(2011/03) Mar 2011


i gave birth all my 3 kids in tmc...were good...sometimes i feel the Gynae do play a part...if the Gynae is firm....the nurses are scared or afraid of the dr, they do a better job.....eg: after delivery, my gynae will request for prune juice for me, so that can pass motion etc, the nurses will make sure prune juice is given to me and make sure i drink it, they will come in and check what the dr write on the case note etc, they told me or else dr will scold them. the nurses seems to be scared of her.


Pixel> how's ur original gynae? Why did u go To her??

Comfort level is very impt.. Able to ask n communicate with the gynae...

When I had #1 also very worried dunno when he gonna ask me to strip down there but it didn't happen till week 32... Which by then already almost due Lo.. If not for the B strep test think he'll only check me when abt to deliver to see if I dilated Lo... Even so that tine when he checking to see if dilated he was gentle n told me it'll be a little uncomfortable but not to worry... N there's always a female nurse next to him whenever we are required to strip... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha now come to think of it also abit apish to see him again but then, he's seen everything before liaoz Loh...

His stitching also good...

Because my girls head was big, even though he cut, my perineum still tore all the way!!! Yes! To the anus...

He was careful to stitch back n within 3 weeks I was ok liaozzzz.. Had a little infection cuz the tear was too long n I was still in front if PC during my confinement... So sit until hard To recover.. When I called him he told me to soak in salt water for 20min twice a day...

Initially I guai guai obey.. But very bored to sit there for 20min so I cut 15min n on days no pain I nv soak...

Told him that n later got scolding saying I'm delaying the healing process.. Lol...

But Dr Koh is a very nice gynae.. U go his clinic can see Many thank you cards on the notice board de...

Hahaha... If TPY is convenient theb can consider...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies

ltr gg for my scan. hehe. *excited*


welcome! we in d same thread again! hehe.


hmm. i din deliver there b4 but their paeds ward has reali good service. its as thou my boi stayed in a hotel. not cheap to stay there as well coz pd charges are $300+ per dae. lucky bought hospitalization plan liao. if not, super big hole in pocket.

ahbui, sorry bout your lost and I swear just reading about how insensitive the nurses were makes my blood boil.

I'm sticking with Dr Khi at TMC cos she also delivers at Mt A, which I was happy with.

Hi rach,

how much is dr fong package? Do u know how much he charge for delivery?

I realize that dr Adrian delivery charges range frm 1700 for normal delivery and 2100 for assisted delivery

do you all feel that this is ex??thanks

Hi Linda

most impt goto feel comfortable with the gynae thru the 40 weeks....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am paying $2675 inclusive of delivery (same price for c-sect and natural) but so far have been going all for Natural...


Hi Linda

most impt goto feel comfortable with the gynae thru the 40 weeks....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am paying $2675 inclusive of delivery (same price for c-sect and natural) but so far have been going all for Natural...


As wat Linda said, Adrian delivery charges range frm $1700 for normal delivery and $2100 for assisted delivery... izzit the acceptable range for all gynae???


thanks for the long feedback. later i will call dr koh for an appt..

my gynae for my #1 was a female gynae in TMC.

she has lots of patients, long wait too. and she is a bit rush rush kind. at the last few weeks of the pregnancy, my boy suddenly put on .5kg per week...

he was around 2.2 and suddenly within the last 3 weeks he gained 1.5kg. gynae told us to make a choice of vbac or c-sect, because bb quite big. she measured him to be around 3.7kg liao...

we (as 1st time parents) dunno what to do. ask her she oso dun dare to commit (whether to c-sect or not). just kept saying can try vbac, can try lah

in the end, i try lor, induced, put drip....

12 hours of waiting, my cervix only dilated 1 PATHETIC cm....in the end, emergency c-sect

my hosp bills so ex because of the "semi-emergency" c-sect. luckily i kept telling gynae and nurse i should be c-sect liao so pls prepare early. else they will charge me higher. i told them i got no $$ to pay for a full emergency c-sect hohohoho...

in the end baby came out at 4.07kg. how to deliver naturally??!

so...i wont be going back to her again. although her stitching skills very good lah


no special diet leh

i never eat durians oso leh, even i super LOVE durians...

i kept kena scolded by my gynae for putting on too much weight (lost 10kg, put back the 10kg, and put on additional 18kg)...i oso dun dare to eat much wor

after 3 mths, i lost all the preggy weight liao

Dear all,

I had brown spotting yesterday so i went to see caroline khi earlier than expected . She says there is nothing to worry about, can see a sac, yolk and the baby. except still cant see the heartbeat, but she says it is normal at 5 weeks plus.

I find her very patient and nice. I asked her why i have no morning sickness when i felt sick during my first pregnancy. She said my first pregnancy was a girl, so maybe it was bad, but of cos no promises that it will be a boy! But sounds encouraging..hahah..

Dr Koh Cheng Huat's delivery fee as of 2009

Normal V delivery - $600

Assisted Delivery - $800

C-Section - $1400

I dunno this yr got increase or not...

Will know after I go see him end July...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mount A 1bedded Natural w/o Epidural charges

Check my site for the actual bill...


My birth story n everything else there too.... But I stopped updating liaoz... Lol....


i see, i thought is the durian "effect", hehehee


you can lost weight so fast?? envy...

prettymimieyes, when preg with girls, usually will get morning sickness such as vomit in beginning stages, but preg with boy is like getting morning sickness, vomit, in later stages, ard beginning of 2nd timester.

dunno true or not, based on my surrounding frds experience.


i got an appt to see him on 27th, 1 day after you le...

btw, my appt is 3pm, only half hr after they open. should be not such a long wait like 2hrs kind rite? coz see dr koh at the beginning or end is the best i think


i lost 10kg because i got MS 24/7 for first 5mths, couldnt even drink in water. i vomit nothing, even my gastric juice is out. then comes foam...can you believe it! i was a walking zombie...

but mine is boy

so no truth in the sex of your child bah


heee...3pm then prepare to see him at 4pm...

The appt are in 10min slots.. So the best is to get 230pm or 240pm kind... Open at 230pm doesn't mean he's there already.. Maybe on the way, in OT, or held up in hosp still... That's why the delay...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Since 1st visit, go there fill up the info, the nurse will ask u go one side take blood pressure, ask questions then give u Ur Q. Number. then u can see the current number n gauge ur wait. Abt 5-10min per person... Ask the nurse is the dr here already.. If not yet u can add in another 15-20 min wait...

U can go at 230pm to register also... If other mummies not there yet sometimes will give u first...

Then once u gauge ur waiting time, u can go walk walk n come back later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the best!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the detailed info...

yah, i was thinking 3pm is more or less the first 5 slots so not such a long wait...

and i can get time off and dun need to come back to office liao...so happy!!

Hello mummies, i am a new mummy here.

Just back from clinic. Baby's heartbeats detected and doctor has confirmed my EDD on 2 March 2011. So Happy~


paiseh, so many qns....i go Mt A deliver (for 1st time), by when should i sign up for their maternity package for delivery?

Pls update my details in the 龙虎榜... heehee

nickname: ST

home: Sembawang

gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

hosp: TBA

Edd: 2 Mar 2011



Dr Koh will let u know when to do what...

Dun worry... He'll give u the form when it's time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Gal

Wow. your doc charges is realli ex too.

Hi Rach- Thank for sharing with me your MT A hospital bill and I know that your gyane is charging cheap too.

Hi Fish

I don no if Dr Adrian deliver in MT A but the nurse did told me that he do deliver in MT A.

I am more concern of his delivery charges since I am trying to save cost too..

When will your next appointment be?

Hi Pixel. Rach

Sorry for asking so many questions on my side...

Cos I still in dilemma not becos Dr Adrian is not good. but cos of the hospital that I may not have good feeling to deliver there.

Anyway, can I check if Dr KOH clinic equipments are old??? cos my gf is abit bo chap type and don realli bother so long can hear heart beat

But for me, I am a bit particular

Can you please advice me?



morning ladies.



I just drew blood at tmc..now having lunch at far east.

Later 2pm will get the test results and see Adrian Tan.

Im so very very nervous.

morning ladies.



I just drew blood at tmc..now having lunch at far east.

Later 2pm will get the test results and see Adrian Tan.

Im so very very nervous.

Didn't come in for a few days and the thread grew!

Hi mimieyes,

I chose caroline becos I was with her for my no.1, felt comfortable going back to her. She's nice and gentle.

I've my fair share of bad experience with TMC too. Must agree that some of the nurses can be very ungentle and not as angelic as I thought. Haha. They almost ripped my epidural drip out while pushing me to the labour ward. So painful. And after delivery, I waited for many many hours before I get to see my baby again. On top of these agonies, the hospital was going thru some reno works. I was welcomed by the loud drills when being pushed to my ward for rest. Hopefully, renovation has been completed by now.

And the funny thing, I'm most probably going back to TMC for delivery again. haha.


I would say Dr Koh is basic equipment.

Can see 2D n 3D scans...

I think u pay for wat u get Lo...

My frens gynae get a 3D scan every visit but the package price also very 'high tech' Lo...

I would think dr Koh would know what is best n necessary to do his job... Heee.. If He starts to bring in more high tech equipments then his charges will increase also le...

As long as his expertise n judgment is accurate, I'm ok Lo...

Heee so it really depend on ur own comfort level la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I like his advice n predictions so I trust him...

Trust in ur caregiver very impt Lo...

Else it won't work..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jeraldin,

Caroline is at ACJ clinic, at TMC. She delivers at TMC and according to M, Mt A too.

Hi Lynzi,

All will be well!

Hi Rach

If for 2D and 3D, then he must be good liao..heee

Looking at your hosp bill, his delivery charge is the same as my previous one, and is afforable too, except i read forum that say the waiting time is very very long...

Thank for the advice, I must really tik hard and discuss this with my hub once again.

Hi Chen

I went for the hospital tour last Monday and the staff nurses told me that the hosp is completed with all the reno liao..

so no more the hearing of drilling here and there...



i juz came bk from appt. sac empty. may hav mc. did bld test & need to re-do on fri. praying for d best now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


when dr scan u, did he manage to c a fetus in d sac?


im so sorry to hear that...hugsss

Doc didnt say about seeing the sac or foetus.

Last he said was that bb is still in there.

Later i see him, i will go and ask.

I know how the feeling u are going thru now.

Im a nervous wreck now.


I'm consider Mt A too now... becoz TMC reli have limit ward for 1-bed.. and i reli afraid by then i delivery, 1-bed ward full and they move me to 2-bed... so.. i actually wana to re-consider now again.. anyway, will ask dr. Adrian Tan if he can delivery in Mt A 1st and if there's any additional charge for him to go Mt A.. then i decide..

meanswhile, anyone had try to go for labour ward tour for some of the hospital? Muz we fix an appointment with hospital 1st or we can go anytime we wana to go..??


Relax... dont stress yourself.. I know even we ask u not to stress yourself, but u will still feel stress up... let's pray ur BB is okie!!! and is in good conditions

maternity tour

just call up the hospital make an appt.

Tmc has daily tours.

Mt A is certain days only. I would advise call Mt A first then book liaoz all tmc book the same day.

Then will rem n can compare..

Else later forget which hospital is wat...

caroline told me she can deliver in other hospitals too. My first one was at gleneagles. Is TMC really so bad? but lots of ppl deliver at TMC and i am considering TMC too..

