(2011/03) Mar 2011


dun wry so much. things will be fine eventually. like u i kip latching but still nt enuff. So its ok to supplement w FM. give ourselves n the poor nipples a break also.

Dr keoy says bb can drink up to 90ml at this stage. cos i chk w him whether 60ml FM after 1 hour of latching is too much for a 6 day old. so no worries.. he say no prob as long as they poo n pee. pee>3times a day then no dehydrated liao.

U need to rest, drink lotsa water then ur milk will come. stress wont help.

I also tried pumping after latching cos still feel engorged. managed to squeeze 10ml out fr 1 side. those that we pump after latch is considered excess, so u r making gd progress. =)

Cheer up & jia u!


Shirley, I think I have similar problem with you. First night after returning home keep latching until super tired and didn't really sleep. Now I look like zombi... After discussion with hb n CL together this morning, we decided to supplement bb with fm in the middle of night so that I can sleep and just wake up once for pump. Tonight is starting this method le. Abit demoralize that I have to give fm n feel very tired to keep latching on and arms feel sng.. coz I only know the cradle way. sigh.. rach, I also wanna learn lying down way after I read how shiok you said it will be and I start to wish for it. but bb newborn so small can do this? the level right anot?

I am now pumping while typing.. Really in love with this freestyle hands free pump.. But hb keeps laughing whenever he sees me attach so many wires-liked machine on my nei nei. Make me laugh too!

Mummies, how to control the not feeling emo and depress? Fish, now I know how you feel coz I think I start to feel emo leh.. At one time can be happy and laugh then next moment I will feel very sad, really sad that kind, like when I think of hb returning back work tmr cannot accompany me I feel so sad and lonely, then I keep thinking how we found out that I was pregnant and how we came all the way to today, then start to worry for future, scare I cannot cope with bb alone, not a good mummy, etc. Argh.. I think I am getting depression soon if I really don't rest much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then I keep thinking how long can I continue to bf? When my milk will really become white milk and have alot? Haiz... anyway my ML is coming to start massage me tmr. Hope I will have better milk flow after tmr. I can feel my breasts start to have lumps inside le. Abit pain.. think engorgement is coming?

Then my feets super swollen! More swollen than they were before delivered!! Water retention so bad. CL says it will disappear by itself after 2 weeks. Hope 2 weeks faster arrive.

Congrats to mummies who have popped!!

Sunesis - Gd luck for tml...

Tml gg for my checkup again... wonder will have any news or not...

I got a qn... if drink DOM then cannot BF for the next 4-6 hrs right? If the DOM is boiled which means alcohol content already dissipate quite abit, also cannot BF for the next 4-6 hrs? Then how about eating food cooked with the rice wine? Can BF after that or also must wait 4-6 hrs later?

Babybride> u mean u dun latch at all?? Its normal to have nothing on first day.. Just keep in latching and ur supply will kick in 3-4day... Jiayou okie!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley> pumping every 2 hrs may not yield more milk... Cuz ur body needs time to produce the milk... If u can pump every 3 hrs, it's good enough... 15-20min with freestyle should be good... See how much u can get for a full pump without latching.. Then u know how much ur baby drinking...

I tot u were doing well latching ur baby 15min each side and she drink every 2 hrs....

I'm latching RL almost every 2.5hrs and rarely 3-4hrs...

I suppose she's a big baby and small stomach so need to feed more frequently...

Just now I pump 11min before latching and had 75ml both sides... Then keep the rest for latching...

Now she's been latching every 1hr since 9pm.. Also dunno I pump too much out or she simply using me as pacifier to sleep!!

Annie> no matter baby how small also can latch lying down de.. Just gotta try and practice Lo...

Find one feeding session, he good mood... U lie down, put him down facing u... Then try to latch.... If he really can't and start crying, the most u cradle him and latch but at least u try... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]ever since I mastered it, I've always latch RY lying down since... No need carry... Only outside then cradle cuz no bed MA... Lol...

Oh no, my boy now sleep very well and long in day time and night time very easy fussy and keep waking up and more alert. Hiyo...

Annie: my son sama sama.... daytime, sky collapse he also bochap. But nighttime, we have to whisper and tiptoe our way around him... Sibei jialat..

Rach, understand. I will try it tmr day time coz his day time is more good mood. At night very hard to coax him. sigh... My back, neck and arms breaking due to the frequent cradle latch. I need to go sleep now. Buay tahan le.. Just pumped finish and saw some more improvement in the amount. I think the milk will just get more and more. I must jia you! Gd night everyone...

Ya I was latching well but Bb Nt putting on weight leh. Then everyone ask me to give formula. Say u stubborn. Haiz. They say I Nt enuff tat y no milk. Make me feel so bad.

Rach, hmm so e bb dedication is 2Apr? Think gotta miss leh... Discuss with my hubby & see how...

Treestar, y Dr. Woo plan 14Mar? He told me I 5cm dilated but day tml 8am then reach Hospital. Now I Gan jiong can't sleep...

Sunesis> yup 2&3rd April..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Signing Raylynn up already..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach, I will pump tomorrow morning n see much milk I have ba. I realize I need to keep changing side to get milk. After expressing I still got milk coming out if I just use mu hand n squeeue though.

I will try to drink more fluid but the red date Logan drink making me perspire so much. N I can't drink other fluid except Milo.

Chinese name

mummies... Need help n suggestions...

Raylynn Chinese name:

蔡汶蒽 or 蔡汶燕 nicer??

Chua Wen En Raylynn or Chua Wen Yan Raylynn?


i like the en! =) sounds more girly... hehee...

thank you ladies for your encouragement! yes i'm not giving up! and i've got pig trotter legs too! =( ai yo..

Good nite mummies.... Eyes closing liaoz.. Can't keep it open..

See ya next latch session!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hazel: ya.. Jav giving lotsa funny patterns recently.. Crying for nth too.. Like this aftnoon.. N nw, he jus fin peeling tissue paper all over e bed.. Sigh. Don wanna scold him, but.. How? =/ jus talk to him nicely lo. This noon he made my hb v upset w him n he Kenna beating.. =S n I felt so heartpain, but If we don discipline him, think it'll b worse ltr on..

Shirley: actually as long as ur bb nt dehydrated.. No need to worry abt him nt getting enuf.. Like wad Rach says if yr bb can latch n slp fr some time I'm sure he did get milk tts y u pump out left so lil.. Mayb tmr u try pump out all n see hw much is yr total supply den mayb u can judge?

Pixie: jia you. U doing real well with yr dream if 50 latch n 50 pump.. =)) better den me, I totally gave up.. N jus pump. Feelv bad, esp when my mum qn me today.. But, guess I feel more comfy this way.. I jus try to feed bb freshly pumped one if possible..

Rach: think pixie says she's like a human pacifier nt real pacifier., hurhur. But I gave jayien pacifier.. But he seldom uses unless he can't really get to slp n he alrdy had his feed, n even aft cradling he don slp, we'll gif him pacifier n see if it works.. =Pp

Annie: jia you!! U r doing so well. I'm still figuring the hanging straps to attach both the pumps. Haha. I'm still using one pump n tk turns fr both breasts. =S

Sunesis: finally!!! Jia you jia you tmr morn!!!

Congrats milktea n baby bride!!!!

Oh man... I'm too anxious... Can't sleep... Bb like having gymnastic inside too!

Rach: my bb surname oso Chua!!! Haha... Wen En sounds v Korean, Wen Yan sounds v Chinese!!! These days alot of "en"... Maybe Yan wld be gd?


Wen en sounds better! So gal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wa lau.. My pile hurts big time.. Gt pang sia feeling but dun dare to poo. Try liao lagi more pain...!! Piles more painful than stitches.. Stiches no feeling.. Anyone has solutions??


I vote for Wen Yan. A colleague told me try not to use words with 'xin' (aka heart) for rabbits bb.. so I will go for YAN! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, personally, I also think Wen Yan sounds more feminine. hehe..

Angelina, I was told the feeling is like ants bite.. Hope it Reli feel no painful...

Rach, Diaoz.. No need remove?? I heard my frenz gave birth few mths before me said need remove wor... Yours no need ya?? But now I still can feel the stitch when I wipe there wor.. U still can feel yours??

Annie, ya lor, esp now my dog, parent keep her away from me, said will only allow her to come back my house after my confinement.. One whole month lei... Whenever I think of my dog, staying home alone for one whole day while mummy coming over my place to take care if me, my tear will drop... Then last sunday, i intro Jayden to my dog, i saw my dog eyes full of tears.. I felt so heartpain, i think my dog knows now papa mama no longer juz love her le, got one didi to share the love with her le... Hai.. I feel so bad..I so ke lian her.. 

Then sometime I look at photos taken before jayden born n also those photos before I pregnant, mi n my hubby, juz two of us, I suddenly feel very emo n depress... Coz now got BB le... No more juz two of us le... No more freedom for us le.. I think of all these, my tears will drop.. While typing this to u, my tear dropping again... Hai.. But I was heard that when we doing confinement, we can't cry coz might get blind.. But sometime I Reli can't control myself... 

Btw, Ur Niuniu with u during Ur confinement??? 

Summermommy, me too.. Suffering from pile... First time kana this... Very sian lei.. Very painful.. I always thought only old ppl will have pile, who know in the end I kana after give birth... I also seeking for solution lei.., I now poo also muz slowly poo wor.. Harder abit, I start feeling the pain le...

But seems not many mummies here kana this problem wor..


hugs hugs! can understand how u feel lah.. cos i've been emo since day 2 of birth... cos no milk mah... then kept crying... till now also... my hubby has gone for reservist for these 2 whole wks... like you when he's not ard.. i felt so lost lor~ guess we hope that out husband will always beside us, lending us a helping hand yah?

my poor Lucky must also been thinking how come now all the attention doesn't seem to be on her anymore~ I wanna sayang her but very ma fan cos after got to make sure i make myself very clean lor!!!

jia you okie!

my butt splitted when i poo on the day i was admitted! (cos dun wan Jovan to face the poo if i'm to deliver him thru natural birth mah.. ) till now my ass hole is sore lor!!!

Belinda: i try call her tmr ya, see if she got stock let u know.

summer's mummy: thanks! think i will just get a bottle for the confinement food.

Angelia: usually hubby won't bomb phone de means he knows where u are and that u are safe ba.. aiya men very funny one.. u preggy with his child, he will care one ok. hope u can resolve this.

Fish: *hugs* be strong...

Rach: i like 'en' better too.

sunesis: all the best!!!

Summer mommy n fish, chk w yr gynae n see wad they suggest..? If not jus take fybogel or prune juice like Rach, think will pass easier.. Den no need to exert any force..

Fish: think all of us who has given birth a going thru emo stage.. I cried so badly in the noon too.. Guess it's our hormones n all. U r right tt will feel upset tt it's no longer jus 2 of u, but think on the bright side, u haf 3 of u now! One more joy in the family.. Whom u n yr hb dotes on.. =))

I'm sure yr dog will accept lil didi soon enuf!

Jaster: u weren't given liquid to poo easily? Hw come butt splitted?!! =S

Wahh.. 2 am Liao.. Jus nw jus pumped fin.. Kk, go slp Liao, haf to b up later.. =/ nighttttssss!!!!

Dear mummies... (cant really remember all the nick, so i just reply to all.. )

Hb had came to my mum's place just now around 10pm plus... Had a talk with him... A long long talking session! And also a cry till dont know what session... Told him alot of things.. All about my unhappiness about mil and sometime the way he act/handle situation... I really puke all out... Feeling sooo much better now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About the 2calls he make, i ask him why only call twice and didnt bother to look for me earlier.. His reason is :

Calls : he know that if i dont wanna pick up his calls, no matter what i also wouldn pick up de.. So he wanna let me cool off first..

Finding me : he say he did call my brother( i did call my brother and ask, hb really did) and check with him whether i am home anot and my brother say that i am safe home... So hb rest his mind on my whereabout..

Tooking sooo long over to my place : he say he finally talk things up with Mil... Ask her not to be hush to me, especially i am due-ing soon... And mil can ridiculous to the extend and ask him to choose between mother and wife ! Which this make hb pissed off too.. And tell her straight that 手心手背都是肉, so he reply to mil that he cant choose nor give her an answer cause he had already marry me over and as a husband he got to takecare of me... (which this make mil more DL) than after settle things with mil, he came over my place and talk to me...

Hmm... At least now he gave me a explanation on things and seriously i feel more better... Hopefully things will get better.. Anyway hb bring me back home le.. The mil gave a super black face, but hb just walk me to the bedroom and shut the door... And tell me to just act like nothing happen.. =.=" well.. If mil dont step on my tail, i'll just act like nothing happen.. But i make myself very clear that if she going to interfere my things or bb stuffs, i am going to shoot her off... I dont care already... So hb also think that at time, i should really shoot her off instead of keeping quiet.. (he is afraid of me getting depression, as per what he told me)

SO ! This time round.. I really hope she can just shut up.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now lying on my own bed , feeling damn shiock! Especially when things all cleared !!! *phew!!!* FINALLY !!!

my turn to report..

slp halfway.. feel pain in my boobs.. engorged!

wonder if its the supplement taking effect.. bb skye still zzz.. for once i beat him! LOL

so i'm happily pumpin at this hour.. forgoing my precious slp..

hope the yield would b enuff to last him for 1 feed then i can zzz in peace for a few hrs...


yeah tml gonna be my first session! nw think hw many session shld i take.. 5 days enuff???


Fish u first time kenna? mus b painful rite? I oreadi haf piles b4 preggy n kenna a bad episode when i had no 1 too.. so kindof expected this.. v sianz.. i got many "grapes" not jus 1 or 2!! sit oso pain.. lie dwn oso pain.. even fart oso pain!! faintz! Mr gynae gave me cream to apply n ask me to push the "grapes" back in.. *ouch* after tat still dare to poo meh -__-"

tml morn will try fybrogel hope it works!!


great tat everything has been cleared! See ur hb is on ur side!! so dun wry so much n rest more b4 u pop ya! =)

My 1st Pump:

aiyo I pump n pump.. massage n massage.. finally pump out 50ml from both sides!! super happy! but can still feel lumps lor.. hope tml massage can clear them..

fish n jaster : jia you okay. like most mummies here said, think its hormones taking control of ur body. n its normal. at least u got all support from this thread

lilprecious : im super kan cheong now, cause our situation exactly the same. hope i can handle both boys altogether. esp now josh behave very weird, extra naughty. headache

cynthia : maybe josh really knows that di di is coming very soon like u said

angelia : thats good to know. glad that its all over. u rest well n eat normally okay. hugsssss

i cant sleep, pee so many times til cant sleep back

Rach, I vote for Wen en!

Hiyo I really can't catch up with the posts! My memory still very bad leh, keep forgetting things! I just now wanna reply to some of u now I can't remember all! Using iPhone also hard to reference back. I aga aga recall my memory...

Anyway I start to pop ytd le (4th day after delivered) n I'm surprised I can do it slowly n steady. Dun dare to pass out fast. Jaeger, just do it slowly, take ur time. If wait longer to poo will be worse when the stool gets harder!

Lilprecious, I also feel bad to fall in love with pumping n u see now I am pumping while typing. All becoz of my sore nipples fault! But I try my best to latch Bb whenever I can in the day time then only tonight I try to pump once in a night to catch some sleep while CL takes the shift, if not really buay tahan.... My breasts start to engorged le, so hard!! But luckily ML is coming to save me at 1pm later! Hope after getting better milk flow I can latch Bb n pump more efficiently! Got few times I have the thought of giving up bf then kena scold by my hb. Felt so bad of my weak determination! But whenever I come in here to read I feel better n tell myself must not give up! Whenever I see my Bb drinks fm I feel very heartpain u Noe? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I really hope I can faster store enough milk in order to throw off the stupid can of fm!! Pixie, I really envy your overflow of milk supply n u r lucky that ur girl is small eater n u can give her fully bm. My boy seems quite big eater n wanna feed alot loh! Anyway I try to console myself saying he drinks abit of fm also good can help his jaundice. But I scare he lack of water becoz of fm. I am really contradicting!!

Fish, I understand how u feel abt sugar. Dun be sad, try to think more abt Bb. Yes, Niu Niu is still sleeping in same room as us with Bb (my mum didn't nag abt that) but just that we stopped her from coming on bed le coz I latch Bb on bed so dun want to have all fur on bed. I also no time for her. Now is hb change her newspaper n clean her eye, etc. I used to be the one who do all the task of taking care of her but I guess she will get used to it soon. I am so busy with latching Bb, pumping milk until I have no time for her but I will try to call her name when I see her n my hb will remind me to give her her favourite treat everyday to let her know I still love her but just tat now attention has to be on didi. She is quite kpo on Bb ESP when Bb is crying aloud when bathing. I have to shout at her to ask her stay away from Bb coz scare she gets too near to Bb n not gd for Bb.

I super emo now n I really scare to get depression! I keep telling myself many ppl goes thru this phase n they also overcome it eventually so will I. Must try to stay positive after emo-ing enuff. Later hb going work le I very sad, keep thinking abt this coz fir the past 5 says he has been beside me n Bb. I keep reminding him to come back hm soon after work n I always wanna talk to him b4 I sleep. I feel so emo loh. Haiz.. Then my CL doesn't allow me to wash my hair for 10 days n today will e the 4th day only n I already buay tahan le, super pek chek!!

I really hope my confinement can reach 3rd week fast so that I can bathe n by then menses flow will get lesser n wound will be recovered totally too. Need to take care of Bb still need to take care of bottom n nei nei really tiring n wearing me off. But the who say is true, on the brighter side, we have one addition bundle of joy in the family! I also realize hb loves me even more after seeing me going thru the tough labour for him n his bao bei. So my sacrifices are all worth it! Right, mummies?

Ok pump finished le I must go back to bed n wake up in morning to start latching Bb. Miss him on my boobs. Bye everyone!

Rach reporting..

Latching now.... Sooo tired... But at least RL slept for a good 3hrs?? Totally Ko.. Eyes can't event open....

Now still half open..

Valerie> errrr.... I have 4 bottles of rice wine...

I haven't check how many left.... CL use for dishes everyday..

Tmr I check with her... She did mention 2 bottles enough...

But I heard of mummies using 5-10botless....

Tmr I'll check with her and if really Only need two till date, I can spare u & Belinda one each... Got it at $9.. From a mummy who posted here and wanted to sell her bottles 1-2mos back... Rice wine no expiry and if make from fresh need 49 days to ferment one....

Esnow> name calculated by FSM... think he would know rabbit can have Xin or not ba... If that's the reason, I'm not concerned..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

summer's mummy n rach : happy pumping n latching [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

annie : u will get through this. just more persistance on pumping n latching, soon u'll get more milk. whatever method that ur using, as long as its good for ur son then its good enough. u can do this. n i can understand ur feeling bout hb returning to work. if need someone to talk to, just come here okay. ur doung well. hugsss

Fish> yes my stitches still there.. Will take 1-2weeks to dissolve... Think depends on ur gynae use what thread ba... Mine confirm no need remove de..

Hi mummies, thanks for the name...

Actualy me and HuBbY decided on en.. Then my mum says Wen en not nice.. Wen Yan nicer.. >.<"""

But HuBbY stil prefer wenen also...

See tmr discuss with him again..

Eyes closing... Nites...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach - OMg.. So happy... MY little eden finally did his first POO POO... lol... It's like almost 3.5 days never pass motion... Finally... a sigh of relief... =)

Annie - The lying down and latch is very easy and really good... Can fall asleep while latching.. Haha...

Rach, I tried so many times latching but baby don't wan suckle or juz suck a few countable times then don't wan n fall asleep. Nurse n lactation say no milk so baby don't wan suckle. Then ask mi make a choice either let baby cry n go hungry or cup feed baby w fm 1st til supply kicks in. Gosh I juz pump again stil no colostrum.ask u huh, do u turn to max when using pump? I using PIS advance.

So now I wake up every 3 hrs to pump ( actually less than 3 hrs caz eg 1130pm pump - each side 15-30 min) then already 12am to 1230am then clean both breast then nurse push baby in for latching half hr. By then ard 120am then wake up again at 230 to pump again. This sounds ok?

Envy u all whose bm kicks in so early.. Now even abit I v happy Liao but not even abit

Pandab hut, I think the itch we have is called PUPP, think one or 2 mummies here had before. Read online that the remedy is just doc's cream or oral medication.... It will only go away after delivery...... Gosh... Final week of waiting then ken a such thing..... Sian!!! I 'm currently using calamine lotion for temp itch.

Rach, I also like the name ending with en, more femimine n modern.

Angelia, glad it 's all well w you n ah Lao. But remember, you are still staying w MIL, still have to give in n 'por' her a bit, if not she will always remember this n use this against yo n hubby ah!!!

Annie, fish n other mummies.... *hugs... Dun sad lah,batter delivery our hormones are all time low, think positive n dun stress abt bm....if not can't produce more, it's worse....... Right now, try to get comfortable first . My cousin always tells me... Do what it good n convenient for yourself 1st. The bb will always have other aftercare , so dun worry abt it too much!! Steady yourself 1st..... I hope I will remember this when it 's my turn.

Sunesis, Jiayou n all the best.

Milk tea, congrats again.....

Mummies, my turn to report. Just finished pumping and I got 75ml. So happy. Just nice Bb wake up n she didn't finish the ebm. That means I got enough milk for Bb. Now I latching her Coz she dun wan to sleep n wan to just suckle a bit mire milk. Thanks for all Ur encouragement earlier. Feeling better le

Fish n summer mummy, my gynae gave me stool softener to eat. It's in a bottle like cough syrup. I got piles too. Still very big n it looks lke a small grape too!!

Fish,I gt 2 dogs miss them very much.

They at my mum place le. Bo bian


u r good man!! 75ml!! wohoo!! cfm enuff!!

my 50ml was gone b4 u noe it n he down another 30ml FM (even though CL made 60ml) n I secretly happy liao cos he took majority MY milk.. lol.. i siao liao..

5am I engorged agn.. force myself to wake up, use hot towel to warn compress n massage cos feeling rocks on both sides [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n nw back at pumping.. round 2!

u reminded me.. i also gt lactus (stool softener n fybrogel..) tml try to eat..


my stitches also no nid to remove. supposed to melt away w/in 2wks or so. u wanna chk w ur gynae?


u on TBF? I rem asking b4. TBF bb can dun poo up till a wk n its fine..

Round 2 pump : still 50ml.. -__-"

but express liao still feel abit pain.. sharp pain at the side of boob.. is this consider engorgement?? or clog ducts??

xuelyn - yeah... tbf but i've given 3x if fm during ffirst 3 days of life... mainly due to scared of jaundice..

Now that eden has pooped... im happy... lol... waiting for my turn,,, gg to 6 days no poop liao... sigh...


Xuelyn, I latching my gal le. She refuse to sleep n wan to use my nipple as pacifier. But on n off she suckle.

I am Goin to pump later Coz massage lady coming at 10am. Need to clear my breast before she comes.

I also feel a bit lumpy on my breast.

Fish, my stitching also will dissolve in 2 weeks. But still feel sore n gynae say it's the knot she tie when she stitch n will drop off in 1-2 wks

