(2011/02) Feb 2011

hi all. i am here to report, AGAIN. haha. live reporting from bendemeer road right now.

smaller items on sales are more or less sold out and no more stocks left. stroller supplies left about 30%, cots still seem to have a lot. car seat supply left 80% i think. baby carriers last count left 3 sets($30) and 5 sets($40). idaarshad bought the last bedding set. the rest are just bolster covers etc.. the sales area looks like a warzone. LOL. i checked with sales staff - what u see is what u get. they got no extra stock left.. so i dont think supply can last till saturday. i think they want people to come in to see their newer products which are similar to market price.

roger and out.


anyone of u intend to cater for confinement food? any recommendations? i think i need to source for one soon...

wish child

if it's the baby position then it's even more strange. cos our bb will still continue moving a lot, since there's so much space to 'swim around' the fluid right now. so the position is not fixed till like 34 to 36 weeks I recall.

can't imagine why he's so sure u need to go for c-sec at such an early point.

Mrs Ong: No point worrying abt the low-lying placenta coz it doesn't help to worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus we still have time for it to move. Like bigflamingo mentioned, we have till 32 weeks or thereabouts for the placenta to move. Most of the time it does. For the rare case that it doesn't, then c-section is the way to go. Your gynae should send you for a scan around 32 weeks to determine the "final" position of the placenta.

Wish Child: It's true I also heard that baby's position is not fixed for now, and may not be so until as late at 9th month of pregnancy. So don't need to worry! There are, however, things we can do to encourage baby into the best position for natual birth. Can't remember which book I read which recommended that though. But it's something to do with our daily posture and resting positions too. Maybe can search on internet for more info regarding this? I have no idea if the suggestions are effective or not though.

But one of my friends told me her baby settled into head-down position as early as 7th month and her gynae told her that her baby will stay in that position till the end. Dunno how true??

Trinket, princess31,moomoo n Mrs Ong: haha. I don't know why my gyna said that. Maybe he see my baby position now? Hmm but i know when fix the position when 35 or 37weeks. I also not very sure. Hmm when my 16weeks checkup my gyna said i can go natural because my placenta is high. But now I not sure? Maybe he refer to now bb position leg down can't go natural? Haiz very confused n scared. Scared my weight gaining more heavy n scare labour. Haha.

Mommies last sat i went to bugis OG level 3. There sell maternity bra n panties. 1 maternity bra for $12.90 n panties 2 for $10. Very comfortable n can wear even after give birth.

@bigflamingo & Princess31 - thanks for the kind words. Well, i need to be mentally prepared lst lol

@wish_child - ya i bought the bra...comforty somemore cheap but once i wear it to work, my breast will feel itchy..izit too tight or wash not properly? But tat day when i tried in the fitting room just nice for me leh.

Mrs Ong, maybe the bra tight. The sale auntie told me to buy a bit loose so I can wear it even after I give birth or when breast are zhan nai after birth. Eg I wear size 40 but I buy size 42. I wear the nursing bra very comfortable n no itchy. Maybe u can check it out with the OG sale auntie she very good n experience. =)

Unicorn, is promotion price. Normal price is $19. But very comfortable. The sale auntie will help u. Dont be shy anything can ask her. Even the panties u don wan to buy but after she said "Don't see the maternity panties is ugly n large but it help to protect bb n bb have more space to move". Nice panties will be too tight for us as it compress on our tummy. But true after I used the maternity panties very comfortable n my bb move more than usual.

@Wishchild - the OG auntie din advise me leh...which OG outlet u went? Ya the panties very auntie looking so i din buy haha...

ladies, which disposable panties u getting for hospital stay + first part of confimement? i saw 3 packs for 9.90 at Watsons, free size but is very stretchable.. Guardian has larger sizes but no sample to feel and its 3.95 per pack of 5

i bought some cotton disposable panties from mums in mind... it was so wonderful. like real cotton panties. and about the same price as other disposables. hope they sell again at the end Nov expo fair.

Mrs Ong I went to bugis OG. Which opp Sim Lim square. Haha ya the panties really very aunties n granny type. Haha buy 2 for $10 still ok. So just buy n try. Haha really very comfortable. Hehe

YJHL, I'm not sure whether should get disposable panties for confinement. The menstruation will last for how long?

@wish_child: The auntie is so funny, still can tell you "Don't see the maternity panties is ugly n large but it help to protect bb n bb have more space to move". But how does maternity panties help to protect bb? And is the maternity bra t-shirt bra? I hate those bras which have a line in the middle coz I wear more t-shirts or tight fitting clothes so the lines are not so nice to be shown.

@Joodz: You are so cute, really sounds like a reporter reporting. Hehe.. But it helps to save us the hassle of going down with disappointment.

@Idaar: I hope you are feeling better now. Don't bother about what they said as long as your conscience is clear. Stay happy for the sake of the lil one in you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Princess31: I hate sweet milk that's why I don't dare to try. Haha..

Btw, my bestie swear on Munchkin's milk powder dispenser. She said it's the best she had tried so far as it doesn't spill out.

Any takers for Similac Mums? Exchange for baby wet wipes also ok.

my favourite munchkin product is the three bowls with covers. very tight, and durable.

but actually don't need until bb is at least 6 months old and starting on solids, so just depends on whether you want to buy in advance...

@wishchild, apparently the lochia will last for abt 6 wks, with the flow reducing throughout of cos..

i think only need for first week or so cos everyone will be so busy and tired..

@trinket, will look out for it, thanks!

Yjhl... I got my disposable panties from kiddy palace and also the pureen brand maternity pads... Particularly like this pad as it's thick enough to cushion the wound ESP when we sit down ....

Just got a pkt of each first and will buy more when time comes

Hehee... I am lazy planned to use disposable for at least 30days... Coz no need to wash and if stained just throw away

hi mummies, i had a tiring day . went breakfast with hubby then went up to woodlands w MIL and SIL to Nation maid agency to look at maid.

SIL happen to know the boss so will have some discount. manage to shortlist 2 maids but will still consider which one to take.

my hubby finally took his first driving lesson. he is going to take the test in jan 2011 at woodlands. for the past 6 years i have been driving him around. now since the babies are arriving soon . i told him he must go try to drive again. he failed 6 years ago and he always said he was too busy at work to go learn driving and take test as he was doing night shift last few years. he just change to morning shift so he has more time for me now. at least he can have dinner with me more often now. else i always have to eat alone or look for colleagues to eat w me. no more supper excuse for me anymore since i dont have to eat again when he come home past midnight last time.

went kkh today for dietrician appt. it was a long 1.5 hrs wait a clinic A . wait until we doze off. was suppose to collect my hubby passport today but by the time we finish the appt, ICA already close at 5pm.

it was reported on the papers that on tuesday ICA computer system was down for the whole day ? we were suppose to collect on tuesday but when we went down at 12.45pm and 3pm the computer system was down. i cant wait to see my hubby's passport since i took the passport photo for him using our simple samsung digital camera.

zantarina : i will be home on most weekends but if PH falls on weekday i am still working. do you still work nowadays? else pm me your number? i will arrange with you through sms.

idaarshad : since you will be at downtown east , you want me to bring do to you when i pass nearby ? in case there are expo exhibition i can drive to the area to pass the car seat to you. yours is orange colour right?

Mrs Ong : you can get your friend to call Patient Education Centre tel: 6394 1268 . the admin staff there are Ms Wai Sin and Sharinah.they are both very friendly. it's $8 per couple for the nurturing your child talk on 27 Nov. the talk starts from 11am to 2pm but from 10am there are alot of sponsers and freebies of sample at the auditorium. do go early as after the the talk the sponser will pack up. Do you want the car seat ?


@joodz - thanks for the updates! seems ilke no point going down on sat liaoz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@choc - wah din occur to me to buy disposable panties! but i'm not used to wearing them, even when i go travelling leh... My frens told me that getting those super long nightsafe pads is enough, no need to buy maternity pads?

Hmmm, mebbe should chiong robinsons sale instead?


CHOC thanks for reminder on disposable panty ! I used the cloth type disposables when I deliver #1. Very good. Will stock up. I bot from watsons the last time. Watsons had discount. Hope this time also got some promo.

Made a list of things to prepare for baby arrival finally.

Zanta, Haha I also don know why the auntie said like that. But end up i bought 4 panties from her. As my hubby said just buy lor since it can make me feel more comfortable n also can protect bb. Hmm maybe the aunt mean when bb around 37weeks he/her head will be fixed position, as it will be at our V part. If our panties too tight will compress baby head. Baby head very soft n fragile.

The maternity bra is like nursing bra. Hmm no wire n padding. I dont know how to see whether the line in the middle? But i know will feel wierd when wear it 1st time cause the cup very big. Haha. But very comfortable to wear it. =)

YJHL, Oh 6weeks only? My fren come for around 14days. N everyday is very heavy flow. Haiz. Feel so sian. Haha too enjoy this 6mths without period. Haha. For the disposable panties is it very easy to tear? I used to wear disposable panties free size when i went oversea. But my disposable panties always tear or torn. Haha i think i too rough or my butt too big. Haha

Mami B, At waston do sell cloth type disposables?

How much?

Pootz u try go kiddy palace see.. Got one type very cottony and comfortable... Later I go take picture n upload show u k....

Coz my mum be doing my confinement for me and she don't like me to touch water lor so abit hard to wash any stained panty if any....anyway stained panty super hard to wash ....

Normally I will stock up ard 30-40days supplies hahaa

Maternity pads... Hey no joke if u going by natural birth hor... A thick well cushioned maternity pads does make a diff leh!!

For myself lar I remember when I was discharged and at home I go put those night heavy flow type pad... It was ok until I sit down lor... Somehow the pad thinner mah so my wound I feel pain leh... So end up changed back to maternity one... Hehee...

Mamib yeah yeah I also going Watson to see any good buy ...

Think next is breastpad to buy Liao... So Many things to get

Hey ladies i received email from Rebecca from Origins Jamu already, we got the extra freebie(lemon grass showel gel)! Thanks evian gal for organising this! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just curious to ask: would you let your bb boy wear 'girl rompers'? hee hee... Coz my first 2 are gals and i am expecting a boy this time round. I have loads of 'Daddy's girl" or floral or pink baby clothes. Its such a pity i can't 'recycle' the 3rd time round..I do have some neutral clothes. My hubby says it doesn't matter the baby wdn know anyway...but it just seems 'wrong' to let a boy wear flower prints or pink right. Lucky i still have enough 'neutral's to go ard and bought a couple of new clothes too.

These few days i just have this drive to clean up my house, organise my (and hubby and kids) stuff ard the house, etc...i suppose this is what those pregnancy websites says 'nesting instinct'. My poor maid has to help with the packing and cleaning, coz the tummy is really a big inconvenience. But with the bb clothes ready, i feel more at ease. It also helps curb my insatiable desire to BUY BUY BUY! Oops. ;)

@choc: What is the brand of that disposable panties? Is it v high cut? Actually I also not used to wearing disposable panty bcoz it's v uncomfortable and always crease at the buttock area. How much is the Pureen Maternity pad and how many pcs r there in a pack? How many pkts do we actually need to standby? I think I will buy a pack of disposable breast pad to standby when I see a sale going on.

@wish_child: Is the panties full panel ones? T-shirt bras got smooth surface on the outside, can't see any lines in between the cups de. I'll try to find pics of both the latter to show you.

@Clio: I think it's ok to let your boy wear pink clothes at home but not suitable to wear out. And when taking pictures, better to avoid letting him wear his Jie jie's clothes too if not next time he sees the photos dunno he'll blame you or not. Haha..

@Cnicole: I'll pm you my contact no. and we'll arrange via SMS lor. ;)

Zanta the panties have full panel n normal. The normal 1 will be loose at the side. Can adjust the side of the panties to loosen or tighten. The bra if wear t shirt can see the line. But if wear those maternity clothes or those top for breastfeed can't see the line when wear the bra

slept at 8pm. Woke up at 12.30am for toilet . Till now can't sleep. I have to work at 8 am . Sure zombie feeling again .

c nicole.. thanks a lot.. would that be much of trouble??? u preggie w twins some more wanna send to me? unless ok... then ok.. if not.. i will collect ok..

went to robinsons expo sale yest.. fed up with so much of stuff that has been happening... mummies looking forward to a good buy there... nothing great.. maybe the cots which i dint see really the price... but clothes, other stuffs.. really nothing great.. but if u are looking for comfy pants and all for own selves... u should go.. met a nice promoter called Stella... who made my day better with her customer service, didnt expect it from an expo. bought comfy shorts, pants which i have been using all long but another pattern n a top. she said John Little sale would be on early next month and around same stuff would be there. maybe price differences only. so i could get more pants if i wanted.

triumph bras are on good sales but esp for size 75 mostly.....

it is held till 14 November.

Yah. Watsons have disposable cloth panty. Cannot remember how much. Should be cheap lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also didn't want to wash the panty during confinement.

oh the robinsons sale is still at expo? I thought it's the one at the usual stores... I thot the Robinsons expo sales started last week? The cashier queue was horrible, so I left without getting anything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zanta: I'm wearing marks and spencer non-wired T-shirt bra.

it is 2 for $49.. i think price ok cos maternity T-shirt bra will cost more than $30.

But it is good to buy 2 pcs of those nursing bra with lines.

cos the seam is to acomodate our sensitive nipples during breastfeeding.

but no need to buy so many nursing bra. i find them very troublesome to use..

i wearing those tank top type when breastfeeding. just lift from the bottom.

if got big breast then a bit difficult to find cheap bra in the shops.. cos they mostly until B or maybe just C cup.

get online is cheapest..

for disposable breast pad.. very warm to use..

i just stuff some handkerchief into my bra..

but when going out i will use those washable type.. not as hot..

so far i used Pigeon, Medela, NUK disposable breast pads and think Pigeon is the best among the 3.

For maternity pad.

recommend Kotex brand.

I used Pureen and the Sofy night 35 cm type but find that the Kotex one is the most comfortable during lochia.

for disposable panties.. i bought 2 packs but used less than a pack..

cos i find them loose then the pad keep on moving here and there.

if delivering at TMC. they will give a type of special underwear. very easy to wash and dry.

during my lochia i used that most of the time.

this time. i going to buy more from TMC.

feeling nauseous today..

and having pain when walking.. as if my BB is standing on top of my bladder..

i suspect BB turn head down already cos the shape of my tummy has changed from wide to narrow now.

wish child.. read abt the c-sec your doc advised..

is it because your BB is breech with the leg stuck in your pelvic area?

I think maybe gynae just say if BB remain this position then must C-sec.

u can try to do some stretching exercise and lift your hips above your head to encourage baby to turn head down..


Below items I got it from Kiddy Palace...

This is the Pureen Brand Maternity Pad I am talking about... 20pc per pkt...The pad is very good and thick enough to cushion the impact when we sit down..to be honest no matter how slowly or how lightly I tried to sit down..still feel painful when I am wearing normal niteflow pad...

So u ladies can consider this brand

I think price ard $8++


This is the cottony disposable panty which I really like, $4.90, 5 pc pkt...



Ah Ching, after the doc said that I try to do some exercise. Think will soon do some exercise for labour. Hmm don't know when should start do it? Since bb now just 25weeks.

ladies, i went to buy the watsons' disposable cotton panties. now 3 packs of 5 each for 9.90. i bought from Suntec, but very little stocks left. the others are the normal paper ones.

the Pureen pads looks good for normal delivery (i guess Asian first-timers will almost def tear or get an episotomy right)?

actually im getting cold feet and thinking of elective c-section, but will try to hold out.. cos c-section recovery also sian, and cant massage til 3 wks ltr right??

hi wish_child: i think exercise can start anytime..

maybe can get some books to read on prenatal exercise?

or read up birthing..

if really want to avoid c-sec.. maybe u can consider duola service...

Hi mummies

Have been following the thread these few days but no time to post.. Finally it’s Friday!!

Maternity Pads & Disposable Panties:

The ladyboss of the shop explained to me that we may choose to use those normal extra long pads after birth but the texture is different from maternity pads which may lead to infection of the wound.. She told me a case whereby her friend used normal pads and her stitches actually got hooked onto the pad and she had to rush back to the hospital and ask the doctor to remove it.. Not sure how true though.. Up to individual ba.. I bought the Pureen brand also, at $7.50 for 20pcs.. Only thing I don’t like is it is without wings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. As for panties, since we can’t touch water for that month, wouldn’t expect my mum or hubby to wash for me.. So got those disposable cloth panties which is quite comfortable..


My gynae also asked me to do some simple exercise so as to reduce the weight gain ..

At least 20 - 30 mins of walking a day ..

On weekends, I will try to climb the carpark stairs to get to the car, rather than waiting for my hubby to drive to ground floor ..

Hi mums,

Can i know how many brands of maternity pads available ?

Which one is the better one ?

Maybe I will pop by Watson to buy the disposable panties first ..

On half day leave today, planning to shop at John Little coz my fren told me that their wireless bra quite cheap ..

ladies, can advise on which bottles/teats to get? advisable to mix brands of bottles and teats? thing is i am planning to breastfeed and also pump, and planning to buy the Medela PIS.. so thinking abt compatibility and convenience (bottles vs. milkbags; reheating etc) and of cos prefer BPA (and if possible, non-glass bottles)..

Alot of mommies buying Avent but heard many cases of leaking?

Went down to Robinsons just now, so confused..

which are the brands with 20%+20% does any mommy rem?


yjhl... avent brand leak maybe becoz didnt screw properly ba...so far for past 2years been using this brand...so far maybe less than 10 times i blur blur didnt screw properly and abit leak out lor...

my suggestion is first few weeks/months use bottles/containers to store the EBM... then when supply get more hor... can consider switch to milkbag so can freeze...

for me i used milkbag when i go back to work coz more compact mah...

maternity pad...i tink i see before Pureen and kotex brand...

@YJHL - is there still 20+20% at robinsons? Coz i saw on some website stating that the members sales was only on 10-11th Nov, ended yesterday.

I'm also using Medela pump, intending to buy just 2 medela bottle to fit the pump, then transfer to avent for storage/ feeding, coz i got lots of avent bottles! :p But would the transfer cause any lost in nutrients etc? ;p

@choc - so u only use Avent bottles? use what type of containers to store EBM? Say if i buy medela pump, can only buy medela bottles to store? i know mommies said some other standard size bottles also can use but scared buy alr then i can't attach.. Which milkbags do u rec? I read medela milkbags will leak?

@pootz - ah no wonder!! i rem the dates wrongly.. sigh.. ah can transfer, but wanna minimize the washing and hassle..

Are NUK bottles gd? the anti colic ones are BPA-free and plastic right? cos glass ones i think my mom will break la.. i saw one design is pink and blue, 16.90 and another one in green looks exactly the same to me, but price to 15.90 and packaging just slightly different - anyone knows the difference??

@Ah Ching: Is the panty that TMC gave those waterproof type which will prevent leaking? Glad that you mentioned Pigeon brand disposable breast pad is the best so far as I intend to buy that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As for bra, I'm currently wearing normal ones but in a size bigger. Will need to buy more if it gets tight again. I'm looking to buy something like the 1 below but dunno good or not.


@choc: Thanks for making the effort to take pics and u/l here for us to see. Have you tried watson's brand disposable panties? Is it same/less comfy then the Max-Kool brand? And we can buy those normal, not maternity size for the disposable panty? My mum asked me to buy those tie type of maternity pad. But isn't it troublesome to untie it when we need to pee?

@bigflamingo - good to hear that & hope so coz really want to go natural birth. Now always talk to my bb to help mummy shift up the placenta as well as her head must turn down so that mummy can see, touch & feel u when u born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@cincole - my maid also from Nation. If you noticed, the maids very scared of the staff there. How come u need to see dietician? Tks and will let my fren knows on the talk. If i want the bb seat, will pm and tks again!

@wish_child - i also went to bugis OG but she din ask me to buy bigger size wor.


Pigeon, NUK and most brands regular size bottles can fit Medela pump, i know only Avent bottles cannot. Wide neck bottle also cannot fit.

I don't think it's about whether Avent or Pigeon or NUK bottle is better, most importantly whether the baby like it. If the baby refuse milk feed most likely is because of the nipple so you have to change brand. I heard you can fit Pigeon and NUK nipple and other brands into each other bottle but not Avent. You have to double confirm that. So if you want to play safe, you can buy Pigeon or NUK etc so no need to buy new bottles if baby dislike it and just buy the nipple can liao. I also read is a lot of cases where babies didn't like Avent nipple so they change to NUK or Pigeon which is softer apparently but i also heard colleagues who told me Avent is the best, i dont' know why but i think it's just the marketing and branding.

I went to find out these and ended up buying Pigeon. No bottles is bad, only whether it suits your baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


zanta: If i didnt remember wrongly hor... the kotex maternity pad is use string tie one...abit troublesome to me whereas the Pureen brand which i posted the picture is using adhesive ah...

so much easier....

For disposable panty hor... if u ask me i tried many many brands...some will tear etc... but the one i got from kiddy palace is slightly more exp though but i feel more comfortable..

maybe u get 1 pkt to compare the texture...i also will get watson brands lar.. but those will be more for the last 1-2weeks of confinement...

personally for myself i feel pek chek during first 1-2 weeks so i will indulge abit on better disposable panty..then the next few weeks i anyhow use other brands..LOL

breastpas: so far i also love pigeon brand and i think most places got sell 60+12pc free at $13.90 ah...

WAH!! ur posted bra look nice!!!!! hehee...oh ya..another thing is after give birth try to wear non wire bra coz when engorgement hor... the wire will "CHAK" into our breast and very pain one..

my personal opinion lar...maybe u get mixtures of wired n non wired bras

