(2011/03) Mar 2011


Sunesis, it's your turn yeah yeah! 4-5th dilated can be real real fast!!! I think within 4hrs short & quick heehee. Update us again okie! Go go go!!!


At least your Hubby do something & tried talking to mil. It's not easy & I believe he us quite young too right? Sometimes for us as wife tried not to make Hb difficult position, just gotta close one eye, here in there out. When bb arrive, there is more to be displeased. I have alot of displeased with mil when #1 arrived. Slowly I learnt to let go since she is helping mi to take care. Not easy lo.

Need time to overcome all these. Pat Pat.


Milktea has delivered yest 8/3 via emer c sect with GA.

Baby weigh 3560g.

She was stuck at 5-6 cm and developed fever. Gynae worried will affect baby so emer c sect.

She's still on drip and not very mobile.

Will update more when she can.

She's latching well with the help of the nurses in hospital... Just not sure if baby is drinking anything or not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angelia: yeaaa! At least things haf been cleared up n u know tt yr hb does dote on u alot.. Think he's caught on btw 2 impt women of his life, tts y he finds it difficult to handle too.. But at least all things haf been cleared n yr hb knows wad u r feeling nw.. =)) tk care ya!

Annie: I love the pumps too.. Guess it's jus me. But u r really alrdy doing a gd job trying to latch whenever u can n jus pump for night feed.. Don needa feel guilty to gif fm in the first few days cos supply nt in yet ma.. But nw tt it's in, u can keep yr fm soon! Hehe.. I bot a tin of wakodo milk thinking things might b like Jav's time n my milk will nt kick in till 4th day, n I'm so scared of history repeating itself, Jayien passing out pink urine like Jav.. So I bot n standby this time round, cos I din buy to standby fr Jav.. In e end, on 2nd day, my hb had to go out n buy back.. This round, bot le, but till date only drank once.. Tts when I was engorged n he passed pink urine, I asked my CL gif fm, n e next day I faster clear my boobs n pumped whenever I can n he was on ebm alrdy. Hee. So nw, whole tin wasted.. I jus add into Jav milk n let him help didi fin the fm.. =Pp if nt I heartpain.. So ex..

Fish: think most gynaes use stitches tt dissolves nw.. Mayb u can chk w yr gynae when u go back fr review? Mine also don needa remove, it'll dissolve by it's own..

Summers mommy: think most prob u engorged.. Jus keep massaging, hot compress n latch or pump den it'll clear n u'll def haf more den 50ml.. =D as long as Skye is taking enuf, think u don needa worry..!

Babybride: don over pump cos it'll make yr nipples hurt later leh,. Think every 3 hrs is gd enuf.. For me I do it like maybe at 7.30am, den next pump I'll start at 10.45am.. Jus gif 15 mins allowance.. Tts my personal timing la.. Hee.. I'm sure

milk will kick in soon.. My #1 took about 4 days fr milk to start..

Sunesis: keep us updated ya! Jia youuuuuuu!!!!

Heh she happened to whatsapp me so I asked her...


Hur hur with all the cooking taking place and washing and bathing.. I can't imagine the uitility bill this month Lo... >.<"""

Hi mummies,

In Mt.A now, on drip for induction. Dilated 4-5cm but no contraction... Argh...

Hope can be real fast... Induced since 8:45am but still no sign... How???

Falling asleep soon...

Rach, I prefer 汶蒽! My lil girl girl also gonna be an En, the conventional 恩 hehe, very sweet and koreanish I feel! Thanks for the update on milktea, hope she's doing ok! So good u can dedicate RL on apr 2nd, first dedication really v memorable! I gotta wait for the next round le.

Sunesis, jiayou!! Your dilation sounds fast!

Sunesis, why like that? Gynae didn't insert pill yet? Jiayou!

Rach, no choice one lah. Now you gave me an idea hor...mothers on confinement should be given a rebate on household electricity bill! lol. Thanks for the update on milktea btw! =D

Congrats babybride! =)

Angelia, good to hear that everything is ok for now. Take care gal. Keep your mind occupied on other things ya...go walk more and do more squats...just now I just spent 5min on the stationary bicycle in my school...lol

BF mummies, I'm just wondering..Can we drink milk powder for pregnant & lactating mothers like Anmum, Enfalac, Similac, etc. after delivery/during confinement? I thought this kind of milk powder will help us to produce more milk?

Tres, I already delivered 2.5 weeks ago but my stomach right side b thigh still itchy. My massage lady told me coz skin strink back so itch. Wah!! Then I dub mind whole body itchy leh. But applied some tea tree oil last night n it's better.

Wow! This morning woke up bm leaking kena my clothes n bedsheet. Happy leh coz first time leak, is this a sign of more milk? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When contractions comes no time to react liao hehehe. Last time when I induce my #2, already dilated 4cm when in but no contraction. Gynae burst bag, on drip then i wait n wait from 10pm-1230am THEN contractions come! But when comes is so tightly by 2am preparing & 226am my #2 is out.

Lai_lai, i don reali think the milk powder will help to produce more milk, it just gives the bm more neutrients... and the milk powder will pound more weight on u.

hi mummies: morning! i think i lost track of who gave birth already...so maybe i will not be updating...unless u mummies here can PM me who delivered after last friday.

yday 1st night encounter engorgement, woke up and pump...but dont seems to clear the hard boobs...going to work harder...yday pump the milk all throw away...cos i accumulated the pumps, didnt expect milk to come in so fast.

fish: nowadays stitches dont have to remove leh...it will dissolve by itself de..

annie: for me i also didnt wake up in the night to bf my son leh...to me i wanna have sufficient rest, so i instruct CL to feed FM..to me one week of FM is fine until my milk comes in...

regarding hormones is normal de, u will feel very sad over small small things..

for me cos its 2nd baby so i am more or less relaxed or plan and know what to do..

relax ok...

Panda> u funny la!!! I lol at ur dun mind whole body itch if it's skin shrinking back... Lol.....

Fel> u nv try prune juice still ah???

RL poo a 50cent coin poo this morning.. A bit little but better than 0!!! Lol... Hope she poo more today..

Evelyn> I tot BF babies poo MORE?? 6-8times diaper change a day! This time I save diaper Lo.. Only 3-4pcs a day.. All pee... Lol....

Lai_lai> yes!!! Supposed to take anmum etc for the vitamins...

I down a cup everyday.. And I like to buy frm WTS threads... Cheaper..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the active mummies have popped and busy with confinement... Thread moving so slowly le... Lol...

Except me like super Eng like that.. Lol...

>> Drinking of milk while bfing

Other than the benefit of having more nutrition in our BM, I am thinking we should drink milk so that our own calcium can be replaced. Am I correct?

Esnow> u are right..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its very impt for BF mummies to be well nutritioned..--> dunno got such word or not..

But alot of nutrients are lost frm our body during BF..

We need these to help us make up the loss partially..

Nvm abt the pounds added on... We lose during BF also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

esnow, my gynae gave me extra calcium pills previously, said can be taken during bf too... in fact, gotta take fish oil too.

Babybride: how u tahan max with pis? It's very strong leh.. I m only using the second dot leh. Do u know the first three minutes are just to stimulate yr breasts so its very soft.. If u dun wanna stimulate, press the droplets button

Congrats milktea! Oh dear hope u get well soon

Rach: I already set aside $300 for pub bills.. I think most likely not enough..

thanks for the confirmation! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but my gynae did not give me calcium pills. he say the prenatvit have calcium supp liao so no need give. so I will still drink milik when I bf soon. hee..

Esnow> my #1 not given calcium at all..

But this time #2 doc prescribed calcium for all the prenatal checks.. Yah.. Supposed to take also.. Still got leftovers Lo....

Jazz> bb jaundice is clearing up... Slight yellow.. Today's sun was good!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She stayed one nite extra and I stayed too..

$700 more for nothing.. Sigh.

Hospital called and asked if got HuBbY medisave to deduct also...

My bill can deduct $2500 and baby abt $1000.

But I only left $2450 in my own medisave and HuBbY $50...

Lol.... Now trying to see if can use my mum's then can save a bit cash.. Keke...


Any idea when the new mama bottom spray will arrive? By the way, what was the spray that Mt A give you? Is it available in pharmacy?

The spray ah.. Irritating... No news totally till I emailed them then they replied it's on backorder!!!

So I cancelled it and ordered from anther supplier with similar price and they are shipping it out liaoz Lo...

Piang... Wasted 1.5weeks waiting in vain!!!!

So angry!!!!

Now my CURACAO is finishing le... Still haven't arrive....

Should be able to get from pharmacy..

aiyoo.. must blacklist that supplier.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmm.. i gonna pop within this week. so hopefully can buy curacao off the shelf if the ordered spray dun come in time..

haha.. weird me.. not so worried about labour pain but more concerned about the after-labour ones!

Wow, so many mummies the stitch dissolve by itself wor.. I juz called my Gynae, I have to go down to remove this afternoon... Ouch... Pain pain.... Why he don't use the those can dissolve by itself de???? I still have to go through removing stitch this thing.. Sian sia...

Shirley, u same with me wor.. Dog dog being 'snatch away' my parent for this mth wor... Hai... Now only one week, I still have another three weeks before she can come back my house n stay with us wor.. I think by then she will not as long to us as last time le.. Hai...

Annie, so envy you.. Your Niuniu still staying with u all, at least u don't put much attention on her but u still can see her anytime when u Wana see her.. I can't... Now.. Whenever I miss her badly, I will look at her photos or video n start crying...

Btw, talk abt Ur BM.. I saw Ur FB photo, seems Ur BM thicker than mine lei.. Mine is like super diluted lei.. Urs look like FM colour, very thick wor.. So good... Btw, how's your first day massage?? Even I ask my ML to massage my breast, but increase a little little bit only.. Not much still lei.. Think I same with my mummy, BM quality not good de.. So sian...

Summermommy, Hsha.. U so cute, use 'grape' to describe pile.. Stone... But these 'grapes' seriously can push back??? But mine seems not outside my anus lei, it likes juz infront of my anus.. Like that how to push back wor... Even it Reli can push back, Nx time we poo, the 'grape' won't come out again ma?? Juz wondering... But this afternoon I will ask Gynae to give me some cream to apply la.. N hope I can cure it fast, if not, everytime I go toilet, I stress....


Can I ask what do you all have for breakfast during confinement? Is it the usual confinement dishes or something else?


the "grapes" v irritating la.. kip hanging outside.. I sit oso pain.. lie dwn also pain.. worse than give birth! I went for gynae chkup ytd. Gynae "push back" for me.. i also ask the same que.. "wait poo poo come out hw?" Mr Gynae say "push back agn lor" but hor u mus put cream first. ur gynae gave u cream for piles? they might also give supository.. a bullet to insert.. suppose to reduce swelling.. Hope this helps!

As long as its protruding means can push back inside anus..

Fish: there is no poor quality bm one la!! Bish!!

U try pumping longer... First few days milk very yellowish one then later will become whiter..

last night was horrible for me. i wake up somany times to pee, total i peed 14 times. then when i tried to sleep back, hubby snored very loud n josh kept kicking. end up cant sleep at all. headache n runny nose now. lucky josh has behave well compare to yesterday, if not sure banging my head on the wall

jazz : ur gynae is dr.ong right?which cliniic r u?

Rach - im gg to buy prune juice today...

Eden just did a massive poop.... im so happy,,... haha... sounds crazy...


I had pig kidney/ meat Mee suah/Mee Hun kueh with Ginger n rice wine for bfast most time.. Coz I 'dun' like bread.

Valerie/summer mummy,

I had total 7 bottles of rice wine leh in 4 wks. Basically all pork/kidney/chicken dish r all with rice wine lor. I remember I finish the 1st bottle within the few days Liao. I bought 15 bottles so still got 5 left. Bought extra coz I can cook after cl left. Rice wine dishes is the easiest to cook. Jz put the

meat/chicken with black fungus, add rice wine n soya sauce n u can have the yummy dishes in 5 mins liao. If u all wan I can spare some to u... But my price is $15, bought from a medical hall. The Aunty made herself one...


Each bb grow in different speed ba.. As long as they r gaining weight, drnking, sleeping, pee/pooing should be fine.

My bb Shay is milk monster lor. Drink 120ml every 2 hrs. I squeeze the neh when pulp till dry dry to up my supply lor....

Ahem, my dear Fish and summer's mummy, I have piles since my teenager days so it is not some old people's ailment wor. I don't know what's the cause but during my younger days, I have irritable bowel syndrome and ate a lot of super duper hot chilli. I even went to see a specialist about my piles before 'cause it would cause bleeding at times. Usually, it will be a good pile hiding inside unless I ate stuffs such as super hot and spicy food to aggravate it. Heatiness and hard stools will cause it to pop also.

I doubt it will ever disappear. It will just hide inside or pop out to make you uncomfortable. From now, you must be careful with your diet. I heard that even if you go and cut it, it will come back again so no point.

Don't worry too much. Just eat more fruits and vegetables. It will stay inside quietly. =P

Bbrabit .. Sometime if give fm

Mummy get a few hours of rest isalso good for milk production

Rach I also free bb tend sleep more in day than at night .. Today must really wake her up late evening n night time so tt midnight onwards is zzzz

Yesterday was bad .. At 3 am

Looking at me with her eyes wide open .. Expected it coz 7 to 9 pm she was zz in e hall with all the noise n her bro screaming also she still zzzzz

Went fr jaundice check .. Ok Liao .. Pd say dun even bother sunning her wor .. I wonder how she know i was sunning her

3.45 kg at day 11 but still far away rach .. Rach baby looks so

Good in rompers coz got "meat"

Most newborn drown in the rompers

But definitely much better than my #1 in term of weight n jaundice level .. So I am quite happy

Just tt my little conflict with my dad stil not settle .. Sigh

Coz I need to apologize coz I am the daughter .. Sigh

those with little jaundice issue, must be a relief. My first one super high, had to stay a few more days in hospital, and then still got to rent the machine back... so stressful to travel.

I am hoping this 2nd one will be ok.

winnie the pooh,

u have CL? if u have, take the soupy mee suan etc, cos will provide more nutrients and milk leh.

well if no CL, then anything will do. grins

Jaime> haha cuz this time I smart.. Last time ppl keep saying must buy bigger uz baby outgrow very fast..

For RY I buy all min 6-12mos..

End up waited 6mos then she can wear all the pretty pretty clothes Lo...

This time I bought 0-3mos... Perfect!!!

Still got allowance for her to grow Lo... Can last 3 mos ba.. But at least it's fitted clothes.. Not all big and lao Lao ones... Lol....

That's why she looks fitting in them...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jazz> pray ur little one will be fine..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winniethepooh> no chicken and eggs for 1st 12 days... So my food is still kindda restricted and limited.. Lol..

Next week I can look fwd to more goodies..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

