(2011/02) Feb 2011

Baywater: I've sign up with cordlife. You can quote me and you can get the discount. My mobile number is 96982363. Drop me an sms and ill give you the particulars okay.

Long time no log in.. Ah Ching, I gave birth at Tmc last min .. Also by dr Ang.. Mmm sry didnt follow up.. U natural birth or cesarean? My birth time is 3pm.. Was staying at 424a.. Too bad den I no time log in forum.. Else can visit u! Heehee!

U must take care!! My CL says touch rain water later headache.. U must b careful

Wishchild: yeah mom also said try to feed often. Oh wEll, Ill ask the lactation lady tomorrow. I really wish to stick to the 3hr feed schedule as soon as she is born.

Congrats Mamaying!!!!

Valeria, put beanie bag will be painful. Cause the beansprot shell is hard. Haha u can try it but for me cannot will feel painful after lie down a while. Hehe

Esther, 3hrs per feed will be ok. Depend on ur bb. If ur bb have a huge appetite then u need to feed bb very often. =)

Ah Ching, u super strong and good mom. If possible wear a cap when u go out too. Prevent the air con or wind blow ur head. Must wrap urself up if u go out. If not later sure will lot of pain here n there.

Just now went for my 38 weeks checkup and bb estimated to be around 3.8kg!! I'm going to TMC in the morning tomorrow to do growth ultrascan to double check bb's weight. If tomorrow's scan also estimate bb's weight to be around 3.8kg, I'll need to choose either to induce or go for c-sect. I'm feeling so sad now. I scare if I choose induce and I can't make it, I'll need emergency c-sect in the end.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Ah Ching: For the Drypers diapers if don't stick too tight will still cause red marks on bb's leg?

@wish_child: The guardian promo on Drypers diapers, does it apply to NB size? And how many pieces are there in a packet?

Dear mummies,

Just went for my gynae checkup. Was 2cm dilated, thus admitting kkh tonite at 9.30pm to induce. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@MiffyTan: Do you have any signs of labour? Or your gynae suggest you to induce?

@Wenzi: Can share with us your birth story?

On 19th had appt with dr Ang at his clinic at 10am.. Den he checked I m slightly dilated saying shld b these days or next week will b my due.. Den ask me do ctg.. While doing.. I felt backaches.. Den when done, nurse ask me feeling pain, I say no, only backache Cus lying down flat I guess.. Den she told dr ang, and I was examine for dilation again and tis time he say admit to hospital at 10pm .. Den I felt cramps etc coming in.. Initially wanna mount a, but dr Ang says now Tmc got free upgrade of 4 bedded to 2 bedded n won't b any surcharge for the room on tat day.. so ask me choose.. Tats y last min change to Tmc.. Was 3cm when admited.. Den schedule 745 for me to go labour Rm and wait.. I choose to natural birth.. N requested epi straight away n they broke my water bag.. LoL kiasu Ma.. But till 2pm my dilation is 5cm.. N dr Ang den say my bone is too small n high up.. as me n bb still not under stress, he say can wait but based on his exp, won't b improvement.. Tats why I ended c sec.. And bb was out in 2 mins! I throw up during the op.. Too nervous n maybe the side effect of epi as I ate breakfast.. Me an hubby cried after seeing bb.. He's our first child .. As for 2nd.. Really must consider real hard.. Unless we got maid.. Haha

Zanta - your bb is quite big... So u still prefer to do natural?

Wenzi - you threw up during the op? You must have felt really bad. I dunno if I will cry but that's what I call tears of joy.....

Hello... I delivered this morning at ard 8am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He is 3.68kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heavier than kor kor

My birth story:

2+am woke up to pee then feel some stomache...but try to sleep back coz Slpy mode

245am jump up as I felt something gushing out...indeed my panty and shorts were soaked..

3am set off to deposit my boy and reached hospital 345am...

430 dr Kek check...2cm dilated and opt for epidural

5am epidural came and administer

7am complained pressure at vagina area, check dilation 9+cm

8am started to push.. After 5th cycle of push baby is out ... Phew

Surprisingly this delivery was very smooth and its all happening by itself...

But ladies it's very impt to have epidural coz with it I was shaking leg from 5am to 7am without pain and keep dozing off... Then I thought no further dilation coz The nurse say my contraction so mild compared to other ladies in other ward

Heheee...oh ya I find mount E service very good... Press bell they respond damn fast even though it was 4,5am!!!

Heheee.... Good service ... Yawn me now in bed watching tv waiting for next feed to latch on baby... Will update the table when I get home ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks esther :>

Zanta: i was 1-1.5cm dilated only.. i also came in for induce.. u can still try induce ba. even if baby heavy doesnt mean her head very big maybe can ask dr check circumference.. my baby suppose to be 3.2kg but come out only 3.0. Try for natural if u can. jia you :> u in facebook? or email add? i send u baby pic :> thanks for ur sms last night.. all the shops were close and after delivery i was so hungry ate 2 meals for lunch hahaha

moomoo: raffles service good and the midwives/nurses very experienced. listen to their instructions together with doc should be no prob. and one of the nurses who helped me today helped me 2 years ago too i recognised her :> they r very encouraging and fast to make decisions. Also just need to bring one set of clothes for urself and baby to wear home. u can wear hosp gown but i think wear own pjs easier to breastfeed. pads, diapers etc all provided. bring 2-3 sets mittens and booties for baby to wear while in hosp.

choc: very successful birth story with minimal pain.. and so fast! i ever hear of my friend with epi still feel no pain relief or some so numbcannot push... so i tot ur delivery was very good! painless! :>

me also going to sleep soon... waiting to latch baby on at about 11+ i am not sleepy.. jusyt feeling sore at my stitches :/


Congrats ! Wow ! it seems like it's much easier for those delivered the 2nd babies. you all in all only take 4 hours from the moment you reached hospital. I hope I have the same too....but why you can still feel pressure on v area even if you are already on epi? do you have any side effect when you are on epi? I remember last time when I delivered my 1st baby, I shivered non stop...

Did you feel difficulties when you pushing (with epi)?

Choc - Congrats again! If I were u, I would really get a fright... You still very cool leh... And your delivery is smooth too. So there is a really a difference if u first time or second time. Hopefully can hear a first time mummy experience soon!

MamaYing - thanks for the update. I also heard their lactation consultant is good. You take care ya...

Hi mummies

I give birth to my first baby in 2008. He was born 3.73kg. I managed to have natural delivery. Doctor at first wanted to used assisted forcep, but i refuse to give in. All much efforts to push the baby out, i manage to go through it smoothly withuot any assistance, except for the epidural. The only thought during then was that I must get my baby out safely no matter what. I believe a mother's instinct to protect the baby will give u strength to go through the delivery. So mummies, please be brave and dont give up! Jia you!

Mamaying ... hehee I also very numb on lower body onwards... Just know have to push hard else I got to c sect if I dun heheee... This is something which get me going Ba :p

Sovrana.. I was shivering all over coz they put Quite high dosage for epidural as initially I was in pain when first administer the epidural mah... Then they help me reduced so I dun shiver that much...

To me the shivering is small case compared to having contraction pain lol... So while shivering non stop I tell hubby I prefer this to pain

I felt some weird stuff lar like inside got something opening up... So I feedback to nurse at about 7am and they check lor

No difficulties when pushing... Alot of strength... Maybe use to carrying my #1 who is 18kg even till the day before I delivered Ba

I think is all in the mind and will power to push Ba....

No confinement lady... My mum doing 3 weeks then be leaving me alone... Ok lar better than no help

Choc, I remember last time I pushed so hard until I got 3rd degree tear till my anus. So you can imagine how much pain I suffered after the delivery. It took abt 1 week for the wound to recover. Doc said I pushed too hard and my son's head was quite big that time. Haha..

So this round I will ask for lower dosage of epi so that I can feel the pain and know when it's the right time to push.

@choc: Congratulations again!! No rush to update the chart, rest well and update when you're ready.

@Wenzi: Thanks for sharing with us your birth story. Wow.. You are a brave mummy to go through 2 types of pain. Can you share with me your total medical bill? And are you able to stand up and walk the next day after your op?

@Moomoo: I feels like trying natural but if bb is really very big in size after tomorrow's scan, I think my gynae will ask to go go for c-sect straight. Let's see what the sonographer and my gynae says tomorrow.

@MamaYing: You are most welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You mean you requested 2 servings of lunch from the hospital? Will they charge you extra?

I got no FB le, but I can SMS you my email add tomorrow as it's so late now, don't wanna wake you up from your sleep. I asked my gynae my bb's head circumference today and he told me is 30+, within the normal size.

@winterluv: You have got a big bb for your 1st pregnancy too. Is your tearing very bad then?

Moomoo, yup.. I threw out 4 times thru out the op.. Heng morning I only drink Milo..if I had heavy breakie.. I think will b worse...

Zan, total bill 7k,cpf 5k , 2k cash.. This rate is based on 4 bedded charges.. even the vomite bowl also charge.. 1.80.. LoL my hubby checked if they had also charge the 3 pcs of tissue they offer him.. But wasn't in bill..

@Wenzi: Thanks alot. Haha.. Your hubby very funny le. But they also very niao lor. Then the charges for the vomit bowl is for rent or considered sold? You must be suffering to be vomitting during the op. You are so wei da!!

Did you really get free upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded? And visitors need to leave by what time? Oh ya, what is Dr Ang's charges for emergency c-sect?

Morning mummies~

@wish_child: I didn't try last night. Heee.. Too tired, dozed off on bed. Last night my hubby rubbed my leg with the pain relief cream. Felt so much better! But throughout my sleep in the middle of the night it's painful again. But at least it's not as painful as the night before.

@choc: Congrats again!! Hee hee..


Faster go create FB acct.

We've got more things to share there as it's in private mode [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

choc: yes and i agree with winterluv, we wan baby to come out safely so we endure and push. same with me the pain make me wanna die.. and screm n cry but i know must faster push then baby out not so pain then i jst stop screming n focus of pushing.. very fast :>

Zanta: no worries u can sms me anytime i will silent phone when i sleep. since baby head normal u may think of vaginal birth? :> u decide wat u r comfy with C-sec also bring baby into the world and u love her the same :>

as for 2 meals.. no la hubby bought me a meal to eat 11 plus then 12 plus hosp served meal. finished everything..

MamaYing - did you put bb in the nursery or in your room throughout? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Valeria, great!! Ur leg get better hehe. Mine leg cramp at the middle of night haha. But lucky just a while. =)

Zanta, nod nod. Create a facebook account soon so can see those mommies's babies and advises. It closed group will be more easy to talk at there. Hehe. =)

zanta: ah yo.. hope that after scan u can try for natural birth.. see how Dr Ang advise.

He's very experienced so dont worry ok.

I havent taken many pictures of my gal.. she's always very sleepy cos of jaundice.

then also no time, rushing here and there the last few days.

Will post when my gal gal more awake..

maybe take pics during CNY in her CNY rompers

re drypers newborn.. I did not wear it very tightly there's still red marks on her thighs.

and when I wear loosely, the poo poo leak from behind..

stained so many of my cloth nappy liao..

luckily still can wash off with baby detergent.

I recommend Pampers newborn.

It is really more absorbent and gentle on baby's skin.

My birth story

25th jan 11pm- checked in tic for induce

11.45pm - started drip then rest

1.30pm- 3am dikated. nurse ask if require any painkiller so I asked for epidural.

3.45am- fully dilated

3.49am- bb lauren is born

cant believe.. I just ordered McDelivery.. still wondering whether I should order the coke..

decided not to.. better dont take the risk..

this morning I took 1 teaspoon of DOM..

anyway, how much liqour should we take during confinment?

for experienced breastfeeding mummies, would like to ask..

my breasts gets very full 2 hourly, but my gal feeds only 3 hourly and only on 1 side.

Should I pump out the milk whenever my breasts are full or I should just feed my gal on demand..?

in a dilemma cos if I pump, then worried gal not enuf when she needs to feed.

would like to latch rather than bottle feed her.

and I have so many bottles of ebm in the fridge now, dunno what to do with them..

freezer got not space now cos stocked with raw food.

another consideration is that I'll be returning to work soon.. if I dont pump now to stimulate, afraid later my ss not enuf to meet her dd..

so what would be the best course of action for me?

another qtn on steriliser..

if I open the steriliser to remove my breast pump, will the bottles inside remain sterilised?

do we need to steriliser breast pump after every use?

I feel so silly, sterilising the breast pump 4-5 times yesterday..

wont be able to steriliser when return to work right?


it's my least fav brand of diapers. got some from hampers and all, ended up didn't use. really didn't like the plastic tape adhesive (very noisy - sometimes gotta change bb when still sleeping or late at night) and the quality of the diaper itself also not so good.

even ntuc housebrand diapers is much better. think same price or even cheaper and I used that after my bb was more than 3 months old till 2 yrs.

Hello mommies, Sorry for some mommies i forget add you at the facebook in the FEB MTB group. Haha too many mommies i added until blur blur le. In closed group facebook there have 2 group. One is Feb MTB Group another one is Feb MTB(Babies Pic). Please update me if i never added you in the either one of the group. Some mommies i add them in 1 group forget add them in other group. Sorry.

Some slient reader i have added u in facebook whose pm me your facebook account. Do update me whether i have added you in facebook. THanks. Too much mommies need to add until i blur blur le. =P

If I were you, I'll pump and store. can also feed bb slightly more often, maybe 2.5 hourly?

the bottles will not remain sterile (only sterile as long as they are covered) but that's not a big problem. cleanliness still good enough.

i used to steralise pump after every use. some people only pump once at work, so they steralise at home. some people pump twice and use steraliser tablets at work...

This time round dosage for epidural was reduced, so could feel legs half numb but still can move abit. Last time round, both legs were numb. Also could feel the dilatin, that was when I felt bb pushing down and cervix dilating. Was quite surprised the dilation was so quick coz the last time round was dilation 1 cm 1 hour. I took about 2 pushes and bb was out. But side effects was the feeling of want to puke and was feeling quite low blood pressure, felt like fainting and was shivering even after being pushed back to ward to rest. Mummies, i would urge u to have reduced dosage if opt for epi so can feel. It's like having the best of both worlds ha! Not too much pain. But felt quite violated when gynae was taking out the placenta n all hehe...not to mention the stiching...not painful la, but can feel.

