(2011/03) Mar 2011

Yes, Jeraldin, I also rather forgo my holiday which was already pre-booked! Coz I rather not take the risk..

pixiepixel, it will be tough for you to move house during your pregnancy period! Be extra careful when you carrying n moving things.

Fish, I too free, comment too much that is why my name appears so many times in archive link huh? hahaha....

btw, I spotted brown discharge (again!) when I went to the loo! Freak me out! I hope the brown discharge goes off fast! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


for travelling: I agree with annie leh... i rejected a US and Tokyo biz trip recently as I don't want to take the risk. I can't imagine something happening when I am overseas and I don't know where to find a dr.


No la.... juz find you lucky... only when the post reach 100.. then will archive once... but ur name appear 3 times.. which is very lucky!! wahaha!!! haha!! i too free la!! go kepo all these!!!

err..yah i had fries n durian every day...hehe.

My gynae at that time was even asking me to eat more cakes n ice creams so bb will be bigger as anyway im very small size..need to pile on the kgs...hehe.

But surprisingly since last week fast food seemed to turn me off. I have been eating more rice n noodles n munching on bread n biscuits in between plus i realised im drinking more water..like so parched n thirsty.


i wanted to change to Mt A and to dr Koh too...just called my hb to discuss. he is not keen with a male doc poking my privates...sianz...

coz dr koh seems good, and he is at TPY mrt, should be convenient for me leh

any comments on him?

i still shopping for gynae now leh hahaha


my HB is ID.. hhehe.. if anyone need, can let me know... i just had my own housewarming last sat.. super tired.....

Fish, I really so lucky ah? wahahaha.. I don't even know when they start to archive. Never take not of such things. hehe... I think you more free than me liao.. haha...

Ahbui, you're right! Imagine something happen (touch wood of course) oversea then you don't know who to look for and hb not beside you, etc. Very scary de... I also trying to push away all my biz trips... my manager also very nice say if I don't feel comfortable in travelling then don't go, they're okay and will understand. Somemore nowadays keep feeling sick, I don't think I will have mood to travel for biz too.

Wah, Rach, you really power leh! Both in record keeping and production! Muahahaha... I also hope I can be like you, next year after give birth to my bunny I want to try for a dragon! lol....

I jus called my gynae to make an appt n guess wat did the nurse say..

U really pregnant a not..? Cos only 3 weeks plus.. sure a not.. U want to booked end of the mth ah but is full..I check with Doc first.

I know they r quite packed tat y i call early..

Piss off..


since your mind is made up then u should go.

But if its me, i wouldnt risk it..hehe


how old is your #1 now?

seems like my gap between #1 n #2 is quite far de.


i also moved house from my mum place to my own house when i was preggy.

when i moved n had my housewarming, i was 7 mths preggy by then...very very tiring.

sorrry mummmies, i doing speed reading now..

coz i'm trying to settle the last birthdaydirect spree...

hahaha..yes i very power.. i do BP, Spree, with #1 koala-ing on me... now she just poo.. i gotta go change her and be back...

yes... #1 is 10months now.. :p

and i that time broke ma..need to know how much is spent on every visit... else leong ah....

i got more records.. but i gave up recording after she was born.. coz simply TOO MANY expenses... hahahaha....

Dr KOH..

he first examine me down there.. on my 8th visit...

10 8th Visit - 15th Jul 2009 (32 weeks) - - $45.00 $10.00 $65.00 $8.40 $128.40

That was when i had to do a B strep test....

So for the 1st 7 visits, he merely did a ultrasound... He's GOOOODDD VERY GOOOODDD....

the only thing is.. every visit must wait 30-60min... depending on crowd....

so i always book the 1st slot... wait shorter... maybe 15min... :p

Gynae are very professional.. dun have to worry...

and Dr Koh is very humorous also.. so no need to worry also.. i've heard of how female gynae very chor lor one... end up u regret being poked by her lo.. u rather a gentle gynae do it rite???

female are less sympathetic.. cuz they been there done that.. so.... they'll think no big deal!

okok... i go change poo liaoz.... :p


yours is yvonne chan rite?

Is her clinic at tmc or elsewhere?


im going to see adrian tan again tomorrow.

Hopefully bb is healthy n the pregnancy looks promising.

I was thinking that i might as well stick to him since now he knows my condition.

Anyway, he is very nice n gentle n really took his time to pacify me, make me feel better and answer every qn i got no matter how silly it is.

I agreed with rach too, that is why I chose a male gynae as I heard same advice from friends, some female gynaes can be very rough and less sympathetic. I have the mentality guys can do better job in most circumstances.. hehe

Rach, wow... u recorded down for your every single visit and collecting of medicine wor!! tt's good!!! i should do this too, so i can know how much we spend for this whole pregnancy... Thanks Rach..

Annie... wow!! u mean u wana 3 years 2 BB wor!! all our BB here will born in rabbit year.. then u rest a few mths then will start trying for a dragon BB le wor!!! haha!! u power...

Blizzbless, yes.... choose another one... wahlao... reply you with such attitude!! stone!!

well in term of doc there i am not tt worried coz my manager over there is also pregnant so in case of anything she will be able to give me appropriate help...

so far the pregnancy is quite smooth sailing.. not much of MS, no spotting (touch wood) and everything is per normal.. just probably abit more tired..

hubby has no concern coz he feels i will be getting more rest over there.. just ask me to be extra careful with the things I eat and dun get too stress up...

gynae did ask me if can dun go.. i think she has her concerns oso bah.. maybe coz haven't seen the feotus and hear the heartbeat during the last check coz too small ... but she did say it should be ok... tt's why give me an tai yao


u do bp ah? can let mi know when u hav d next party supplies spree? need to prepare for my bois' party liao. hehe.


Yes, when i asked him silly question (which i find my question is quite silly too).. he reli takes his time to answer and of coz he is very friendly and cheerful...

at 1st, i thought of getting female gynae becoz i never let other guy see my private part.. so very paiseh... but becoz i know male gynae are more gentle.. so... i try to overcome this thing!! wahahaha!!!

Lynzi.. Yes, im with Yvonne Chan.. She is nice but quite surprise tat her nurse reply me this way today..

Was thinking of Dr Jocelyn Wong or Dr Wong Mun Tat..

Praying for u too


i also need to stock up for my boy's party soon.

Keep me in the loop yah.


oh wordworld books ah?

Im a sucker for books..been spending tons on my boy's books..ok will go look see.

I used to do bp last year..even had a blogshop but i gave up after few months.


at first i also tot paiseh leh but now he has seen all with the blood n all (pardon for too much info) so now i think i feel safe n secure with him handling me.

Can u believe he did vaginal scan n yet it was so gentle..just slight discomfort.


i am originally with dr jocelyn wong, but the crampy tmc (delivered my #1 there) + her high charges scare me off liao...

her charges are $738 (before GST) for week 20 onwards, not including medicine & vitamins, and detailed tests/scans...

Hi mummies!

Me new here and expecting my 2nd child Edd 5 march.

Went to view tmc hospital but I don feel very comfy with the delivery suite, the nurses mentioned there r only 10 which 1 come w hydrobath system ( more ex)

then when I ask how come there are beds outside the suites?she told me us to wait, cos since they have limited delivery suites, they will only push u in when u fully dilate!???

Have anyone heard like this?

I delivered my 1st boy 10 yrs ago in mt a but as I feel very relax w dr Adrian tan, I don no if tmc work like that??

BP> mostly for socks, leg warmers, bibs, toothwipes etc etc...

check www.funwithbabies.multiply.com/photos

Spree> many ongoing....

Party supplies...

EEERRRmmmm.. this will be the last batch i will do.. coz its sooooooooo tedious... gotta go thru conceirge and need to pay extra & need to copy paste every name, url, qty & price.. wa lao.. copy till my fingers cramp la... so i just wanna finish up what i started... wont order liaoz...

unless i can find a website thats easier to order....

i do alot of OLD NAVY spree also... hehehe.... if anyone wanna tag along this batch....

me stocking up on maternity clothings.. wahhaha..

have 2 boxes worth for my #1 liaoz.. she can wear till 3yrs old lo.... hahahhaa.....

hi linda


yes sometimes tmc shortage of delivery wards so you will be outside waiting...

most of us wont mind. i never see anyone making a ruckus out of this, because

1. tmc is a small hosp imho

2. inevitable because sometimes alot of mummies delivering on same day mah

i come in n kpo!


all of the ttc2011 gals are praying for you! so don't you worry okie? =)


do things which brings peace to your heart. you have seek medical advice and given the green light to fly and you sound more like you want to go over, then go bah. =) for myself, i'm more of the more prudent and extreme kind.. i will avoid anything and everything that is not good lor and that will bring peace to my heart!


=) cos you tested BFP quite early mah.. so that's why the nurses reacted that way lor.. ignore them lah! haha.. they are working and perhaps had a long day.. Choose one whom you are comfortable with lor.. you prefer male or female?

Hi pixel,

my gf been seeing dr koh at Toa payoh for her 3 kids

and she told me his charges is cheap n reasonable

but the only thing is sometime over weekend have to wait 1 hours + for your turn

their machines are not very new as compared to some gyane clinic in hosp

so u will have to wait the pro n cons

but if u r staying nearby, for convenience, I tik is a good choice!


blizzbless, why her nurse like that one? that is very unfriendly leh...

lynzi: all the best for tomorrow's visit.. if you are comfortable with adrian tan then continue with him la..

I got to agree that male gynae are better... previously i insist that i MUST have a female gynae.... no way i am going to show another man my bottom man!!!

So when i first started i had a female gynae... so rude!.. cannot take it.. and once i saw my current gynae i find so different....and am stuck with him till now... keke

linda> yah i heard that abt TMC too...my frens who delivered on 090909 were waiting all over the hosp until they ready to deliver lo... but that didnt happen at Mt A somehow.. hehehe... i delivered on 080909...so... i was in the delivery ward frm 8am to 9pm... hahahaha....

i was induced.. so it was a long wait... :p

and they saved the 1-bedded room for me also... when i was pushed in they told me, we kept the room for you since 8am... now then u are finally here... (in a joking manner la...) i wasnt offended at all.. but felt soo blessed...

i went to both Mt A and TMC's maternity tour before deciding on Mt A.. no regrets!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


must persuade my hb to agree for me to have a male gynae. its tough finding a female gynae delivering in Mt A


i had a very bad experience in TMC for my twins.... real bad till i lodge a complaint and told hb no more tmc for me.

Hi rach

that the problem and the funni thing is they will carry the baby away to take measuremt outside? I was asking the nurse why all of these not done inside ? She say no space ;(

I used to have the same treatmt in mt a too, was induced and hub and I occupy the room frm 3pm - 4 am the next day

the sisters even came by to pray for me cos I happen to be the earliest to check in yet the last to come out..,

my previous gynae was dr lui pao shun but now the 10 yrs gap, I don no if can trust his skills stitiching since I got inflammatn badly and had to remove stitch 1 by 1 Again ;(


can I know who is your gynae in mt a?

I initially booked for dr ho but after a few forum say that his charges are steep side, I decided to cancel and went for dr Adrian instead



pixiepixel, your hb very protective over your body! hahaha.. don't want you to be seen by other guys beside him lah!

You ladies are making me feeling more right in choosing Mt. A. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To share with you gals:

that time in TMC i was treated like s*&t imho.

i lost my twins during detailed scan and had to deliver them naturally and go thru D&C... it was already very heartbreaking for me and hb....

1) In Labour ward

when i reached tmc in the morning (in mid Jan 2010), i reported at the tmc labour suite (nursing station). the local nurse there asked me why i was there for despite i giving her the letter from my gynae which clearly state why i am there...

I really cannot get the procedure name out of my mouth and cried leh... my hb asked her to refer to the letter from my gynae..

the next thing she asked me was my EDD. I told her 4th June 2010. then she ask me if i have a problem.. today is only 15 Jan and why I come so early if it is not my EDD yet!!! ^&%$&

finally a filipino nurse came and go thru the letter... she pointed out the procedure name to the local nurse.. and the local nurse immediately kept quiet...

they then ask me to wait at the observation ward... in the observation ward i hear a lot of gynaes coming to check on the mummies and i keep hearing the machines measuring the contractions... i start to cry again.... haiz... after 30 mins... they ask me to do admission.

2) At admission

The admission clerk was pulling a super long face.. and again ask me why i am here for.. faint.. my hb was very pissed at this point and told her to see dr's letter again.. she like don't understand and then ask me my EDD again!!!!

then after I told her she give me those funny look.....then she finally realised why i was there....and proceeded to do the admission.

3) Ward

At the ward the nurses there were very nice to me.... my labour was induced and finally at 8pm i was bleeding badly and need to go to the labour ward again

4)Labour ward

I was wheeled to labour ward on a wheelchair bleeding badly... was again asked at the nursing station why i was there and my EDD.. u know what the nurse at the nursing station say in front of me!!!!... 'I got no room for her at the moment leh.... all the rooms are for the mummies who are due to deliver to 'live' babies!!!! fed up!!!! finally they give me a delivery suite....

but within 5 mins i was there.. my ward nursing manager came and say she has to wheel me back to my room and i deliver there...... &^&%*

5) Operating theatre (D&C)

I delivered my twins at 11pm in the ward and then was wheeled to OT for D&C.

when i woke up from the GA.. i was told to move to another bed myself... how to move man!!! I just woke up from my GA leh... they did not even offer to give me a patslide to move over.. end up i move myself with no help..... and tear the wound on the drip plug....

back at the ward.. again they ask me to shift myself to my bed.. my hb was really pissed with them and scolded them straight...... i did not know what happened next as I was not in a clear mind.....

So after gg thru the above... no more TMC for me

frankly for 'live' births they are good but when it comes to such situations, they really treat you bad... real bad


so sorry for your lost....i cannot imagine the horror you and your hb had to go thru, plus the $$, time, pain spent there at each n every step...

did you lodge a complain?

i saw another similar case (single baby) posted in smh few yrs ago too - same hosp


yes.. i lodge a complaint but no reply from them yet.. told my gynae also... his nurse also say will feedback to their PR manager for me.

Ah bui

that sound very bad experience to me, I realli can't imagine now since I m still in early trismeter but my hub has assured me if I still not comfy with tmc rooms n delivery, then we will probably " brided" dr Adrian tan to deliver in mt A,haaa...,

if not , I will have to change a gynae like minute ;((((

Hi pixiepixel!

Sorry for missing your post on my review of my gynae. I find him very patient, gentle and considerate. He's always very careful with his diagnosis and treatment with us. I dun ve the feeling that he's trying to earn more by asking me to do those tests; feels that he has my welfare in heart.

Wow, i said until he is like GOD hor... but his waiting time kills sia... *shake head*

hi pixiepixel,

airmez and me having the same gynae... yes... i agree with airmez.. keke...

for my gal and my twins he was very nice....


oh dear..that must have been such a traumatic experience for u and hubby to go thru.

not to mention that u are alreasy sadden by the loss of your twins and u have all this bad service from the nurses to add to your emotional and physical wound.

im so sorry to hear that.

Hi gals!

I jus visited my gynae ytd n is expecting bb no 2. First bb is currently 18 mths old.

Pls update my details.

Nick: xuelyn

Bb # 2

doc: dr w h Kee

Hospital: tmc

Edd: 2 march 11

Lovenest: bedok

anbui, airmez

thanks for your comments, my hb now "ok" with a male gynae, dunno to use your gynae or rach's gynae, both at Mt A leh...

