(2011/03) Mar 2011

hmm, maybe can start with collating preferences, do mummies prefer meet ups on weekdays or weekends? For working mummies, will be weekday evenings or weekend, I suppose? SAHM would be weekday noon or weekends? Or shld we have 2 diff grps of meet up?

Blurjen : ya, but mt.e clinic is better leh. Bigger n cleaner but the waiting time is like crazy. Even with appointment I waited for 2 hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

butter8: yes...i am so less kan cheong this time round...i keep forgetting to eat my vits...then also dont care what i eat...bo chup attitude lor..

chen: those gap from BP...i gave up...its lousy quality...i ever bought from BP and original gap store...the quality is much much much different lor..

carters from BP, cutting small, the material thinner...

PL i am not sure BP selling imitation or not la...

Linda, why you have so much clothes - 4 cartons?!! Scary... Maybe this is my #1, so haven't buy alot of things yet... so far the clothes I think I can throw all into washing machine.. coz the size so small.. mitten/botties/clothes all very small ma...

Angelina, I like cakes leh.. cannot eat cakes and cookies so poor thing. CNY I sure eat alot of cookies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then if you feel like chewing candy, how? What you eat for snacks?

Eh I don't know what's wrong with my fb I couldn't find ur email address , can u all add me instead?

Someone added me already with initial ML sorry who is that?

Annie lim : why don't u ask ur gynae bout the food that u should avoid. Actually I'm not a snack person so I'm okay not to eat all those cakes n candy. But Now with my 2 nd pregnancy always want to eat cakes. I just asked my hubby to ta boa me chocholate croissant :D nyummy

Caecilia : so u, me n hazel r born 1984 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bb rabit : please add me on fb, something wrong with my fb

Tres : can help me add me as well

Angelina, yes I will check with my gynae on what food I should avoid after my next blood test and if GD is confirmed.

Hi mummies,

can i check if anyone can help me collect from Rach my Earth Mama purchase? than i pick up from you at city hall?


angelina, lindalee, limlim, tres: yes yes we all friends on fb!

will post a msg on fb for a meet up once everyone has added each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Indeed lots of young mummies around.

rach, i've sms-ed you liao. Dun forget to pack my goodies. haha.

allets, i can collect for you, unless u wont mind collecting at somerset over lunch on weekdays. Let us knw.

Annie lim : just hope that u don't have GD at all, then can celebrate it with eating cake n candies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Caecilia : wow u really do travel a lot, I just saw ur fb pictures. I missed Bali !!!! Can't wait to meet up , so excited

Jaster : wow ur even younger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can add me instead, got problem with my fb [email protected]

2ks : yes older then 1980 , my hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he's 1976

Caecilia : yes that's why my hubby very doted on me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cause we have a big age gap. I want to travel also, need to do it soon before the baby bump is getting bigger

Limlim : I like ur hair, will cut it similar like that soon

angelina: so envious of u!!! haha, mine is 1981, so he doesnt pamper me that much la. this is my first kid, and i really wanna travel as much as i can! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok i've added u too angelina.. thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wish we can update the pics of our lil bump growing!!

anyone has created a baby blog??

my hubby do pamper me much ever since I had a miscarriage earlier this yr in March at 8weeks.. and 2-3 mths later.. i conceived again.. and coincidentally due in March too.. And this will be my 1st pregnancy I've made this far..

Caecilia : ya but I also want to travel as much asu do now, hubby is very busy n with my son is moe difficult to travel also. This is ur 1st pregnancy so better enjoy every little thing that u do before u give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puan Sri : yes we're friends now. Btw may I ask why u had miscarriage earlier? Better take good care of urself now n rest more. R u working?

everything seems so normal... i just went for my weekly check up and scan.. then the gynae said the lil one not growing at all.. it stop growing.. then had to take my HCG level.. dropping tremendously..

No choice, had to go for D&C to remove the lil one.. was crying hard then.. cuz am hoping to get pregnant so much.. so when i got pregnant again.. my hubby really pamper me.. that experience was really traumatizing..

Puan, smae boat same boat... (nothing to be proud of!) but I also had a miscarriage in April this yr and now I'm blessed with another bb on the way! It's been going well so far!! * fingers crossed!

Puan Sri, i understand how you feel... in fact I got the worse end of the deal. My hubby was outstationed for 3 months when it happened! I tell you, my world crashed!!!

But now, i'm kinda of treated like a 'queen' too, hahah!

hi Chen,

Ok, you collect for me can.. will take from you some other day.. not urgent actually.

RAch - rem to pack my things for Chen tmr! thanks!



Limlim : but my hair is dropping like nobody's business leh, I really need to cut it short. But not boyish look,that's why I like ur hair cut. Difficult to maintain ah?

