(2011/01) Jan 2011

xiaopang,ur ofc got microwave? if u pump in the morning, then use medela micro-steam and sterilize the pump parts and bottles.. at least more hygienic and faster.

my ofc is in Mapletree Anson.. 2 blocks from IP! haha! i can meet u next time when i go back to work!

Mitch and xiaopang, if you wana DIY, can try recipe from this website.. the recipes are quite simple...




Can i check when is the child care leave is effective for us? Is it with effect from the child is born? or cannot be the same year as we took maternity leave?

like i took 3months of ML and still got 1 more month balance. and i got to clear ml within a year right? then is the childcare leave immediate effect when child is born or got to wait til next year then i can take?

Gina, my office got microwave oven wor.. i not sure whether can it use to sterlise it anot? if can hor.. the yellow color rubber also can put in and sterlise together? i am thinking of getting those sterlise tablets wor. what is medela micro-steam? where can i get it?

can i ask before we sterlise we have to use soap to wash it before we can sterlise right? we cannot just use hot water to rinse it then straight away sterlise it right?

And i am already back to work for 2days. =( still cant get use to it.

not sure abt the childcare leave.. i thought we can take once baby is born~ =P

Medela Micro-Steam is a bag that allows you to put the baby bottles, pump parts into the bag, add some water into the bag, then put it into the microwave.. depending on the wattage of the microwave oven, it can disinfect the items in the bag within 3 - 8 minutes..


i usually use soap to clean the parts and bottle before i sterilize.. feels cleaner to wash off the 'fats' from the milk that way..

jiayou jiayou! u can do it one! what time do u feed Andrea every morning? u stay very far?

Thxs Gina

Xiaopang : i didn't really sterilized the bottles. I just wash it then use a clean container soak in hot water for 10mins just b4 use.... So far so good no milk poisoning haha

For me I have 3 days of family care leave and 3 more days of enhanced child care leave total 6 days. So I guess u have to Check with ur HR

Gina,Thks for the info. I stay very near. I stay at Bukit Merah area. Usually i let Andrea latch at ard 7plus-8am. then i take my breakfast then come to work. but i doubt she will empty my breast before i head off to work. haha..

Mitch, thats a good idea too.. haha.. and thks for the info. is my HR ask me to check de. haha..

xiaopang.. usually Andrea sleeps for how long during the night? if she sleeps for long hours, she wont be able to empty ur breast in the morning.. which should leave u even more to pump out in the morning.. thats what i noticed for my boy.. he sleeps 4-5 hours straight at night.. after latching him, i can still pump out 160-180ml in the morning

Gina, andrea also sleep like your boy. but must depend on what time she sleep. if she sleep ard 10plus she will wakes up ard 2-4 to drink 1 side of the breast then ard 6plus wakes up again and i let her drink another side of my breast. if she sleep late like near to 12midnight then she will wakes up ard 5plus to drink 1 side of the breast then sleep til i wake up and prepare myself for work then after i bath then i latch her before taking my breakfast then off to office lor. my supply not much. 1 time is like ard 5oz only. and that is when morning i latch her and off to office lunch time i can only pump 5oz. =( no way i can increase it.

Haha Gina n xiaopang.. Can meet up for lunch... My office is 20 Anson.. In between the 2 of your office... So qiao... And I'm back to work liaoz..

xiaopang, got try drinking papaya soup? i notice black fungus seems to increase my supply too.. but at the end of the day, dun get too stressed over it.. the more stressed u are, the more the milk supply will be affected.. if really not enough then suppliment with FM lo.. after all you have tried giving Andrea the best!

Darienna, haha so qiao! 3 of us working so close to one another.. ya can meet for lunch!

kimmy, wah! she's still drinking march EBM ah! ur supply really good! is it still the seaweed doing the magic?


Since u latch Andrea before and after work, then may I ask during the day how much milk and how often does she drink?I wondering how much to give my son. I latch on demand, which is v often lor. Then next time my mum will be so busy bottle feeding him all the time? *headache*


hahaa...u still remember the seaweed that i mentioned..ur memory still gd ah, not affected by this pregnancy.. I dunno but i still eating it like titbit, not very often.

Xiaopang, wat abt pump at some other new building near IP? Their common toilet may be cleaner? If u can, may try M hotel? But gotto walk a bit..

Darienna, i cant meet for lunch. as lunch i got to stay in office and pump milk. =(

Gina, i drink until i scare liao. i ask my mum dont cook le. cause very troublesome always need to buy green papaya back then boil with trotter etc. i also eat black fungus but i dont see any increase leh. haha.. must eat everyday? my mum cook it in soup base with egg.

Chelleybaby, my gal drink 4oz each feed. according to my mum this few days she drink like 3hours interval. my mum will let her drink abit of plain water before she feed her with BM/formula. so that she wont have any constipation.

Kimmy, i never thot of going to another building toilet wor. somemore got to bring all the barang barang til another building like abit ma fan leh.. i just chop chop pump my milk when the guys is out for lunch or got appt lor. so far haven encounter they stay in during lunch time. maybe today will encounter liao. haha..

kimmy, you are using avent manual pump too right? when you are pumping will you encounter those sound like the rubber rubbing against the water while you are pressing up and down? mine very loud leh. then my colleague say is loud. i dont know how to get rid of the sound leh. haiz..

kimmy.. haha ya i rem~ cos first time hear seaweed helps.. no lo, the pregnancy screwed up my memory.. only certain thing that left a deep impression then i'll rem.. haha..

xiaopang, i dun eat black fungus everyday, only once a week or as and when my mom or my in-law cook..

Hi mummies,

I'm Sept 2010 mummy. I have FM S26, 400g given as sample to me. My baby is not using this brand so giving it away. Self collect at Jurong. SMS me if you want for your baby. 98755724


I did a very stupid things today. I bring my pump but i never bring the handle. Sigh~! have to endure til go home then pump out already. mega sad!!!

Gina, I dont know how to hand express wor..

never do that before.. hope it wont engorged ba.. my supply is low so is still ok.. dont know to feel happy on low supply anot now.. sigh!

You can squeeze frm the top of ur breast towards ur areola.. Milk will come out this way.. If can tahan then go home pump.. Cos it can be quite tiring on the hand also


nope..im using medela freestyle..i just pump inside toilet..heck car eif it's loud...i can do many things for my baby's sake...now sitting inside toilet pumping with the noon sun burning my back...hot...


i can forget things very soon..just now i was reading this thread and wan to reply to xiaopang, then i forgot wat she ask..haha jialat hor..

Kimmy, oic.. you repair yours liao ar? how i wish my floor toilet is like yours.. but IP toilet very stuffy and lack of air.. 1 person go in do big business only can faint liao..

My memories also poor. my mum ask me to drink ribena. you can try. hehe.. i haven start drinking it. always keep drink ice milo. hehe..

Gina, i did try eating black fungus for 2days but i never realise my supply got increase leh. you fully pump out and let your boy drink or got latch and pump? how you realise your supply got increase? i dont know how to see leh.. haiz..

xiaopang, hang on there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we are all here to support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometimes I also purely use hand to express out my milk.. Feel like let down is faster.. I can express by hand for 1 hr.. Haha.. Tired but no choice ler...

Charleen, thks! I jia alot of you liao.. now become plump liao.. but supply never jia leh.. hahaha..

Puix, why no choice? can use pump ma.. express by hand is tough leh.. 1 hand got to hold bottle, left only 1 hand to massage and squeeze.. sianz..

kimmy, wah~ u can still pump and reply forum too.. LOL.. me too, when i reply, i need to keep scrolling up to rem what i wana reply hahahha..

xiaopang, i drinking ribena everyday but still the same.. haha!

dun feel stress about it.. do what you can.. behind my mind, i'm already prepared to supplement with FM if my supply cnnt meet my boy's demand anymore.. maybe less stress also helped..

in the morning, i will pump after latching my boy.. can pump out about 140-180ml.. last time can only pump about 80ml.. but i also suspect cos my boy dun wake up every 3 hrs at night to feed.. thats y can pump so much..

afternoon and last feed, my mom and hubby will bottle-feed him, normally i can pump out fully.. 3 hrs can pump abt 120ml - 140ml.. sometimes 4 hrs can pump about 160 - 180ml.. last time can only pump abt 90 - 100ml..

puix, you can squeeze for 1 hr??? wah i salute u! i rem some people letdown faster by squeezing.. i tried once.. but after squeezing for 20 min, hand super tired le.. =S

Xiaopang, use pump need to pump longer than 1hr.. N when let down really bad, the nipple will get sore lo.. Express by hand, nipple not that "tired"...

Gina, I am already mixing formula. I also dont know what i am stressing about. haha.. just feel that my supply can be more but just dont know why cannot. i tried all the ways liao but it just didnt help to increase. no matter how many hours later i pump is still max 5oz only. haha.. i give up latch and pump already.

Puix, so you express with hand and each side 30mins? Me also salute you! hehe.. hand express will have more milk? hehe..

I gonna try kimmy recommendation. eat seaweed as tibits.

Kimmy, how many piece you eat each time? haha..

I dint time each breast how long... Just alternate expressing between 2, until no milk n feel the breast become soft.. Average 1 hr lor... Haha.. I hope I can done within 20 mins ler.. Very tired le.. Also feel like to give up.. Hand express slightly more only...

Puix, can fasten til 20mins and is done? wow! that is super hand wor.. dont give up la.. use pump la.. maybe abit lesser but still BM ma.. lol..

LOL know how to ask ppl dont give up end up i myself want to give up. haha..

Xiaopang..i said i hope...so means not able to do it within 20mins lor....

My fren done within 20min with double pump ler...but her supply is good lar...cant compare...

xiaopang, we all wana give as much BM to our baby as possible.. thats y sure stress.. i may tell u not to stress now, skali i go back to work, my stress lvl come back, supply start going down.. haha.. but we always encourage each other to keep each other goin ma!

Haiz Gina I agree with u... Yesterday I just went to buy a my 1st tin of milk powder... Gotta standby to supplement as my BM is not enough for my girl anymore. There is really a diff doing exclusive latch on and pump. So told my MIL to give whatever I can pump then if run out will just give FM. So sad manz and but less stress.

Gina, Thats true! Trying to take it easy ba.

Mitch, Mine already prepared long before Andrea was born. haha..

Maybe you can try bottle feed see how much your child drink then slowly from there you can breakdown evenly and catch the timing to feed your child. like that it will be easier for your MIL when you are back to work wor. when you going back to work?

Hey mummies where can i find the friso cereal for baby 4 months? i cant find it at fairprice when i go ytd leh.

hey mitch.. i'm also hoping that I can give my boy exclusive BM for at least 6 mths.. our PD keep asking us to aim for that.. if I go back to work, unless i can pump for at least 4 times a day at work, else i wont be able to meet his demand anymore..

but think of it this way.. we're giving FM as a supplement only, the main source is still from our BM.. plus our BB will the best of both world, from BM and FM!

even if we have to switch our bb to FM fully.. its ok, cos they've gotten the goodness from our BM during their first couple of months.. which is better than nothing! we all grew up with total FM anyway, and most of us still turn out to be healthy and smart!

xiaopang, yesterday u went home pump got more milk ma?

Gina, total i pump out ard 8oz -/+ lor.

Hey mummies, can i check hor.. does your darling addicted to your nipple or use to latching on? ytd my gal never latch on the whole day. then last night she keep cry and cry like we torture her leh. if is really she is use to latching on. how to stop when we wanted to total bottle feed her? or when got no milk more how to let her latch on? =/

xiaopang.. did u try latching her on when she cry? maybe she wants to comfort suck for a while? our breast wont be totally empty even after pumping.. i tried pumping till my breast totally soft, after that i use my hand and squeeze still got milk.. maybe u can latch her if she wakes up for her night feed?

Gina, ya i tried let her suck. and after awhile she doze off liao. thats why i am worry if this carry on how to stop her from latching on? as in quit the "habit" haha..

Yea usually i will latch her during night feed. easier and faster also. lol.. reduce her crying time. lol..

Any mummies using medela freestyle? I would like to ask about the battery. No matter how i charge mine hor. mine is always low batt de leh. always left 1 bar de. like last night 11plus i charge til this morning 8plus but is still at 1 bar. is my battery spoil or must charge very long to get it full?


see lar, my goldfish memory..someone was saying i can go online and reply while pumping in the toilet..im doing it now too..im using freestyle, so is easier, i just use both hand elbow area to press on the pump and my fingers is free to do anything. I even bottle feed khloe while pumping, or pat her to sleep while pumping. I love freestyle..i can eat while pumping...save a lot of time..

Xiaopang, seaweed as titbit, so is up to u..maximum i ate 2big pcs,.hehe

im using freestyle. U cannot remove the battery hor, once u remove, u need to charge 24hours..in between mine charge abt 4hours then ok liao..


Xiaopang : is ok to let them have comfort sucking they will grow out of it... I got my friso cream in cold storage. Giant sells them too.

Gina: At work i pump every 3-4hrly total I can get is abt 330mls which is enough for 2 feeds in the day. And now I think she is gg thru another growth spurt and drinks a lot. So no choice lor have to at least have FM for one feed. When I get home I will latch on.

Anyway any mummies here using NAN PRO?

