puked milk (a lot) when i'm feeding him! when my mom feeds no problem!!! faint!!! we're applying ru yi oil already... and yes i burped him in btw the feed also leh!

i think lilprecious got mention if it's reflux i may have to get the milk thickener or something...

how are you coping? you also said byebye to your CL rite??

Hi Annie and jaster,I was as paranoid as u all during the first week,bb vomit after feed,cry like nobody business during bath.After I read more and consult friends and doctor.all these symptoms seem to be normal for all bb. U try to let ur bb arch their back after feed then hold him/her inclined 45 degree for abt 10 min then u try to burp him.don't burp him immediately after feed cuz the milk has not gone down to his stomach. As for bathing,think it's normal for them to cry,u try close all window and off fan when u undress them,they scaredof coldness mah,then give the bathing water at 37 degree cuz tht's the temperature in our womb. Maybe u need ur CL or hubby to help to bathe bb also cuz bb will want to hold someone's hand tightly when they r soaked in water for security.


thank you for your advice! ahh... not to burp him after feed immediately!!! hahaa.. that's what i always do... i always hold him 45 degrees up... letting him sit on my lap...

hahaa.. shall try bathing bb tomorrow! =P with hotter water and no air coming in!!!

Thanks Alice!

When I latch Bb on the lying position, he will latch until sleep, so I didn't carry him 45 degree leh. But usually he puke more with bottle feed or when I cradle latch him. I am like used to the puking le, just find it messy n troublesome gotta clean him up n change clothing again... I think when Bb reaches 3 mths old wun puke like this le right? So now gotta just endure...

Jaster, u haven't answer my qns of breast infection. Could I be one of them? Coz I'm having fever, chill n headache n right boob abit pain leh... N hard!

Yes, sack CL ytd, and survived the first night. My mum looks after my boy from evening until 10pm then hubby look after my boy until 2am+ then I take over from that time until 7am then my mil came n take over me while I go rest. So I'm glad I have family members to help me.. I having fever n headache so really no strength to do much things...

Hi Annie,I find bottle feed will make the bb puke more cuz bb tend to gulp the milk without swallow it down properly,so u have to find the nipple head with the smallest hole tht suits newborn,then stop the bb to gulp once in a while,let bb arch their back to straigten their esophagus then continue. Though my bb still have reflux but really less as compared to first week.

Annie... Jiayou... Monitor your fever ba... Not sure if it's Brest infection, but if you can still pump out milk, it should be ok right???? Dun gang ho ah.... Been reading magazine.. They say always ask for help.... Dun shy...

Alice.. Ya my npbb also wailed like anything when she bathes.... Cried until the whole face turn dark red kind.... See also dun know what to do..... Dun know how to handle... Wll take yourbadvice for hotter water.

Had my massage today... OMG.... The massage at the boobies is damn freaking painful lah...... Till tears rolled down my eyes......

Annie: if yr boobs is really hard like rock, n u cant get rid of the lumps no matter how u pump or rock, might b masititis.. esp when u haf fever n yr boobs is realll painful.. but can u still pump out any milk? do chk w doc if needed ya, feel better soon!

Jaster: reflux like Jayien, hold him up after feed in a 'sitting position' for 1/2 an hr.. if u cant hold bb for so long, place pillow under mattress den put bb on top so bb will b in reclining position.. if it doesnt help, den thickener is last choice.. tt is if yr bb vomits alot.. as in merlion kind.. =D if nt u can try pinky's method of giving pacifier for 5 mins aft short feed den cont feed again..

Thanks mummies! At delivery suite 2. Waiting for gynae.. Was in e same delivery suite when my #2 arrive. Clear my bowels leh (nothing much out) cos been diarrhoea since yday.

Waiting for gynae e feeling shucks! Like waiting to b executed. Don't want to think Liao

