(2011/02) Feb 2011

@MamaYing: Since you taking ML think you better sleep more at home. Hahaha! Once the baby's out I think you won't have time to sleep le. I feel like taking leave to sleep at home too.. But so short handed, if I tell my hubby I want to take leave to sleep he sure nag at me one. =/

Mama Ying,

Thanks, i think i do feel better after taken my gynae's syrup. Just that still have a bit cough on and off. Hopefully it's the end of this miserable sick.


Ya, so poor thing hor. Even we the mummy feel so xin ku due to the cough, let alone the tiny bb inside us. I just apologized to bb for not taking good care of myself and fell sick and causing all these pain to her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies.. is anothe new week.. hope everyone have enjoy over the weekend..


yeah, i have been to CHINATOWN twice liao.. ha ha.. scare will not be able to go if suddenly bb pop.. n now is not so crowd.. parking is still ok.. n jus stroll through all the street n feel tired liao..


how big is your bb's head? my bb head circumference at 35 weeks is 30cm. gynae says still ok, fat tummy but average head.


yah better see GP or gynae... or get those special pillows to sit (look like rubber dinghy)... best to let the piles get better before delivery!


Am going on ML from 12 Feb. EDD is 19 Feb, but gynae says can pack hospital bag already, although her estimate is bb will come out after 12 Feb.

wonder if anyone packs one bag for work and one for home if you're intending to work till quite near EDD? cos otherwise i find quite leychay to go home and get bag if say my contractions start coming at work or (choy) waterbag burst at work...


yup prospan is very mild. it's what my PD prescribes for my 2 yr old.


i don't like crowds... but thinking of getting some lim chee guan for relatives... 2 weeks ago it was $44 per kg, then a few days ago it was $46 a kg liao!! wonder whether that's the final price or will still go up!!!


sorry but i don't know how to reach the measurement.

It's stated in the scan card:

BPD (hadlock) 0.91mm 37w4d

HC (hadlock) 32cm 36w1d

AC (hadlock) 31cm 35w1d

My gynae only told me that bb weight is normal, but her head is too big, hence, couldn't engage yet. And might need to consider C-sec if her head is too big

@Jolin: Ya, I'll also say sorry to him and sayang him each time after I cough.

@trinket: I won't be bringing my hospital bag to work. Cos I'll be going home to shower & wash hair first anyway. Haha! My mum asked me to wash hair before first before I go. Hahaha! She said got time to wait. No need immediately go. LOL~

@eviangal: thks for the info, will check at Taman Sentosa when come to #2. Yup, city square always more ex, like the wedding package too.

pinkyval: if waterbag burst I think no time to go home and bathe lei..

maybe can take cab to hospital then ask hubby go home pick up hospital bag and meet at hospital.

Is it safe for us to go massage or foot reflexology? I feel like going for one later in yishun or semb, anyone wanna join? :p

trinket: i pack one bag put at home. anything hubby pick up bag then pick me to hosp. how do u plan to go hosp? previously we put the bag in the car at all times. but baby was good we manage to sleep sat night then sun morning go to hosp :>

Afternoon mommies!!

Zanta, I bought the PJ is have front button one. I think buy a cheap PJ will do don't waste money. Anyway just wear it at home. =) The most important is comfortable.

Valeria, my tummy also very big and it drop le. My MIL said my tummy very big. She said last time when her tummy size like mine is going to delivery but mine still will get bigger.


Mama Ying and trinket, wow I very 佩服 u still can go work and clear ML when u girls going to due. Now my right waist super painful as bb change her position and her weight.

I stay at home most of the time but wont rest myself. Haha I will try do a lot of things to keep myself keep exercise.

My mil tell me not to walk too much and sit down. Haha my leg popped all the ugly veins.

Mommies yesterday I met my mil as she stay at Msia recently come back to spore for cny. Haha I asked her about confinement thing and herbs. Very interesting and most of the thing she said I have a big shock. She said went bb come home bring her go shower. For the shower water need to put in a can of 黑啤酒. I like HUH why le? She said like that is more easy to clean away the dirt on her body. I think she refer to the white wax stuff on bb. She said just let bb shower with beer for just 2 times only. Haha.

Hi mummies,

I have the following to sell:

1. Brand new Avent Airflex Newborn Starter Set. A handy collection including two 125ml/4oz bottles, two 260ml/9oz bottles, teats, a soother and bottle and teat brush. Retailing at $49.90. Letting go at $40 only.

2. Avent Orthodontic Silicon Pacifiers - one pair for 6-18 months. Retailing at $12.90. Letting go at $12.

Collection in Punggol, or elsewhere can be arranged. PM me if keen.

Mama Ying, yishun too far for me or else I will join u for the massage. Haha

Jolin, Do take care and drink more hot water. Will helps to cure ur cough. =)

Eviangal, I'm not sure got any GP see pile. But I know SGH have a specialist for pile.

@Ah Ching: She said can leh. Cos she said won't come out immediately. LOL~ And I think Charmaine that time also like that when she had her 1st baby. She still shower, wash hair twice and eat ice cream before she went hospital, am I right Charmaine? LOL~

Wish child,

Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya, i very pei fu mummies here, still can go to work. My due date is 9 Feb, about 3 weeks from now, but i already feel so tired to go to office, be it crossing the over-head bridge or taking public transport. Hence, i have submitted my request to work from home now and will go to office when necessary and thank God, my boss is very understanding and approved my request.

These few days, i experienced the so-called "confinement period". Due to fever, i daren't to bath and wash my hair, only wiped my body with soaped water, put on socks and stay in the bedroom most of the time, my husband said this is how i looked when i am in my confinement period [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wish you a speedy recovery from pile.

@mamaying – 4 more days to go but I still have about 11 working days to go…Me too, take one wk to rest at home before my edd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Update us ur check up ya!

@charmaine – hope ur bb is a bunny! If I were u, I will buy one set cny clothes coz I abit pandang lor…buy cheap one or buy those elastic dress which u could put on even after birth. Hmm, tummy will still grow in last 2 or 3weeks? my tummy still abit small…

@jolin – ya keep talking to ur gal. Yday attending the talk, one of the speakers underwent emergency csec as her bb boy head too big hence unable to push him out. Make me fearful, thus this fri check up, will ask my gynae to check how big is my bb gal’s head. Rest & eat well. Hope ur gal guai guai stay in ur tummy after cny!

@eviangal – last time I suffered piles I went to GP but they only prescribed me cream leh. It’s hard to cure so the only way is to improve ur diet! Consume high fibre food and drink lot of water. Mild exercise is also advisable but now dun lah. You can drink liang cha or eat those liang food but dun think we can eat too liang…just try to be balance. Btw where is Taman Sentosa izit near city sq?

Oh…haven started my coconut drink, will start this week!

Mrs Ong,

Thanks. Yes, will keep talking to my gal.

And i think if your gynae didn't mention anything about your bb weight or head measurement, that should mean your bb is within normal range, but yes, it's better to double check with your gynae.


Anyone knows if we can still drink coconut juice when having cough? my cough is phlegm type so i think it should be under "heaty cough", right? And coconut juice is liang, right? Maybe can cure my cough hor?

i've not started my coconut drink either [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jolin, I think u better cure ur cough before u drink the coconut water.now better don't anyhow drink or eat anything. After recover can drink n eat what u want.

Mrs Ong, I already start drinking coconut water. I drink it every 1weeks once. Hehe my dad bought 5 coconuts put inside the fridge for me. Haha My dad too Kaisu le

Wish child,

True hor. I think i'd better concentrate on curing my cough first. Can't imagine if i cough in the middle of pushing out the baby or C-sec, ai yo, scary (touchwood, touchwood).


trinket... i only packed 1 hospital bag nia and i planned to work till i induced or give birth...

my Edd 4th Feb...so will start my ML on 7th Feb ba...

prospan take liao got effect meh? that time i took..no effect on my cough...so give up...lol

val..u still got time to go home bathe? for me i tink i cheong to hospital liao..scalli the baby on the way..wait i more panic... hehee

Jolin, take care and drink lotsa fluids. Weather is so bad nowadays so must really take care and keep yourself warm in the office. If your phlegm is greenish, then it's heaty so i think having some coconut juice shd be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dadnmum, you went oredi? Tat's fast. Has most of the stalls opened oredi? Got stalls selling those taiwan muah-chee and jellies also rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val, ya for my 1st pg, i showered my hair 2x and eat ice-cream before admitting myself hahaha.. But my waterbag broke when i'm at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wish_child, my friend also bath her newborn with stout once a week. But i haven't tried before [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ong, i realised my tummy grew bigger in just 1 week from 36wk to 37wk. But if your gynae said bb is growing well then dun worry about the tummy size. Everytime i go market, sure will have hawkers/aunties comment tat my tummy small when they noe i'm 37weeks.

choc u not going to rest before u deliver? and second child dr nv say will be earlier? Dr ang use to tell me will be earlier and faster but now my first gynae nv say anything hee.

Jolin, haha choy choy don't worry won't cough until ur bb out one.

Charmaine, I will shower my bb with stout only for 2days haha scare later bb smell the stout will drunk haha.

I must pray hard my waterbag don't burst when I on second day visiting. I still wan to shower le. If not my hubby will faster sent me to hospital. Haha.

Choc, Pei Fu Ni. Ur edd on 5th Feb u going clear ur leave on 7th Feb. Wow u really can tahan. For me I walk here and there until my waist and leg pain lor. Haha nowaday very tired easily.

mamaying....nope...not going to take earlier leave...coz my first one was overdue and i induced him...

2nd child gynae still havent say he be earlier... just tell me "let nature take its course and let baby decide the date...."

but next week checkup will check for dilation n any contraction liao...so wait n see lor...

wish_child...coz if i start maternity leave before CNY, company eat away 2.5days leh...coz ML is continuous leave...for first 60days...LOL

see how lar...if baby cant wait to come out then come ba...

i also walk till waist pain here pain there pain...

shower with stout ah...u better see will get rashes bo..some will..some wun..depend on how delicate n sensitive their skin are...anyway the dirts will drop off naturally..


I was also prescribed with Dhasedyl too and it works after 2-3 days ..


Same here ..

Planning to start ML only after delivery ..

Everyday, I try to coax my bb that CNY foods are very nice and we need to enjoy them ..

Hee hee ..

Mama Ying,

I just started drinking coconut juice yesterday ..

But only finished 1/2 of it coz I scared too cooling for me ..

Hi Mummies,

wow, the forum is moving super-duper fast. I am barely keeping up with reading all the posts, much less leaving a comment or two [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I share all your excitement, especially reading about the birth stories and newborn experiences of the new mummies who have recently delivered. Congrats to all you new mummies!!!

For the rest of us due to follow very soon, anyone going on ML soon?

Mamaying: We have the same EDD of 5th Feb, I think ... and in fact our ML schedules are pretty similar. I am also planning to work till this Friday and then start my ML on Mon, ie 2 weeks before EDD. I'm really looking forward to the end of the work week ... I need the last 2 weeks to wrap up the baby prep (like testing electrical appliances, packing up the nursery, finishing off the baby laundry) and also to rest and conserve energy for the delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At my 37 week consult last week, the scan showed that my placenta has moved higher to 9 cm away from the cervix, so my gynae says there's a good chance of trying for natural birth now. I'm panicking! Have been neglecting my pelvic exercises as I was tuned into c-sect the last few months ...

Anybody know if TMC will provide maternity gowns and bath towels? For the 1-bedders only? I'm hoping for 1-bedder but was told it's subject to availability ...

Also, do you mummies put your hospital bags in the car or just leave it at home? It seems to take up alot of space in the car if I were to leave it in there now.

Jia you mummies! We're nearly there!! For those who are feeling ill/tired/low morale ... try and keep yourself occupied so time passes much faster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Choc, I cannot take it here pain and there pain. Haha. Oh I will see whether my bb will have rashes if shower her with stout or not.

Let ur bb choose the time and date he want. As my bb I also ask her choose her own date and time but don't be too sudden lor. Later I go house visiting during cny she pop out at my hubby relative house I will faint. Haha. Hope she out not so fast the best is CNY eve or after third day of cny. Haha


Thanks, i've been drinking more water these days, also took guava to boost my vit C [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Huh? Prospan didn't work for you as well ah. Hm, maybe i am prescribed with antibiotic at the same hence my gynae daren't to give me cough syrup that is too strong. After i finished my antibiotic and fever gone and if i still cough, i will ask for stronger medicine. I will ask for Dhasedyl since a few mummies tried it and it worked.

@jolin - as mentioned by charmaine, see the color of ur phlegm, thin and white is cold and green yellow thick is heaty.

@wishchild - so good ur dad bought for u...me ask my mil if i can start drinking, she said she duno must drink, ask me check with my SIL lol.

@charmaine - one wk grow how many inch?


ha ha ..ya .. abit kaisu.. haha.. actully nothing much ..jus to enjoy the CNY mood..

ya many stalls selling those taiwan muah-chee and jellies..

wow.. seem like lots of mummies are planning to go on ML soon..

how i wish mine can start now.. my Edd is end of feb.. if were to start now will be too early.. everyday dragging my foot to work.. been waking up in the middle of night to pee.. yesterday was 2 am... 5am.. then 7am..and finally 7.45 for work.. *yawn*

Mrs Ong,

Thanks for pointing out the different.

At first i thought mine is heaty type, but my phlegm is clear and thin, also, i noticed i coughed more during night time compare to day time, so i suppose it should be cold cough hor.

But i am having fever at the same time, hm, i think i just finish the cough syrup and medicine from gynae first.

Thanks ya

WIsh Child:

i know of a great surgeon who remove piles! he's at Paragon! Damn good! believe me. Becoz previously i was medical sales rep from J&J. He was the only surgeon who can remove pile BLODDLESSly and almost painlessly!!! i saw it with my own eyes! oh his name is Dr Heah Sieu Min. Not sure about his contact. you would need to google it! take care!

pinkyval - just to let you know, 1st day of CNY is not considered as bunny.. only 2nd day of CNY (Li Chun) then is considered as bunny :)

Princess 31, Mamaying...

My EDD also 5 Feb! Also going on ML next Monday.. but sigh.. no chance of trying for CNY baby cos doc is prob going to induce next wk... just went to see him this morning.. baby is 3.1kg liao.. my husband started to panick abit cos he didn't expect it to be so soon.. sigh.. now I panick.. cos still hv so many things outstanding at work.. prob have to work like a dog this wk! arggh

moomoo, really?? i thought first day of CNY "Chu 1" is already new rabbit lunar year.. how come 2nd day then rabbit......

Looks like gonna drag for 1 more day... must tell baby...

@choc: I don't think I'll give birth so fast lah. Hahaha! I'll see how's my contractions first. If it's bearable then I wash hair, if it's very painful then I only shower. Lol~

@Unicorn: The medicine very good right? I should have seen her earlier, then don't have to suffer for a week plus.

@moomoo73: Huh? Issit?? Hmm.. But boys come out on 初一 is better leh. Hmmmm...

Today so busy at work, be back later mummies~ =)

hi mummies..

have u all got the christian name for your baby..

ha ha .. with the book of 50,000 name.. still cannot confirm which name i want..

Hi All, I'm back from shopping at Paragon and Taka..

took a bit longer than planned but I managed to get the moses basket fitted sheet at Mothercare.

Spent a long time in ELM Tree and bought some books for No.1

Ang got 2 pairs of pants for his CNY clothing.

Ate Orange Julius just now so feel that very satisfying ;p

Wish_child, my friend mixed one can of stout into the bathtub of water so she told me won't have much smell and won't leave a sticky feeling on baby. But i dun dare to try hahaha..

Jolin, i'm taking Redoxon (unsure of the spelling) whenever i feel a flu or sore throat coming. Gives 1000mg of vit C and iron. The last time i had sore throat, i took it daily and it went off after 3 days.

Dadnmum, thanks for the info! I'm a big fan of taiwan muah-chee and jello hee!

Moomoo, yes that's right. Rabbit bb is on 4th Feb according to lunar calendar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyval: if your Strep B is positive.. then better go hospital straight to hook up to antibiotics..

or if water is gush out type cos it is dangerous for BB..

so be guai guai and rush to hospital if water bag burst ok..

u can always bathe in hospital if contractions havent start mah.


I'm surprised. I thought as long as 12am chu yi then it's rabbit Liao. Hmm...my sis born on chu xi so my mum always say few more hours then different sheng xiao Liao. So she's wrong....

New clothes for CNY

I pantang so wanted new clothes for CNY. I bought fr Mothers En Vogue, after give birth still can wear cos can wear as nursing wear too. So I don't feel so heart pain. As for bottom, can buy skirt or tight pants lo, after birth still can wear. It'll take at least 4-6 mths to lose all the weight so still can wear give birth.


Ahhh decided to make this week the pamper me week :> went for massage and fell asleep, too comfy but many of the masseuse didnt wanna help me massage as there were afraid might do harm to the baby. In the end one of the masseuse who is trained in TCM helped me. and I just finished my lunch from my fave Thai Express...

Ladies, eat and drink and do whatever u wanna do (within limits of course!) and be happy and contented at delivery then we take things slow during confinement :>

ah ching: wa i also wanna go shopping but nothing much to buy. nowadays i always wanna buy baby clothes or clothes for my girl.

kinderbueno: my baby is 3.1kg last tues liao! tml going to see gynae again. i wish to let baby decide and come out naturally... though my first is induce cos i was having contractions already though i din feel it. Jia you :> first child u must be so excited!

Princess31: yes we also start ML on same day :> i think u have time to check on your stuff but do it early then have time to buy stuff if need any more. :> mine is 2nd child so dr say might be earlier so my hosp bag also packed.

Mrs Ong- hang in there one more week to maternity leave!!! and rmb to pamper urself :> go for massage or mani/pedi or facial or eat the foods u like!

choc: when u update table again my EDD is 5feb sorry always changes hee

