(2011/02) Feb 2011

cheyanne: thanks for the encouragement.. I wonder how u cope... being SAHM with both children 24/7..

I'm already thinking of cutting short my ML and returning to work ha ha..


zanta: It's normal to look 6 months pregnant after delivery..

but with breastfeeding, my tummy now only look a bit flabby and soft..

can wear back my pre-preg clothes already.

so dont worry abt weight gain ok.

btw, can we start to do sit ups?

I tore my stitches yesterday I think... now abit pain. sigh.. better be more diligent in using the propanol.. havent been using it diligently..

today I went marketing. came back home with a terrible shoulder and backache cos carrying baby in the carrier..

think must really consider getting a more appropriate baby carrier.

jeanie: sleepy wrap is a long piece of cloth made from special material.

supposed to be very stretchy and we carry baby in it by wrapping it ard our body.


Actually I went to see it before delivery and the lady demonstrated on my SIL.

I'm thinking of getting it cos my ring sling and infantino carrier seem to be very uncomfortable to carry NB.

Also I need to carry my elder one and stroller up a flight of stairs to my flat. so need a carrier to secure BB to my body.

Yesterday, my son threw tantrum and sat on the roadside, while trying to drag him up, my BB gal's head was rolling ard in the carrier..

got a shock cos didnt expect it.

so seriously considering the sleepy wrap..

My gal seem to be having blocked nose..

anyone experiencing it?

she was suckling and gasping for breath every 2-3 suckles..

do I need to bring her to the PD?

she also got yellowish dried mucus on her eyes..

for BB gals, she has something whitish like discharge at her V area.. do I need to clean it off?

I'm afraid will hurt her..

re: baby poo poo..

my gal's poo is very explosive. Yesterday while changing her diaper, her poo came flying out and flew all the way to my legs and the bed..

like shot from a piston.

is it normal? cos my number 1 does not exhibit such explosive poo poo..

re: leaking breast.

my milk leaked and soaked thru my shirt, cardigan and a towel onto my bedsheets without me realising..

my whole front of T-shirt was wet.

@lee2011 - Good luck & update us ur birth story. Maybe i also same as u, if no signs of popping hv to induce after 16 feb...so scare will end up csec ;(

altho I have just delivered but already forgotten all abt the whole pregnancy and labour liao..

seeing some of your posts abt your symptons and anxiety feels like it happened to me umpteen years ago..

ha ha..

good luck to all mummies who are waiting to pop.

hi mommies,

what kind of breastfeeding shawl do u use? If i dont intend to wear nursing top, any idea what shawl i can use?

Darlest, 3days after due date still ok. My gynae said I need to waited for 41weeks then decide to c sect or induce. So scare bb refused to come out. Haiz

PingPing, Congrats.. Soon u n trinket will give birth soon. Hmm I'm still waiting haha.Jia you woh.

Mrs Ong, haiz I'm so worries as my gynae said my bb will be overdue as I'm still 0cm dilated. I really hope my bb will be out around valentine day. My gynae said only decide induce or c sect after 41weeks+. Unless bb movement getting lesser or water bag getting lesser than Will decide early whether c sect or induce. Today I feel my tummy dropped even more. Yesterday check up my gynae nv check VE so I don't know whether I got dilated.

If my next appointment on 15feb bb still not out I will opt for induce on 20feb if possible. =)

Mimi, Congrats!! Soon u going give birth. Wow very excited for u. =)

Mrs Ong, when u is ur edd? I want to induce bb early but I feel lot of them will objected for me to induce early. Haiz. I also very scare of c sect lor. Haha not scared the pain is scare my figure cannot go back to pre natal figure.

Zanta, how are u? Everything going smooth and well? How is ur bb girl birth story? After give birth everybody tummy will still look flabby n fat. Need time to reduce the water retention. =)

Mi mi

My fav is bebe au lait. I hv been scouting around for one. Think I may just get this even tho more pricey. I intend to BF for 6months and more so this will be my reward cum investment hehe

Mami B, bebe au lait doesnt covers the back right? I'm looking for one that doesnt requires me to wear nursing top. Let me know the feedback after u purchase bebe au lait. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wish_child, thanks but gynae told me i might still take a week to deliver...sigh..its a long wait.

Wannabel: I latch baby on demand so I do not lmow exactly. The massage lady told me should be 120-140ml per feed. But I am on full latch once in a while give some ebm. Cos of full latch and at night he is sleepy, sometimes 1-2 hours at night. Like last night almost every hour zzz... If u wanna be sure give ebm all the time then u can see amt. Or not check his diaper is wet change 5-6 times a day and weight going up should be no prob.

Mi Mi, i hate the waiting game. hmm everybody keep ask me whether i pop or when i pop? haiyo make me more kancheong lor..

My bb too comfortable inside my tummy le.. haha

Wish_child, i agree. the uncertainty is gg to make me crazy. i kept gg to toilet to check for "show" and if my water bag has burst. haha.. i'm worst, my colls are all asking why m i still here...gotta repeat story again n again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ah ching

can clean discharge gently with warm water and cotton wool ball... not painful one.

yes poo is very liquid and very explosive! my friend's baby's poo shot onto the shopping centre diaper changing room wall and they were so paiseh and tried so hard to clean it up.


i bought mine from kiddy palace. covers front and back like a poncho. luvvit.

wish child and mimi

i am in no hurry leh... although uncomfortable and heavy. but I'm ok if bb comes after edd on 20 Feb too! nice date! then i can enjoy one week of ML first...

Mimi, wahaha. Same same here. I everytime will go toilet check for sign. Haha but no sign. I keep tell her good girl faster come out then can play with u and she can eat her favourite food French fries. Haha

Trinket, 20/2/2011 hmm nice date. I don't mind she out that date too. But I hope she out on 14/2/2011. I want her be my valentine day gift. Hehe so my hubby have no reason rejected me to celeb valentine day le. Haha.

Wish_child, u r so funny. The reason u want ur baby to come out on valentine's day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess we don't hv a choice. Juz gotta wait till our bbs want to come out.

Hi Ladies

News flash... Yesterday I was mentioning that my bb has yet to engage and I had my contraction at 1am and my bb is officially announce her grand extrance at 8.43am on 9 Feb 11 ">


Thx for sharing. So nice to b able to work fr home. Do u haf maid to help u? Otherwise how do u cope?

Now I m blur n confused on e feeding. I guess I need to print out n follow it. Pump twice a day n when is e bb goin to drink e ebm? I experience v low ms in my first ore. Worse, when I pumped, my ms was so pathetic that I gave up pumping n latched on every alt feed.

Till now, she is still quie a milk addict, she prefer milk to food.

Also headache how to work tog w e cl on using gf method.

Rev island, I have maid to do chores. My mil cooks and delivers my confinement food and my boy attends full day childcare at Pat's schoolhouse. So I take care of my own little ger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's quite simple lah. I spend my time feeding, watching drama, surf facebook n Internet, planning the full

Month party, doing up the 2010 family coffee table book.

Pumping keeps milk supply UP. It's a method used to fake ur baby demand so breasts work hard to produce more. Nowadays, my Emma sucks one breast and feels full already. One breast produce about 120ml of milk every cycle. So that explains it. At first, I still wondered if she got enough to drink so I forced her to take my other breast. She puked out all the milk and I got a shock that she drank so much already. I store all the excess milk in freezer. I use ice cube tray and store into ziplock bags. Label the bags by dates. Eg 4-9 Feb.

Each cube is 30ml. By following the GF method , my milk supply is abundant and I can further increase it anytime by following Pg 213.

The GF method - we need to get up by 7am and feed baby. If u want to pump before feeding (plan to increase milk supply) then wake at 6:45am. The good thing is u only woke once a night (max twice). Planning to wake up at a certain time beats jumping outta bed whenever Bb starts crying. At least u know whether u are up for joining Hubby to watch a late night tv drama not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naps - the 4pm nap is the only nap not done in a dark room. Other than that, GF recommends a dark room. Hence my move to chase my son outta my bed haha.. And yes, we actually also love sleeping with him in the middle and cuddle him. But no more.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah Ching, I m not sure how to reverse other than trying cold turkey. But make sure Bb not hungry, diaper changed and is purely clamoring for carrying and rocking before u do cold turkey. Swaddle tight, off all lights, leave the room.

Mami B, i was just wondering whether u plan the time to feed your bb at 2.30am or she wakes up at that time?

also, for the first few day in hospital, only 5 mins each breast is enough? thought longer can stimulate more?

Baywater, Congrats!!!! For ur bb girl arrival. So fast ah. YEsterday u said bb haven engaged but come out yesterday night. Wow so fast. =)

Trinket, that time gynae said he suspect I've got mild fracture and thin crack so he did laser and give me some spray. Recovered in two weeks..

Ah Ching, oh I see. Haven't heard of sleepy wrap but it seems more secure.. Must have given you big shock to see her head rocking inside the carrier.. Especially their neck is not stable yet..

I think it's normal that Nb has stuffy nose? Cuz I rem my no1 also had stuffy nose and the doc say it's normal. But he prescribe saline water to drip into his nose but I didn't use it at all cuz I'm skeptical to use eye drops on Nb nose. And I just let it be. But I do know some mummies use warm water to clear their Nb nose..

I'm tired of the waiting game!! Hope Bb comes out by this week!!

hi mummies,

I got a medela swing single breast pump to let go off at 50% discount. Its bought in Jan '11 but I gave up on bf-ing, thus have no more use for it. Do PM me for details.

Congrats baywater! waah.. seeing all the mummies' birth stories make me rather envious.. mine was induced case.. super controlled process.. no drama of showing or water bag bursting.. feels like i missed out on an impt step of the pregnancy journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ah Ching - I was quite keen on getting the sleepywrap too, after seeing a mum using it at the PD.. both baby and mum looked super comfy lor.. but some reviews i saw online say that it can get rather warm for baby and mum esp in our climate.. so some pple end up using in air-con places only.. now i thinking of getting the manduca carrier.. anyone has any experience with it?

oh.. and on explosive poo.. my boy is guilty of that too.. the other day when i was changing him, he release one stream that shot over the cot rail and smack onto the fresh sheets on my bed! I asked the PD abt it and she says it's normal.. and in fact gd cos it's means the baby is expelling wind from his tummy... so bo bian lor.. hopefully he will learn to be more civilised when he's older and expel wind thru burping instead

@wishchild - my edd on 13 feb...guess will have to induce by 20 feb. Scare will end up csec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats baywater!!! That was fast

Sleepywrap seems good n my colleague passed me the cash to buy one liao ... Manduca cn b given reviews by geri as she wants to use it.

My right side back hurts at the waist part wen standing... The other day my mil wrapped 2 x binders n the top hurt so much n i tink my bck right side really gt prob... My 4th i remembered i also kena like tat.... Haiz... Dunno y

Mrs ong: dun be scared, go ahead if need induce. First child? U won't know how ur body react to induce. My first one also induce and out in 8 hours. So ur body will react positively. At most c sec also ok de. Jia you k, dun worry, who knows before u wanna induce baby decide to give u some signs le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Waiting for weekend so tt my mom n sis can come visit me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care all!

Mrs Ong, same same. I also scare I will end up need to c sect. Don't worry we must be postive n have confident to our body too. Like Pinkval her bb overdue 1day n baywater her bb also haven engaged but pop out yesterday. My cousin bb overdue 1weeks+ she also go by natural n no c sect. =)

we help each other to Jia you!!

Mama Ying, Xuan Xuan being Induce out will it pain

ful if induce bb? Did Xuan Xuan have stomach reflux or wind after birth? My mom induce me out she very regrets. As I bb time my stomach keep have wind n stomach reflux. Even now I'm old also have winds n stomach reflux. Hmm so lot of ppls object me to induce my bb out.

@mamaying - tks for ur encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy ur wkend with ur family ya!

@wishchild - u right man and we should be positive & confident in our body & bb! Let's jia you together!

@baywater - congrats & rest well!

jeanie: I solved the blocked nose prob.. she has nose dirt so I took it out with a cotton bud..

kinder: I saw a mummy using the sleepy wrap and mummy and baby look super comfy.

I have a Pikkolo carrier similar to Manduca..

but after putting baby in it, she does not seem very comfy in it..

abt feeling very hot.. I think any slings/ pouch will have this prob. if you not intending to use for NB stage I think Manduca will be a better investment cos can use even when BB is bigger.

Sleepy wrap I doubt they can still give support when bb is more than 8 kg, which is ard 6 months old.

Wish child: my babies both induce and the pain is the same, I dunno if more painful than spontaneous labour hee but both deliveries quite successful and pain but managable ba. I nv had spontaneous birth so I can't compare. Kkh pregnancy book says induce birth is not more painful than spontaneous birth.

Also xuan not very colicky but once in a while we give rid wind. But she almost nv reflux.

Induce baby more prone to wind n reflux? I dun think so leh. All kids prob like tt so do burp them regularly and if breastfeeding need avoid foods tt are 'gassy'. I think like beans, brocolli...

hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt, i hv 8 bottles of GNC Fenugreek for sale, brand new still sealed. 100 tablets per bottle.

Fenugreek is a herb used to increase milk supply. It can be taken once you have given birth.

Retail price: $29.50 per bottle

I'm selling at $20 per bottle. Price negotiable if you are buying more.

Pls pm me if you are interested. Thanks!

Hi mummies.. Been busy theses two days doing last mins shopping.. Eating.. Cos I m next in the quene.. Mention ealier dr advise to go Thomas for check up on mon n after that see him.. And he ask me if I wanna give birth.. Mon or Tue.. Me n Hubby Was stunned.. Seem like lotssss of thing flashing through my mind... And ask if can wait till mon but he say no .. Cannot too long already.. Omg.. So fast.. Thot another two week to enjoy.. Going to induce TOMMORROW... Now having mix feeling.. Anxious.. Excited.. Scare.. N many many feeling.. Been counting down since mon.. N now left only 11 hrs before admission.. Till now Still cannot sleep... Pray hard evevrything gone well tml.. All the best to me...


I saw u say that u going to c section on 11/2.. Ha ha.. Our edd was actually 26/02.. Now we both will be having the same ADD too 11/2 (but if mine delivery is fast then mine will be 10/02).. All the best to u..


Maybe u can trying to buy a present or a goodies bag for ur boy n tell him is from mei mei.. That wat my sil do for he second preggy.. He bougt two goodies bag n give to kor kor ( cos twin sis) n he was soo happy and adore his sis alot.. Maybe that will help.. No harm trying..

Dadmum, Rev island , so fast ur turn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my birth story:

12.30am: Sleeping soundly

1.05 am: TUmmy ache, go toilet and pupu #1

1.05 am: TUmmy ache again, go toilet pupu #2

1.15 am : Tot that I'm suffering food poisioning (HAHA)

1.20am: Feeling something is amiss, so started monitoring the pain

1.30am: Pain is abt 5 min apart, so now suspecting that it might be contraction, so chk if my hubby is home (cos, he has to do some training with US counterpart)

1.40am: Decided to go TMC

1.45am: Got ready to go

1.55am: Reached TMC and admitted to labour ward and I'm 2.5cm diluted.

2.30am: Edi administrated and sleeping happily

8.15am: Fully diluted

8.30am: My Gynea is here

8.40am: Start pushing

8.43am: Veldis is out!!!

Veldis is 3.4kg at birth and 50cm in height. "> thats my birth story

Mummies who is waiting, dun worry cos, my case is a good live example, I went to my gynea on mon and was told that my bb is not fully engage and my 2nd bb will follow my first delivery - 42ww.

But end up, my contraction set in on Tue midnite and deliver on Wed :>

Have fate in yourself and your bb, talk to him/ her more often. Of cos, u must take your gynea's recommendation into consideration too "> and be flexible ">

Dadnmum, so coincidently. Which hospital u going ? But why dr ww wanted you to give birth so early ? Is this your first pregnancy? Are you going to have induced and natural birth with epi?

I will be checking in to tmc at 9am on 11 feb and my csect will be at 12pm.



Y dun u take e ealiest time slot. Need to fast for 6 hours. I took e earliest at mount e, 730 so I fast fr midnight. Doc said earlier better, clean.

