(2011/02) Feb 2011

hi ladies, good morning!!

mamaying, have a smooth delivery! very excited for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou jiayou!

pinkyval, can also get your hubbs to massage your leg for you. helps the blood circulate so won't be so uncomfortable. it will be all over very soon le. hang in there!

esther, i also want to keep to 3hourly schedule. personally i think is ok la, just make sure bb drink to fill at the feedings. if not, i dunno how long i'll be expressing milk for.. haha


@esther: It's not cramp. And the pain is at inner thigh near my v area. I also don't know how to describe the pain. Like muscle tear/stretch. And it's only on my left leg.

When is your edd? Why induce tomorrow?

@shannen & yaataa: The pain has been here for 2 months le. Sometimes very bad, sometimes still bearable. My hubby will massage for me with pain relief ointment but now that I'm so near to my edd, he said better not massage. Cos it's very near v area. I really hope once the baby is out the pain will be gone immediately. I wish I have a wheelchair. Zzz.. Though it's very painful but I hope my baby can wait till CNY. I keep telling him I can bear with the pain as long as he wait till CNY then come out. Just 9 more days!! *fingers crossed*

@SLim: I bought mine in Triumph. Quite comfy when I tried on. Have not started wearing it though. And it costs $30+ each. That day when I bought they are having promo in BHG. Buy 3 and get 1 free.

Valeria, I have the feeling. U need to sit more cannot walk around anymore. Because bb getting heavy and head engage. The leg pain in the middle of night I will wake up stretch my leg and foot. Wear sock Also will be good too. Try not to drink water before go to bed.

My leg very swollen and heavy. It water retention. It will gone after we go delivery. =)

Jia you ren yi ren next sun u going delivery.

Esther, wow u the next in the line. Great and Jia you. =)

Hello mommies today mama Ying and Choc going give birth =)

@wish_child: The thing is my baby's head is still not engaged. I wanted to go for check up earlier but appointment all full. If walk in have to wait VERY long~ I can't stretch my leg ah. I move a bit also pain until I wanna cry liao. Like my leg is tearing apart. *sigh*

Good morning mummies...

Does anyone know which departmental store is having 20% for nursery products right now? Need to grab some last minute stuff...

Tmc has indeed switched their pampers for huggies NB. The former is definitely superior to the latter. TMC already charge us so much for delivery and stay, they really shouldn't have switched to something cheaper. Pampers is much more absorbent.

The price difference between the 2 brands is not very big. Think about $2 per pack (NB size).


I also have pain on my left leg, not cramp, but something like bone sticking (to my buttock). It's pain and heavy that sometimes i can't turn when sleeping and can't walk when i need to go to toilet in the middle of night.

I daren't to wake my hubby up as i am afraid will affect his rest. I just bear with the pain. But these few days, the pain seem gone.

Hope yours will be getting fine soon too.

Jia you


My edd is this Thursday. So told gynae just induce. I cannot tahan liou. Stomach cramp all day night long. Hardly z too.

You try putting hot pack on ur inner thigh to help with better blood circulation. I used the Cinch warm pack n place it on my back at times.

Wishchild: I am so nervous. Cracking my head on breast feeding schedule even before bb is out. Told my mom in advance about it. Wanted to mentally prep her. But she said, aiyoh cannot be so heartless to only feed every 3 hours. (I fainted)

Yaataa: let's jio you together n stick with the routines!!

Hello everyone, it's finally over! So glad and I pulled thru thanks to hubby's support and the nurses and of course dr. 2nd kid really very fast...

12midnight admitted, insert prostin, sleep.

615am dr came to break waterbag, could take contractions till 1.5 hours later took gas mask.

8 plus almost 9 feel urge to push but only 6cm! Asked for pethidine injection on thigh, nurse say will affect baby cos already 6cm so cannot. I almost want to faint! Tot can still inject tho strictly dun wan epidural...

Less than 10min later 8cm, then told nurse I wanna push, crying and screaming pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Slightly before 10 dr came and I was 10 cm! Push! Hubby say 3-5 pushed baby out. Warm gush and I hear baby's loud cry. Finally so relieved.

Took abt 3.5 hours after breaking waterbag. On gas mask. I dun think I wan a 3rd kid hahaha but dr say will be even faster! Hahaha

Jia you all mommies! Jia you choc! Right now I'm just very hungry and my tailbone very suan.

Mothers are noble ppl to bring kids into the world! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do take pain relief if u need so tt u have energy to push!

@Jolin: Same here, I also can't walk. Even when I sit up I also can't sit on my left buttock. Have to sit on the right side first then wait before I can sit on left side, and wait further more before I can walk. I also didn't wake my hubby up. But I just felt so frustrated and he woke up as he's a light sleeper. Thank you, I hope your pain won't come back again. =)

@esther: Thanks esther! I'll see if Guardian has warm pack when I go for my check up on Friday. Sleeping sounds so scary to me now.


Mama ying..Kinderbueno.. choc and Jacqueline..

it getting more n more exciting in here.. jus like watching Drama show.. cannot miss a single episode.. and every episode is getting more n more interesting...

JIA YOU mummies...it all worthwhile when holding our BAO BEI in our arm...

@bigflamingo: Oh so the pain is on my pelvic bone?? *sigh* All along I don't know where the pain is at. My hubby ask me where pain then I only can point at my thigh and tell him "here pain". But yours also only on one side?

Mamaying, Congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are also lucky one have a fast and smooth labour.

congrats to those who have popped! really look forward to any gatherings so can see all the cute babies.. :)

anyway i also have the pelvic pain during pregnancy.. so painful until wanna turn in bed also cry mother cry father. its almost 2 weeks after i give birth but the pain is still there.. in fact it is the only pain i am feeling cos i dont have the back/tailbone ache anymore except sometimes left shoulder blade from holding baby too long. hopefully the pelvic pain will go off soon cos when i flip in bed that area still aches. i believe its the pressure of baby on the pelvis..


Ya, it's near the V area. Probably due to weight of baby, plus our ligaments are separating slightly to make room for the baby's passage out.

I read it will then take about a month (confinement period) for the bones to move back into place.

@joodz & bigflamingo: Ahhh.. I thought I'm the only one feeling this pain cos I also don't know how to describe the pain. When I told my gynae she also never tell me it's the pelvic bone. She only said baby's weight's on me and she said it's cramp. But it's not really cramp also. I hope my bones won't crack. =/

Valeria, Hmm u try not to walk around too much. Sometime is because our balancing. My bb love to put all her weight on my right waist. That make my right waist super pain and leg very pain too.

My gynae said is because i never balance the weight on my body. I normally balance myself more on my left side. Now bb weight on right side so must try balance the weight on right a bit more than left side. THe pain last me for weeks and my bb head still haven engage too.

Put ur leg high when u sleep. I have properly sleeping at night. Keep wake up few times. Sigh~

esther, My mom told me to give bb milk when bb cried for milk it will be better. Scare later bb will have reflux. Bb stomach is super small when they just born. So no need drink a lot of milk. =)

MamaYing, Congrats..

Wow so many mummies hv popped! Congrats & Rest well!

@mamaying - i din post one day and u delivered liao! Scary sia and so glad u have such a smooth delivery w/o epi!

@wannabel - how do u know ur bb is not growing well?

@wish_child: Hmm.. Then I think I better put my weight on the right side for now. Maybe I should sleep seated up. Then at least I won't have to turn to left or right. Haiz..

Valeria, Dont sleep sit up. Morning wake up sure will have backache. U should try sleep on your left side. I sleep on my left every night. Haha will flip myself to right side too. But normally will sleep on my left throughout the night.

Before sleep dont drink too much water so will prevent water retention and go toliet often at night. =) Jia you next week u going pop.

@wish_child: My baby very naughty one. When I sleep on one side for too long he will tickle me. Then I can't sleep. So I have to keep changing position. And that's when my leg will hurt alot.. Ya, 9 more days. >_<

Valeria, Haha my girl also. So in order not to feel she tickle me i will put a very flat small pillow under my tummy when i sleep on side. So i cant really feel her tickle me.. Hahaha u go try it out..

I got a question. After you discharge, does the hospital give you a schedule of vaccination appointments for the baby to follow? Or we have to check, make appt and monitor ourselves one?


You should get a booklet from your baby's pediatrician that has a list of vaccinations. Every time a doctor gives a vaccination, they will sign off in the booklet

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I got 2 packs of huggies new born diapers (unopened) to let go at $5 each.

Also letting go of pigeon nipple care cream(unopened) at $12.

Do PM me if interested. Thanks.

@wish_child: Got space to put the pillow? Cos when I sleep on my side my tummy droop and touched the bed. I scared if put something there my baby will feel something is pushing him. Heee...


Ladies anyone sign up with cordlife?? cos after discussing with my hb, we have decided to go for cordlife... wld like to enjoy the referral discount... anyone want to enjoy it too??


I love my PD... she is actual and knowledgable and rite on the spot... usually only need 1 visit to clear my gal's illness.... will get her nurse to followup with us if she feel need too.. "> But she is from Mt E but she does accept bbs from TMC...

Er not too sure is she still accepting new bbs, I heard from her nurses that she stop accepting new cases... Let me know if u wish to hv her name ">

Valeria, Haha got space to put pillow. But must put those baby pillow. I bought a cheeky bon bon bedding set. It come with pillow. So i used that. hahaha.

Ur boy will feel something he resting on. when he kick or move will hit the pillow so u wont feel much pressure on ur tummy also.. Can sleep well..

@wish_child: Oooo.. Thank you thank you. Tonight I try. Maybe I use the beansprout shell beanie pillow that my mil made for my baby. Hahaha! Let him get used to the beanie pillow before he comes out. =p But I scared the sound will wake my hubby up. =p

mummyb: I'm with Dr Simon Ng from MT A, but he visited my bb at TMC.

was actually with Dr Koey for my son but switched to Dr Ng cos his clinic less people, and his charges are very reasonable.

Hi mummies.

Congrats Mamaying.. so brave to do it without epi.. I think I'll not get the chance to try again without epi.. dont want 3rd baby liao.

baby gal has been discharged from hospital and we did the Birth Cert in the hospital.

sigh it's raining again.. wonder how I'm going to fetch my son from CC later together with my newborn.

ya I also feel that I not having confinement. THis morning also sent my son to CC.. asked hubby to wake up but he cant wake up.

so i got no choice.

last night brought son to see mei mei in hospital.. my back almost break when I came home..

now having backache and chills... hope that it is temporary.. so mummies who are still on confinement, pls wear a sweater when u go out.

zanta: i tried the drypers newborn.. it is not very good..

that's why looking for Pampers newborn.

i think they only come in packs of 24 pieces..

think 1 pack can last for abt 3-4 days for me as my gal uses abt 10-12 pieces a day.

also TMC using the JnJ wet wipes.. my gal will cry whenever I use it cos it's too wet so cold.

Now using the Pigeon one.. and she is fine with it as it is less wet. and smaller piece and not as thick so not as wasteful.

btw: I've used up 1 pack of wet wipes within 5 days..

OFB: PD will inform u the next appt for the compulsory vaccination.

anyway the health booklet will indicate the vaccination schedule.

but diff PD practice diff schedule, slight diff..

then got 6 in 1 or 5 in 1 etc.. PD will advise.

dadnmum: thanks.

actually altho it is very tiring and tedious but I'm feeling very happy everyday just looking at baby gal.

she is really an angel and is so sweet looking.

guess I'm more confident this time as 2nd time mum.

it's very different from the last time when first time mum.

so first time mummies, can always post qtns here if have any doubts. am sure experienced mummies are willing to share

Ah Ching - wow, 10 to 12 diapers a day? I also bought Pampers NB but only 1 pack cos i not sure if it will leak or not... Meanwhile, you take care kay? Try not to over-exert.


@Ah Ching: Thanks for the info. And you are really a very strong mummy!! Can post a pic of your sweetie here?

@MamaYing: Congratulations!! Finally it's over.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Val: I think I'm also experiencing the pain which you are experiencing too.. I also feels like crying when I try to turn because my left pelvic bone hurts alot..

I'm now in Dr Ang's clinic waiting for my turn. I'm praying very hard that I'm not going to deliver so soon.

