(2011/03) Mar 2011

Jaster, i also experience lesser milk yesterday morning. then my CL made me red bean soup... the supply was back and i pumped more milk now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Dont be mean to yourself. Just try your best. Even if unable BF, alot ppl also use FM nothing wrong. Dont have to feel so pressure at yourself. You just undergo emotional changes. Bb in tummy n now out is different situation. Jus remember your family lOves you n rest as much as you can. After confinement you have more time with bb & do more yourself now. Relax n deep breathing ok

zenia: I'm very tired. Yesterday nite my HB threw temper at me say come home still have to do housework (I washed the bowls le, jus that haben threw garbage and keep the bowls inside cabinet). Then I try to agar bb's feeding time so that I can wake up a bit earlier to pump and feed direct, I feel thats faster than latching. But dunno why after CL leave, he sleeps longer than 3 hrs, then my timing all wrong. Pump out the milk still have to warm it up a bit. Haizz

I haven't master latching sideways, I keep trying but when he dun get the nipple after a few times, he starts crying. If I can latch sideways then dun need so stress le.

Allets congrats!!

Got time to report a bit...like many mummies here my bb sleeps alot in the day, night time open eyes big big begging for my nipples. Sianz totally. Left side still ok, right side quite sore. N to think I tot can latch at night only, but she bluffed me lor, drink 20ml liao then doze off. In the end I must wake up n pump. Then sleep for a while, she begs for nipples again, dozed off, time to pump again. In between not counting thr night feeds. At least she can cut down 1night feed coz she suckle some bm so quite full

vicious cycle leh

so damn contemplating if I wanna continue latching. But hor even if I break off, she will still ask for nipples to suckle at night.

Rach, lilprecious

I meant I intro her the nuk tutu. She sometimes takes, sometimes don't want. Night time reject lah but daytime ok with tutu. If I dun give her, she will be asking for my nipples so many times in a day, sure go crazy one de!!

Jaster: i second cynthia... sometimes u just need to rest.. my colleague told me she 2 weeks no milk when her bb was out. last time no forum to seek for support so she called those hotlines for support. After awhile she was BF on one boob and the other boob was spilling milk as well.. maybe sometimes u are just too tired...


Ya, actually i have good experience at Mt A for my 2nd child... also i think the charges is more reasonable. =P hope i'll have good experience in TMC...

I'll be delivering at 1030am, check-in at 830am =)- did u selct the date for ur c-section? mine mil help me select the date from a master... she told me 14th march 11am to 1 am is a good date

Jaster: dun feel sad.. It's hormones that r acting.. After cl left i also hv nervous breakdown and almost depression.

Seek help from your Hubby which is vvvv important..

If u cant latch do full pumping. Pumping can catch the timing better

Jaster, may be hormones makin us emo... Relax a bit.... Just pump on schedule,, drink fluid and rest sufficiently. Many of us also struggling with bf. Me too. Take a step at a time.

limlim, hmmm... relax k? housework those not important one don do lar... take care bb more impt. actually i prefer to pump than latch also cos anybody can feed bb (anyway my bb also don like to latch, she only 'plays' with my nipple and goes to slp hurhur), then u wont feel so tired also. jia you okie? try to nap when bb napping ba... else u'll b too tired to take care of bb le.

jaster, dun give up unless you have tried all means lah! IF really tired, take a break first, as the mummies here says, more rested = more milk!

WHAT no french fries? gosh!!!

Limlim: dun care too much ya... take it easy, dun stress dun stress......!

aiyoh, reading ahd hearing all the 'horror stories of transition to bb, i'm really scared.. I can't cope too!! Thinking abt it, I'm also tearing sia... what if this and what is that???

Huh? No potatoes during bf?? One of my favourite le...I was thinking of taking it after confinement le...

Limlim: i also find pumping can catch bb feeding better. U can gauge how much he drinks and roughly know how long can last him.

How about do alternate latch and feed ebm? In this way u get to rest more.. Bb sleeps u sleeps k..

Housework leave it ba got time then do

Treestar: yup! My master also told us after 9am is a gd time.. But 9-2pm for us... So 12.30 just nice can end latest by 2! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had my first at Mt a.., nice nurses n lovely experience!

Jester.. Relax.. Your baby need a happy mom and not just a mom who can provide bm so dun get top stress up over the output ...

My first born was warded in nicu right from birth due to congential pneumonia.. I didn't even get to hold him for more than 10 min and not to say even a chance to breastfeed... So I just did my part by pumping and bringing the ebm to hospital ...When he was discharged he didn't know how to latch and I didn't have any cl.. Everything is on my own.. Even though breastmilk has kicked in I didn't have time to pump coz I have a rather demanding baby.. So I ended up with engorgement fever... Oh did I mentioned that he was hospitalized again on the 2nd day of discharge? So I ended up staying in the hospital to take care of him...

At that point I gave up the idea of giving him bm coz i need to maintain my sanity and energy to take care of him... Although I know bm is the best food for him, he was crying 1 hr after taking bm and I dun Noe if he is still hungry or what... And with his pnuemonia, we try to keep his crying minimal so that it does overwork the lungs... So with fm we can better monitor and guess his cry...

Even though he is only on bm for 2weeks he is a healthy N cheerful boy who has brought alot of joy and laughter to our family.. He is oso not weaker than his peers...

So conclusion to my long winded story... Dun get too upset over whether baby take bm or fm... They need a happy mother to grow up with them so focus on the more impt thing.. Jia you.. Your bao bei need you more than anything else

Limlim, the quinny zapp 2011 at taka fair is zapp original or zapp xtra? Can recline or not? Sounds like a good deal if it's the xtra. I got mine at $620 lo...

Allets, congrats on your little bundle of joy!! Glad u managed to do natural birth! :)

Jaster, pls don't stress yourself so much. Take this confinement month to rest more then you'll be better able to take care of your bb your way after that ya.

oh.. Peg Perego SI $399 (limited colour)..tat so gd price!!!....

Congrats to Allets...you did well![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ks: if I dun do some housework , he will say ' see ! Told u to get maid, I cannot do this ( housework ). I need to concentrate and make $.' So - just do watever I can. Sometimes I also hope I just collapse and die from tireness.

Audrey: can recline. Dun need to use maxi cosi infant seat. Ya the peg perego SI is really good deal. Then got one car seat going at 99 (weekend special) then got one britax one selling at 199. Huggies NB $6.40 S $11 then buy 4 pkt got free gift.

LIMLIM- don say like tat lah..jia you ok!!

I went to the agent recommend by Belinda and choose a maid le ..the fees havnt increase yet..it still the old salary..alot of agencies increase their maid salary liao to 400 , 420 and 450..so if really want, can go down before this mthe to this Belinda recommend one, the agent told mi they going to increase salary to be on par w mkt le next mth..

Medela Freestyle & Spare parts are here!!!!

Milkmaid Tea also here!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did u pay extra to ur gynea for picking the date?


maid does helps... but many times... give us lotsa problem n headaches... managing maid is difficult too, sometimes give us more problem then helping us ; u may comtemplate getting part-time domestic help ... by hourly rate, my working friend with 4 kids told me her part-time helper really does helps her lots

Starfruit: u take ex-sin, trf or new maid? Can share how much is agency fees? And the other fees?

Val: which agency u go to?

Mummies using medela freestyle, is it normal for the milk to flow out of the shield when pumping? For mi there will always be some milk flowing out of the shield during the pump. Am I doing it the wrong way? It's really heartpain to see my bm flowing out n wasted.

hi summermommy & fish- u actually can try to push the pile back in the anus rather than just leaving them out! It works for me. No cream or solution is necessary. Just do it everytime u feel that its out there or after u pee.

Rach: serious ar? Mmm.. Cos I only heard no orangy fruits if breastfeeding.. Cos might increase Jaundice in bb.. Hurhur.. Okok, I shall take note.. Thanks!! =))

2Ks: yup, I heard abt papaya too.. But I don really dare take any orange fruits nw cos Jayien still slightly yellowish.. I avoiding Ginger also.. =Pp

Pixie: I see..Jayien needs avent one if he is slpy but can't slp.. He'll actually make noises n gek if he can't get to slp in the noon.. Plus he has to tahan the loud noises cos lift upgrading at my plc.. =S

Jaster: u needa take lotsa liquid n lotsa rest if u wan milk.. Y don u try relaxing more, slp whenever u can since yr mil or mum is taking care of bb.. Once confinement over, it's all abt bb n u yrself le.. Nw can rest.. Jus rest k.. Milk will slowly come in, rem jus rest n don think so much.. Things will work out ya..

Limlim: when I first had Jav, I dealt w housework too.. Thou my hb always ask me don do.. But I felt the hSe so untidy if I din do.. Jus do dose impt stuffs. Nt everyday mus wash clothes or mop floor.. For me, I pump exclusively so tt I can manage the time I need.. Easier.. Rem, bb n pump milk n rest more impt than housework.. If yr hb really don wanna touch hsework at all, mayb u wanna consider part time cleaner? But I'm sure once u get used to e routine, it'll b much more easier fr u to manage everything including hsework.. I try to do them when Jav slping.. Even till nw..

allets - congrats!! Glad that you make it thru natural birth...

Went for my checkup this afternoon... Bb is weighing 3.1kg at 38w4d... Cervix not dilated yet... Once again Dr Ang say I can still go JB and come bk... Thou edd is 19 Mar but he is concern on bb size so he will induce me on 16 Mar at 10am... I shld be like allets, insert pill in the morning then go

HM wait to admit to TMC... Suddenly feel gan chiong and

worried knowing that D-Day is on 16 Mar ;) wish me luck

mummies!! Btw Dr ask me to have sex to help with dilation


Did CTG today but my gal is so playful keep moving here and there and can't get a gd and complete reading...

FYI since Dr Ang will be away this weekend his covering doc is Dr Adrian... He mention Dr Adrian will be away the following week and he will be his covering doc...

Moshi moshi,

Got a Question for BM expert. My ger dun seem to latch well recently as she is not well, plus i guess we intro 1 FM in the nite. Can i opt for full pumping now? Will it affect my BM supply? Also other than Medela Freestyle, any other good piump? My freestyle dun seem to be working for me, even use hand can express out more milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Not sure if the shield is the right size anot. Was thinking of getting a manual pump.

To all the mummies moo moo'ing, JIA YOU!!

To those popping soon- Enjoy now

Congrats allets!

Mummies, I need advice. Aft how long do we need to increase Bb's feeding amt? Today aft feeding, Bb refuse to sleep. Eyes open big big. By right if they r full they shd sleep straightaway? Or? She is drinking 120ml le. Day 14. When put her on cot, she cries. When carry her, she keeps quiet n seem not 100% full. Wat went wrong? Is it mil keep carrying her then now if dont carry to sleep she refuse to sleep in cot? Tried increase amt to 130ml but she also din finish. Don't know wat happen n v v v unhappy that mil keep carry n pat her for hrs aft each feed.

Feels like it's accidental parenting. She sayang her but is making us suffer later

i have a question, this last few night i kept pee-ing very often. last night i peed til 14 times. although i tried to drink less before sleeping still pee-ing very often. n i think because of that my down there is very dry. for few days already i didnt have any discharge n only have this dry feeling

is it normal?

i thought at my stage right now, should have more discharge right?

but its very very dry until everytime i wipe i felt pain

how ah?

Limlim: I understand.. Perhaps u should get a maid? Since yr hubby not hands on type.. It's not easy to manage everything by yourself


so which caterer u using? And u ordered dinner n lunch or just dinner?

Don't overwork ok....u must see what's more impt for u -having a clean hse or bonding with kids...then u work towardds what you feel is more impt. There's no wrong or rite answer

bb rabit

exclusive pump wont affect supply. Sometimes u shld herberting even more with exclusive pump. I'm using avent manual and motor, but nowadays in market only avent, ameda, madela leh. I can't help u with ur pump prob coz I not using ur brand paiseh.

I loaned mine to won mummy and she say lesser output so really pump brand suitable for different ppl one de..

Can loan from parentcraft at tmc...why not take a look there?

I nowadays pump more than latching too

won mummy

not sure of reasons really but it seems like ur bb wants to be carried n soothe to sleep.

Usually we do carry bb until they sleep coz bb wants the security. Your mil is not wrong either but she is like what u say over sayang ur bb until now like habit

my #1 needs to be rocked n carried alot too but no choice. Somemore is super light sleeper. But once grown up liao outgrow all the rocking etc

Usually I cater to bb preferences and not all bb wants this or that. We all have our set of bad habits frm each bb's wants

Pixel: at 1st I tried to order from Lexin. Cos they list down the menu for the entire mth but next day they tell me they don't deliver to my area. Then I order from Hilltop, 3 dish + 1 soup (incl rice) = $80.

I don't mind a maid if the maid can be out of my sight. Hah! This pathetic house no maids room, maid get to sleep in the 2nd room with her own toilet. Very song lor. Whenever I talk about this, I still angry with my HB for selling our HDB. Last time stay Bt Panjang, walk out got food to eat le. Now have to tingkat, pathetic. So what if it's atas area, atas till no food to eat.

Limlim.. I ordered from Jessie.. Not bad also! I like their tofu dishes, quite alot of variety n big portions! Cater fr 2 can feed hub, me, my son n maid!

But sadly no lunch delivery to my plc, so ordering lunch from empire. Then my mom will help me cook dinner.

Pixel recommend me Jessie for their lunch catering too. But I dun think I wanna be cope at home all day.

Won_mummy: maybe due to wind in tummy.? Don overfeed ya, my lil one today is only taking 80ml, day 11.. Sometimes can't finish.. Mayb he small eater? But I notice today, he's pretty cranky.. Keep making noise n can't slp well unless cradled.. My CL n me both thinks it's wind in tummy.. Cos he actually farts n burps alot.. I most prob will bring him to tuina by this wk if it doesn't improve tmr.. Don wanna him follow korkor n end up tuina for 1 mth plus.

Angelina: y don u chk w doc ong since u going for yr chkup? =) think he's able to ans yr qns.. Mmm, maybe cos u input lesser water but keep outputing, tts y feel dry n pain? Think bb's pressing on yr bladder tts y u keep feeling like urinating..

Bbrabbit: i using freestyle.. Output ok leh.. Think like pixie says, diff pumps work for diff ppl bah.. Wad abt the suction power? N yup, pump normally haf more milk den jus latching.. So no worries, as long as u pump on time..

Limlim: y did yr hb sell the flat? .. Mmm, if a maid canmake things better n yr hb prefers her to do hsework.. Y not? At least u got extra help ya!


I have a COMBI infant car seat (combi cs9-ifx) in grey and maroon color, excellent condition as good as new (9.5/10). I am staying in Tampines, open for viewing if you are keen. Please PM me with reasonable price. =)


limlim: got ppl recommend me team up agency leh... but belinda one sounds like a good deal, the pay haven't increase to $450 yet.

starfruit: i pm u ok? ask u abt the agency =p i looking around...

allets: congrats allets! thk we were in e same observation ward at tmc but can't b sure its u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, i haf given birth to mi bunny princess 9th mar via emergency c section w epidural... weight 3.82kg... was quite disappointed tat haf to do c section tat i cried...

will updae mi birth story later! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winnie the pooh, ya lor.. Coz I heard elec de can't Reli 100% pump out the milk.. N the fact is yes.. I can still pump out quite alot after I switch to manual de.. My supply not alot, so no choice.. Have to do it this way..

Anyway this afternoon I see Gynae, he gave me some medicine to enhance my milk flow.. Hope it helps n I start eating this pill this evening onward..


Congrats straylamb!

Your gynae is joycelyn? I went to see her this afternoon at her clinic. Booked my c sec appt this fri morning. But I still hope my bb can come out naturally before my c sec date. Tired of waiting and not much dilation so decide to do c sec this fri.

