(2011/02) Feb 2011

ah ching: try as i might its very hard for me to accept.. i was just telling my hubby how i wish we did not feel so adamant in looking towards the scientific side of everything and follow the confinement practices but i just cant.. the guilt inside me is terrible, even if i may be wrong.. i am also brought up in a very westernised family(though my mother is unable to do confinement for me as she is a fulltime working person).. i do welcome the help my MIL can give with open arms regarding baby care but like i said, its the guilt of not being able to give the best, and also influenced partly by my hubby's insistence on not following confinement practises..



Feeling so so happy now"> cos my hubby pack back a box of mix veg rice for me to eat despite of his bz schedule. "> he stay in the house just long enough to pass the package to me and rush off to his next appt.

Cos he knows that I'm basically a lazy person who is not fussy over food. if u let me choose, I'll choose to take a bread instead of gg out for lunch. HAHA So me so happy ">


22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

4. Joodz (Only dinner)

5. Geri

6. Zanta (prefers lunch but depends on time and location)

7. Tangobebe2010 (22nd lunch is out though)

8. Unicorn

9. kinderbueno - 22/12(Lunch only) & 23/12(Lunch or Dinner)

10. Cnicole - 22/12 only

11. Eviangal - 22/12 lunch only (depends on time and location)

12. MamaYing - 22/12 lunch at 12.30 onwards

Blue_potatoes_chips guess at Marche @ somerset 313. I also feel Marche is a good choice too. Is everyone agree with it?

Joodz, sometimes using our hearts to rule might not be a bad things. Yes, with all the scientific facts seems so correct to follow and no reasons not too. However, at times, y does our hearts choose otherwises??

Experiences might sound unscientific, but not real harms are done, that y lot of confinement traditions are still in practise.

I do hv colleagues who told me that they r suffering from hands/ back pains and they suspect the cos is the water (washing hands, bottles etc) so who is right??

There is no right or wrong when its comes to traditional practises and family ties. At times, we know that its not right, cos its becos its family, that y we give in. U might want to assess the 'harm' before u decide which method to select ">

FYI, I've followed dillgently no to bath for my first born up till 15 days and started bathing 2x a wk. Eating all the herbal soup with wine in them. My bb is on full BF till 16 mths, she is fine n healthy and so is the mummy.

All u need to do is take extra care. Hygiene on BF, use hot towels to clean ur breast and nipples before feeding ur bb.

Work on 'cooking' the wine before consumation if not make sure u hv enough EBM on hand, after taking the wine, feed ur bb with those BF. For u, express the BF out and throw them away.... timing is vital after taking wine. ">

hope all will go well for u. Cheers


22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

4. Joodz (Dinner only)

5. Geri

6. Zanta (prefers lunch but depends on time and location)

7. Tangobebe2010 (22nd lunch is out though)

8. Unicorn

9. kinderbueno - 22/12(Lunch only) & 23/12(Lunch or Dinner)

10. Cnicole - 22/12 only

11. Eviangal - 22/12 lunch only (depends on time and location)

12. MamaYing - 22/12 lunch at 12.30 onwards

Blue_potatoes_chips guess at Marche @ somerset 313. I also feel Marche is a good choice too. Is everyone agree with it?

wish_child, I'm not able to make it for the 22 dec lunch, cos my helper should be in and I'm not comfortable to left her alone at home. ">

U ladies enjoy urself">

Marche is good!!!! I am drooling thinking or the crepe with icecream. heehee


I bathed in hot herbal water in previous confinement also. Was so frustrated, bathe and cry at the same time.

i guess yes u will be too tired but i needed to clean myself. I should have waited for the water to cool a little... think it was just my mood.

Confinement myths i think mostly are good for us. But the alcohol part, if u r taking it, which is supposed to strengthen our body, don't breastfeed within i forgot how many hours.. read in a book.

I have the KK book for pregnancy, scientific in the local context, will read and update u :>

Hi Mummies to be,

Organic Red Raspberry leaf, also known to herbalist as Hindberry, wild red raspberry, reapberry is often taken as a warm tea beverage. It is one of the more commonly used natural food for pregnant ladies to prepare their bodies in their very late stage of pregnancy to prepare for childbirth as it tones the uterine muscle preparing it for the intense contraction during childbirth.

Baby Dust Shop is strictly selling loose pack from Starwest Botanical Organic Red Raspberry Leaf that is grown in Croatia and is repacked in foodgrade sealed bags.

It is strictly advisable to check with your doctor before any consumption during pregnancy.


100 grams pack: SGD$6.00 (inclusive of normal mail postage within Singapore)

454 grams pack: SGD$27.00 (inclusive of normal mail postage within Singapore)

Pre-Order may be required depending on availability of stock.

Contact us at [email protected] for any queries or orders.

Visit http://babydustshop.blogspot.com/2010/11/organic-red-raspberry-leaf.html

Hi mummies, an update on my check up today..

Went to gynae today as still having pain near vaginal so can’t wait till actual appointment tomorrow.. BB 32 weeks at about 2kg.. Gynae took a pic of his face.. Very chubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]! The sng sng pain at the vaginal is due to the expansion of the pelvic bones as they open up to fit bb’s head.. Painkillers were given and asked to monitor the condition..

On MC today and happily thought can nap a while.. But my neighbour upstairs is doing renovation! OMG!! They are drilling all the way!! Can only watch tv now and really watch only coz I can’t hear anything even with the volume increased to max!! Irritating.. But of course I rather they do it now then during my confinement.. Praying hard…

I asked the nurse about hardening/tightening of the stomach and she told me that’s Braxton hicks.. Sotong me.. Now then I know.. And I keep feeling it after that.. Stomach feels very hard & tight now.. Not comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Baywater: Me staying at Bedok North.. Very near! Hehe.. Let us know when the clothes will arrive at your place.. I’ll pick it up from there.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Ah Ching: No other symptoms except here pain there pain everywhere pain pain lor.. Anyway gynae explained that it’s the expansion of the pelvic bones.. Will take the painkillers and monitor over the weekend.. If still pain, gotta go back next week..

Aiyo, think your hb won’t change his mind to go China since most of his friends are going hor.. Just pray hard that bb will not come out when he’s not around..

@Zanta: I went to the company doc yesterday but he only press on my tummy and say still soft, not going to labour yet so don’t worry.. *Diaoz* But went to gynae today to get assurance already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Bigflamingo: I take 3 main meals + snacks in between too.. And I mostly snack on chocolates.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Charmaine: I’ve put on 14.8kg at 32 weeks.. Really hope can return to pre-preg weight after birth..

@Wishchild: I also have stretch marks, not on the butt and thighs but below the tummy.. So I can’t see unless I look into the mirror.. Have been avoiding the mirror so it doesn’t remind me of it.. Haha..

@Idaar: Happy birthday!! Stay happy always!

BB’s first month: We initially tout of booking a chalet.. But coz of a few issues like dunno when bb will arrive, hence difficult to book and also elders believe chalets are dirty (got ghost) haha.. So will have it at our place.. We will probably split into groups like relatives from 12pm – 3pm and friends from 5pm onwards.. So the place won’t be too packed.. Don’t intend to give cakes as we already are treating them to the buffet..

Preciousbabi, Do rest well and try to relax when tummy harden. Haha once my tummy become hard I will just relax and the harden feeling will go off very fast.

Wow ur bb 32weeks at 2kg. So good!! I want my bb to be chubby chubby too. Hehe ur bb sure look very cute. My bb only weight 1.4 on 30weeks I must pray hard she weight more heavy on my next visit.

For stretch marks I can't see it properly below my tummy at the mirror. So I ask my hubby see whether under my belly got stretch marks? He said gt 2 line stretch marks only. Huh still only ah. My stretch marks added together can form MRT trail le. So sad!! Somemore cannot apply anti stretch marks oil/cream. Yester I went apply clarins oil on my whole body very itchy like hundreds of ants crawling on my body & can't scratch or else more stretch marks will appear.

Nowaday my bb girl become more and more active. Hehe so cute when seein my tummy vibrate and moving like a wave. She always never fail to make me laugh. Haha like she doing kick boxing or stretching exercise inside. Hehe left another 10 weeks so enjoy this feeling le. Hehe so fun and cute.


22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC (Lunch, perferably 22/12)

3. wish_child

4. Joodz (Dinner only)

5. Geri

6. Zanta (prefers lunch but depends on time and location)

7. Tangobebe2010 (22nd lunch is out though)

8. Unicorn

9. kinderbueno - 22/12(Lunch only) & 23/12(Lunch or Dinner)

10. Cnicole - 22/12 only

11. Eviangal - 22/12 lunch only (depends on time and location)

12. MamaYing - 22/12 lunch at 12.30 onwards

Blue_potatoes_chips guess at Marche @ somerset 313. I also feel Marche is a good choice too. Is everyone agree with it?

So so so busy today....

Awake since 2.30am... cant focus, super low batt now.. ZZZzzzzz

TGIF! Mummies, enjoy ya wkend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Iddar - Happy Birthday!

Zanta - Is yours a girl? I have been hooked onto ice cream as well and my fridge is well stocked-up already. But i am conscious not to eat everyday else i will be putting on like crazy. Maybe bb gals like sweet stuff.. hehe

Wishchild - i have been itching like crazy last week as well, and i thought it was due to the clarins oil. But i read that it's because our skin is stretching and dry that's why it itches. After i reverted to putting the clarins oil, it did improve a bit. But i am not sure if you can try my method since your skin is sensitive. Other mummies, any comment?

Wish child / Moomoo:

I am using Clarins oil now ..

But only at night before sleeping ..

So far so good .. Not allergic to it ..

If my tummy itches when I am outside, I will apply a layer of moisturiser over my tummy ..

At least it will stop the itch for a while ..

I always carry a small tube of moisturiser in my bag .. Just in case ..

Alcohol... I did take food cook with those special wine for confinement and also first few days took Dom at night but after taking Dom I told my mum I very "mabo" after that and feel drunk so stopped after that... Then she put it into some of the food I ate lor

I would say Dom does make my body feel warmer lar but up to individual on taking it anot

Bathing... For myself my #1 confinement I didn't bathe for 2+ weeks until I nearly breakdown coz so dirty n sticky so I bathe secretly once awhile and wash my hair from 3rd week ...

Would say that first few days may feel weak so when I wash my hands I do feel "weird"...

This round I got herbs to bathe with but I thinking if feeling weak for first few days will skipped Ba... But will keep myself clean by using hot towels to wipe lor

Joodz ... Ur hubby reaction very big leh! Hehee but good to have someone stand up for u... Maybe can compromise? Put the alcohol into ur dishes lor... Once cook the alcohol level will reduce mah

Bathe wise... Once inside bathroom they wun Noe wat u doing inside lar heheee... Maybe u buy herbs lor and explain to them u wan bathe with it...

Gathering... So is 22nd or 23rd? I need take leave if going leh... Let me know k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eeks. DOM? I still cringe at the thought of DOM... diabetic sweet! Lol.

Yomeishu tastes a lot nicer. I had to have a mini confinement earlier this year and I took Yomeishu- loved it! No more DOM for Geri. Gonna be adding cognac to the food and drinking Yomeishu and Japanese Plum Wine. =)


Yup. Once u cook, the alcohol will evaporate leaving the tonic element in the food. =) U dun have to add a lot of alcohol. A bit is enough. Makes the food "warm" =) U dun have to add alcohol to every dish. Maybe just the soup or something.

Note we are to drink alchohol at least 2hrs BEFORE feed so alcohol no longer present in the milk. So... pls time urselves? =)

Yea bathwise, can buy from Traditional Medical Halls special packets to immerse in bath water for bathing. =) If not, u can try peeling and drying ginger skin... then when u want to bath, boil some in water, then the mixture into warm water. Use water scoop to bath. That's what my very particular mum did- she peeled & sun dried so much ginger skin. Suspect u can also use the ginger itself. The point is ginger makes the water "warm" or something. =p It just felt nice so I didn't complain.... but I hated it when she used white wine to wipe me down. That left my skin irritated, so I made her stop.

Ah Ching-

I havoc siah! I did shower hahaha. Altho I also did the herbal thing and the ginger thing in my bath water, when I was feeling very gao wei, I would sneak a shower with my Dad's permission. Hahaha.

I didn't have water retention and my wounds were ok though.

This next suggestion is weird but my Jamu massage lady taught me this and she said a Dutch doc taught her mum this-

Add a bit of Listerine to a water scoop of warm water- use this for washing your vajayjay after pregnancy.

She said it is antiseptic and it also helps the vajayjay feel shoik.

I did do that actually and I quite liked it haha. I healed very well below and very quickly too... Not sure if it is due to the Listerine thingee or because I really made sure I stayed hygienic down there or both haha. =)

Moomoo, hmm once I stop using clarin oil my body stop all the itchiness. But once I use it again my body will start to be itchy. So no choice need to stop using it. =) Thank for the recommand.

Unicorn, 美丽的女人is hardworking woman. Haha I never lazy go apply other moisturiser that why I got so many stretch marks. Hmm I apply the dove moisturiser but don't know will reduce stretchmark or not.

Choc, wow u n my Fren really can tanhan 2 weeks don't shower. Hmm maybe I cannot tanhan for 2weeks. Hmm shower with herb is it ok to BF?

For the gathering I think most of them can make it on the 22/12. So we set it on 22/12 ba. =)

Mommies happy weekend. =). Oh have u girls got a pain poking feeling at the rig cage? Heard from my friend she said is normal as bb is growing and will compress on our rig cage.

Posted on Friday, December 17, 2010 - 3:47 pm:       


22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC (Lunch, perferably 22/12)

3. wish_child

4. Joodz (Dinner only)

5. Geri

6. Zanta (prefers lunch but depends on time and location)

7. Tangobebe2010 (22nd lunch is out though)

8. Unicorn

9. kinderbueno - 22/12(Lunch only) & 23/12(Lunch or Dinner)

10. Cnicole - 22/12 only

11. Eviangal - 22/12 lunch only (depends on time and location)

12. MamaYing - 22/12 lunch at 12.30 onwards

Hello mommies for the gathering we set on 22/12 lunch time 12pm Marche @ somerset 313. Is it ok with everybody going meet for the gathering??


Shower with herbs can still BF. =)

Also remember that before and after each feed, to clean the breast and nipple with a towel and clean water. =)

Actually, I dutifully applied moisturiser whilst expecting Kae but still got stretchmarks. I was told later, whether have stretchmarks or not is due to whether ur skin is elastic or not. Applying moisturiser is only to help with any itching caused by stretching skin. =p

If u drink more water to stay hydrated and consume enough vitamin C in ur diet, ur skin will prob be more elastic. Vitamin C boosts collagen which is what keeps our skin supple.

With Noah, I drank more fluids and stayed hydrated plus took Vit C and it seems to have helped.

With Kae I was the MRT map by now with red angry lines all over the place. ^.^"" I had on my boobs, on my tummy...

The only thing I noticed is that some days I have a bit of reddish vein like stuff on my calves- varicose veins, I think? I applied Hidrudoid gel/cream and it helps it fade off. The other day I had a cut or blister on my foot so I wore socks when I wore my shoes so as to cushion my foot. I had a bruise like mark on my right calf. I applied the gel and over 2 days it dissipated and faded away.


Yup. Feeling better. But after I had a good cry, felt sleepy also. =p Tonight going to catch a show with Kae and Ian... hubby knows I had a hard time earlier on and wanted to take us out to help cheer me up. =) We are either watching Tron or Narnia in 3D at NEX. =)

Hope I dun fall asleep during the show... eyes feeling a bit heavy now hahaha.

Hi wish child n all,

I am ok with lunch at Marche 313 on 22/12. Think will reach 1230 or 1 after maternity tour at TMC.

Hopefully Sec 1 registration meeting is not at that time! Yes I am a sec sch teacher. :>

Happy weekend y'all!

Oh ya... succumbed and bought a portable clothes dryer the other day hahaha.

The brand is Roman and it can be hung on the door frame or window grill when needed, and kept away when not needed. About the size of a 17" laptop with one year guarantee.

It was going for $128 as opposed to $228 that day.

I liked that it had a ozoniser or something that gets rid of odours and mould so if u hang shoes to dry in it (kids and rainy days= wet school shoes), it removes smell from the shoe and also kills bacteria etc.

I was thinking of using it for bedsheets, clothes etc on rainy days- u know lah... sometimes rain non-stop and the clothes dun get to dry properly. =p

Plus can use it when I wanna wash and dry pillows/ comforters in the day so we can use at night.

Kae has thankfully stopped bedwetting but there are times when he unknowingly pees in his sleep (sighs... but getting less frequent already =D), and the dryer will definitely come in handy then. Lol.

I guess I decided to get it coz so far Roman products seem to serve my housewife aunty needs well hahaha, plus the dryer does not consume as much energy as traditional dryers. =)

Geri, Hugs. Don't be sad. Yap enjoy the movie with Kae and Lan. Don't worry don't think u will fall asleep in the cinema. Little Noah will happily kicking inside while u watching movie he will keep u awake. Haha. My girl get super active while I watching movie. =)

Mama Ying, sure I see u on 22dec =) Heard O level result have release so now u having holiday too right?

wish_child, N level result just release today. glad my students did well. Was 4NA form teacher this year. Would love to follow them in Sec 5 but doesnt make sense cos I will be away half a year at least cos of maternity :>

Not much hols left cos need to meet some parents next week. plus CCA sessions. 2 more weeks... have to wake up 6am everyday le ZzZ

Mama Ying, great ur students did well. Hehe. I'm last time from NT. Hehe like my science teacher the best. Haha.

Nvm other 2more weeks u can have good rest le. =) Jia you

Re: bathing

I clean myself everyday for 1st 14 days esp washing the below to prevent stinky stinky...i dun use herbs...mum tot me to boil lemongrass in water then add rice wine...

After 14days, i bathe everyday n wash hair every 2-3days n will blow dry...

Tis time i m only going to bathe warm water add rice wine...

Re: Dom

Yucks...too sweet for me, i prefer yomeishu or hard liquor...tat time kaiden gt jaundice so i skip alcohol till his jaundice down...

Re: gathering

I still cant join u all...can only make it aft delivery cuz i cant handle bringing a toddler out esp wif my fat tummy...

Adding on, who say we cant touch water ec, then brush teeth n pee how? I heck la...as for water retention, i believe malay massage, i did tat time n 1st 3 days she help me get rid of the excess blood water in womb...n wrapping make tummy flatten fast...but muz endure cuz wrap very tight n wif herbs tend to itch at nite...my hubby will say"u wana slim dwn fast or nt,if so endure n dun remove,if nt wait flabby tummy ugly dun blame me" haha wif tat i tahan n tahan...even aft 7days of wrap, i continue to bind my tummy till 40days...

Hi Mums,

I'm okie with lunch on 22nd, at Marche 313 Somerset ..

Juz came back from D&D ..

Now super tired ..

From the buffet I ate and the games played ..

Wish Child,

I still have alot of stretchmarks despite my 'hardwork' ..

Hopefully, they will disappear after my bb's birth ..

The moisturiser is just to reduce the inch ..

Feels pretty nice after applying a thin layer of moisturiser ..

Wish- Yea. Noah gets super active also. When the character thumped on the cab's roof, he also kicked my tummy at the same time. LOL!

Cheyanne- Lemongrass thingee interesting... but I really cannot use wine to wash myself- diluted or not. My skin is sensitive to it. =p Pity. Or I'd try it out. Lol. And yes Malay massage is soooo good. But this time budget tigther hahaha so maybe just gonna have to use belly bandit =p

MamaYing- Great news! =D Happy for your students. Bet they're gonna be missing u. =) Gambatte! Your R&R is just on the horizon =)

i might be able to make it for lunch on 22nd!

Ytd bring kiddos out to sentosa. underwater world now got promo. parents pay child price by showing ic. instead of $22pluz only $14pluz. kids under 3 free.. now they have pink dolphin show also. Had a fun day out! Thot it's nice n spend time with my kids before i pop...=p

Idaar, happy belated birthday!

Wish_child, I'm also hving sensitive skin so I can't apply steetchmark cream else will hv rashes. Luckily breast area still okie so only apply at tat area.

Preciousbabi, u sure can lose all the weight after birth. I lose 20kg after 1st pg so yrs only 14kg, sure can. Yr bb growing v well. Mine only 1.7kg at 32wks n hubby oredi tell me to cut down on my sugar n carb intake

Yoo... Am back from my gynae checkup and at 33wk the baby ard 2.37kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and so far placenta move up so can try for natural birth...

Luckily this round didn't gain alot of weight so gynae didn't talk abt weight! Heheee

But got to fill up pre-admission form Liao... Drawing nearer lor... Next visit be in 3 weeks time which is ard 36wks!!

Hi mums,

Just went for the gynae visit ..

My bb gal is now weighing at 2.2kg & I put on 3kg for the last month..


Got alot of weight to shed off ..

My bb's head is already facing downwards & the placenta is on top now ..

Should be able to try for natural delivery ..

So many mummies went for your gynae visit today. Can't wait for my turn after xmas.

choc, unicorn, both your bb gaining weight well and great news that your placenta has moved up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmine, hehe I never put my anti stretch marks at breast part. Hehe cause will have rashes too. Oh Charmine have u got menstruation cramp?

I also can't wait for my checkup too. Last checkup nv scan my girl. Just measure my tummy size.

Unicorn, how ur gastic reflex? Get better. Don't worry. I also need to slim down a lot. I think I gained around 20kg for thi pregnancy. Don't worry we will help each other to 打气 and slim down. But don't worry i see u on the gathering u look good.

Choc, Congrats ur placenta move up. Hehe

Today I going to have any no restriction over food an drinks. Hehe oh just drank koi bubble tea. Oh finally got to drink bubble tea. But the bubble tea is not so nice need to que up for so long.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt your thread. I have various mummy and baby items for sale or for exchange with carpark coupons/vouchers, etc...

Mummy Items

1) BN Avent Moisturising Nipple Cream (30ml) - $21

2) BN Aeropostale Flowery Aero Graphic T -$16

3) BN Aeropostale Collegiate Striped Jersey Polo -$16

4) Preloved Ameda Lactaline Dual Pump - $280

- Warrantly until Jul 2011

- Used for only 1 month, in good condition

- Standard items PLUS free 2 4oz BPA free bottles, 1 box of Ameda milk storage bags, 1 manual pump

5) BN BRAND'S Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (1 box of 6 bottles) - $32

6) BN Eu Yan Sang Bird's Nest with Wild American Ginseng (6 bottles x 75g) - $58

7) BN Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken with American Ginseng, Cordyceps & Huaishan Extract (6 bottles x 70g) - $22

8) BN Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken with Wolfberries & Red Dates Extract (6 bottles x 70g) - $14

9) BN ZTP Essence of Chicken with Bird's Nest, Ginseng & Cordyceps (6 bottles x 70g) - $55

Baby Items

1) BN Johnson's Baby Bedtime Oil (125ml) - $4

2) BN Disney Baby Bath Gift Set (5pcs) - $15

3) BN Montaly Baby Girl Gift Set (5pcs) - $8

4) BN Shears Baby Girl Gift Set A (4pcs) - $10

5) BN Shears Baby Girl Gift Set B (6pcs) - $15

6) BN Pureen Nappy Rash Cream (50g) - $3

View images at


Self collection at Bedok, Tanah Merah, Orchard, City Hall, Raffles Place at my convenience.

Please PM me if interested.



If you are using contact lens of -7.50 degree, and interested in daily disposable contact lens, pls contact me at [email protected]

I have two boxes of Acuvue for sale and price is negotiable.

Expiry date 2012 & 2013

Thank you!

Wish_child, so envy that you can drink bubble tea... I stopped taking sugar content food/tibits for the past 2 weeks. Coz i'm testing my blood 6x a day for twice a week and my blood sugar v high [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kena warned by gynae liao.. The only sweet thing i take now is yakult and yoghurt.. Can't tahan at times esp when i see my son eating candy hahaha...

I got bad stretchmarks on my breasts from previous pregnancy so this time, have to apply regliously le but seems like also the same.. sobs.. Ya, i still get menses cramp every now and then so i try not to sit up and kept lying down

During my first preg, I didn't take a single drop of cold water... Icecream have la.. This time I took cold drinks. Minimal or no ice. Just chilled. My mom say no ice is ok but I think is cos she pampers me!

Rest will come soon. Thinking to take leave 31jan.

Wish child, I will be brining my 2 year old girl along to lunch as I am looking after her myself on tt day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] need to get contact number? Or when I reach I will look for a big table of preggers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Anyone has any experience with Safety 1st strollers? Robinsons is having a promotion next week, selling the Acella Sport travel system (carseat plus stroller) for $399 for cardmembers. Wondering if it's a good buy?

Mommies I went for my checkup today. Bb at 31w2d is 2160g!! Really v big.. Sigh I hv to cut down on carbs.. Wonder if my girl will be 4kg at birth!


Charmine, u can drink koi bubble tea as u can select sugar level. Oh u better have more rest don't sit up to prevent the cramp =)

Mama Ying, ok sure no problem. I will pm u my no later or tomor. =) Don't worry we will be very obvious to spot us. =)

Now at Marina Square. Argh so angry!! Got 1 Malay bang me from my back and hit my butt. He overtake me still nvm. He still told his friend I walked super slow and do the action I walk. Argh!! So angry. 1st time kana offered by ppls. Haiz if Im not pregnant I'm sure shout at them. Argh. Spolit my happy mood.

