(2011/03) Mar 2011


hugs hugs!!! =) guess it's pretty normal that we'll feel the flutters every now and then... sometimes we maybe too busy to even realise it! I can especially feel the flutter when I'm sitted down or lying on the bed... but dunno why BB always not so active during weekends (unless during meal times.. hohoho..) wkdays can feel more lor...


fish ...i use to have long hair most of my life till pregnancy.coz i know it will be a burden having long hair while doing confinement, plus take longer to bath etc..

what i need to soften the blow..i gradually cut shorter n shorter..so my tummy got bigger n bigger , my hair got shorter n shorter...so that the impact willl not be too big..

after that, now its a bit pass shoulder only...

no choice.easier to maintain daily..coz with #1..everything must do fast fast...shower /wash hair also fast fast

fish: great to know that sugar is fine..dont worry she be like her normal self soon...just beware of her food intake hor...sterilized dogs are prone to putting on weight...

Fish, Jaime,

me too.. i use to have long hair except during pregnancy LOL.. can't do much for hair.. better cut it short and looks nice, at least not with messy long hair!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies,

Congras on those mummies who have a confirmation on the BB gender.

I met up with some relatives yesterday, and they asked the most obvious question -

Relatives - How pregnant are you now?

Me - 4 months

Relatives - huh...your tummy still so small hor!!

Me - I tried my best liao ***DERRR***



My MS used to be in the morning, till it changed to nite and middle nite too when I went toilet to pass urine.

How frequent is your? U try to eat dinner or light soup early. If vomit, then just have to bear with it as I am sure the MS will be over soon by then!

Mine is quite frequent till some friends call me the toilet bowl hugger!

Don worry! I guess MS will be over very fast now since it change to nite!


Fish hu : congrats on ur 1st baby boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ks : thanks for updating

Hair : my 1at pregnancy my hair was thick n shining but now it just keep dropping like crazy. Time to cut it short

hi Linda,

My MS used to be whole day..now on off still got vomit whole day especially on weekdays when i work..days that i am lucky mayb 2 meals are thrown out so remaining one meal.

But since last friday, suddenly will wake up in the middle of nite to vomit out alot til my hubby say neighbours also can hear.

I usually eat only one or 2 mouth of rice then cannot stomach already. I very worried caz kept losing weight since 1st month til now.

u mean once changed to vomiting at nite means ending soon??? really looking forward to that..

hubby say i look very depressed..i told him of caz lah..keep vomiting u think very comfortable huh?

ST- I also put on 2kg - now only 54kg. my bones can still be seen very obivous at my shoulder and chest area!~

We will gain more weight!!!

Baby bride

Mine was very loud too!

Till my hub can hear me in the kitchen even when I vomited at my master room toilet and even closed all the doors!~

Not surprise, my neighbour can hear if they happen to pass by my house.

You can count how many times you vomit and at least if you know is reducing in times, then you can look forward!

For mine, day time , noon, evening at 6-7pm esp!

I can vomit abt 10times till I shivered and fell sick in the end

Till abt 14 weeks, my MS changed to Mid nite! and evening and 9pm! I don no how come but i counted and realised the vomitting is getting lesser and I am less sensitive to my neigbhour rendang smell

2ks: hihi, can you also update mine?

EDD- 4th March 2010

Doc- Lisa Chin


Lindalee: hihi, mine is a girl, are yours as well?

hi mothers-to-be, can i dye and perm my hair right now?

for your info,

I look crazy as I can sit by the toilet bowl and puked ..

Our hub played a very important role esp when we vomit and they are not ard by our side, we just have to call and get a comfort word from him to make ourselves feel better!

So you can imagine how many times I call my hub and cried saying I puke!...

the only comfort to feel is when my son and hub is beside me where they will "splank" my back till i vomit like siao !

Hey babybride...hang in there, it will end soon at the very least, it is slowly decreasing...

I am also experiencing on and off MS, vomiting not that often (maybe once in every few days), headache, giddy, and least to metion, the werid taste in the mouth (the very sour taste)...JIA YOU...


we went for the scan last monday. No birdie at all even when BB is very cooperative to let us see.

but when my hub asked the doctor, can 100% confirm anot? he say most likely so that is the doubt we have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my 1st child is a boy so this round we don no how to see if is a girl??


If No birdie at all even when BB is very cooperative to let us see... i think is a girl girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

realli huh? then how come dr don want to confirm.

I cant wait till 15 oct for my detail scan...

I still tot is next friday and I was so happy till last nite, I woke up and check my calendar...oh yeah...have to wait again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fish - If like that, I better play safe and dun ask her to come with me for the detail scan.

Later is my hub who end up outside which I wont want this to happen lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tik after confinment then go for hair spa to look good during bb 1st month party then cut hair...haa

hi all!! have been reading this thread so hope to join in n make more frens!!

my edd is 19th Mar. Doc is Dr Douglas Ong n hospital is mount a. oh n i stay in bukit panjang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nice to meet u guys!

morning / afternoon.

Wow, glad that you all can find out gender, me going for my appt this Sat, hopefully, everything turns out well & can find out B/G?

Today feeling good *touchwood*!

Is it me only? Those who suffer MS or other symptoms, if some period, you feel good, you are kinda worried???

oh, 2Ks, can update my particulars as well?

Baby #1,

EDD : 19th March

Gynae : Dr HEnc Cheng

Hospital : Mt Alvernia

Area of residence : Bishan

Xie Xie ni!!!!


Now there is a promotion for this skincare products and I bet is definately better than those boothstall you see like Jerocho - also made from Jordon but is ex due to their high class packaging!

Do support and help to spread the news around

So far, My hub oily face worked for the MUD soap and even their MUD mask is very good for Slimming and detox on the face! I used them also.... but not for slimming since I preggy now..heee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also used the salt soap even since I got dry skin on my leg now that I preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thank you!

If you are interested to order bulk order, can also PM me!

hey hey,

Can describe more on the the flutters?

Is it similar to like wind in stomach feeling? I tot i felt it but at the same time, I'm also hungry, hahah!

Linda, really hope it be like ur case..once vomiting turns to nite time means will stop soon...

my hubby ask me why i need to sit by the toilet bowl...i look at him and snap, u think i wan to face toilet bowl meh? then i puke already...he will ask again, u can control anot if not baby no food intake...i felt like asking him to shut up..hahaha

Most of the time when i puke, he will continue with what he is do (eg watching tv, sms etc)or at times help me pour warm water to rinse mouth..

ya i cried alot too til i worried my baby gets upset..so forced myself to stop the tears..

linda: my MIL will actually accompany me for my detailed scan next month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] coz my hubby not free. is this ur 1st kid or 2nd?

2ks: are you gonna arrange any meet up for us March2011-mothers-to-be?

Hey mummies!

so excited for those who already know the gender.. than can start buying stuff for the lil one inside..

jiayou to those who still experiencing MS.. dont worry.. it will be over soon.. for me, i only feel nausea and on the verge of vomitting out when i sneezed too many times in a row.. haha..probably the lil one protesting for being jolted up from sleep..

since cannot do much to the hair, i have cut them short over the weekend.. used to have length till the bra hooks there but now length is at the shoulder there.. dont think i will cut even shorter cos at least this length still can tie up during confinement.. :p

my stomach looking more obvious, to the extent that people gave up their seat for me on weekend.. but when i iniitally sat down, was flushing cos think still not used to being offered a seat..abit pai seh.. haha..

jia you mummies!!


Hi 2Ks,

Apologises, type too fast and did not see my mistakes until I post up!

Baby #1,

EDD : 19th March

Gynae : Dr Henry Cheng

Hospital : Mt Alvernia

Home : Bishan

welcome new mummies!

blurjen: this is your baby number what?

tres: updated! i was wondering how come there is such a funny gynae name while i key in! LOL

caecilia: i am very much pleased to arrange a gathering...but location and logistics might be a problem? i am only available during weekends...weekdays i afraid only north side...

Fish - are you the one who was hoping to have a baby girl??? I mean like previously you did tell me before you hope to have girl girl right?

lol... hope i didnt remember wrongly..

fish: do u think it's ok to spend a bomb on a baby pram?

i heard it will be wasted as many babies dont really like to sit on pram.

can i ask those that have 1 or more kids before this as well?

for those mummies who wana cut hair short, i'm thinking, by now we cut hair, we have another 5 months for us to grow longer.. so when we doing confinement, can juz tie it up and feeling better i think...

Hi Rach!

I can make it tmr at City Hall at 1.20 pm! Btw, is it ok if you pass the thing over the barrier? cos i will not be exiting the barriers, cos need to rush back to office by MRT again. Also, how do I recognise you? TIA!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i heard tt too.. and even when i'm walking at shopping centre, alot babies are being carried by parent wor!!!

but i think is still necessary to have one baby pram..


Cacecila- I won't be spending too much on the pram first till I carry my baby to try it out ;) then I will know if good or not, anyway, will buy those necessities first.

