(2011/01) Jan 2011

latching vs bottle feed

I have a friend who have this problem too. Her girl reject bottle. But then she accept drinking from sippy cup leh. same for another friend too. so they totally never used bottles since they are babies....



The Bravado offer is extended for 2 days more.

We need another 6orders to reach MOQ.

ANy more mummies wana join??

Luckymummy, dont worry this freestyle model is the improve version for PIS..what i heard is that this is a better version as its more portable to carry around my fren that borrowed me this has BF for 9months. So i suppose is up to individual? And i hav few colics that BF their babies all swear by Medela..thou some of them are not using this model but most of them say medela is a good pump. And some of them say initially shlould use medela than followed by Avent manual pump. As for my case for my first kid i use only avent and also not enough rest hence no milk supply and fail big time.. fingers cross!!

Hi mummies,

i am a fan of mamy poko diapers hahah buy 2 nb packs and 4 s size for my gal..

also heard abt the rave of goons but they dont come cheap rite? so whenever i see offer on mamy poko i will jus grab since anyway will be using wat lolzz..

previously i hav tried for my boy, drypers,petpet, huggies,pampers, nepia etc. of cos pampers not bad but mus buy the green ones if i am not wrong and huggies hav many range too.

But still all depends on individual baby's skin, some can use any brand but for my break out lots of rashes for drypers, petpet but not for pampers nepia and mamy. so i stick to mamy in the end. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ting,

i only tried the original, bliss and seamless as that what they hav only. Different..hmmm...i never go try other brand except las time i bot from Mothercare and OTO maternity. I find the bravado material softer can the flip down is more secure dont know how to put it. But in the end at the shop i also buy other brand that is equally comfortable and nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekek oops hope this helps?

Hi Lily, Wah! you bought so many pieces arr?

do you know what is the + and ++ besie the size indicate? the Bravado site doesn't have the + and ++ beside their size selection lei. how to choose. i alittle luan.

no la Ting, those from Oto and mothercare are the old ones..from my previous pregnancy and cant fit me now..lol..

i only bot 2 from motherworks one kuching kura brand and 2 from here (one original and one bliss only) ;)so total have 5 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ting which is the model you looking at? original? you can actually look at the bebe lounge link there they show how to measure and all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and you must know what is your current size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily, me been looking at her link for the past 1hr le. but i getting more luan after reading the product spec and sizing. :p nvm i read it again and again until i understand. haha! Miaiako say still got 2 days ...hee

so many concerns about direct latching and bottle.. hmmm..i'm quite concern if my little one will be a fussy fella.. haven't buy pump yet.

those mothers who bought the US medela freestyle, is there a need to buy a adapter for it?

Miaiko, i will write to them if i really can't figure out the sizing. cos now still can't decide on what product to go for. will conso my qn and ask one shot ;)

Chabby, we need not decide on bottle or breast feed now. after u deliver ur bb then try out see if u r comfortable to let ur bb latch on then decide lor. just remember to request the nurses to spoon or cup feed your bb at hospital. cos scared bb get use to the consistent milk flow thru teats and reject breast feeding. for the first few days, our supply may not be there yet.

as for the breast pump. i bought PIS US set. its $300 cheaper than local set. i bought a power adapter from from Sim Lim. the adapter is less than $10. its small and not bulky. save $$ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chabby: So far my frens and cousin who hv bot the US set hv not had any issues with the pumps.

Really a lot cheaper to buy US set.. I jus got mine from Tan LengLeng and I pd abt $450+ in total.. I oso spoke to lengleng as i self collect from her place. So far she has not encountered many defects (1hand can count) in the many many that she has brought in from her spree.. So think shld be ok..

US$ now quite low, so worth buying..

Save $$ to buy other things u may need for the baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies. Any one went bendemeer today? Planning to go tmr cos the shop close at 5.30 and I am still at office.

I got a medela freestyle too. Heard more positive review than negative. When glass milk bottles from hospital is mentioned. What is that?

Hi, below is my order for the Bravado products. Can anyone help to update my orders into the consolidate list please:

1) The Original Nursing Bra

Price - $49

Color- Blush

Qty- 1

Size- S+

Choice of offer - Free Pair of Bravado Moisture-Wick Washable Breast Pads

2) The Body Silk Seamless nursing bra


Color- Butterscotch


Size- Medium

Choice of offer - $2 off

3) The essential nursing bra tank


Color- Dark Plum

Qty- 1

Size-34 D/E

Choice of offer - $2 off


yeah....ask for spoon feed or cup feed..my fren din do tat, end up baby dun wan to latch..


Guess i will have to give it a miss :-( hubby not free tomolo.


I bought mine at abt SGD426, tat time my sis went to US. So i get her to help. the only diff is the warranty..tat time when I decided to buy, the cheapest I can get for local set cost around 700+, save 300 dollar, can buy many other stuffs leh...hahha

ivftwins (milk bottle from hospital):

We are talking about milk storage bag and bottle. Grumpus suggest that we can ask for few from hospital since they will throw it away after they feed the baby...cos we won't know if we got enuf milk to store, buy first or buy later is the topic. If we ask few from hospital and when we got enuf supply, at least have spare bottle to store extra milk while waiting for the shopping stuffs to arrive.

Deliver in TMC:

TMC got class for mummies to attend (after deliver), to learn how to latch your baby..charge sgd50 for 45minutes class..Mummies who deliver in TMC, can take up this class. My fren highly recommend cos she din go for tat class and fail to latch+baby dun wan to latch..dunno wat is the exact reason

hello mummies..

havent gotten time to read the thread these few days.. now all have moved on to diapers and breast pumps..

as i quickly read through.. for those intending to get diapers from JB.. it may not be the cheapest unless u intend to get drypers from Jusco.. the rest of the brands like mamypoko, huggies, pampers are still cheaper in singapore unless Jusco have special offer.. i havent gone to Giant in JB to check the pricing yet but i think should not differ that much.. i bought S size (44 pieces) huggies with free 4 piece M size from Jusco in JB for 32RM and i felt a little cheated coz it's not cheaper than here!! urghz.. I bought huggies s size as it's for babies 3kg to 8kg.. just in case my bb comes out too fat.. LOL..

correct me if i'm wrong, for those staying in the west area, you can try getting diapers from CK at jurong west blk 400+ there.. it's the cheapest i've seen so far for mamypoko, pampers and huggies..

breast pump and storage bottles, i havent gotten a single one.. =x i only bought 2x125ml and 2x260ml bottles for bb.. i intend to latch on mainly and the pump i will get just before i deliver.. will be thinking of getting baby monitor as well..

halo mummies,

sorry to disturb. any1 interested to buy 2nd medela single electric breast pump with very good condition. i jus bought last dec n only used few times.

if interested pls email me at [email protected]

Hi Julia,

I have engaged a confinement lady at $2,500 as my confinement will coincide with CNY. My EDD is 29 Jan.

Yah it's very much more expensive during CNY.

Those i called charge between $2,500 to $3,200.

It might be abit late to get one for Jan, cos when i called in Jul'10, most of them were already booked up to Dec'10.

Alternatively, you can always go to the agencies. I called one agency, they are charging $3K for CNY period.

Re: storage for breast milk

I haven't bought mine yet, but thinking of getting the Avent VIA cups. anyone used them before? advisable to use those?

Cos i bought the AVent pump and milk bottles, so i thought can just put on the adapter to the VIA cup and feed direct. Dun have to transfer to milk bottles.

Re: GD blood test

I went for my GD test last saturday and until today i haven't got the results / call from my gynae. Wonder if my results got lost.

Anyway bb weighed 1119g at 28 weeks last saturday. kinda small but i'm glad she's growing at the normal rate.


yup I felt quite accomplished that I could still remember how to fold the nappies from my sister's infant days when I folded damn a lot of those nappies. :p

When are we supposed to ask for spoon feed or cup feed for baby while at the hospital? Just before or after you deliver? Is this like part of a birth plan, if you have one? Scared I will forget to tell them.

When do we have to sign up for the breastfeeding lesson at TMC? Only after we deliver?


oic I hope the pump really works out. It was a big investment. Most breastfeeding books recommend that you pump after every latch on feed for baby to stimulate supply. Apparently if baby does not suckle enough your supply may go down so must constantly send feedback to your breasts via pumping/latching that there is 'demand'. Which was why I just decided to buy the pump.


I was at Jusco the other day and saw mamypoko S size on offer, 72pieces at RM47.99 so I bought one pack. Is that considered cheap? Jusco limited each customer to 2 packs each.

Any idea what is the pricing like at the Jurong CK dept store place that you mention?


i also bought it from jusco last weekend.. when i came back and compare w NTUC.. not really cheaper..sigh~it's original price was 50+RM.. feel so cheated..i bought 1 NB and 1 S size.

Seems like a lot of mummies here are gonna deliver at TMC. I'll be delivering at KKH, so dunno how things are gonna be like after I deliver. Delivery package, also not sure yet cuz gynae said they only tell us about the packages after 30th week, so most likely during my next checkup ba.

2 months left to delivery, and I haven't bought most of the essentials! Hb and I are really pinning our hopes on the upcoming Parenthood fair to get most of our stuff, so if we miss this one then gone case....

luckymummy and chabby,

It's so weird that Jusco limited each customer to 2 packs each when the discounted price at Jusco wasn't that much discounted at all...hmm.... :/


Wow u also have a 13month kiddo. Me too !!! How do u manage to find time to go on the forum. Mine keeps me so busy that I can hardly be online.

Hello ladies,

You ladies are really hardworking, I have yet to prepare anything for no.2 In fact I am starting to panick alittle now.. This preg. my boobs seems to grow bigger than the previous so those nursing bras from the previous preg are too tight. Argghh must buy NEW one.

Any tips on how to chose a good cot ? I didnt use a baby cot for my first born so was wondering if anyone can advise me what to look out for when shoppping for a baby cot.


I'm also in the same boat as you. Bb coming soon but still haven't got anything except for loads full of hand me down bb clothes, and I haven't started washing them! Just curious, why did u decide to have cot for your #2? Was it difficult without a cot when u had #1? My hb and sil suggest we put bb on the mattress on the floor if we're worried abt her rolling or us suffocating her, hut my house has lizards n spiders so a bit afraid to put bb on the floor.... Eeeeeeeee.....


When we go to hospital, can tell the nurse that you would like to have full brestfeed. For example: I will tell the nurse that I wan to have full brestfeed, if breast milk hasn't come, can feed formula with spoon no bottle. If you say full breastfeed, when no milk yet, they also wont feed ur baby altho ur baby is crying. The feeding formula milk is play by ear cos we dunno when is our breastmilk ready.

As for the breastfeeding lesson, it's after we deliver. Check with the nurse for the timing then go for the lesson. My fren say sit on wheelchair also must go...haha


I'm the first time mummy, but seek for opinions from frensssss...Our waist feel tired easily cos everything bcame lose when we deliver our baby. Make sure the cot has 3-4 adjustable level, the highest one will be almost the same height as cot, so that you dun need to bend down a lot when carry baby or change diapers... etc. The rest of the level will be adjusted by time. Lowest one will be like a playpen, prevent baby to climb out. material wise I think is almost the same. you pay apple get apple..hope this help.


I guess it was considered cheap for a supermarket standard in m'sia? Not everything in JB is cheaper than SG.


My bravado order is correct and confirmed. Thks!


Thks for the info. So breastfeeding lesson is like a group thing? Or one on one and you simply book a slot?

Drypers is cheap in M'sia (30RM for 64 pc S size). many of my colleagues buy that for their kids in M'sia. They advice on drypers (day) and mamy poko/huggies (nite,) assuming no rashes la.


check w the parent craft when u go for hospital tour. for Glen-e they have a timing. so you jus chop a slot w them. u can get the nurse to help/advice you do the first few latch also. but they may not be the really experienced one.


dun worry la. there's not that much to buy if you intend to get just the bare essential. do you wan my list as a reference? but my list is just the basic essential only.

luckymummy>> i cant remember the prices as i was in a rush.. will go and check out again when i go there to get more pads for post-delivery.. hur hur..

anyway, i've just compared prices for diapers between giant and carrefour, carrefour sells the diapers slightly cheaper for brands that i am comparing (pampers, huggies, mamypoko and drypers).. i've yet to record the prices for NTUC and sheng shiong though.. akan datang.. i'm carrying around my trusty little red notebook to record all these down..

do mummies here feel exceptionally tired these few weeks? i'm feeling really tired and can feel the strain on my lower back le.. tired tired.. no mood to work at all.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear mummies.

For those who have not made payments for the bras and baby sling, Bebelounge has requested that payment be made within these 2 days.

What i did for my payment was to pay Bebelounge less whatever option we have chosen for the discount and postage charges, and hv agreed top up the balance if the MOQ not met.


Hi Lina, I go on forum when I'm working on wkdays or when #1 sleeping at nite or wkends. It's really busy as 13mth is the time when they need our most attention when trying to learn to walk and learn things.

I bought most of my diapers from ANG MO supermart in Punggol. Their drypers are really cheap. It's $15.95 for 60pcs of XL. Think the price for other brands are quite cheap also.


try to rest more. it's the norm to feel tired in 3rd trimester. i'm still feeling ok just that the wee wee frequency and discharge has increase. i suspect the swimming i do on 3 times a week helps w the energy level.

hi mummies,

Can i check if anyone has attended the doctor's talk which is included as 1 of the sessions under TMC's pre-natal class?

What is the doctor's talk abt?

Cos i'm thinking of skipping it.


Thanks, my order is correct and I've paid bebelounge.

Thanks again to you and Miaiko!

re diapers> no one here, tried/using/heard of nepia brand? my confinement lady and my best friend highly recommend it and they say its quite cheap, but honestly, I haven't done any price comparison.

Bethel, do you mean the class held at SCGS?

I attended Mrs Wong's class and she mention that talk but i did not catch is that a replacement to her class or just one more that we can go?


Yah i see that too.

Quite sure those are old stocks.

Bravado no longer selling certain colors that was shown in the other BP.

the Microfibre ones also very warm to use here in SG.

Bebelounge is getting new shipment in and also giving us free breastpads leh.


Im letting my girl use Nepia. I find it good and soft. I like the material. Find it softer than Huggies and mamy poko. Absorbancy is pretty good too. So far no leaks for my super active girl. Price wise, I wont say it's very cheap. It's reasonable especially when they have promotion.

What I do is I order from Nepia directly and they deliver to my door. But must be at least 1 carton order. $15/pack. The no. of packs per carton depends on the diaper size you are getting. If NTUC got promotion, then I prefer to get from NTUC. If I remember correctly, it's about $14/pack for NTUC promotion.


Mummies who want to get disposable panties for use during confinement.......

I found Robinsons (Centrepoint), lingerie department selling Impression brand of disposable undies. I tried tat before and it's comfy! They are made of cotton, not paper (which is super uncomfy). If I remember, they are selling at 2packs for $6+.

Can go check them out if you are looking for disposable panties [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

