(2011/02) Feb 2011

Oh next time I will customize a clothe behind write Beware bang on me I'm pregnant!!!argh stupid Malay guy!! Hate MUDs!!

YJHL, Dont worry around third trimester our weigh will more and then be stable. If u scared bb too big cut down carbo or take small meals. =)


Thks wishchild.. Been q worried cos stomach feels so stretched and constipation isn't helping.. Any mommies took contact laxative? Gynae says I can try but I'm worried abt any unknwn side effects[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Oh dear. But it is not just Malays lah... inconsiderate people come in all sorts of skin colours, races, sizes, ages. Yesterday I got whacked in the tummy by a Chinese lady and last week it was a Filipino. So... u know. =p


I ate some goreng pisang just now coz I felt constipated and pooped about half hour later =)

Drink lots of water. What have you been taking to help with the constipation so far?

Hi ladies...

Had a pair of Super Junior Show 3 ticket for sales

Date: 29th Jan 2010

Time: 06.30pm

Selling at $280 per tix or u can name me how much u can offer for the tix

Free Standing Area Pen B (Already Sold out)

Geri, wow the lady really very idiot. Can't see u pregnant and bang on u. Argh I Kana it once I already very piss off. But I told myself need to cool down. Hehe but very difficult.

Geri ya I'm gg to get bananas tmrw.. Had that a few days ago. Been eating many diff fruits each day ranging fr plums to Jambu (since it's so juicy and in season), papayas, apples etc. Depends on what we buy lo. And drink prune juce mixed w a little OJ. Also vegge lo. E Feeling is just terrible n it worsens my insomnia cos I feel so congested.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mommies, hv to protect our bellies. Sometimes ppl can't see so in crowded places I always hold my hand to cover my belly as protection n to show I'm pregnant.

@ Wish_child & Geri:

WAH dont they carry their eyes when they walk??

I am also very irritated by these people who keep knocking into me or abruptly cutting my path when I walk!! I hate going crowded places these days...

Some times, i purposely put 1 hand on my tummy to 'show' others that im preggy & i realise it kind of works. People notice my tummy more (maybe my tummy not very big). Perhaps u can try this too!

@ Baby Bedding Set Sale @ Aussino

I walked past Aussino & saw their baby comforter bedding set at 50% off! UP $80+, now only $40+. Too bad i bought a playpen, not a cot, so i didnt get it.

Hi Ladies

Our items r here. ">

Pls advise me how and when u like the items to be collected/ delivered to u ">. The exchanged rate charged to my credit card for each set/ item is abt $14.40, but ladies, u do not need to transfer to me "> I'll absord the diff.

O I've send an email with my add and contact # to those involved "> cheers


The gynae passed me the admission letter yesterday ..

Hopefully me and my hubby still remember the letter then ..

Wish child:

My gastric reflux still happens on and off ..

So now I am craving for sour foodstuffs ..

Like tom yum soup or anything that I can put lemon or lime inside ..

hi mummies,

went ofr checkup on fri. babies are now 2.2 and 1.8 kg . 2 weeks ago was 1.5 kg each

i asked the ADC doc why so big jump of 700g , the doc said the weight estimate are only 30 % accuarcy . (faint ....)

doc said i can deliver between 35- 36 weeks

so i can talk to my gynea on 28 dec to confirm my c sec on 6th jan . super good date according to my fengshui master. good for both mummy and daddy and babies.

baywater : i can collect from u on tues or wed and pass to mummies at gathering.

wishchild : im ok with marche for lunch on 22 dec.

Kittyki, Haiya those people are blind they dont care if u are pregnant or not. If u block their way they just bang on u. I dont mind to give way to them if they said "excuse miss u blocking my way." Im sure will said sorry and give way to them. Super angry!! Yester went home told my hubby that he also very angry he said next time be careful and always he alert to my surrounding. Feel so useless when pregnant cant voice out or do anything. Argh.

YJHL, Hmm maybe u can try eat some Oats or wheat? I ate some high fibre Oats biscuits and apples never failed for me to go toilet. =)

Unicorn, Hmm i love tom yum soup too.

Oh if u stay at east side can go try the

Clear Tom Yum soup at bedok north there.

Very nice the soup spicy and a bit soup.

Yummy Yummy.

Cnicole, Wow ur twin boy gained so much? Hmm i'm bet u having terrible backaches. My bb weight around 1.4kg i already have backache problem. Hehe. Do take care soon u can see ur twin boys..

I will see u on 22 dec at marche somerset @313. =)

Hi Mummies!

Super busy at work with many of my colleagues travelling so I am left in the office to hold up the fort : / Have 3 major projects to handle and complete by 31st Dec, gulp!!

Thanks to all the mummies who have shared their plans for ML, and reminders to pamper ourselves before our babies are born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I totally agree! Am trying to relax and have some fun, but am feeling so tired everyday. Can just about get to work and complete the 8 hrs before coming home to crash!!

I think Zantarina and another mummy were asking me earlier about the 3D scan. As another mummy (Ah Ching?) mentioned, it needs to be done by 32 weeks latest, I think otherwise baby is too big to get a clear picture. I did mine at the scan place at TMC Level 4 (come out of the lift and turn left) and they charged me $90 because I combined it with my 32-week growth scan, and I got 10% as FBI member. Worked out to $180+ for both scans (GST included) so that's about $90 for each scan.If I'm not wrong, the growth scan is slightly more expensive than the 3D scan.

So they use the same machine for both types of scan. They just press a special button and the image miraculously changes to a 3D one! I am so impressed by the technology of it all. You can also opt for a 4D scan which includes video of baby's movement but that costs about $100 more. Otherwise, a 3D scan just gets you 1 nice printout framed in a card, and the rest of the "potential" 3D pictures (about 8 - 10) the sonographer will still print out in black and white on normal paper for you to keep.Good enough for me!

I was told to put aside 2 hrs for the 3D scan, but that's just because they want to try and get baby in the best position for the 3D scan. When I went in, baby was actually in the "best" position already. Due to my low-lying placenta, the placenta was partially blocking baby's left half of face, so we could only get the right half of his face + chubby cheeks + nose + lips and a little hand. Sonographer mentioned that this was 70-80% of best shot already. She took about 6-7 shots. Then she did my growth scan and asked me to go see my gynae regarding that, then come back for a 2nd try for the 3D scan. From what I understand, baby preferably should be face-up, ie facing same way as us.

But when I came back half an hour later, my baby had shifted...but to a face-down position! So this time it was really impossible to get any kind of 3D shot....in the end, we used the shots from first time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I must say the sonographer tried her best to get a clear shot for us so I am satisfied with the service. The picture is small but quite clear. Can definitely make out baby's features alot more than compared to the usual 2D scans. So I hope I've convinced some of you to go and have it done!

Oh ya, the only bad part of the whole experience was having to wait VERY long for the appointment to start. Some of it is my fault though because I decided quite late (just 5 days before my scheduled 32 week scan) that I wanted to do the 3D scan. Only then did I make the appt for 3D scan and was told I couldn't do it later than 32 weeks so no choice but to do it together. But then, pple usually book their 3D scan slots 1 month in advance, due to the fact that it takes up to 2 hrs to get the scan done! I had to really persuade the receptionist to slot me in, which she finally managed to do so in the late afternoon - 3.30 pm. Well, my scan only started at 4.30 pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] And they don't do 3D scans on Saturdays because it takes way too long so you need to take leave on a weekday to get this done. Try and combine it with your 32 weeks scan if that's due soon so you save money and time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy the weekend, mummies!

Wishchild thanks, what's e brand of oat biscuits u take? My piles is killing me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cnicole ur twins are growing rly well! But must be a big strain on ur back..


Very sorry to interrupt ur post...

i have a few items to let go..This items are either brand new or used not more then 3months..

1) chicco soft and dream carrier (pink)selling at $80 retail $149.Used once.Maid prefer sarong.

The Chicco Soft & Dream Baby Carrier Chic! Dream baby carrier follows the growth of your child in every season, while ensuring maximum comfort. The “Sleep Well” lying position, particularly recommended for the first months of life, allows baby to be carried even when it is resting, whilst giving mother freedom of movement. Ideal from birth up to 9 months of age (3.5/9 kg).

2)LAMAZE Spin & Explore Garden Gym

Letting go at $30.Retail $69.90

3)Naraya diaper bag-Blue

Brand new.Letting go at $20.

4)Medela Mini electric

Condition 8/10. Letting go at $30

Interested parties pls pm me.thks.

Hi Mummies,

I already gave birth and no longer doing BF.

Therefore wanna to sell off the Overstock of NeuroGainPB fish oil @SGD26(UP 34) including postage. If you prefer registered mail will need to topup for SGD2.50


Cnicole, your twins are of good weight! I feel scans are quite accurate leh.. Why your gynae say only 30%? Confirm csect on 6 Jan? Very fast.. All things prep?

jeanie : yah .. i guess all things prepare.

cant think of what else to get.

i can only comfirm the 6 jan date on my next check up on 28 dec

hopefuly my water bag dont burst before that .

@Ah Ching: Those free gifts are given by the clinic itself or by some SA there? And which brand of FM sample did you got?

And ya lor, I thought by week 32, we should be seeing him like once every fortnight?

@wish_child: Your rashes are this bad!! How about body lotion? Did you try? If also allergic, then I think better stop and let it be.

Alamak girl, you should have talked loudly and asked if he is blind to have missed out your big pregnancy bum??!! He will sure be v paiseh when people look at him.

@MamaYing: These few days I had been having bubble tea though I know it's not good for the bb but.. I just can't help it le..

Where did you gave birth at for your previous pregnancy? And which gynae were you with previously?

@PreciousBabi: What if the sng sng feeling still persists? Did your gynae advise on what to do?

Glad that your bb is absorbing well and grewfats on his face!! Haha.. Must be very cute..

@moomoo73: Ya lor, I'm having a girl. Maybe girls really likes sweet stuffs coz I don't used to eat so much sweet stuff before I was pregnant. So I guess my weight gain comes from these sweet stuffs.. :p

@Charmaine: How long did you take to lose that 20kg of yours from previous pregnancy? I'd put on 15kg till date and I'm starting to feel fat and scare liao..

Don't worry Charmaine, I'm sure your bb will catch up his weight soon.

@choc, @Unicorn: Wow.. Both your babies are also absorbing well. Good!! And happy for you 2 that your placenta had shifted up. Congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Cnicole: Choy choy choy.. I'm sure you'll have a smooth delivery on the date you wanted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] May I know which feng shui master did you went to?

Your babies' weight jump is really alot le, and now they weigh so much difference.

@Princess31: Show us your bb's 3D scan pic please.. It must be interesting!!

good morning mummies!!!!

thanks again for all the birhday wishes and belated ones as well.

Turning 29 and being in my twenties for the last year really make me feel olf.. turning gear 3 next yr with 5 kids in a tow. Hope being 30 next yr... makes me feel that i m better than this past yr - dunno how that will happen but I am sure God has his plans for me.. pary for me mummies

Opened up the shop also and left for my friend and doters to tend. was pretty quiet i suppose as many ppl went to town for shopping??

Had staff of Fish & Co singing Happy Birthday by hubby and watched Tron.. did doze off a bit as pretty tired. Reached home abt 3am. Best part of it.. hubby got a job offer on my very birthday to work on ship for 3 days and pay rate quite good per day. he left on Sunday morning and back on tues nite

Had a wedding to tend to the next day.. rushed in the middle of the shop. was pretty grand lah the wedding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Got a suprise sms i love you msg from hubby just b4 midnite... i did not intend to msg him at all.. but coincidence i was just thinking that whther he would get reminded of those days when he was sailing / working on ship for many weeks and months ... and he did.. it was just a couple telepathy i guess...

my last son got sick 1st the whole of last week, 1st daughter down since saturday and yest was my 3rd son - all vomitting and diarhoea and fever.

left 2nd doter who is surviving which i feel pretty sure will get sick soon.. my children i tell you from 2, 3 and 4 - all will be in a circle when getting sick including hubby .. ehile left me standing.. i always tell god.. u always make me the survivor to be the doc + nurse!! haha

was asking where was 313 somerset to hubby.. he showed me coz i so long never really go to town.. so hope to see you mummies there then!!!

hoping the day will pass so quickly - dunno wanna go home and sleep or open my booth as Xmas is approachng and ppl mite go out to shop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zanta: the free gifts are left by some SA in the clinic for them to give out to visiting mums to be..

i got the friso FM.

does anyone know what is the diff between laurier slimguard and night safe?

was shopping, for pads then couldnt decide.

btw: kotex maternity pads only 28 cm long.. shorter than most of the night pads??

also got some disposable panties at guardian at $3.95. Comes in sizes and 100% cotton..

good buy

Hi Wish Child

Dun b angry over those ppl, not worth it. I’ve learnt my lessons, now I’ll use both my hands to protect my tummy and if they come too close to me, I’ll change to an auntie and push them away. Of cos the strength will depend on their closeness and situation.

The guys are not the only one who are ‘Blind’ to our tummy. I’ve my fair shares of encounters with ladies who are carrying their bb and bump onto my tummy and not even a word of apologies from them. Sigh, talking abt forgetting their plights when they are pregnant.

Sian my blocked nose moving to a cough.. now I lost a bit of voice. Hope it will go away soon so tt I can start feasting on Wed :>

May go to a doc later.

@wish_child my no is 90048803. Can sms me :> Regarding the knocking, I will carry bag and place by my sides.. if they bump into me they bump into my bag. No one will understand how a parent of pregnant woman feel unless they are one themselves.

@Zanta: yes me craving for KOI milk tea now! hehe

Zanta, I can used normal lotion but cannot contain the anti stretch marks stuff. Hmm maybe I allergy to one of the thing contain in anti stretch marks.

Baywater n Zanta, yap I shouldt be angry over this types of ppls. Haiz. Sometime just can't help it. Pregnancy already very xin qu other ppls still can't understand it.

Cnicole, really must pray hard ur water bag dont burst before 6jan. My friend Sis in law having twins, her waterbag burst around 1 months before her edd.

MamaYing u have a msg. =) I still perfer drink Each a cup milk tea. Hehe.

Ah ching, Laurier safeguard I feel too slim for me. I perfer use Laurier F blue in colour pack that 30cm long and soft bodyFit comfort nite 35cm. But I will buy some maternity pads. My friend said it will have more "cushion" than normal pad. So won't feel so painful when sit down.

Wish_child, our tummies are v big now so do be careful of incinsiderate pple who might bump into u or slap their limbs. I kena once while walking to the bus stop by a young man who swung his hand hardly on me. Was so pissed off tat I kept turning back to look at him ( we r walking opposite directions) Guess wat? He's with his gf and both in turn, kept staring at me back even though they are oredi 50m away n crossing to the opposite road. Wah piang! So now I'm always v protective of my tummy wherever I go even to see gynae. U too.

I'll make sure i'll hv my cup of bubbletea before I go hospital to deliver haha.. I can't take now even if ask for less sugar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now using equal sugar to make tea instead of normal sugar

Preciousbabi, thanks, hope bb will gain more weight during next visit. Hmm.. it took me ard 3-4mths to lose 15 kg. I lose 5kg during confinement. But I only start to exercise 4mths after birth as suggested by friend coz she said if exercise too early, not so good as our uterus still weak. Tat 3-4mths was really hell but it's worth it. I briskwalked/jog for 1hr, 6x a week at nite after bb n hubby asleep (coz tat's the only time I'm free). Can see results every week and still eat as per normal, which is good if u're still breastfeeding. Dun worried so much on the weight gain coz sure can lose off after birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine, haiz nowadays young ppls don't understand. Nvm the young lady one day will get pregnant too let her have a taste of when ppl slap or bang on her bump. Lot of ppls don't understand how pregnancy feel. Maybe I stay at home most of the times so can't feel how ppls bang on me. Haiz can't imagine next pregnancy need to work n pregnant sure super tired and xinqu.

The koi bubble no sugar added it taste like only tea with milk only. Haha ur hubby will allow u drink bubble tea before u went in labour ward? So good if he go buy for u bubble tea.

During confinement can lose weight. Wow need to take so many months to slim down. Haiz I still need to find job after my confinement. Hmm I will go join back aerobic after my bb 3mths old. Hehe will slim down faster doing aerobic. =)

choc.. wah really we have over 100 mummies ahh.

so 22nd how.. confirmed or not? i took half day leave liao.. also sian to work ....

Wish_child, ya I think only when u are pregnant then will noe the xinku. My hubby also say the same as u. I think singapore culture cmi liao tat's why alot of pple behaving like this. So we ourselves hv to protect our tummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I can't take milk too sobs.. Coz will cause my blood sugar to shoot up. There's a bubbletea store below my hse (argh.. imagine the temption haha) If I gg to deliver, will drink 1st then go hospital haha..

I lose weight during confinement coz tat time dun hv help, just me alone handling bb, bf n cooking. Not a long period to lose weight if u considered tat we took 10mths to load it on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Aerobics is good. To lose weight fast n effectively, most impt is to choose the exercise u like. Me too. I'll be looking for job too once finish confinement.

wish child: thanks! I was calling the kao hotline for 10 mins also cannot get thru..

Superguard is having promo now lei..

but the f laurier no promo..

the kotex maternity pads cost $6 for 10 pcs... 2 times more expensive than the normal night pads lor..

sigh.. think I should still go buy for the cushion.

Pureen ones are too long. i remembered i threw away the whole pack after just using less than 5 pcs

Hi mummies,

How’s everyone weekends? I felt great mainly of the good news that my bb is growing well and she weight 1.8kg on wks 32! And best parts are my placenta is not low and currently my bb head facing downwards! However, I still keep my fingers crossed and cannot be happy yet. Reason is I have not reached full term and bb will still turn here and there. Due to bb’s position not nice, unable to take 3D pix and also good lah, my bb helps mummy & daddy save money [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So total detailed scan cost me 162!

Talking on bb head’s facing up or down and before I went for my check up last fri, my hubby asked me bb mostly kick u which part, I told him I did not monitor only know she got moved and disturbed me lor. Then I said why leh, then he told me if she kicked at ur upper tummy, then her head facing downwards lor…quite true man! So mummies u may like to take this to see if ur bb head down or up. Another thing is that I saw it from Jan’s thread that if want bb head turn downwards, can try yoga pose at all four as this pose create much space for bb to turn. Or can go for acupuncture (Chong Hwa may have) however, not sure whether it’s really works.

Over the weekend went to expo and to our disappointment, the fair has nothing much as compared to parenthood fair. It was like semi bb fair & food fair and my hubby ended up bought Julie’s biscuits instead of bb merchandises [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@momo73 & wishchild – I used clarins oil since 4mths preggy but only apply once in the morning, so far no itch till recently itch a lot and it due to fast expansion of my tummy! I noticed that my lower part of my tummy is reddish and duno why izit so…Think need to apply more oil now!

@Preciousbabi – Nice weight for your bb which very close to mine! Did ur gynae say it’s normal or heavy? The sng sng at vaginal area, are u referring to the parts near our upper thighs area? Because lately I have this feeling too, I described to my gynae and she told me it due to expansion of uterus and like you mentioned to fit into our bb head as they pressing down.

Charmaine, yap true le. I gained 20kg for past 10mths hmm if can slim down back to my pre natal weight within few months will be great. Haha hope I can slim down =)

Wow so good u can grab a bubble tea before u went to labour. Haha if I'm u I will go down purchase the bubble tea before I called my hubby. Wahaha. Too bad my house downstair dont sell bubble tea. Maybe I will go 7-11 grab slurpee. Oh heard someone said if going to labour drink a young coconut will cut short the labour time. Haha think I will one shot drink 2 coconut water. Heard 1st labour need to wait up to 12hrs-24hrs time.

Mrs Ong, wow so fast ur bb head have turned down and weight 1.8kg. My bb kick me and move a lot at my side of my tummy or below my tummy area. Dont know is her hand punching or leg kicking. Hehe.

Ah Ching, no problem. U also must see perfer what types of pads. For me I perfer cotton base and no dry netted. So I perfer laurier and softy brand. Kotex also good but I feel Laurier is better than Kotex as not easy to tear on the surface if the pad used for long. =)

zanta : i went to my own fengshui master at roxy square katong. he charges $300 for life time ocnsultation. so i only paid him $300 the first visit 3 years ago and he is so accurate in predicting everything that is going to happen i kept going back to him when i needed advice.

1 thing he told me in jan last year that i may have some woman related medical problem in mid june last year. i went to buy extensive medical insurance coverage. i needed an operation for cysts last year. i discover i had 2 6cm cysts beside my ovaries. luckily all went well after operation and im blessed with twins now.

Hi mummies!

It's a new week again! My baby cot was finally delivered last weekend! So happy with it..

My hubby also finally purchased a new camera.. to take many bb pictures when he is out and also in the meantime, his much belated promise of taking pics of my beautiful tummy! (Not I thick-skinned la, I think all pregnant mummies' tummies are beautiful! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

My Avent breast pump was delivered last week too.. the Avent breast pumps and bottles are actually yellowish in color... I had initially thought that i was given some old pumps from overseas purchases .. :p but went to google and realise that the latest Avent batch are yellowish in color.. are your Avent items like this too?

With the big ticket items in, esp baby's "nest", feel much more at ease.. most of the essential items on the bb checklist are ticked off too.. but for some items only bought some bare minimum quantity first..

Diaper pants

Can mummies advice how many traditional diaper pants are sufficient? Bought 4 so far..


Are there mummies who had or going to have C-sect here? Is the date of the C-sect just dependent on the doctor's availabilty or have to be X wks earlier than natural birth estimated date?


Have been diligently applying Clarins oil every morning and Palmers stretchmark cream every evening.. dont know if it'd help.. but the Clarins oil was something that ... so far the stretchmarks (some purplish veins) that stays are those from the late first trimester near the breast area..

First month

Havent decided on the plans yet.. prob invite some close friends and relatives to our house in 2 - 3 shifts and cater food...

Sweet stuff

I tend to like sweet stuff now more than during pre-pregancy days. But I have to cut down on these too. as advised by the doc,.... to prevent baby from being too big and also prevent gestational diabetes. Concisiously cutting dow on cakes and sweetened drinks! Bubble milk tea was one of my favourites! Have abstained for 8 months liao.. scared it's too "liang".. and sweet..

I do drink yakult and eat yoghurt.. but now switching to vitagen.. supposed to have less sugar.,.. as for yoghurt.. i love Dairy Famers' yoghurt.. but now think it's also kinda sweet.. any less sweet yummy yoghurts that you like?


DIdn't know your son is a little TV star! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sanitary pads:

On Laurier pads, I bought the Laurier F range extra heavy range (35cm).. i have used the light/normal range before and find them to be absorbent and comfy.. But not cheap.. about 40cent ++ per pad. Not sure of the diff between slimguard and nightsafe ..

Wishchild: have your tried Laurier F both 30cm and 35cm? Is the 30cm one good enough?

Ah ching: kotex maternity pads cost $6 for 10 pcs - are you refering to the adhesive ones? the loop ones are not so ex.. How long are Pureen pads? Thought longer is better? too long also no good?

Ah ching, Ntuc got twin pack for laurier f last week at $9.10 for 32pcs. Can check out if promo still on or whether they hv other twin pack promo.

Mrs Ong, yr bb is growing well n glad tat bb's head is engaged. My bb's head also engaged n gynae also tell me bb's head will still turn coz still early. Ever since I knew bb's head engaged, I did realized tat bb's kicks are always ard my upper stomach area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Claire : im planning for c sec as well. it will depend on doc availabilty.

my sil had C sec at 38 weeks for her first baby and 37 weeks for her 2nd baby . what i heard is that the 2nd baby must be born before earlier in weeks as compared to her first.

@WishChild: My tummy also feeling very itchy nowadays.. Sometimes will wake up in the middle of the night to scratch.. Then don’t dare scratch too hard coz scared will have stretchmarks.. Haiz.. But the itch is horrible.. Even after applying moisturizer or stretchmark cream also same..

@Charmaine: I guess we really gotta work hard to shed the fats during that 4 months of maternity to make sure after that 4 months, I return to society in human form.. Haha.. As for now, I think I need to control my diet a little too.. Scared later bb too big difficult to deliver..

@Zanta: He actually prescribed me with some painkillers and after taking I must say it work wonders.. Haha.. After the visit on Friday noon, I took the painkiller after lunch and less than 2 hours later, the sng sng feeling is gone.. He did mention that if the pain doesn’t go away after the weekend with medication, will need to go back and see him and will probably be given MC to rest..

Ya, the gynae say bb sure look like my hubby coz hb is the plump type.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Mrs Ong: Gynae says bb weight is more to the heavy side.. But didn’t ask me to control diet so I think still ok ba.. Yes, it’s that area.. Sometimes it links to the bum too.. But I’m feeling better now after the medication..

Was watching 超级星光大道on the sofa last night.. And bb was happily dancing to the music for that 2 hours.. Haha.. Managed to take videos of the movements and showed to hb as he was busy playing computer game in the room.. So cute! Think bb will be talented in music in future.. Lol!

Clarie, I still perfer Laurier F length 35cm. I perfer to wear longer pad as I feel more safe and not easy to kana blood on my butt area. Hehe. But some ppl feel 35cm will be too long for them and uncomfortable so take 30cm. For Pureen pad heard it very thick. I going buy 1 pack of Pureen pad, 1 pack maternity pad without loop at mothercare and few packs of Laurier F 35cm pads. Hehe since i will come menstruation every months so I think it ok to stock up so many pads. Haha last time I used to stock up at least 4 packs of pads every months.

Cnicole, wow ur feng shui master so accurate. Hmm too ba my hubby don't believe all this stuff. If not Will go and calculate my bb name. Hehe

Mommies I going shopping at tampines mall now. Take care and catch up with u girls later. Haha if anyone want come tampines mall and join me give me a call. Cya

claire: my avent pump is also yellowish in colour.. mine is a us set.. is this ur first time using breast pump? if it is i suggest u open it up, test, and give urself and ur hubby lessons on how to put them together.. haha.. for me i was stumped with all the parts the other day and finally mastered the art of using the pump after a few hours.. but then i am quite bad at gadgets in the first place..

wish_child i didn't get any msg from u :>

Koi milk tea is nice. i usually have with 50% sugar. maybe we should stop talking about this... heehee

Went to clinic wanted to see GP for cough. end up long wait so just bought over the counter cough syrup. got to get back to work.

I didn't buy many things this pregnancy, my sis and sis in law just had baby boys in sept so they will pass me their clothes. Reusing my medela pump from first pregnancy. Got to check if it is working, bought new parts too.

I exercised around after 6 weeks. even now i am itching to go for run! heehee esp when the marathon is just over. I am a PE teacher :>

So excited whenever I see big movements like when my tummy sink in or pop out hahaha Active boyboy.

For those of you having 2nd or 3rd kid, how do u manage your reaction to your older child handling your baby or others' baby?

As with my new born nephews, that all adults are naturally more protective, they tend to tell my girl not to be too close or use too much force and to be careful etc which is reasonable. But sometimes maybe cos she is too young, like when she is a bit forceful, the adults tend to all raise their voice. Hubby and I sometimes get upset tt she gets yelled at. Naturally she also wants to show love and ocncern for the baby. We are also thinking how to manage that when our new boy arrives, tt we ourselves do not raise our voice at her unnecessarily.

That is why we are all going to sleep in the same room. Currently she sleeps in a single bed beside our bed.

For all your opinions and advice :>

Hi Mummies,

Little update from me.

Just went for my 32 weeks check up today and bb is weighed 2.2kg. Gynae commented that bb is big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For myself, i gained 2 kg since my last visit (in a month), but 1 kg went to bb (her weight increased by 1 kg within a month, OMG).

I've cut down my carbo and sugar intake and physical appearance looks fine (didn't look like put on weight), wonder why bb still so big.

Gynae said bb should weigh 8 pounds (3.6kg) when deliver. Last visit, gynae said no problem with natural delivery, but this time, gynae said we can "try" for natural delivery, asked me not too worry. Sigh, how come... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now, me and hubby seriously considered C-sec for delivery.

Btw, mummies, can anyone advise how to pronounce this name "Kayanne"? Is it pronounced as "K, anne"? And is it baby girl's name?

Hubby and me decided to name our bb Kai En instead of Kai Le (chinese name), and found Kayanne is more similar to the Chinese pronunciation.

Please advise, thanks


Preciousbabi, haiz my stretch marks have increase.

I apply anti stretch marks also very itchy. Even never apply anything my tummy Also feel itchy. My tummy last week only have 2 tiny stretch marks now increase a lot. My right side butt got lot of stretch marks and my thighs slowly have stretch marks too. Sad ah!! My stretch marks is pinkish n reddish at my tummy below. But my butt there is purple colour veins.

Ur bb so cute heard music will start to dance. Hehe my Bb will respond to 萧堇藤(spell correct or wrong) songs and some sharp tone/sound.

Nowadays I can feel heartburn getting worse and worse. Cant sleep in the night and drink cold water also no used and start to get breathless easily. Hmm the sng sng feeling around my V part starts recently when I walk around. Now I don't dare walk slowly I'm afraid ppls behind me will out sudden bang on me.

My mom asked me to ren yi ren. Another 9 more weeks to go and I can release one big load on my body. Wahaha. Pregnancy really is not easy job and it a tough job.

