(2011/03) Mar 2011

M, what is rice noodles? I like to eat all kinds of noodles like bee hoon (thick and thin), yellow mee, etc. Can I eat bee hoon? I seldom eat rice unless my mum cooks rice but the portion I eat also very little. But I like mee hoon kuay, is this considered starchy?

Fish, yes, my detailed scan will be at TMC. Mount A like don't have leh.. Even my friends who delivered at Mount A. had their detailed scan done at TMC one.



I was told that high blood sugar is very common to pregnant lady esp when we are at late stage of pregnancy... tt why everytime we go for check up.. we have to do the urine test to ensure our blood sugar is at the acceptable level..

Maybe u can try to have more veg and fruit...like cherry tomato and some berry! dont take those fruit that contain lots of sugar...


You quit your job huh? We can make arrangement after 28oct better, but hor, i can meet you and angeline onli on monday - then I ask my boy to stay back in sch for his badminton which will end at 5.30pm

So I dun have to rush lor

You and angeline got FB bo?

Is it true that its better to get button of tie front baby clothes than rompers? As it is easier to wear for them cos their neck are still weak?


Try to eat less white rice- try to mix with brown rice

If not, eat bee hoon is good euff...

Don try to eat too starchy and too much carbo food.

That shld help in your later trimster to cope with heart burn too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angelina, hi wow we share the same gynae! dr ong is shifting soon, dunno where is the clinic moving too.

re: color hair, ha ha i think i am the most bc mommy cos i just colored my hair!! wahaha

linda lee: yes i just quit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lets arrange one Monday after 28oct. my fb is [email protected]

limlim: yes, lets meet up, when are u free? maybe 2 of us can meet up first? haha

limlim, i think front button better esp if u r 1st time mommy cos when the first 2 mths the bb neck is v weak so new mommy might be afraid the wear rompers for them.

caecilia: wow! u good life leh...keep going holidays huh...

but good to travel before baby comes out la...

jaime: i also took out my old maternity clothes and washing one by one...then i realize i put on so much weight that my previous maternity wear i cant wear le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fish: u imagine the hankies, booties, mittens, socks, towel, bedsheets, pillow case, bolster case, long sleeves top, short sleeves top, sleepsuits, towels etc...alot alot to wash!

limlim, is better cos BB neck tend to be very fragile from head to spine bone for the 1st mth.

So I only managed to get my boy to wear the rompers when he was 2nd month.

Infact, his neck strength proven to us when he was onli 1.5 mth and he started to lift up his neck liao...

For infant/new born, is better to get either button or tie front type. cos sometime, button is hard to open and we may end up hurting their chest too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

annie: yellow mee got alot of starch, dont eat too much...brown rice is good, take wholemeal...

durians, grapes dont take..especially durians..

limlim: i prefer front button type instead of tie string one...cos sometimes it tangled or else it become so loose...and infact i think its a hassle to tie..

hey limlim,

yes, it would be better to get the button or tie front baby clothes as it is rather hard for us to put on the clothings through their head. Also get more handkies as when they burp, they will tend to regurgitate so handkies may get dirty easily.

Annie - beehoon aka white noodles = rice noodles. Can take lah but = simple sugars. All pregnant women need carbs, selecting the right type is better for you and your baby if you're in a high risk group or don't wanna put on too much weight.

Too much crab, prawns, shellfish = high blood pressure and hence will contribute to the problem.

I know these things cos my dad successfully changed his diet so he no longer has high blood pressure and diabetes.... he also took this awful drink of bitter gourd and green apple juice, gag.

I was told that taking seaweed is also good cos fiber and veri healthy too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just bought the brand made in Japan one.

I have to be careful when buying food stuffs cos anything tat go with made in china - i will siam

Linda: yup...but downtown baby stuff expensive. =X Now it's the time to make full use of the credit card points. Lolzz

Fish - if you dun want to wash again and again, then you wait 3 weeks before EDD, wash them

But you have to make sure tat you realli dry them up and fold in a clean area or the best is vacuum pack them

I will be slowly washing the 4 cartons of clothings given by my eld sis. then 3 weeks before EDD, i will rewash them with hot water and iron and vaccum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

try not to use Dettol to steralize our BB clothing cos is so strong for their fragile skin.

As time passes, they may start to experience rashes and eczema too ..

so use Napisan as a germicide + normal baby detergent will do.

2ks: yup yup, that's my plan, travel as much as i can before the baby is out! haha, by then, i wont be able to travel anymore, will me a sahm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

linda: come join us soon!!! haha

angelina: let us know when ur free?

limlim: how do u want me to contact u? from here?

Anybody bought that ball thing from Kiddy Palace? You just throw in the washing machine with your laundry and no detergent needed, suppose to be safe for babies. Can last up to a 1000 washes but cost like $70? Does it work??

limlim: do u go JB? JB giant sells baby clothes very cheap...like RM$5.99 kind...pureen brand...

then if u wanna buy wholesale price, crawford lane sells like a dozen for certain price...

caecilia: must also see got money or not leh...

hub wanna go BKK in december...but i dont think i can travel by then leh...

my hub is half thai so we go BKK quite often and the baby clothes there are so cheap! and they have wacoal maternity/nursing bras...

meet up

count me in!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also sort of available anytime..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will bring my 13mos old along..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Caecilia - i no problem but must meet early and leave early so that I can go back to cook dinner lor... maybe we can meet for breakfast! haa early early..dun no if you all can get up lor

WOw..2ks- I know that Thailand, bangkok selling babies and kids stuffs realli cheap!

last year before I preggy, went with my hub for our 12 anniversary and bought alot of clothing for my boy too!

JB- I don dare to step in at all.

linda: yes...alot of carters, baby bgoosh, laura ashley etc...all good quality kind ok...

i bought alot too when i went there when pregnant with #1...

usually i leave the talking to my hub...he can get cheaper price...

i love the food there too...but dunno if december still can travel or not..

JB actually nothing scary la...u know those bathing herbs, JB sell very cheap also leh...50% lesser than singapore price in fact


dun worry about the GD. i have high blood sugar (when not preggy). not diagnosed because everytime i go for tests, my blood sugar level is ok. but if i take teh or chicken rice or some other food, my blood sugar level will shoot up high and plunge down drastically.

during my #1 i went for the glucose test due to this prob and furthermore my mom is diabetic...but didnt developed GD. just eat healthy food as much as you can ok liao

usually GD mummies will be told to load up on proteins

2Ks- we are more than scared to go JB after hearing so many stories abt the place and ppl there so I rather not to step in there lor

Dec - by then you already 7 mths- some airline dun allow to travel lor.

I want to go in Nov to visit my sis in Shanghai (her whole family posted over there for 2 years) but i checked with SIA - a lot of restriction and they claimed with gynae letter also cannot accept??

2ks: I go JB very often .... yay!! Crawford Lane ? Is it the one near to Lavender MRT? Is it a shop??

Caecilia: I'll add you on my FB now.

Linda: Jiak breakfast?? Where??


i think is still better to use some baby detergent to wash... the ball ball thing said can be wash for 1000++ times.. but i dont see some bubbles/foam.. i dont feel i'm washing the clothes! hahaha!!!

Shanghai is good. You can buy lotsa baby stuff at cheap prices too. From the wholesale center or www.taobao.com

I was thinking getting my cot and stroller and high chair clothing from there and ship it over.

Caecilia: Just added you in FB ;)

So shiok ladies... i missed travelling!

Used to travel monthly either for work or leisure.. but now, I dare not, but I just over cautious leh... dare not travel by air! but it's just me lah!


Lim lim - u can buy the BB clthings frm there liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiak Breakfast - u teochew huh?? Wat is your FB ?

Caecilia0- also add u in liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shanghai - if i realli cannot go, my sis will buy back in Feb next year - before CNY and in time before I deliver too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

msia brand clothings is also more comfy...cater to non air con environment.those with hole hole that kind...cheap some more

seldom can find in sg..

but branded wear ie carter's etc..cheaper to get from BP in sg..or online from carter's..

never buy branded clothings from msia...more ex..

buy msian home brand for those comfy day wear or PJ for new born...

haha.. true.. :p still we can share our FB email add at least we can put names to the faces.. or unless we guys wait till meet up.. kekeke

limlim: pureen clothes in JB very cheap...

if u go city square, there is a maternity shop that sell triumph nursing bra very cheap too..besides that of cos FOS...sometimes their buy 2 bundle quite cheap too...

the da feng cao can just get from any medicated hall in JB, very cheap too...

hazel: good idea...someone created a march 2011 in fb?

Hi mums,

for those having no.2 and above, do you find that you are less careful?

I find that I'm lazy, and not so gan cheong as first kid.

vitamins and fish oil all not taking. but mainly becuz I'm always constipated with multivits, and feel sick when taking fish oil.

I also dun eat as healthy as before, in the past I ate fish soup, brown rice, prunes eggs n milk everyday , now I dun even like milk so I dun take.

sigh... lazy for no. 2

I'm also another one hoping for gal baby. now dr say 80% but need to wait till 5 month to 100% confirm.

I must be the one putting on weight fastest. at 13 week my jeans n pants all tight already. think next week have to get my old maternity wear out. :p

Linda: now year end most of the baby clothes your sis can find in SHG is prob too thick for SG. You can ask her to buy from taobao.com should have summer clothing available somewhere out there.

My FB is [email protected]

jaime: i havent lose my weight after having #1 ma...so nw the maternity clothes like so small...sob sob..dont wanna get too much leh..

carters from BP is fake one...quality quite bad leh...must get from their online shop, much better quality. but i tell u hor...BKK carters is like original, very good quality.

OMG, this thread is moving so so fast now. I need to remain a silent reader for this week as I am busy with closing. Ladies I can only organize the outing next wk after my closing. If there is anyone who wann to organsie, pls go ahead. PM me as well, I hope to join.

I’ve also start collecting hand-me-down from cousin and bro. But I did buy 2 online for my bb. So excited, cannot wait to find out the gender. Supposed to go for scan this sat, now changed to tue. COS I GOT TO WORK THIS SAT. So so sad. My detail scan should be on 18 Oct/wk21

Annie- dun worry, u will be fine. Just drink more water, less sugar drink. More brown rice, less yellow noodle or white rice. Actually I also scared, ‘cos my dad got diabetic.

2k- Let go JB!! My hubby refused to bring me there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

K, I got to get back to work. Shall pop in again tom

Thanks to all info/advice on GD. Will watch my diet more carefully now. But very weird is the stuff I eat are considered very healthy already, dunno why still kena high blood sugar. I like cherry tomato too!

I also heard my mum says front button shirts are better for newborn leh.. But I've quite many rompers now. haha... Will go buy front button shirts when I start my shopping for bb.

Fish, just throw everything inside washing machine and wash lah.. easier. hehe

2ks, how to tell real and fake clothing? I once ordered Polo ralph for my girl, and compared it to the one i bought in US, so diff and quality is bad. Since then, dare not buy such brands online liao.

Nope, 2Ks.. i was just suggesting only.. :p

my FB email add is [email protected] [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB Rabit, ur detailed scan is 18 Oct? that day, my gynae will let me know my gender.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so looking forward to it.. :p

Wow! Annie u sound relax! I aso wan to throw all the 4 cartons of clothes into machine but cannot lei...

So everyday I wash n wash till I become the laundry woman lol


Caecilia n limlim : yes let's meet up, meet after 23rd Lor waiting for caecilia to be back after Perth

Pixiepixel : ya maybe just use henna, safer

Annie lim : I haven't done my blood test, so not sure yet. But I reduced my rice intake already, just to be safe. N I alsodont eat cake candy or chocolates

Linda lee : yes can also meet up after 28 n on Monday, I'm always free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but will bring my son n maid along. Very MA fan but I like to go out with him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My fb is Angelina Kusuma lee n urs ?

Limlim : it's easier with buttons cause I was scared with the neck

Blurjen : yes we do but I always see him at mt.e cause my son pd is at mt.e also so always make the same appointment

Breakfast appointment : okay inwill drag myself from the bed to meet u all, lol

