(2011/02) Feb 2011

Mrs Ong, hehe ask ur bb guai guai stay until the edd.

My mom said after I give birth whole body will be light and relax. No need be so xinqu here and there pain and tummy so big n heavy.

Haha I tell me mom "Don't want I want here stay until her edd and don't want her out so fast."

My mom said I very silly. Haha.

@mamaying - Cool! Ur check up look wonderful so u can relax and start ur enjoyment next time! Will update mine as my review on this fri and hopefully will receive good news like urs.

@wishchild - ya i talk to my bb and scold her if she disobey lol..

Mrs Ong, yeah now just waiting lor. hee and rest and do my leisurely stuff. till baby decides to pop :> good luck and hope to hear good checkup news from u too :>

Congrats Eviangal!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions on geomancers/masters/DIY choosing of bb's chinese name ... I have lots of info to think abt and hopefully bb will have a chinese name soon :p

Mamaying: Glad to hear your checkup went smoothly ... very soon it will be our turn to pop ... have u completed all ur baby prep stuff?

mamaying: guess you wont so soon since Dr say see u next week..

zanta: my appt is 4plus.. think Dr Ang only see in afternoon if he thinks going to deliver..

he did tell me he expects me to be delivering this week..

just came back from steamboat, donut and shopping with SIL..

feel a bit of pressure at the V area today.

I wonder if my turn will be tomorrow???

So exciting, hearing about mummies popping one by one. My doc is a little worried this birth will be a very quick one, as my first labour was considered quite fast. She even told me its faster to get to the hospital by taxi than ambulance...making me a bit nervous! haha

forgot to add I am feeling dull pain at the sides of the lower back..

something like when having period kinda feeling..

maybe I am paranoid again??

was reading a book on breastfeeding on the train today when a lady with a baby told me to enjoy my breastfeeding experience.

She told me it's a wonderful experience..

Mrs Ong, haha so cute u will scold ur bb. My bb I don't bear to scold her later she make me pain pain haha.

Mama Ying Tomor u free want meet me for shopping n lunch? Hehe

I just came back from my weekly checkup. Haha so happy I lost weight 1.3kg hehe so happy and bb now is 2.5kg. My gynae said it ok I'm lost weight while bb are gaining weight. My gynae said I can go shower even my waterbag burst. Haha he said not all the water will come out so still all right to shower. My bb head have down but not engage yet need another few weeks for her head to engage.

eviangal: u delivered in Mt A right and Dr Ang was in TMC while you were there..

luckily he managed to rush down in time to help u deliver BB..

Princess31: yeah soon our turn.. my bags are in the car :>

ah ching: yeah i wonder when but nvm let baby decide ba hee

wish_child: i am still working till fri :> and evening going to mom's place for dinner

@wishchild - good for u as ur bb is gaining wt!! me fierce mummy lol...will not pamper my bb one haha Wow u very on hor, jio mamaying for lunch & shopping liao. Next time jio me for baking lesson.

@mamaying - tks!

@Ah Ching: Maybe hor? Then me and Wenzi can be relieved..

@Wenzi: Are you staying very far away? If yes then maybe can stanby bah. Lol.. You are making me nervous le.. I so scare he'll tell me it's time too which I don't wish to hear lor.. Coz I'm still not ready, still got alot of things to do.. Haha..

@Bigflamingo: That day my FIL asked me go and think what to do when I'm going into labour but nobody is at home. So I told him grab my bag and take a cab lor. Then he told me sometimes it's very unpredictable and asked me to call ambulance better. And I told him ambulance so x le. Haha..

@Val: I received your email le. The romper looks like small emperor, so cute!! But it looks abit big wor..

@Zanta: Hahahah! Hannor. Is those china 唐装. I also think a bit too big. If he only coming out on CNY, then will only be few days old. See after wearing diapers how lor. Or let him wear t-shirt inside lor. Haha!

@Val: Wear t-shirt inside also ok but scare he will feel hot. But he wear liao sure look cute!! If can find a matching hat will be great!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Zanta: That's what my sis said too. She said later he got heat rash. =p Hahahaha! Difficult to find those hat for baby leh. Their head so small. Later cover his eyes.

Mrs Ong, haha ok sure next time jio u for baking when my house is here. Hehe

Mama Ying, nvm next time we meet again =)

Zanta, so fast u going buy cny clothes for bb.

So cute bb girl wearing qi pao. Hehe

@wish_child: Ya lor, bb wear CNY clothings like v "you qi fen".. Normally I don't buy CNY deco for the house but this year I suddenly feel like buying coz bb arriving, I feel v happy. Haha..

@Zanta: Hehe.. Don't think my hubby wants lah. Later he said I waste money. Hmph. I bought this romper he also nag. Say what cannot bring baby out when I'm doing confinement. Then I told him his relatives sure will come over one mah. He carry baby out lor. I'm doing confinement also not baby, why cannot bring him out to see people. Then after that he keep quiet. So upset when he gave me this kind of reaction. He still asked me did I think before buying. Hmph! Then I so angry I told baby in front of him "You like the romper I bought for you ma? Hmph.. But papa don't like.. Hmph..". Then he said "Why you say that to him?". And I said "True what.. Hmph..". =(

things r getting too exciting.. i have a friend.. fellow pe teacher. her EDD i think is mid or end feb.. her waterbag just burst 2 hours ago! i feel a bit breathless. like it is so real. anytime i am nervous...

Pinkval, I think pregnant women tend to lose their rational when buying things, especially now e festival mood, hehe. Our hubby at this time tend to become more rational, maybe they need to worry about e delivery cost, bb cost, etc.

My hubby also said I become "richer" since pregnant cos buy think never think twice, haha.

Congrats ! Eviangal on your new born.

This morning went for my 34 week check up with Dr Adrian. He said my baby head is not down yet. If not down after 2 weeks; chances are I might need to do c-sect... : (

So worry now....I will keep talking to my baby to tell her to turn down in 2 weeks time...cos mommy wants to go for natural birth.

Anyone know is there a way we can make baby head to go down?

Wow haven't been here for awhile now.. Seems like there is a baby popping our every day recently! So exciting.. Those who have pop, enjoy ur time with baby.. Those still waiting, treasure those last moments of your pregnancy.. Haha I missed being pregnant until I was crying inconsolably 2 days ago. Much better now. Can't wait to see more updates and birth stories!

Choc: thanks for updating the table.. My baby's name is Reia:)

Valeria, Sayang HuGz. Don't be sad. We are woman sure will buy clothes. Somemore our bb going born soon sure will want buy lot of clothes for them. Hehe. I also bought lot of clothes for my bb girl. My hubby keep nag and said me but I don't care. Hehe cause I got it as discount price and it good quality.

Dont worry as long a u happy and bb happy that's the most important. =)

Zanta, haha this year i also super happy waiting for cny. Even thought every year I'm happy when cny coming. Haha this year have a new member joining us. Hehe. So happy but never buy any cny clothes for bb only buy dress for her. Haha cny think she still inside my tummy enjoy yummy food. =)

Mama Ying, wow ur pe Fren going due on mid Feb now going delivery. So fast ah. I very scare and worry as I haven get ready yet. I also don't know how is like when water bag leaks. Hmm so scary.

Wish_child: waterbag break is when u feel a warm liquid trickling down ur legs, quite an amount and it is not ur urine. If u not sure can smell, it will not smell like urine. Yeah she is 33 days from due date then her waterbag broke so I think her edd is 20 something feb. And is first child, so it is hard to predict when.

Good for all feb mommies to pack their bags ready and dun panic if there is any signs of labour. Just relax and call gynae or go to labour ward. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am a feb mtb as well, but have been chatting more in 2ww thread cos that was where i started out. i stalk this thread though! :p

choc, can you please update the table with my details? my EDD is 23 feb, gynae is dr adrian woodworth, will be going Mount Alvernia and expecting my #1, a boy. thanks much!!

i have a few questions and hope the kind ladies here can help me. my baby's femur length has been progressively shortening, and the EDD according to femur length has gotten later and later. now, it's at 15 march compared to the actual EDD of 23 feb. is this something i should be worried about? i was so scared, i went to TMC for a detailed scan at 31 weeks. however, the sonographer said i should be more concerned about the fetal weight. it's at the 5th percentile...

are these figures okay? i tried googling for information, but it seems pretty scanty. anyone here with a similar experience? any help would be very greatly appreciated! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i've been seriously trying to bulk up and have gained lots of weight! but seems like it doesn't really translate to the baby's growth haha!

btw, my baby is still in breech position. quite prepared to do a C-sect, but really hoping for baby to turn downwards!

mamaying, you are a PE teacher? i'm a teacher as well, but will be taking ML after the CNY celebrations in school. extremely excited but hubbs already said he won't answer and look at his mobile phone if he is in class!! haha that's the teacher's lives for you!

eviangal - congrats! it must be a joy to see Caden! Do update us whenever convenient. Post the pic here leh!

wish child - how come you get to lose wt *scratch head*, i can understand if you dont gain (by controlling diet) but losing weight?? Hmm....

wish child, mrs ong - for me, i have conflicting feelings. I too enjoy the feeling of bb inside me and the movement, but on the other hand, i also cant wait to see her! Contradiction hor? hehe..

joodz - long time no see.. how are you doing so far? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Moomoo, hmm I'm not so sure le. I step on the weight machine a few times to check my weight again and again. I think maybe my water retention reduce a little bit or nowadays I keep walking around and lose sleep at night. Hehe but happy that I lose weight and bb gained 200gram in a weeks. My gynae said it ok as I lose weight. Bb never lost weight can le. =)

Eviangal - Congrats on the arrival of caden... u sure sound quite cool thru'out the process!

Joodz - My colleague did warn me that we could get emotional after birth cos all the pregnancy hormones that have been keeping us on a high these past few mths are gone liao... so i suppose it's normal to cry!

Princess, Mamaying - yah.. i heard that induced labour more painful.. sigh.. but guess i'm in a no-win situation.. doc prefers to bring baby out since he's full term liao given my history (spotting during 20wks and other stuff).. actually we hv a sneaking suspicion that it's also becos he's planning leave during cny.. so i suppose i dun really hv much choice.. if i insist on waiting and end up baby come when he's on lv and i get delivered by some covering doctor who is not as gd... that's not what we want either.. sigh...

kinderbueno so when are u planning to induce. yeah sometimes got to go by doc's schedule hor... my gynae was going on leave during my EDD also but he cancelled it cos someone wanted to c-sec a day before. so i am lucky he will be around till CNY.

yaataa: both u and hubby are teachers? then u better ask him to leave his phone ringer one while in class. tt should be first priority! hee Yes i am a pe teacher. EDD 5feb, this fri my last day of work and start maternity leave.

@Jolin: I think mummies tend to be more excited lah. Hee hee.. But I thought he'll be happy together with me that I bought cny clothes for baby. But haiz.. If this year he don't wear next year will be too small for him liao. Lol~

@wish_child: Ya I don't care le. I must let my baby wear even if is just at home. At least I can help him take photo. Hee hee..

@Joodz: How are you & your baby doing?? =D

@Val: Tell your hubby CNY is only here once a year and so does bb's growth. I mean since bb is born around CNY period so why can't you buy him clothes to wear for CNY right?? Unless your bb no need to go out see those relatives when they visit lor then no need buy nice clothes for him to wear.

@MamaYing: Wow.. Another case of early delivery.. Oh no, I'm feeling so nervous now. It sounds like any of us can go into labour anytime now.. Hope I don't go for labour so soon as my mum told me for her 4 pregnancies, she delivered 2-3 weeks earlier. That really scare me..

@wish_child: I already very long don't feel anxious of CNY liao coz my hubby don't go for visiting de. But this year different coz bb is arriving so I feel like decorating my house to receive her. Hehe..

@Joodz: How are you and bb Reia doing so far? Have you started to BF her?

Hi mummies: Am having a terrible pain at the V-area since 7 plus last night.

like kena boxed and feeling bruised kinda feeling, not the pressure type..

cant stand up without support after sitting or lying down..

wondering what's happening..

also feeling a bit difficult to walk and baby has been moving and squirming a lot in my belly..

seeing Dr ang this afternoon.. maybe will ask him.

good morning ladies,

@wish_child, I also dun want my baby come out early. my next appt to see gynea is next friday. This wkend i still need to go msia to attend my sis-in-law wedding. actually i am not so comfortable to leave spore. but bo bian lor....

Hope the baby will be "guai guai" inside the belly after CNY. If come out now, also headache, nobody help to do confinement. The CL fee will be higher too.

Ah Ching: You better stand by your hospital bag.. I think you gona deliver liaoz.. Thats the kind of pressure I had the night before I see Dr Ang too..

Any ya.. I delivered at Mt A whilst Dr Ang was delivering at TMC. Luckily he can rush by in time. I was controlling the baby till he come...

Good luck ya.. I hope to hear good news from you soon.

Thanks mummies for your well wishes.

Hi mums,

Now at TMC, waiting for Baby Keira to arrive..

My water bag broke at 4plus though I felt the contractions in the evening..

Will go for my epidural after breakfast..

Very exciting to see one by one experiencing the signs of labour... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mummies cant wait for your updates!

*sigh* My hubby's bil just called me and asked me when I'm due. After I told him he said early next week MAYBE he'll ask my hubby to go China for work. DUH! Know I due soon still wanna ask him go overseas. Zzzz... I'm so sad that I feel like crying now. =(

pinkyval: maybe u should tell him straight in the face "i am due anytime, pls let hubby stay in singapore!" no common sense eh!!

Zanta: dun be scared or nervous.. i think very impt is to stay positive, well we will nv be fully prepared... i was so nervous, my first preg when dr broke my waterbag i was shivering hahaha. Just be happy and positive. though i am also feeling like oh no wat is going to happen next.

I have a dull tummy pain but go toilet nothing, maybe just psychological cos everyone is popping...


shannen: I feel that the pain a bit lesser but now starting to have some sort of cramps at the lower belly.

eviangal: really ah you feel this way before u delivered??

I also very scared so this morning I woke up, I tested out the steriliser.

Washed all the milk bottles and teat and put inside the steriliser liao.

will be setting up the bassinet before I leave for Dr's appt...

Now washing baby's socks as I haven't done so yet...

Thinking what else I need to do before I deliver..

