(2011/02) Feb 2011

kinderbueno: Ya, we have the same EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just looking at choc's latest list and Mamaying's EDD is 4th Feb ... but sama sama lah! Coz during my growth scans, the EDD they print on the scan is 4th Feb, but the one my gynae has been calculating for me since Day 1 is 5th Feb ... so I take the official word as 5th Feb lah.

How come u are thinking abt inducing so early, like next week?? I heard inducing can be quite painful, but if you're gg for epi then should be no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My baby is currently 3.098kg as of last Thursday's scan so ours are nearly identical in weight?? Considered very big at this stage? My gynae did not say anything about being too big; she said is good size. Good chance to try for natural delivery. Although she did add that hopefully can come out this week or next, lol ... I think she doesn't want to mess up her CNY plans ...! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For me ... I prefer to be as close to the EDD as possible, but not over ... hang in there, kinder! Just have to tahan this week! I am also working like a dog trying to complete handovers, tie up loose ends at work etc...then I have plans for the next 2 weeks starting this weekend to clean up the house, complete all baby prep, stock up the kitchen supplies etc ...the next 2 weeks will really fly :p Do keep me updated on your plans, ok!!!

Just this morning, my colleague also told me rabbit yr officially starts on 4th Feb ... so strange hor...guess it's true then ... must ask my baby to be guai and stick to the EDD!! Does anyone know if hospital and doctor delivery charges are more expensive during public holidays ??

Also, anyone can advise me on how much the market rates are for the master to calculate chinese name for baby? Anybody got a good one to recommend? My PIL got a contact from their friend but this person is charging $300 "ang pow" .... sounds ex to me leh...


Princess31 my EDD is 5 feb since Day 1 too just nv update hee. and i dun think there is special charges for public holidays at hospitals :>

Regarding induce, if no dilation and no contraction better not to induce. cos if after induce no progress and if water bag broken then might end up C-Sec but of course listen to gynae.. they know best.

@jolin - ya think urs belong to cold based cough. However, cough got many types so just listen to ur doc and do avoid cold drink and food which aggravated the cough. Take care and hope u recover soon.

@mamaying - ya tks and already planned liao just hope my bb dun pop out before my edd! U too, next week hao hao de rest and pamper urself yo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OFB: Thanks....that's what I thought ... I originally ask my PIL to choose baby's chinese name because they are quite good with chinese whereas I'm not so confident of my chinese skill ...but then, now my PIL say he got the contact from a friend, so this master is not someone they know, and somemore now there is a $300 "ang pow" involved! Although my PIL said they will pay for it, I'm not so sure the cost is worth it ...

Has anybody here made use of any book/website to learn how to come up with nice-sounding chinese name for your own baby? I'd love to choose the name myself with some guidance ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Okay, Mamaying, your EDD is same as mine and kinder's afterall! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mama Ying, u love thai food? I know some Thai food is super nicer than Thai express but it at east side. Haha but love the Thai food at bedok north there.

Now ur bb so fast hit 3kg. Mine just 2.3kg I already here and there pain le. Haha my waist going break soon lor.

Re: Baby name

Can go to the Yu long Zi there to count the bb name or at Kk hospital also have a shop do bb hair into brush there also can help to choose bb name cost around $88. At simei east point if not Wrong level 3 oppisite the waston there have a feng shui shop there help to count bb name around $60-80. My Fren went there to count her bb name.

My Sis asked her feng shui master. He said once bb are born their life journey is already set and can't be change by a good name. A name is only for bb like in his/her life lack of Which 5 elements water,fire,gold,wood,earth. Just add the Chinese stroke in the name of which bb lack of the 5 elements. =)

Princess31: :>

wish_child: yeah tml dunno if will go up.. one week le.. i tried to control what i eat. but sometimes how baby absorbs depends on baby ba. dun worry as long as healthy heavy or light not tt impt. yes i love thai food :> tom yum soup n spicy foods! but when start bf then cannot take too spicy le later bb laosai heehee

Baby names i look thru dictionary and name books. only have chinese names as me n hubby no english name so our kids also dun have. when they are older they can choose. we never calculate strokes or see elements or birth dates etc cos we think if we believe in one thing there will be another tt says the name is no good. most impt sound nice good meaning and no one can make fun hee


Thanks but can we take redoxon? I eat guava, about 1 to 2 a day and really feel better. But now have stopped cos I have spinning head and a bit diarhore, wonder if I ate too much guava :p

wish child

thai food in bedok north? where ah? is it the blk 85 food centre? I love that place. bak chor mee... chicken wings... *lao nua now*....

mama ying

are you thinking of naming something similar to #1? or doesn't need to relate at all?

Mama Ying, haha find one day we go eat Thai food together. Hehe I love Thai food too. Indonesia food and korean also very spicy and nice. Hehe. U should try eat Korean food super nice. Try the Korean food at suntec city the same level of sky garden. Or at far east B1 the korean also very nice. Haha I love Katong Korean food most as it more tasty and cheap. Hehe.

For Chinese name. My hubby choose our bb Chinese name. Haha he feel which name is nice then choose the name. Haha I also have the same thought as long as the name nobody will make fun can le. Haha but my hubby choose the name for bb sound very tradition and old name. Wahaha

trinket my girl is ying xuan , we have chosen ying rui for didi. later i use my phone post the chinese characters think my net book cant. at first think different nvm but since siblings i think nice to have same 2nd character.

ying means intelligence. Xuan means pretty like the Xuan plant flower or good/positive hopes. tui mean long life or good omen :>

wish_child: yes i like korean food too... i use to have a korean hockey coach he will treat us to korean food or even cook for uS!:>

Wow, mamaying and wishchild ... u two are so knowledgeable at choosing baby chinese names!!! Aiyoh, I really not confident of my chinese ability coz my parents since young never speak chinese to me at home... in fact, my own chinese name they ask my brother's chinese tuition teacher to choose : / But I don't really mind the meaning so much, so long as the name sounds plesant to the ear and like you mention, not something pple make fun of. That's really how I choose English name for my baby too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In fact, my colleague was telling me sometimes the master will give a very grand or "heavy" name to the person, then it becomes a burden to the person for the rest of their life because they cannot live up to the expectations of the name. I wonder how true this could be??

@Val: I replied your email, not sure if you received it.

@moomoo: Huh.. I also kept telling my bb to come out on 1st day of CNY so she's a rabbit bb.. Now I se your post I sian half liao..

Trinket, the Thai food it at bedok north blk 312.

I know it beside the 313 coffeeshop. Not at the bedok blk 85.

I love Bedok blk 85 the food super nice.

Trinket if u want we can meet out for the Thai food. Hehe but the Thai food will be super pack during dinner and lunch time

Princess31: I like the sound then I go dictionary for meaning. Then I ask my mom and in laws if ok then we fix le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we wanted to use yu 禹 in didi's name, it is name of an emperor. but my mom adviced us not to give such 'big' name if not he will have a hard time living up to expectations or something like tt. Sometimes just listen to elders, better be safe than sorry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@dadnmum: Like you, after flipping some books, I'm still undecided for my girl's name. Actually hubby and I like a name but realised his long distance relative's girl also got the same name so hubby said don't want le.

If this happens to you mummies, will you continue to name your child that name or find another name?

@Princess31: I checked with my gynae on the charges on PH and he told me TMC don't charge extra because it's PH, and for he himself, unless it's a scheduled induce or c-sect, he will not charge extra. I think you will need to check with your gynae because different gynae different practise I guess..

@OFB: Which master did you asked? Is it famous ones or not?

Princess, no la my hubby and me not good as Chinese too. Because he super don't like feng shui master. So he will choose the name himself. Haha so let him choose lor.

Mama Ying, nice ur bb boy name and Xuan name. My girl name called 雪婷。haha very old and traditional name hoh. Haha my hubby like this name. But I like 蕊婷 this name. But my hubby stubborn insist call her xue ting then no choice.

Haha I will name my boy in future 成俊 I want him in future be successful whatever he do and handsome. Hahaha =p

Zanta, haiya don't be sad. Bb tiger also good. Bb tiger are successful and xinfu. Haha I'm born in tiger year and my mom always said me im very xinfu as so old le still haven step out to work and still study =p

Let ur bb girl choose her own timing and date is most important.

@MamaYing: I wanted to name my girl "Yi Xuan" and it sounds so similar to your girl's name. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But my hubby like the name "Li En". Don't know where he got this name. Haha..

@wish_child: I heard before that people born in the year of tiger will be successful and good life but I'm so scare my girl will become a "mu lao hu" and have very bad temper.. :p

The talk on foods made me drool le.. I also loves thai foods.. Especially tom yam soup.. Umm.. I love kimchi but don't dare to try other korea foods other than kimchi soup noodle.

Zanta - don't be sian lah... I just read that it depends on interpretations. Day 1 is according to lunar calendar and day 2 (season of spring also known as Li Chun) is based on solar calendar. So at the end of the day, it's which calendar u adopt lo.. So technically speaking, both days also bunny! Hehe.

Zanta: yi xuan sounds nice but I think current generation a lot of xuan. Sounds nice but very common. Once in northpoint toilet a mother caller her daughter ying xuan to hurry up then my xuanxuan ask me eh who call me? Haha I think 'en' is nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wish child: xue ting ok la sounds nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] xue is nice!

Mummies update:

I m in e hospital nw waiting to deliver... sudden horz.. i was surprised too... here's wat happened..

Went to dr ang's ofc for my usual apt.. tot he is goin to tell me nt ready yet.. no.. he told me.. if u face contractions tonight, go hospital. I was shocked. I havent done my official handover yet since i tot still got time. Then he told me i m 2cm dilated liaoz.. thinking i cld b like ah ching.. need some time to b fully dilated, i tried askin if i cld still go to the ofc tml.. he put me on e ctg machine to check.

Oops.. cant.. contractions started kickin in hard n strong... cant even walk properly... dr ang told me i better go hospital for my epidural liaoz n better b there by 7pm..

It was already 4+pm... as my house need to walk home n i. An barely walk, i went to my mum's house wic is 1station away n bside e mrt instead. Hospital bag nt fully packed. Hb still at work n cant reach hm till 7+pm... luckily my bro was ard. Sent me hm to pack my bags, shower n reach e hosp. Ard 5+, 6pm liaoz...3cm by then... took epidural.. no more pain.. nw leisurely lying in bed n typing tis.... hahaha...

They say i very slow..1hr 1cm. So mayb 5 to 6 hrs more ba... dr ang came to burst my waterbag liaoz..

Eviangal, so fast u in hospital and going give birth. Jia you. So many mommy giving birth make me very kan cheong. Now relax urself and rest. Relax will help to speed up the labour =)

Mama Ying, haha Xuan Xuan very cute hehe. When our next gathering bring her along again. Having fun with her.

Zanta, my mil said that once past the eat tuan yuan is consider rabbit year. As eat tuan yuan that time we grow old 1yrs old so it consider a new year. Hehe different ppl have ppl way of saying. So I very confused also.

Zanta am I very fierce like 母老虎 to u? Haha no true that ppl born of tiger year will be fierce. My frens mostly born tiger year they are not fierce. Haha fierce or not is depend the character of a person. =)

My bro in law born year of rabbit he not gentle and timid. But opp he very fierce and have super bad temper. Haha it his character.

Woo eviangal jia you! Was wondering who choc was talking abt in fb! So excited for u! I was 1cm per hour with my first, all in all took abt 8 hours which I think Is quite fast le! Yeay another baby soon!

Hee yeah wish child she is very fun loving and chatty! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes we sure will meet in future!

Zanta: My friend suggest Jing Zi Long to me. I think a lot of people knows this master. He say if i remmeber correctly is $88 red packet.


Another friend told me about Wendy Loo, i think not as popular as Jing Zi Long. You can check the website. She told me she charges $128


You guys reminded me of the chinese dictionary! I'm just using the internet pages to look around, basically i've shortlisted some chinese names i really fancy and see if i can combine them together to make a good name haha. I shortlisted xuan too! I guess just like english names, there are popular chinese characters as well and the next generation may end up with lots of similar names! LOL

Preliminary estimates show that Singapore's total fertility rate has dropped to a record low of 1.16 last year. This is even lower than the 1.22 in 2009, and well below the replacement rate of 2.1.

Come on you ladies! Time for another one in the year of Dragon !!

@Eviangal: I feel so excited for you. Hope you're pushing by now. Wish you a fast and smooth delivery. Do update us when you've settled down. Take care oh..

@wish_child: Of course no la. It's just my personal worry la. Hehe.. Me too met with hot-tempered people who are born in the year of rabbit too so I know it's not a confirm thingy. Hehe..

@OFB: Thanks for link.

Wow.. You so fast planning for no.2 already?

Eviangal: wonder how's your progress?

Just woke up and couldnt return to sleep. so surprised to see your posts..

I think it is same situation as my Number 1 last time.. go Dr Ang office then he say admit that night. then next day i gave birth.. dilation was also 1 cm per hour after epi..

Re: Chinese names..

Princess I think market rate ard 68 to 88 only.. cos my No. 1 I think charged 60 somewhere in Serangoon Garden.

I'm going for steamboat with my SIL tomorrow.. hee hee..

cos going to see DR ang on Wed.

hope dont end up like eviangal.. so fast ask to admit to hospital.. scary..

Birth story update:

Hi, cant sleep yet too early to ask for bb nw.. post updaye 1st.. keke..

Jus as i finish my las post earlier, the nurse came in to check on me. She said i was 7cm dilated. Then i started to complain tat i had urine sensation even though i was on urine bag. She checked n helped me change the position of the tube. Didnt get better but worst. Checked n said all urine cleared it was e bb pressin on my uterus. He wants to b born...

The sensation not only got stronger... i feel like shitting too... aiyoh.... they said my cervix is soft n shd b delivering soon... quickly call for dr ang. Bt he is busy with another delivery at tmc... i kept feelin the pressure to push yet cant push cos gynae nt here... they gave me the gas mask to supress my urge.., the urge for 1st timers is a very strong feeling to shit... anyway... kept breathing into gas mask till i went groggy n into dreamland than stop... but had to keep repeating tis wen my contractions come till dr ang is here... by then my legs n body r so numb frm epi n gas i cld barely move...

Followed instructions to push.. in ard 2 mins bb caden is ou5. I didnt noe too cos it was very smooth n differen frm my 1st. My 1st slide out in a very dramatic manner. Tis one jus came out. I even asked my baby is out? Cos really too numb le ba....

Caden's cries motivated me to bear the stitching... no pain bt uncomfortable... very good boy... cried a bit then curiously lie there looking ard...

In my case, i had no strength to do anything... feel like vomitting bt no strength too... had to make alot of effort...

Nw muc muc better liaoz. Will follow up wif pics in fb later.

The rest of u jiayou...

congratz eviangal ! tats smooth ! waiting for your posting in fb ! ;)

ahching, i wed also goin checkup @ dr ang clinic.. for my 38weeks..

i am still thinking whether shall i go for induce if i am ready.. my edd is on cny eve, i am afraid causing trouble to family members, like eat 1/2 way , den kick comes in.. they where got mood to continue eating.. LOL

but inducing , i need to bear the labour pain for hrs.. aiyooo... contradicting man !

@eviangal - Congrats!!! Your delivery seemed like a breeze! Cool and glad to hear that everything ran so smoothly for u! Take care and rest well!

Guess we better get ourselves well prepared and ready coz seem like mummies popping one by one!

congratulations eviangal! Thanks for sharing your birth story.

my edd is 18th feb. today is 18th jan, abt 1 month is my turn. i have not ready yet for the arrival of baby.

Morning mummies~

@Ah Ching: Oooo.. Hmm.. Like that ah, okie, then I hope baby will come out only after I shower. Haha! My gynae only told me I'll have to take a jab during labour for the bacteria.

@Princess31: My mil will be asking a nun from Taiwan to calculate for my baby's chinese name. She did that for both of my hubby's nieces, so will be doing the same for mine.

@eviangal: Congrats!!! Seems like almost everyday or every alternate day will have mummy popping. I'm so nervous!! =/

Morning mummies!!

Congrats eviangal! Rest well and speedy recovery ya! Hmm.. previously after i had epi, i totally got no feeling of pain so i have to "act" to push out baby when it's time to push but end up have to use vaccum to suck out bb causing his head to be coned-shaped and scared the shits out of hubby when he 1st saw my boy. This time, i told my gynae to reduce the epi dosage when it's time to push. Ooo.. reading your labour process makes me so kan cheong when's my turn coming haha!!

Congrats eviangal once again :> think we all want chop chop labour like u heehee...

having tummyache but went to toilet nothing come out :/

in office clearing some work and waiting to leave for checkup at 11am. my MIL and SIL also going hee they r excited too! I already put my hosp bag in the car this morning.. heehee

@eviangal: Congrats! It's really interesting n exciting reading ur birth story. So nice that ur labour progress so smoothly. Hopefully all of us here like u too. Take care n rest well.

Eviangal, after read ur labour story I feel very nervous. Hehe this time have a very smooth delivery that great!! Do rest well and soon going start moo moo job le. =)

OFC, haha so fast plan for Dragon bb. Haha for me think of snake bb or horse bb. Dragon bb too fast le.

Slim, same we have the same edd. Hehe I super excited but hope my bb won't be out so fast. I still want enjoy bb moving inside my tummy. Hehe also don't want her to leave me any sec

@mamaying - keep us posted on ur check up ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@wishchild - me too hope my bb stay at my tummy till my edd coz i really miss my bb movement and bump!

Ah ching: I dunno, I wonder if I know I am having contractions. I'm not sure so dr also nv do VE.

Mrs ong: just had checkup done. I gained 0.1 kg and it went to baby. Now baby 3.2kg. Head size average. Placenta high, water plenty and sufficient and no strep B. Everything is good. Dr say see next tues checkup if any contraction or dilation. If any signs just check into labour ward. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


@Val: PMs are sent to our email. ;)

@Eviangal: Congratulations on the arrival of bb Caden!! Yours is really a fast and smooth one!! I really hope that mine will be a fast and smooth one like you and Fiona when it's my turn. Rest well and if possible, post one of bb Caden's pic here to share with those of us who doesn't have FB. Take care.

@Ah Ching, @Wenzi: What time are your appointments on Wed? Mine is also on Wed, 12pm.

@Ah Ching: I also hope Dr Ang wouldn't ask me to admit to hospital after my checkup.. Too sudden and early le.. I still wanna enjoy good foods on this sat.

