(2011/03) Mar 2011

I'm so sorry to hear that, Lynzi... Please be strong although I know it's gonna be tough...

iemik0, we'll pray for you too!



Let check w him again when we have another checkup next mth, cos I am sure we may have to opt for a few hundred more in order for him to deliver there.

U can call up Mt A to make a hospital tour there. I aso intend to view the place again since I have not step in for 10 yrs!

That time when I delivered, there were renovatn n drilling , now I know frm newspaper that their rooms are newly renovated too!

But if dr adrian don deliver in mt A, are u gg to change doc??

My sis has been saying I very fickle minded...,,

got too confused


lynzi, u got me emo, I'm crying with you. But I believe there's always a reason for things to happen. Look ahead...

mimieyes, TMC's not that bad la. I'm sure there are angelic nurses around too.

Blizzbless, I'm probably doing w/o a CL this round.

Chen, I think we all emo.. I also feel very upset, even until now still feeling bad about hearing Lynzi's news. :'( I hope God can have mercy on the rest of the mummies and protect us and babies... No more such saddening news... Tears dropping...

thanks ladies for the prayers.

Though i only know u ladies very briefly but all of u have been very great in giving me the much needed emotional support.

I will be lying if i say im not grieving when all im doing now is just hide under my blanket n let the emotions run thru me.

I really wish no one else here will have to go thru what i did for its real heart wrenching.

May God protect all u ladies and the babies till u deliver safe and sound.

Lynzi, you are nice, I believe you will have another one soon! Now just try to recover and build a stronger body to look after your #1 and prepare for the next one to come! Jia you and all the best!


Take care.. V sorry to hear abt ur loss. Rest well n haf another go.. I haf a colleague who lost her first bb but she's recently preg w her 4th bb. So dun lose hope.. B strong!


Yes... i will arrange and take a look at both hospital.. and check with Adrian Tan if he is okie to help us to delivery at either TMC or Mt. A.. if he can delivery at Mt. A, izzit any additional charge or not.. so.. all gonna check with him 1st b4 make any decision..


u consider to get a CL? i'm thinking too.. but no one recommend...and i dare not to juz pick one and let her help!! juz wonder, the CL will onli stay my house to help during day time??


normally CLs are from malaysia so unless if they have their own lodgings in singapore, then yes they can stay to help during the day only.

else typically CLs just stay at your place all the time and go back to Malaysia after the "contract" finishes

you may need the CL's help at night as the night feeding happens several times a night and you need proper rest too (for your ownself and for the production of bm), so perhaps CL at night does serves a purpose...


yeah I agreed with u and I sure there are extra charges if deliver in mt A

there are day time cl frm 7am-7pm, the gpls confinement agency also provide this service

I am still thinking wheather to take cl or not cos my mil offered to help... But both me n my hub don have much confident since she did not do for our 1st boy, and she is a fulltime teacher, not those 24 hrs housewife like my mum who will cook and mop floor after cooking type,

so I am still thinking if I shld get 1 since bb most of the times is zzz


some ppl are very kiasu leh... haha.. i called up my 1st CL and she is already taken for March 2011.. reason being the lady whom she is doing in Jan 2011 is engaing her for 2 months....

confinement lady

those staying on ur own if u are kiasee type I would think a CL is very impt... Unless u dun believe in doing confinement at all, then can ignore what I'm going to say here...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I believe strongly frm my own experience n that of surrounding frens that when there is proper food, water n rest, BM production is better n mummies who had sufficient ALL 3, tends to be more successful in BF.

but I do know of mummies who didn't do confinement n still successful in BF but the idea is good food, water n rest.

My previous CL wil make breakfast for me like bread or mee sua etc with a cup of enfamama daily in the morning.. Then lunch & dinner will be one fish, one meat n one vege n one soup. In between she'll ask if I'm hungry...

Morning n nite she'll prepare the herb water for me to dry clean myself..

For the baby, in the initial days, she changes all the diapers cuz I still dun really know how to... N she bathes the baby. Till the last week told her I wanna try bathing n she guides me how to... This is so I have ample time to learn n at the same time she can correct or teach me if I'm doing wrongly...

Nite time she will bottle feed the baby once while I get a 6hrs straight rest.. During he day I latch every 2-3 hrs on demand.. And pump after each latch..

1st week a bit tedious cuz it takes like 3-4 pumps to get a miserable 20-30ml... Things only got better by 3rd week where I can yield 50ml each time n it creases to 200ml each pump by the 5-6week...

So those who are determined to breastfeed dun give up... Read up on books and understands how BF works n ull be successful on the journey....

Now I just feel bad I may have to stopmy #1 anytime soon but it's so difficult cuz she doesn't take milk frm any other source besidesmy breasts.. She don't like bottles n even magmag are hard to coax her...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But will see how will ask my gynae when I go see him 26july... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fish, if u intend to breastfeed, CL might not be of much help in the night. I breastfed my baby, so I woke up for every night feed. Tring though. Alternatively, if u don't intend to direct latch, u may express the milk for CL to feed.

I'm just thinking of catering confinement food, and do the rest with the help of my mum. Even so, confinement catering doesn't come cheap. Might as well pay a little more for a CL. Haiz.


hehhhe unless both u n HB trust ur own mums to do a good job, better get a CL. I've seen how mummies get stressed out by MIL mostly due tonthe difference in disciplining n take care of the baby.. Not pro BF... end up give up BF cuz no support frm HB n MIL. educating our parents need to start now as they are the generation that may not understand the goodness of BF n will have their logic n theory why FM is better n easier n hiw u got no milk n supply not enough n u are depriving baby of food etc etc... I've heard enough real life stories to know...

Also, proper confinement aids in our recovery n our body will be back in shape with proper nutrition. Some MIL or non pro CL will just cook food with Ginger n sesame oil.. That's not the idea Lo... Lol...

A CL will cost abt $1.8-2k at current market rate.

I'll call up my CL soon.. Wahahahahaa....


luckily, my mom was very pro bfding and she was also my CL...

i really have to agree that a hearty bfast, longan tea, herb water is essential. plus the soup, papayas blah blah, my milk factory was working very well

I wish my mum can do for me although she assured me if my mil " fly kites" then she will take over but I have to get her a maid to do house work..

My mum had both her legs knee replacemt so I feel guilty if she do for me too..

Is there any agency that loan maid for 2 months at least???

coz i might be doing my confinement at my parent house, and if at my parent house, then my concern is, there might be no room for the CL to stay as my parent converted one room to study room. so, there are only two bed rooms!

but if i do my confinement at my own house, i have no problem with the room. but my kitchen is super small one and we dont use gas.. so.. it might be very difficult for CL to cook!!


my house using induction cooker.. becoz my mummy used to complain to me tt induction cooker is very troublesome and difficult to use, somemore my kitchen so small.. reli worry tt CL might not use to it! haha!!

anyway, do we need to prepare a proper room for CL to stay?


not necessary small kitchen = cant cook. CLs always have to make use of whatever they have. my kitchen is very small too. complain liao still must cook rite? :p

its good that if you can allocate her a room to stay but i have some friends who have no room for the CL to stay so at night the CL sleeps on mattress in living room.

I heard some popular CL have to book once u conceive. But wat if we pay the deposit n "something happen", can we get back the deposit..

Good morning ladies...

Just to check, did any of you mummy experience diarrhoea? I think I have constipation until my stomach cannot hold anymore then release as LS. I will have stomache and LS about once to twice every week. Any of you experience same thing? I don't think I ate the wrong food... Coz after I release out, there will be no more and few days later it will come again.

Don't know what to eat for lunch again. Sigh...

Btw, I've already booked my CL, through word of recommendation by my mum's friends.


I have constipation before pregnant, i couldnt poo for one whole week unless i eat fibre... then few mths before i pregnant, i got to try drink honey early in the morning after i bath, and i managed to solve my constipation problem, i can poopoo everyday, but since i pregnant, i cant poopoo everyday, now i try to poo on every alternate day... so, i dono if this consider my constipation back again? haha!!!

anyway, wow.. u very good.. so fast book CL le wor! how your CL charge? is she from M'sia or SG?

milkshake, I am not alone again! haha.. I checked online, it says:


More often than not pregnancy increases the incidence of constipation. However it may seem that hormones have thrown your digestive system into chaos and you may experience diarrhoea. Sometimes diarrhoea is a sign of your body purging toxins it no longer wants.

■Well-cooked brown rice is the best food to eat.

■Avoid unripe or acidic fruits and juices.

■Freshly squeezed carrot and apple juice with mint can help stabilise the intestinal tract.

■Drink teas of chammomile, peppermint, aniseed, rosehip, lemon verbena tea, varying them as desired.

■Well-cooked eggs help bind your stools.

■Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

■Avoid excess fibre until the diarrhoea passes.

■Make sure you are taking Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus to provide positive bowel flora.

■Diarrhoea can often signal sensitivity to a certain food you are eating.

■Keep a food diary to identify a pattern of culprit foods.


But I can't figure out which food I sensitive to leh...

Fish, my CL is from Indonesia... She charges $1.8k if I'm not wrong. Feedback from many of my mum's friends's daughters/daughter-in-laws, she is good and will have to save money in terms of she will go compare few stalls for the price of ingredients and buy the cheapest de to help you save money. I was asked to book early coz she is taken easily, hence I called her last week and confirm her for next year March loh.

Hi Annie

Me too. have diar after meal..

not all meal but sometime when I happen to eat a hamburger, it will start and I don even know.

I did check with my gynae and he told me so long my body fluid is not dehydrated, then is okay partly cos our hormones changes and bowel system adjusted accordingly.

more over, I been taking DHA fish oil.. so I believe that make up bit by bits too

Hi Annie,

I was worried about my LS cause i only know Preg will cause constipation.

but my LS is same as yours, every few days will occur, no PS only LS with alot of gas.


i will ask my gynae next week during my check-up and let u know again.

Hi Linda,

i also feel like taking DHA fish oil, but looks like most gynae will only prescribe to us during 2nd or 3rd trimster.

i read some fish oil will contain mercury, unsafe to consume during preg.

can share what brands you taking

Hi Annie and all

I bought my 30 days program frm gnc. It come with dha 30 pills+ prenatall pill+60 pills+ calcium + 30 pills

all fish pills frm gnc are free from mercury,

is the only box that read prenatal program that cost $60+

so far my gynae told me is ok to stop and just take mt regular 5mg folic acid n fish oil, cos seriously, the pills are really big and I have been forcing myself to eat for 10 days Liao

The fish capsule is soft n easier to swallow than the white big pills

u can check it out frm gnc. This is the only one box that is for preggy woman,

if u are really gg for pure fish oil, gnc do sell but cos the dosage is so much, I rather play safe although the bottle indicated the pills are free fm mercury



tdy I don feel very nausea?!?! In fact I still can cook soup for tonite since I haven been cooking for a while.,

I alway feel like vomitting at night instead of early morning, does anyone share the same symptoms that sometime u don feel nausea at all??

Worried now

milkshake, I also worried.. then my friend suggests if this diarr persists, must go see gynae and seek for advice. My friend who is 5 mths preggy now says she first trimester also LS then 2nd trimester stopped already. Hope we will be the same too. My next gynae visit I'll ask the gynae about my LS sympton and see what he says.

Lina, I also heard fish oil cannot take now. Not very sure. But even I ask my gynae if I need to take calcium pills now because I don't take diary products, he said nothing for now except folic acid and an tai yao. He says wait until I need to change my pills they will let me know. So now I just stick to these two pills. They should know more of what we need ba. I don't dare to anyhow buy vitamins to eat.

Lina, ytd I experienced evening sickness instead of morning sickness!! I thought I was lucky ytd but who knows after work, my nausea feeling attacked me! But now everyday I still feeling nausea, just don't know at which part of the day/evening.

Annie, maybe u r rite ba. But my gynae did not mention not to take unless I don feel comfy and to the fact cos I don eat fish at all so I believe he feel is ok to consume,

Perhap can start at after the 1 trismeter ba?


Fish, I don no if really cannot take cos dr say is ok.

Annie- sorry my name is Linda, not Lina haasa

thank for the article that shown the list of good & bad fish oil

mine is dha200 but not listed as good nor bad lei... Now I m worry wheather shld I take or stop till I pass the 3rd mth ...

Somemore I taking similac mum every day too... Shld be more than euff liao hor??? Tik I put aside till 3rd month....

Annie- I alway tend to feel nausea most of the times but the real vomit come only at night

but tdy I don feel and I want to ask if some mums sometime will not feel nausea suddenly??

