(2011/03) Mar 2011

linda: what kind of necessities shld i get first? i have some passed down baby cot, clothes, breast pump and bottles from my sister.

also, i know i got to get a steriliser.

no idea what else shld i get first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish- how come is 22 weeks for detail scan? Your last checkup on sat- did u manage to hear bb heartbeat and know the stomach and head measurement? Did you check if the monitor reflect the week you are in??

I know if wan a girl, hub must eat more veggies, prawn to increase zinc! And banana. And have to plan 3 days early than your fertile day as the x chromosomes swim very slowly

caecilia, my girl lor, doesn't like to sit in the pram. We go out with her in our arms! She used it till abt 8mths or use for sleeping only. I spent abt 400+ for that pram, but alright la, I can use it for baby no.2 next year.

rach, will u still be coming by somerset? I'm ok tmr.

Hazel- go cold storage buy napisan- is a germicide detegent powder for babies clothings, soft toys, blankets.

U just nid to soak then wash with normal detergent ;)

The 500g is selling at 6.50. The product is frm Europe


I'm not exiting.. Im taking train down the stations.. and i'm passing across the barriers at Citibank Side, next to LCD screen... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes.. Adrian Tan measure BB stomach and head le!!! but i think he wana to fix the appointment once in every 4 weeks.. so... last Sat we visited him le.. then the next check up will be on the same Date with detail scan! the week reflected is 17Weeks 3 days

I heard tt if wana BB, hubby muz eat more veg and muz have sex 2-3 days before the ovolation..suppose my ovlation date is 12 June... then we had on 9th June and 10th June... then we stop.. then on 12th June we said nvm la!..try again.. so.. i think 12th June i dio lor! then in the end got a baby boy! hahahaha!!

Caecelia. Me aso got a lot pass down frm my 2 sisters except most clothings are for 1 yrs old and above n still very good condition

U have to wash and clean and make sure you keep it in s clean place so that bb can wear next year ;)

Use napisan to soak first then with baby detergent wash and clean n rinse again...

Imagine I have 4 cartons to go

linda: Wah... tt's alot!! haha..

anyone of the ladies here not working? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Somerset: 1.10pm okie....

i'll see ya at the control station nearest to the lift.. i'll be taking the lift up...


MUMMIES, pleae drop me a sms okie... else i'll lose track and forgot to bring urs...

Please sms me...


Collect ___________________

__________MRT, time...



i've dropped email as well..my hp number inside.. thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish > I have a slight nagging backache since Sat. It seems this is common symptoms wor, but I dun know how to live with this for the next 6 months wor! Any remedies?

2Ks > thanks for updating!;-)

Thanks, Linda.. Im wondering if my existing Capella stroller's cushion can be removed a not.. it's quite dirty now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


dear caecilia, the prices of prams really varies. i think as cheap as $100 plus to $1000+. i think the most important thing is to think about when you'll most likely use it. for me, i knew that i had to be able to handle the pram and baby alone as i will most likely use it when i'm out with baby alone. so it has to be light weight and easy to collapse and stow in the car. for others, they want to use it when they go jogging, so it has to be rugged and stable (will also be heavier). then there are also those where u can attach the infant car seat to a frame, and it becomes a stroller. really depends on your use. and with many things, you got to get baby accustomed to it from young. e.g. a baby doesn't like sitting in a car seat? does it mean u give it and say, ok, no need car seat then? same with stroller. my #1 fussed when we first used the stroller. but after a few times, he knows that when we are out, he'll be strapped in a stroller. so now, he doesn't fuss when we strap him in. of course there are times when we choose to carry him instead of put him in a stroller. but it's a choice we make. not that we are left without a choice because baby doesn't 'like' the stroller.

for me, i bought the maclaren techno xt for $300+ for my #1. main points of consideration was: 5 point harness, relatively light, can be used from newborn, collapses easily. there other other brands that are lighter (i think combi), but the ones i was looking at didn't have 5 point harness. so really depends on what you want.

now i'm thinking about whether i should get a twin stroller. or a buggy board. my #1 and #2 will be 18 months apart. any mommies used a twin stroller or buggy board before? any comments?

2Ks, this is my 2nd bb. Thanks for ur update!!

Re Pram, my daughter totally dun like to sit on the pram until now she is already 20mths we still carry her around. She only sit when she is still a bb, after she know how to sit up she refuse to sit on it anymore. but luckily I didnt buy the pram, it is pass down from my sis so i just take out the cushions and wash.

Hey All, I know some mommies mentioned going for IVF etc and some mentioned going to see a TCM to help them get pregnant. I have a friend who has been trying for 5 years, she's trying via IUI now so she'd like the contact for the TCM before she proceeds to IVF.


caecilia: i think bottles if used before, dont reused for your baby...cos by then, there should be scratches in the bottle itself, then it might breed bacteria...

as for pram, i think i pram crazy le...LOL, i bought a few brands before and sell them away...currently i have 2 prams + a knapsack pram...just sold my 3rd pram last weekend...

my boy who is 20 months old is still sitting in pram...

it will be difficult for me to go shopping if carrying him...u either see my arms breaking or a monkey running...so i prefer him to sit in his pram...just make sure that i have snacks to entertain him...


I've replied ur PM.. please check.. thanks.. see ya tmr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Rach,

besides tmr, will you be passing city hall anytime this week? i work opp raffles city but tmr i got event so will not be in office from 12 onwards.. will miss your delivery timing..

hi Fish - me too! my backache is like on and off.. cant sleep/sit on my back anymore.. the only position that will help ease the achiness is to sleep on my side..

for sleeping posture, read somewhere that from 4 months onwards, we shouldnt sleep on your back.. but should sleep on the left hand side so that blood can circulate to the placenta better..


Prams - I love my Peg and my girl who was trained to be in the stroller still loves it. She sits like she's some queen on the throne lah, cute. And she likes to push it when she walks.

Backaches - I've been getting them every weekend because that's when I spend the most time with my daughter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I do the cat stretch and it helps loads and sleep. Put salon pas also no use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

printx and such: thanks for the advise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ks: oh.. ok, i will take note of that, will get new bottles then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

linda: im working my last week, will be really free from next week onwards. where do u stay?


No leh, i dun pass by town at all.. tomorrow is purposely going down to pass all the loots...

Can any of the mummies collecting from me tmr collect for u???

Let me know okie... sms me please.. thanks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u forget to sms... i may forget to pack.. im leaving home now.. packing tonite.. will pack according to my sms... yah....

so try to rem okie.. i try to rem also la.. :p

wa, the thread really moving so fast!

Fish, that was what I thought too - cannot dye, long black hair dun suit me. So cut better and really no regret. More easier to manage, more airy and neater and look fresher... anyway, I will grow back my long hair after give birth, so use this time and excuse to change a new hairstyle good ma.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thought I updated on my check up progress on sat but can't find my post. Anyway, my check up on sat was fine, NT test result is ok, but gynae suspects I have high blood sugar level, although not diabetes yet but need to go through another round of blood test next month, a day after my detailed scan, to confirm if I really got high blood sugar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very sad, coz I don't usually eat sweet stuff, dunno why have high blood sugar.. And I hate doing blood test, end up I have to do another 2 times of blood tests again.. Argh.... Now very worry my high blood sugar will affect bb or myself. That day check up was not very happy one coz bb also not cooperative, the umbilical cord kept blocking his/her private part, making gynae very difficult to confirm the gender. Looks like having a birdie but gynae dun dare to confirm, scare it is the umbilical cord. So gotta wait for another 1 month to confirm the gender during my detailed scan on 25 Oct - so long!!

Btw, I notice my flutter feeling are more obvious during night time, when I sleep. Can feel something inside tummy moving but I'm always too tired to wake up and go feel it. Just felt the flutter and I continue my sleep. haha...

wa, the thread really moving so fast!

Fish, that was what I thought too - cannot dye, long black hair dun suit me. So cut better and really no regret. More easier to manage, more airy and neater and look fresher... anyway, I will grow back my long hair after give birth, so use this time and excuse to change a new hairstyle good ma.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thought I updated on my check up progress on sat but can't find my post. Anyway, my check up on sat was fine, NT test result is ok, but gynae suspects I have high blood sugar level, although not diabetes yet but need to go through another round of blood test next month, a day after my detailed scan, to confirm if I really got high blood sugar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very sad, coz I don't usually eat sweet stuff, dunno why have high blood sugar.. And I hate doing blood test, end up I have to do another 2 times of blood tests again.. Argh.... Now very worry my high blood sugar will affect bb or myself. That day check up was not very happy one coz bb also not cooperative, the umbilical cord kept blocking his/her private part, making gynae very difficult to confirm the gender. Looks like having a birdie but gynae dun dare to confirm, scare it is the umbilical cord. So gotta wait for another 1 month to confirm the gender during my detailed scan on 25 Oct - so long!!

Btw, I notice my flutter feeling are more obvious during night time, when I sleep. Can feel something inside tummy moving but I'm always too tired to wake up and go feel it. Just felt the flutter and I continue my sleep. haha...

M: hi 5! i heart my Peg too...simply love it. no regrets...

annie: that is called gestational diabetes..it happens to a certain percentage of pregnant mummies...

my ex thread there was a lady, skinny small size de also suffer from that, hers is more serious, so she had to prick her finger to test everyday...


i also dono! i need find something to support my back while working in the office wor!!!!

anyone can advise me.. usually how many weeks b4 our EDD, we should start washing BB clothes ya???


my gynae fixed my detail scan on 25th Oct also.. but we request to change to 26th Oct... if we didnt request to change.. our detail scan fall on same date AGAIN!! hahaha!!

btw... abt cutting hair... i'm thinking, if i cant colour my hair.. then might well cut it short, easy to maintenance... then my long hair has been with me since pri sch... abt bu she de... for sure.. after this hair cut.. i gonna keep it long again!!!

ST and Linda Lee : I lost a lot of weigh, around 5 kg. Now gynae forced me to eat more but I haven't even got to pre-pregnancy weight

Caecilia : think better don't dye ur hair, I don't know bout perm

Blurjen : hi , we share the same dr.Douglas Ong n I stay in bukit batok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Meet up : oh I'm so keen on meet up but not on this week, it's my son 1st birthday will be very busy. N I'm a sahm so I'm always free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone else sahm?

Pram : it's necessary to have 1 so even if the baby refused to sit inside it will be useful when the parents go out n the baby is sleeping just put the baby inside n stroll around

Hazel : I washed mine with hand wash cause it's machine washable actually just more kiasi n wash it with hands n baby detergent

Prints n such : I'm thinking bout it also, mine will be 15 months different. But since I have baby born n pram think in wont buy the 2nd pram

Linda Lee n Caecilia : I'm a sahm too, can we meet up?

Allets : regarding sleeping position I heard facing right better, not really sure though

Mamil : anyone here drinks mamil? I have 2 tins to give away if anyone interested

angelina lee: oh i am really ok to meet up as this is my 1st baby! haha, wanna get more advises if possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] where do you stay?

linda lee: maybe you can let us know if we can do a meet up soon?

Fish - I got my helper to wash a month before my EDD. BUT if I had to do it myself I might do it earlier cos you get really tired really fast.

fish: my hair was waist long before CNY...i snip it real short now...

and regarding washing of clothes, actually a couple of months will be good...dont too late if u wanna handwash...

mai siao siao, alot one leh...so might need to wash in batches..

seriously, i am too lazy to open up the box and box of baby clothes in the storeroom, and the sterilizer etc...still early la

angelina: i asked my stylist before, he said that are dyes that at amonia free...suitable for pregnant woman

Angeline> Must drink those formula milk for mum is it?

Will they be given / encouraged by gynae? My gynae told me to avoid me so I can avoid have those 'indesgation feeling' and frequent nausea!

Fish, if you didn't change your date, we may be able to bump into each other at TMC, haha... Mine confirm on 25 Oct at 2pm le. Then 26 Oct need to go back to my gynae clinic for two rounds of blood tests. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

2ks, you made me so worried... dunno eat what can reduce the blood sugar. sigh..

tres: its not necessary to drink those milk for mama...from what i know drinking those milk will put on more weight..

annie: oh dear...sorry if i made u so worried..i tot that is for info...

gestational diabetes is very common nowadays...just monitor on food intake for the rest of yr pregnancy...it will go away after give birth de...

dont think too much first la...anything wait till results out ma...

Caecilia : u stay at newton road right? I stay at BT.batok , we can always meet in town ifu want. But preferably not this week cause I'm preparing my son's birthday. But come to think about it maybe we can meet around this days cause I need to buy some stuff for the party as well

2ks : really? I want to dye mine as well :D

Annie lim : I had that too for my #1 so I ate less rice n it really helped me a lot no affected at all to my son

angelina: i will be away to hk from 29sept-3oct. i was thinking maybe we can meet up between 11-13oct? or after 23 oct?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im leaving for perth 14-23oct.

Hi Caecilia

I stay near you and it's my 1st baby too. And I'm not working at the moment too. Perhaps we can meet up with Linda and Angelina, I'm totally clueless with my pregnancy too.

Annie - try and reduce your simple sugars eg. white bread, white rice, rice noodles. Take brown rice (you'll eat less, I promise, it's more filling) and wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta.

And less sugary stuff goes without saying but it's actually the starches that are the really issue.

think of #1 clothes to wash for #2 already faintz..plus confirm will buy new ones esp if diff gender

i just open up my bag of old maternity clothes over the weekend coz the office skirt all quite tight liao...thinking whether should wash..or just wear it


your detail scan will be done in TMC? not Mount A ya? aiya!!! i shouldnt change the date! hahaha!!!!!! if not, we can see each other and show each other our detail scan! so sad!!!! hahahaha!!!!

2ks, my hair lengh now is below my breast line... thinking of cutting as short as Annie's length and let it grow back and grow long slowly... like tt i also can do simple hair treatment myself at home lor!

my only concern is.. my face quite round... esp now pregnant le.. looks more round lor! then i scare short hair will make my face look like mooncake! hahaha!!!!

btw... u all said got ALOT BB clothes to wash... how many clothes u all gonna buy for BB???


I just read about gestational diabetes, sounds common but also can be worrying if never watch diet properly. May affect bb to become large bb, more difficult to give birth naturally and may affect bb to have low blood sugar and have risk of obesity, and high blood pressure in their life. Scary...

Angelina, so your #2 now still have this GD anot? Coz I also read that if you had this for #1, you will continue to have this for your other pregnancies? Btw, I don't like to eat rice, so my rice intake is very minimum, not sure where my high blood sugar comes from.

