(2011/03) Mar 2011

Hello mummies,

I have been a silent reader in this forum n decided to join today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] may I join this thread? so much good information!!

went for 1st visit to gynae last sat and done my scan. I am 6weeks 5 days today. edd 10 mar 2010



agree agree... when our last visit two weeks ago... we stone when the valet guy said they will do the parking for us.. anyway, at least we no need to find the parking ourself, they will help us to find.. juz leave the car with them..


welcome welcome... today i'm quite free.. so i think i'm the most talkative gal here today!! wahahahaha!!!!

wow... u can even know how many weeks and days u pregnant! wahahaa!!! all our gynae onli tell us we are around how many weeks pregnant! heehee!!

Fish: Ya, but valet will drive the car to a carpark quite far away and I dont trust them at all. The last time we went TMC to visit fren, we waited for available parking lot ourselves ;p

Hi hi Audris! I also just joined here today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif]

Fish and shereal,

my report and wat dr Adrian told me is bb size at week 6 is 3.7 mm, he even draw to me and tell me is Like a green bean size now.;)

Alohaa - not i zun la... its u too nervous.. hee. anyway congrats to u too ! we jiayou together k ! at least now u have a view of the sac and can dream abt it.. i have to wait till next wk.. sob sob. hopefully by then little beanie's heart beating.. (",)

Fish - wah... nice room hor. I been to see the normal double/single ward during my frens' delivery.. not so enticing.. but of cos tht premiere room is much expensive...*ouch*

Yes, Fish! of course, i understand your good intentions lah. I understand the hospital will have an impact on your selection of gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now come to think of it, my fren (who gave birth at TMC) mentioned that it's like hotel stay wor... but the parking sucks... i remembered when she reached TMC, she's able to give birth, and was so painful. But that @#$% security guard said cannot stop at hospital entrance, ordered them to drive all the way in to find a lot at the carpark. I think her hubby screamed, "cant you tell she's abt to give birth??!??!" Then he blur blur, went to find wheelchair... hahaha...

Linda: i saw my yolk sac just now, and BB is so tiny. Gynae said it's like a black dot, hence didnt measure for me. hahaa... Am at week 5.

Tmc premier ward don have package if I not wrong... Cos during our tour, the nurses mentioned only 1-bedded,2,4 bedded got 2 days package.

The rest are ala carte menu which I feel the price is ex too

Airmez - I think I can't take magnolia fresh milk ba. Will just stick to my dumez mamil loh. Scare LS too much.

Take care Shereal

Welcome aloha!!

Heehee... i intend to tell hubby that TMC or Mount A only provides this type of room (premier room) for preggie cases. other rooms are for other inpatient cases... Dunno whether he will fall into trap or not.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TMC single rooms are very nice but I was al'cheapo so went for the double room at Mount A, govt. covered all hospital fees [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In e beginning I had cramps almost everyday but after reading everyone's post...I was relieved. Nw cramps is on n off.

I don't noe if can hear bb's heartbeat n etc this sat but everything will go smoothly this sat loh...always get jitters wheneve hv to go checkup.

hello alohaa, audris!!

fish, airmez

the 1 bedded ward is good and nice. but yes, carpark sux. thats why for this time round i am moving to MT A.

and there's nothing much to eat if you want convenience sake. just an old coffeeshop opp the road. roast, malay stall, chap chye png, wonton mee (if i remember correctly)

if you fret about parking, theres public carpark beside the coffeeshop. but must guage timing and tear coupons kind, operation aunties-in-white quite onz there one ley

...and limited white lots

Sorry to interrupt.

I have a set of Brand New Babyplus for sell.

The BabyPlus lessons are designed to be played for one hour, twice a day. For optimal benefits, start using BabyPlus anytime between 18-32 weeks of pregnancy.

Pls PM me if you are keen, thanks!

im feeling a bit nauseous, but i itchy mouth feel like eating leh

who has the same feeling? feel like wanting to eat but at the same time dun feel like wanting to eat???


AirMez and those mummies who LS, you all can try to eat apple or more fruits everyday. These few days I've been eating 1-2 apples a day and I realize I can poo normally every 1-2 days. I think the fruits really help. You ladies should try.

Fish, me too.. the cramps are on and off one. Sometimes when it cramps, I'll get worried coz I think I think too much, worry the cramp is harmful.. Haha... When I have no cramps, no nausea feeling, I will forget that I'm pregnant! haha...

I went to visit my friend who gave birth at Mount A. last month (before I found out that I'm pregnant) and I like the place and room! Very nice as well! The TV still got channel showing mother and baby guide. Very good!

thanks all...hehe....i thought i cancelled my post but it still got posted out. profile doesnt allow me to change my name too. so i created another nick...haha....audris here again, w new nick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

does anyone know if we should not have curry or yellow stuff during preg? hmm...so far *touchwood* i dont have any ms but my appetite is super good! so worried that i will gain a lot of weight during this preg. btw, i m 1st time mum.

wow...suddenly so many reply!!! hahaha!!!

Linda, yes i think the permium room does not include in the maternity package.. but i think in any case if 1-bed ward is full... is either they put us to 2-beds (but we paying 1-bed price) or we top up $$ to permium ward. i gonna throw this question to TMC and ask next Sat..

Hi Pixel

Same here, i always feel like eating but when the food is infront of me, i can't eat, feel nausea after looking at the food.

This often apply to evening time, look at my dinner, then i "full".

Always dun feel like eating rice at all, always crave for beehoon.

lately my nausea is getting bad.

btw.. sometime u gals facing problem posting the messages here?? on and off i got this problem lei.. tt why sometime i cant post anything here! then when the web allow me to post, i forgot wat i wana write le!!! so sian..


so what name should we call you ah???

no issues about curry or yellow stuff. everything in moderation. some gynae even say sashimi also ok! as long as in moderation can liao

Milkshake- your nausea got worst??'mine onli get worse at nite instead of morning! I tik mine is nite sickness, not morning sickness

Aloha- wait for another 1 weeks, I m sure your doc can detect the measuremt by the machine

u be seeing who for your preggy?

Fish- I only know tmc normally will upgrade for us free wo charging if there is no beds, that is what the nurse told me when I asked got 2 bedded Bo? The nurse say dr Adrian tan package is normally 4 bedded and 1 bedded and they normally upgrade wo any trouble,

but I wan to play safe too, the best is to check w him the first thing if he deliver in mt A lor..

seems like there r lots of TMC fan here. i think i will op for mt A. cos few friends who delivery there r v happy w their service.

hehe...pixie can call me won_mummy?....abt yellow stuff, cos my mum say afraid baby turns yellow...haha...can eat sashimi meh!!! i m craving for jap food leh. but dont dare. n i stop coffee/tea completely. so miserable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Annie- I sometime feel cramps but not everyday , the cramp is like 5 sec only, once a week like that but can happen worst when I start talking to my Mil

she tend to agitate me and I realli got pissed off with her demanding tone. ;((


wont turn yellow. unless u take eat curry powder for EVERY MEAL??!!

as for sashimi, most ppl would say no. but ive heard of gynae telling my friends everything in moderation, even sashimi wor...

grey line. just keep in mind - moderation is key

Err, M, dun think it's govt who covered all hospital fees bah (esp pte hospitals), it's our hard-earned Medisave $$$.... sob sob..


pixie - tks! noted. haha. cos i m a curry lover. so headache wat to eat nowadays. no sotong, no raw, more protein.

btw, does you ladies drink milk everyday? started yday, somehow dont know why e milk does not desolve into water. always left w small lumps thou i used hot water n stir v long. is it normal?

actually lots of mummies take milk, but doc will prescribe calcium and obmin supplements which basically gives you whatever you are taking from milk liao...

so to me milk is just...dessert?

fish - tks! feel so relieve now abt my food choosing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pixie - my gynae din give me anything. asked if i have been taking folic acid n ask if i still have enough, i saw yes n he din precribe any med for me. milk wise, actually i prefer fresh milk. but prefer it cold which we shdn't? so bought enfa milk. but dont understand y it doesnt disolve fully.

Linda, why your MIL likes to agitate you? You staying with her? Don't bother her lo, treat her nags like music...


first trim only folic acid. kiasu a bit u can take fish oil, milk etc

2nd trim take obmin, calcium, iron tablets, and fish oil. the first 3 is almost "compulsory" 4th is some gynae dont prescribe...

usually i buy all these outside. cheaper and same brand etc

I see my mum eat Nissin Cup Noodle, I'm so tempting to eat but I know I can't eat!! :< I like to eat junk food more but I am trying to limit myself about junk food. Haiz... I love sashimi too.. Now have to wait for another 9 mths then can eat.. I love dried cuttle fish also cannot eat, scare got toxic... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fish- is best to confirm cos they did tell us

like that and say no worries one! But who know wat will happen last min?

Won- I took anmum and silimac mum, anmum powder can dissolve easily but I realise a bit sweet so I change to similac but I realise got lump lump. Tried many method, half warm, half cold, aso end up got lump of powder not dissolve

Annie- I don stay w her, but cos she know I quitted my Job last year and she wan me to teach batik at pri sch, at first my hub say try it out but since I m gg to start tmr - end aug, us an enrichment courses and she need helper so I Bo pian , help her but she is very demanding here n there, and I don like the way she talk over phone, nvr greet snd just say Wei! My name is not Wei and she alway like to say this word: u listen, I telling you now! Like that how to take it

wa lau, why your MIL so rude.. I can understand your feeling. If I were you, I also won't like it. I very hot tempered one, if she rudes to me, I will rude back to her. Won't give face. hehe...

pixie - oic. ok noted. so i m being kiasu now, taking fish oil n milk..haha

linda - oic. so its common to have lumps. ya! was wondering how come i dont know how to make milk. haha..used to love drinking milk. but e lumps made me 'fan wei'.......oh dear. ur MIL sounded v rude. must endure k?

AirMez- My gynae is Dr Lien in Mt. Eliza. Recommended by my sis. So far, quite comfortable with him.

Fish- My sac size is 14mm instead of 18mm. So he said is a bit abnormal coz bb will grow very fast during 6th-7th week.

Blissbless: Will pray for u too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

won_mummy & Linda, I heard my mum say cannot pour total hot water to mix with the milk powder, will have lumps one. The water must be warm, not too hot then the lump will dissolve better. You all can try it next time.

I just bought the Annum Chocolate milk powder (coz I dun dare to drink pure milk) but haven't try yet. Lazy to make. haha.. Shall try it maybe later...

Annie- u see, she is a art teacher and tend to be bossy too. Sometime the thing she wan I don even understand when she say over the phone, this morning say wan drawing, then say must got wax dotting?? How I know wat she want???

I haven even say a word and she raised her voice saying I must listen! Wow lao.. I m trying to control myself cos I m a crying bb..

Cos of this, my hub called me up but I don feel like talking to him, I hanged up his call 4 times, my son guess I pretty upset, now my mil called me but I don no to answer

Not that I petty, but I afriad I don have the strength once again to start the sensatn over and over again

won- try to scoop away the lump part and drink the rest, I dilute to 3 scoop instead of 4 scoops.

My Mil is not a easy person cos she is very modern type unlike my mum who is a typical housewife

annie - oic. maybe thats y. today i see more lump cos i made e water to 90 degrees...haha. i shall try it again tmr....from my friend's experience, good to have milk earlier cos bb will take away our calcium

linda - tks! not easy to handle either too modern or too traditional MIL. mine was too traditional, i also having difficulities. lets endure together k? esp when we r more emo now.

Linda, I always thought modern mums are better, now that I heard about your case, I feel afraid too. Luckily my is bo chap MIL, got good and bad. Bad is won't give u the best things (stingy) but good is she can't control my life.. hehe

Do you all know if we can drink honey?

Wow, I love that premium ward of TMC. It sure comes with a premium price too. Hmm, am considering a single ward now.

Btw, u ladies are good. Taking all the nutritional milk. I'm so lazy for anything.

My mil called me up to apologise liao and she say she love me.. Anyway I suspect maybe my hub told her off Cos I realli cannot take it if ppl shouted or raised their voice ;(


Hello ladies...

haven't been joining in... am currently in germany working..

everything is well and good but my nuasea is getting bad.. especially after lunch here (singapore dinner time)... will be going for another check up prob next friday with my manager who is due soon =)

meanwhile take care gals =)

