(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Judy: LOL~ How big is your bed?? So many pillows your hubby got space to sleep meh? Hahahaha! Or you are those that have to put pillows around you to "protect" you one? But anyway I always unable to sleep well too. Cos I'll always toss and turn. And when I sleep on my side I seem to experience slight pain in my tummy. Don't know issit cos I turn too much then like pressing on my tummy. How about change to a better pillow that supports your neck better?


@Valerie, @Fiona, @Ah Ching: Sayang sayang.. We're now more prone to get angry over uncaring hubby probably due to our hormones but sometimes we just need to learn how to get over them and get on with our life in order not to affect our bb.

@Valerie: I think you give your hubby abit more time b4 talking to him again bah. After he cooled down then ask him what is he so angry abt then talk things over. My hubby is those kind that will say things over liao then let's not talk abt it anymore. So I'll tell him then next time don't rack up again when we quarrel. And we'll try to compromise this way lor. And last night he also made me v angry lor, but we're ok aft afew hrs of cold war.

Hello all mummies, did u girl ate payaya? I read at Internet eating papaya will cause abortion n miscarriage. oh god I was so worried I recently just ate 3 slice of papaya. Scare anything will happen to my bb. How how?? Is it true eat papaya will cause miscarriage??

@Mrs Ong: Welcome on board!! Is this your 1st preg?

@mami_bel: I'm glad that your blood test report is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If more pills is gd for the bb then we'll just have to listen and take, no choice. Just bear with it for 5mths more bah.

pinkyval: haha yah i like the 'protection' from all the pillows.. my bed queen size only so my hubby is always squeezed to one corner.. one of my pillow i buy the magic contour memory pillow.. cost me 100+ bucks.. heart pain.. but thought will work. end no use.. too soft for my liking.. i dont knw is it all the pillows making my neck pain..


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my bb gal, looking to clear the following items. hope mtbs will find them of interest!

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are

described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD

will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. calls from unknown

nos. will not be entertained.

thank u!!

mami bel: nope wont be getting CL.. no place for CL to sleep also dont want CL to 'control' me..

baywater, my hubby's career also went downhill after I delivered my son.. and he did go into the delivery room with me..

Papaya is harmless. I ate tonnes of it during my first preg. It helps to prevent constipation and full of vitamins.

@Judy: Hahahha! Very poor thing leh your hubby. But most prob should be the pillow. Maybe you have to buy those hard pillow in order to support your neck better.


don't think papayas pose a prob, don't worry. I've had lots during my pregnancies.

Val/ Ah Ching/ Baywater,

I think we deserve to be treated better for carrying their bbs lo. It's really sad if they cannot even do that for us. But for our kids we got to be strong. Cheer up, chin up and try to enjoy the rest of our pregnancies ok! It's actually an enjoyable process which we will miss after the bbs are out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok thank u Ah ching, Mamie bel, littledevil, cltine n firstmum. Thank u feel better after read the post by u girls. I'm so scared I tot i harm my bb. So scare anything happen to him/her.

hi ah ching, im back. =)

i definitely understand tat our #1 will tend to be more sticky & whiney when we are pregnant with #2. but however, be it im preggy or not, between my hubby & myself, my gal tend to stick to me more. my gal will only reject my hubby on few cases. Anyway, my gal is very sticky to me during her sleeping time. im the only one who can pat her to zzz, when my hubby tried to make her zzz, she will end up playing with him.. & if she woke up in the nite for water or sometimes nitemare, if she didnt see me, she will wail, even my hubby cannot calm her down. she want me mean she want me. so before i decide to keep the #2, my hubby's plan is to let my gal Zzz in the hospital with me at nite. of coz my hubby will also stay & sleep in the hospital with me.

no choice, coz there no one to look after my gal. not thinking to get a maid too..

i pray tat i will not hav my contraction or waterbreak or "show" during the middle of the nite, if not in the middle of the nite, have to drag my poor gal out of bed & rush her to the hosp with us. coz my hubby will be driving me to hosp, cant be leaving my gal behind alone in the house... so at the hospital, during the delivery time before the baby is out, think cannot let my gal see me, if not she will feel insecure see me lying there & will worried & start crying wanting me. so i guess, during tat period my hubby will look after her.

i also worried during my confinment time who will bath my #1 & cook for her. coz i know some CL quite yim cheem. they will only look after the baby & mother. the rest of the family member, the CL dun care one. & my hubby duno how to bath my gal yet. haiz... have to plan..

my hubby did stay with me during delivery time for my 1st pregnancy. he just stay beside me cheering me on, but of coz he didnt look down from my waist & below coz he scare of blood. when he see blood, he will faint. so wat he do is keep staring at my face, cheering me on. & when the baby is almost out, then he start to film the baby when the gynae put the baby on my tummy. surprisingly my gal is quite clean, not much blood on her. of coz my hubby didnt film how the gynae pull the baby out from below.

thanks ladies.. yesterday talk afternoon talk to my hubby..

he promise me that he will not see those things again..

i firgive him already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re : PAPAYA. actually papaya is gd for our body, but it consider a "liang" food like pineapple & watermelon & coconut drink. so pls eat with moderation. pregnany lady should avoid eating alots of "liang" food. coz eating too much "liang" food will causes unwanted contraction.

Darlest: at least your hubby is willing to help..

that's the prob I am facing.. cos hubby cant even take care of my boy for 15 mins..

but i think u better think of contingency plan, cos hubby need to be at the labour ward to sign any emergency documents... etc and dont think your gal should be at the delivery ward

in case other mummies are screaming or what..

or just in case labour very long.. choy choy

anyway will be going for 4-bedded.. so nobody can stay overnight with me..

first mum/ mami bel/ choc/ baywater: my hubby called to say will go pick my son up from the nanny later..

say he regret scolding him this morning..

now my qi finally gone..

Hey Ladies, anyone find themself to be lactose intolerant recently?

Also, at which week did ur gynae prescribe more pills than just folic acid?

@first mum: Thanks first mum, I just hope things will be fine soon. *sigh* So low morale.

@fiona: That's good that he can promise you that. Hope he won't make you unhappy anymore! =)

Sad mummies: See, things are getting better already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cheer up! With our perseverence, things will get better!

Nashita: I saw my gynae at 17 weeks and that's when she advised me to finish up whatever folic acid I had and move on to fish oils. So now,I take multivits, calcium tablets and fish oil. She didn't offer what quantities to take, merely telling me to buy those suitable for preggy ladies. Otherwise, the easiest is to just buy from the gynae.

I only realise buying from my gynae is actually cheaper than from Watsons/Guardian/GNC after I bought from outside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Will be buying from gynae next round.

Thanks zanta for your warm welcome ;) Yup my lst and very excited about it. u may address me as pyng more comforty hee.

wish_child - it's ok to consume papaya since we are in our 2nd tri but in moderation. During lst tri, i had avoided all cooling stuff, raw food and caffine. Once i approaching 2nd tri, the food I avoided are raw food and certain chinese herbs like ginseng etc. There maybe a few i still eating which not advisable so best in moderation. Anything unsure best to consult elders & gyna. My gyna will only advise everything in moderation lol.

Any mummies take ebolin natural fibregel as i consume this to aid in my motion. Im very jialat type must eat lot of lot of veggies and fruit in order can pass motion. So no choice have to rely on natural fibregel.

This morning, I went to see my gynae and this wasn't a planned appt as I felt uneasy last week about my non existent weight increase and the stagnant growth of my stomach. Got a severe dressing down by gynae but well, everything is alright now. I feel so much reassured. Anyway, mine confirmed is a boy..

Sigh .. Hv a lot of explaining done to my girl. I am having problems with my girl as she keeps wanting to have a baby sister. And the last time when she learnt that I am having a boy, she seems like "boycotting" me till now. And for the past few weeks, she has been rather persistent saying that if I am going to give her a brother, she won't love him at all..


ah ching, i trained & force my hubby to take on some responsibility on taking care of our gal. he's used to be like hubby, no patient on the baby, super bo chap one. then i keep nagging at him, show him example of ppl hubby like my sis hubby & his sis husband. watch those baby talk show with him, show him children is both person responsibility, not just one sided & somemore baby are created by 2 person etc etc.

but there are still time his patient is limited, like at nite when he cant calm down our gal in less than a min, he will start to call out for me, ask me to handle our gal. i will scold him not to be impatient without letting my gal see me. u can try ways like rubbing her back & sing to her softly to calm her down & etc etc. like tat i trained my hubby. sometimes it work for him, sometimes dun. if i dun trained him like tat, next time when the baby is born, & my #1 cry while im bf my #2 at nite, then how? how am i going to split myself?

hahaha. ah ching, i really pray tat i will have shorter delivery time this time round, my 1st is very long, last for 10hrs....

Ah Ching, good for u "> hope things turn out well for u">

Darlest, I did tot of bring my girl to hospital too, but who will take care of her when I'm in the labor ward and she will cry when she see me in pain... dun wish for her to see that scene. Moreover, its confirm that my husband will not be staying with me in the hospital, hence, if she is in the hospital with me, she will definitly want to sleep together with me. Unable to rest, hence I give up on that idea...

As for him taking care of her, it will drain him out within an hour and he will prefer to use it for work instead.

Its nice that ur husband is willing to share the load, I guess I've hv to give up my sleep again.... I used to hv only 3-4 hrs sleep each nite for the first yr my girl is born...

Felpoo, at least now u know that ur bb is fine and growing well in ur tummy ">

sorry lot of complaints today... has been telling myself to cool down n think positive... challenging but still need to try

thanks for listening to my outburst ladies.. ">

Now its more practice for me to look and plan for the time when he is out ice-ski-ing and me gg to labour and the arrangement for my girl

baywater, poor thing.. hugs hugs.. sayang sayang.

let hope things will turn out well for everyone here. it really "jia jia you ben nan nian de jing". if my gal really have to stay overnite with me, she will also sleep together with me, but during the day, i ask my hubby to bring her home to wash up, changed, feed her (oh no.. who going to cook my gal meal while im in labour or hospital and i hope he can succeed in feeding her, signs.. another problem), then bring her back to hospital again.

i still worried during labour time.. as wat ah ching mention, if my hubby need to be ard in the labour ward, then my gal how?.... (another problem, need to be solved)... headache.... headache....

Hello ladies,

I want to share something with you guys, yesterday went to my auntie's place, they use a strand of hair and put a ring through it, stroke up and down at the side of my palm facing up. So accurate! it shows I am having a gal! I did not tell them before hand! They did on my hubby and it shows a gal too!

neongoby, oh, this game i play before. the ring u wear must be the ring u always wear one. but hor, if i tried it afews time to be sure, the result/ans will not be consistent.

Hi everyone, im not sure what should we ask the confinement lady, can you all share what important details we should clarify with the confinement ladies?

I could only think of a few questions.

1. What if early delivery, clash with CNY.

2. Know how to cook confinement food, herbal

3. What to provide for her? Eg. mattress, wardrobe? shower accessories?

What is you guys discussion with your CL? Do you need to provide them shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, tower, body wash etc?

What about wardrobe, we don't have any spare wardrobe ha ha ...

Did you guys think about if both parents do not eat breakfast, do we need to provide breakfast for the CL too? Like that must wake up early to buy breakfast for her? We are like her maid like that leh ... ha ha

Need to ask her dialect group, different dialect have different type of cooking etc right? Hopefully same dialect group as the family? Is that a contraint to think about?

Do your CL do housework too? Or just taking of baby and mom and cook meals for them only? Surely she will wash her own clothes right? LOL

Is it normal for the CL have official "rest time" like 2 hrs break in the afternoon or night or ??

What else to ask?? Sorry for long post.

Hi everyone, im not sure what should we ask the confinement lady, can you all share what important details we should clarify with the confinement ladies?

I could only think of a few questions.

1. What if early delivery, clash with CNY.

2. Know how to cook confinement food, herbal

3. What to provide for her? Eg. mattress, wardrobe? shower accessories?

What is you guys discussion with your CL? Do you need to provide them shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, tower, body wash etc?

What about wardrobe, we don't have any spare wardrobe ha ha ...

Did you guys think about if both parents do not eat breakfast, do we need to provide breakfast for the CL too? Like that must wake up early to buy breakfast for her? We are like her maid like that leh ... ha ha

Need to ask her dialect group, different dialect have different type of cooking etc right? Hopefully same dialect group as the family? Is that a contraint to think about?

Do your CL do housework too? Or just taking of baby and mom and cook meals for them only? Surely she will wash her own clothes right? LOL

Is it normal for the CL have official "rest time" like 2 hrs break in the afternoon or night or ??

What else to ask?? Sorry for long post.

hi our first baby, when is ur edd? if its about 2 weeks before or after CNY, it is important to find a confinement nanny who can work for that period and not go back malaysia for CNY.

Most nannies know how to cook, so double cfm will do. Beddings such as mattress n such are must have.

No need wardrobe, they usually bring their own luggage or bag so not much unpacking. Just provide a space for her in her room. Other basics she should have. If not she will buy when she's here.

No need worry about her meals. She should cook for u, and separate food for ur hubby. She can settle her own by having simple dish.

Tell her exactly whoa re staying in the house and what needs to be taken care of. Focus on other kids meals or needs, or housework. Rest time no need fix and is subjective. She should know when to catch her rest, usually when bb is sleeping.

Confinement food is more or less the same. just tell her what u dun eat, or if u like soup just highlight to her. Ask her for list of medical herbs or stuff to prepare couple weeks before edd.

No need be paiseh with nanny. she is hired to take full care of u, bb n the house as the mummy is suppose to be not doing anything but rest.

So when she's at the house already, just tell her how u would like things to be done. If u breastfeeding do let her know. Nite feed by bottle EBM or breast? can feed water by bottle? And such.

That should be about it! =)

Our first bb,

A few answers to your questions

1. Need to check with the CL whether they need to go bk for CNY. Some don't mind coming over if they accept the assignment.

2. Most CLs are very experienced. They will tell you what ingredients to buy and prepare and they'll know what to cook everyday. If you have special request you may tell them.

3.Most CL will bring their luggage stocked with clothes and toiletries. All you have to provide is a sleeping place with a mattress/ bed.

4. Breakfast- your wife is recommended take bf during confinement to improve breast milk production and also her health. You can request for porridge, mee sua, or anything she feel like eating actually. As for the CL you can provide bread with simple spreads and Milo/ coffee.

5. CLs are supposed to help with housework like sweeping, mopping and cleaning up of kitchen after they cook. But this must be told to her before u pay her depo. If not sometimes they come already may try to be difficult.

6. Experienced CLs will plan their own rest time. You don't have to stipulate a fixed time. Usually they wake at night so they'll quickly finish their work after lunch and sleep while bb and mum rest.

Take note if you need them to cook for you too, you must specify to them before hiring. Some CLs very chin chai, others very ngiao wan.


Morning mummies~

After so many days then I realised, could it be my hubby thought I've already signed the policy without discussing with him that's why he's so angry with me? Cos on the last call I told him my agent is preparing the policy and he said "Prepare what?? I also haven't see!". Then I said "I only asked her to prepare first I also never ask her to submit!". Cos I already told him on that morning that I'll ask my agent to prepare first and he told me don't buy so ex, just $100 will do. So I thought he already know what I'm going to do! *sigh* Anyway I just sent him a sms this morning and told him I've not signed the policy and have no intention of asking her to submit without letting him see first in the first place. And he didn't reply. I'm in a dilemma actually. I hope he'll reply and I hope he won't reply. *sigh* I just hope he'll talk to me soon. =(

val...actually no rush to get it signed rite? maybe u were too kan cheong liao...how about slow down..wait for him to view thru...input some "comments" then decide together to sign the document...maybe he feel so left out ba...

@choc: I was thinking if I asked her to prepare first then if my hubby agrees I don't have to meet up with her and sign again. And I'm quite in a rush cos I'm already in my 18 week now. I don't want to drag it any longer in case *touchwood* I have diabetes or worse high blood pressure. Then I won't be able to buy this policy.

hi rachel & first mum,

thank you for sharing. some of the matters like cooking for husband and household chores i afraid to bring it up. scare the CL later run away, and will be hard to find another replacement. haha

i don't have a lot of expectations for the CL, i think the more expectation you have, the more disagreements you will have with her. Other than taking care of baby and mummy and cooking for them, just want her to clean the kitchen after her cooking, sweep and mop the floor.

i guess we also need to buy the slow cooker for the herbs.


where are you getting CL from? agency or friend's recommendation? if latter than friend should be able to give u a good gauge of what she does...

OFB - did you meet up with the CL? or you talk to her over the phone?

For me I talked to her over the phone and my hubby is not comfortable, he said we are entrusting 2 lives to someone whom we don't even know, what happen if she take the baby and run? hahaha, my hubby so exaggerating

Hi mummies, just came in to say hi..

will be very bz today at work so probably no time to drop in..

bringing my son for his surgery tomorrow.. hope everything goes well..

returning to work on Monday only so prob can only catch up on the posts on Monday..

take care everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OMG i want to murder my dog..!

this morning i was suddenly woken up by my dog.. she jump on my stomach! directly on top of my uterus.. i am so worried now dont knw if baby is fine.. i also cannot feel baby move so i dont knw if baby is okay.. right now i feel fine. no pain.. normal?


Hello everyone.. I'm expecting my first-born (probably a boy!) on 5 Feb. Will prob be popping at Mt A cos my gynae, Dr Ho is there..Quite clueless abt baby stuff so hope to learn more from everyone here!

On CL - I'm still trying to resolve this... tried calling a lady who was highly recommended in forums but she was asking for $3300! Tried calling an agency too but they are fully-booked for CNY..sigh.. my mum and MIL are actually willing to help, so mum do housework and MIL cook.. but i'm worried i'll end up having to be referee if they get on each other's nerves... gulpz... just to check from the experienced mums here.. is it really necc to have a CL stay overnight? cos even if my mum stays with me, i'll feel pai seh to make her wake up too.. afterall if it's just waking up to BF, me and hubby shld be able to handle? or am i too optimistic??!

