(2011/01) Jan 2011

afternoon ladies,


to establish milk supply initially, try to pump out whenever u finished latching bb...

if ur bb feeds every 2 hrs then u pump every 2 hrs right after each feed. once stabilised every 3 hrs should be sufficient.

coconut juice generally 1 mth before EDD.. but must also in moderation cannot drink everyday haha


What is coconut drink for? Sounds really delicious in this weather. Can start already?


I also want to train my baby to be like yours! What special things did you carry out?

btw, if your objective is NOT to gain weight in this last month, don't take the coconut flesh, that is high in fat. Just drink the water. Which parts are you referring to in this drink?


the folks (so far both chinese and malays)says that by drinking coconut juice in the last month before due, your baby will be born "sui sui" (nice nice), and not red red..as we are not supposed to eat anything heaty during the entire pregnancy.

but if you take anything cooling too early, there's a risk of miscarriage or premature.


Good news.. im back from the Bendemeer fair.. went at 10am when it just opened. im surprised at the response.. there are quite a lot of people there at 10am alr.. mainly housewives or people with babies in carriers.. not many pregnant ladies.. i also overheard one aunty tell the sales person "i come every year" and the sales person says she recognise her.. so i presume they hold the warehouse sale every year..

not recommended for those who go for european brands.. because the main carriers for this sale is BonBebe, evenflo, Latido and babycraft. good for people on budget.

there are basically 2 parts of the fair - clearance items at the corridor, and inside the warehouse itself, the big ticket items and some rows of smaller items.


what caught my attention was

1. Baby Bedding Set ( 1 pillow, 2 bolsters, cot sheet, bumper set - suitable for most cots) @ $10

2. Drying Rack(Brand: Munchkin) @ $6

3. BPA Free bottle x 1.. MAM brand(never heard before) for newborn, anticolic function @ $3

4. Pram Accessories like hooks, hanging columns, mummy bags, from $1 - 10

5. Baby Gym(the colourful kind with hanging toys for baby to lie down and play) @ $10

other clearance items were toys, teats, things i didnt really take note of. clearance items maximum price is $10..


1. Playpen(Bonbebe) UP: $229, now $99 without mattress

2. Bonbebe high chair UP $229, now $149

3. Lots of strollers.. what caught my eye was an evenflo stroller(something like that but standard colour without prints nor the matching car seat: http://www.my-family-fun.com/products/Evenflo-Ellipsa-LX-Travel-System-Tatterstall.htm). that stroller goes at $80. usual price i think $200+. but limited sets.. current stock is 2 x red, 2 x black, 2 x green, 1 x blue.. their colours is the bright kind not the dull kind so i think looks pretty cool..

other newborn strollers goes around $30 - $100+.. i saw the latido stroller i bought at baby kingdom for $99.. it was going for $30!!! heart pain.. plus comes with head cushion also, which the $99 i bought dont have..

4. 4-in-1 cot just the frame, no mattress @ $100..


Thanks for the idea on pumping milk...Will follow the instruction...


You boy really not fussy at all leh..Hope my baby will be like yours, and my c-sec will be like you, no pain and can walk the next day...all cool...


Thanks for the info...wow...very good buy leh...Dunno if hubby willing to fetch me there on saturday..the latido stroller tat i bought cost me $100, heart pain too..sob sob...Guess baby/infant car seat also on big sales rite? wa....really should go down man...

Thanks joodz for the detailed report!

I've gotten most of my baby stuff already. Mainly waiting for the expensive nursing bras now! hehe

Is it true that for newborn diapers we should just get the absolute cheapest ones? How frequently does a breastfed newborn need to have her diaper changed? You ladies think 2 packs of newborn/small size with 72 pcs can last 1 to 2 weeks?

Btw, do we confirm individually with bebelounge on how much we have to pay for the bras? I'm assuming we can't make the minimum number of pieces to get futher discount....

Btw, just to check on the number of bottles needed, is 4 enough to sustain this whole cycle of pump/store in fridge for about a day? Feels like not enough in rotation, cos must wash and sterilise also.

And are the free bottles that come with medela freestyle too small? As in very soon won't have enough storage capacity? What is the recommended ml?

Previously I was advised to buy a converter for my medela pump so I can use the cheaper avent bottles. But if I use milk bags then no need to use avent bottles right? So can save on the converter cost.

Ya thanks Daphne, for the info on bf and also hope my c sec will be soon soon lili..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Joodz..sounds not bad lay the sales [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope with CL and maid around i will hav enough milk supply and even excess for storage kekeke

Hi Luckymummy,

I have the same question as you..as i already bought the converter and not using medela bottles they look small. I will hav some plastic storage bottles from Avent to stand by but those can be used only for 4 times if i am not wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but for a start should pump into bottles and latch on direct. That is wat i heard only when our supple stable and hav more than we pump into bags to store in freezer.. Correct me if i am wrong experienced mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Bendemeer Warehouse Sale

Went to recce the sales for the third time during my lunch break(went twice in the morning). Those who want to buy cots, car seats and strollers can go visit.. the smaller items all snapped up already. The Latido stroller i think no more. Other strollers also while stocks last.. I think 50% of their supply has been sold out within these 4 hours. I feel that if u go on saturday nothing to buy already.. haha. inside their warehouse they also got display their new new products but not that cheaper from market price. the items on sale are not for fussy buyers as they have torn packages, etc.. but inside is intact. but pls check before u buy.. they let u test out(maybe thats why all packages torn). cots seems like still got a lot. i think enough to last till saturday. the rest i think by tmr all gone. i check with staff already. they dont have any reamining stocks so what u see is what u get and if everything sold out before the deadline, then thats it lor. but beside the unit got a baby clothes sale also.. for xmas and cny.. very cute clothes from 6 mths to pri sch going kids. quite modern stylish clothes and cheap.

Haha.... I nvr give my boy any special training lei.... Think he's just easy to look after....

Actually newborns poop very often. Once poop, u need to change the diaper. Just buy 1 bag of nb diapers and the rest small. Cos they will outgrown very fast.

Oh no...I may be over stock nb diapers :-S...I better go home and check..Cos I cannot rely my hubby to go buy, will end up buying wrong thing..hahha


I read from babycenter saying that baby can use 10-12 diapers in a day..I plan to use cloth diapers during day time and diaper during night. If you got maid or CL, can use cloth nappy. They wash for u mar..heheh


Thanks for the latest update..Can't go after work also cos they close too early, can only go down on Saturday :-(

Milk bottle,

I also dunno how many bottle I have in total. Gotto do a check on all the items tonite. Buy too early, forgot..hahhaha

Lily, luckymummy,

I think it depends on whether u latch then pump or pump exclusively. Cos if u latch then pump obviously the amt u can pump out after latching will not be as much as if u only pump.

As a guide, after the first 2 wks I was pumping out ~150ml every 3 hrs from both breasts combined. I did not latch at all cos my girl couldn't.

I dun think 4 bottles r enough. Last time I had close to 20 glass bottles. But again that's cos I only pumped and didn't latch.

U can choose to use milk bags but milk bags r one time use only so u hv to keep buying new bags. Not sure if that'll work out to less than buying the convertor and avent storage bottles.

Hi Ladies, How are you?

me back from my tour on monday and finally back to work today cos my child not feeling well last 2 days. this thread really grew very fast lei. seems like i have missed out alot of info :p

BTW Thanks for the info on the seahorse foldable bed. think shall get 1 for my CFL.


i was advised to use disposable for the initial few days even though i bought the cloth diaper.. the early stools (meconium) are very hard to wash clean.


thanks for the info... was keen to get the play gym.. but most prob snap up le.


assuming you go on a 3hr feed. you'll do 8 feed per day. so 4 may be a little bit low. you may need at least 6 i supposed? you may just wan to ask around from frens and family for glass bottles to standby?


welcome back. enjoy your trip?.. so envious..i also wan to go jalan jalan but scared.


thank you for your advice for diapers. i bought 1 NB and 1 S size (mamy poko)le. was advise to buy the green pampers newborn but give it a miss as the size is only for up to 4kg.. so got mamy poko as it is for up to 5 kg.

Haha... All of u are welcome to ask me things. Cos it's still very fresh in my mind as my #1 only 13 mths old.

Btw, the hospital will also give samples of the NB diapers. So, can use those first before opening the ones bought.

Grumpus, so for me i really duno liao as my first attempt las time with my first one really fail..so i think hav to see how rite? really confusing..

Ting, welcome back where did u go? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for breastfeeding and tips- last month i borrowed a book from library. the title is "success in breast feeding". i find the content very good. it got suggest how should we go about starting breast feeding and it also listed the amount the milk that we can expect over the weeks. the books also touched on baby sleeping routine and etc.


take it easy...for my #1 my milk supply only sufficient not really surplus so i had to stop bf after 6 mths cos very tough...i had to google for all means and ways, trial & error to sustain my MS. i had to resort to taking fenugreek to boost it.

i was also not very discipline to pump every 3 hrs hence drop in MS ;p

Hi shycloud, Chabby, Lilly, me went Japan for hoiliday. the weather there is cooling. overall quite relaxing but also tiring. i don't quite like the food they arrange for us. all cold. even cook food also cold. i remember last time i went hokkaido not so bad wan.

Chabby, i also scared. but just be more careful lor. my Gynae actually supported me to go tour before i deliver. he say go relax also good. we follow his advices closely.

Thanks shycloud for the encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i do hope i can bf thou fingers cross ..with longer maternity leave now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wa Ting "envy" so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how i wish i can go also...


jia you jia you!!! u can do it!!! dun stress too much abt MS as it will also affect the supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


most impt is u enjoyed and relaxed while there cos u bringing a 'ball' wherever u go! u have an encouraging gynae...mine will strictly say NO!

as for diaper selection, i heard that the best is to let bb wear nothing. leave their butt air dry. but of cos i not comfortable to leave my girl's butt expose so i let her wear cloth diaper. i would suggest to use cloth diaper for girl cos their butt more prone to rashes. my last CFL recommended me to use disposable diaper for my girl during the first month. she say less disturbance to her nap time. but end up alot of painful nappy rashes. after we take over from 2nd month onwards, we let her wear cloth diaper most of the time and only gave her disposable diaper in the evening, her butt never have rashes since then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi shycloud, i think also depend on our condition lor. for my presemt pregnancy, hmm...really quite smooth after 2nd trimester (keep my fingers cross :p) so Gynae then encourage me to go wan. my 1st pregnancy, i don't even have the mood to go shopping...


bo leh...it lies with my gynae...he's SUPER careful which i translate to kiasee haha...k la just kidding...he prefers to play safe and not risk anything esp this is #2

Hi shycloud, actually my hb and myself also find my Gynae Kiasu Kiaxi. we also quite surprise that he will encourage me to go tour...hee...

anyway is also good to play safe lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I sign up with cordlife already, just haven decide to take up 10yrs or 21yrs plan. It's compulsory to store for 21yrs, after tat will be decided by the owner of the cordblood to continue or not. Use CDA to pay off this and i have provide ur name as referal. Thanks for this..hehe

disposable vs cloth diaper

Will see if my MIL able to manage or not. If she complain tired then have no choice to use disposable diaper.


dun stress....i say try to latch 100% first if possible cos it's the most convenient mah. Just ask for some glass bottles from the hospital to stand by.

then if really cannot latch then have to be more hardworking and pump every 3 hr lor.

if u run out of bottles just buy milkbags online to send to u. can get within 1-2 days so shouldn't be a prob too.

Hi mummies,

Im oso a jan'2011 mummy.. Nice meeting everyone here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]!

Would like to check if everyone here has booked your confinement lady. Haiz... i hvnt! Still in dilema whether to get 1 a not.. becoz my edd is 27th Jan (new year period) seems like its gonna be really expensive and from my last confinement, I practically only eat 1-2 meals a day (no appetite), find it a waste to get a CL... how? Do you ladies mind share with me how much you are paying for your CL?

re: NB diaper

NB poop quite frequently. Maybe about 6 times or so a day? Actually you can use the nappy sheet with the diaper so that you only need to throw the sheets when baby poop. Erm.... thats provided that the poop is not messy. Then, the diaper can be used longer as it can still tahan quite a bit of urine.

Suggest to use better quality diaper at night when baby sleep so that it will not leak and you need not have to change it in the middle of the night.


So heng... my boy has always been a fussy eater even till now. Mealtime is 1 hour. I cannot tahan so need my helper to feed. Hahaha no patient ya.


Welcome back! Its great to be able to travel before the baby arrives else we will be grounded for quite a while. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hello and welcome.

Sorry can't recommend CL coz decided to DIY this time round and fingers (& toes) crossed, hoping that I can cope with a helper and catered confinement food.


take 21 years if CDA account can be utilised to pay for 50% of the lump sum. After 5 or 6 years old, the CDA account money dunno will transfer where.

stemcord can only sign for a max of 5 years pyable by CDA account. i remember reading that CDA is not accepted in some child/infant care. those that do are hard to enroll in. so i intend to max out the CDA for the kid by paying for his vaccination and whatever else that can be used for.



i didn't get a CFL as my mum offer to come and help out and we stay 10min walk apart.

meals wise you can order from those that provide confinement food. but the key thing about getting a CFL is for you to rest and heal.

alternatively, get the CFL to come after the first few days of CNY.. see can neg for lower price?

So mummies what is the recommended diaper to use? I am looking into the brand called GooN, the review is good but a bit x lower chance of allergy ... Any mummies use this brand here?


I have been using Huggies all the while. Not bad, can tahan for quite long and I believe it is cheaper than Pampers and MammyPoko. Not sure about Goon as I have not tried.

morning mummies...


I only take up 10 yrs plan. That cost me $3350. As for the CDA money, that lady did highlight saying that CDA might change their rules to only focus on education fees. so in the future, cordblood banking fees might need to pay out from our own pocket. 21yrs plan cost $5350, and it's a full payment. Cordlife will deduct money from CDA account provided that the CDA account is ready, otherwise, will charge to our credit card. So my confinement month will be super busy with all these..need to make sure I open CDA account asap. Baby name won't be ready so soon since I decided to get fengshui master to do the job..I know TMC has a OCBC counter there specially for CDA account, seems like I can only choose OCBC bank.

Also like you lor, plan to maximize the CDA dollar on baby's vaccination and future childcare fees..may be be more kiasu, book earlier...:-S

This morning, I play with my baby with torchlight, and she react and punch at the light area..so cute (may be I think too much, she just happen to punch there..haha)

Baby bonus:

4k for first child. I know we can't withdraw CDA money, but can we withdraw this money? or it's tag along with the CDA account? Thinking that this 4k can use to settle the remaining deliver fees


at the hospital after you deliver, you can settle the CDA account there and there. dun worry. alternatively, can get hubby to go open the account.

i asked a colleague about the CDA account usage. he gave me a namecard of a PD in Bukit batok central that allow the use of CDA.. if you need the address, PM me.. then next time we dun have to travel so far just to see PD. He says the PD is not bad.

think the plan for both Stan chart or OCBC quite similar. but likewise, i'm thinking of OCBC cuz more branches, sunday banking and thus the convenient.

the baby can see the light. it's not a coincident. read that in a "while you are expecting, the prenatal classroom"

Goon : I used this before too. Its pretty good. My next alternative to Mamypoko for newborn. Its cutting is slightly more generous. Think last time I bought from website and they deliver free for over certain amount.

Kimmy; The 4K is given to you in cash over 4 instalments into your bank account.

Just for info..

After the CDA is closed, it will go into your child's post secondary education account (PSEA). Amts in PSEA can be used to pay for polytechnic, university fees. Earns same interest as CPF Ordinary account.

The PSEA will be closed when the child turns 30,and the balance if any will be transferred to CPF.

More info on PSEA at MOE's website. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah...received the PD addres..thanks..So I will just bring baby to this PD for the jaundice check and so on.. :)..so convenience, dun need to travel down to TMC. Good point for the OCBC, ya, they open on sunday. Quite convenience. Hubby say the CDA account will put my name and the child name. So I will need to do the job. I can open at TMC hospital then.


Thanks for the info on 4k baby bonus.


Wow, first time hearing this PSEA..Gotto read more to understand...busy with all these info nowaday...haha..Thanks for the info...

I missed the CDA fund for my #1. I think CDA fund for #2 will be used up pretty soon if I used it to pay for CC fees....


not all childcare/infant care accept CDA. you may wan to start searching and enquire w the preferred childcare/infant care. i heard that those that accept CDA have long waiting Q.

Jan'11 thread Bulk Purchase Order

Discount extended till 14 Nov Sunday.

A) BRAVADO Nursing Bras & Tanks

* FOC Normal Postage (i.e $1 per pc)

* Special offer: $1 off per bra/tank (not applicable for Boy shorts/Bikini, nor for Allure/Sublime combo

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ii)Get $2 OFF per bra

* The above discounts are given to us when we can collate an order of 35 pcs.

B) Baby K'tan Baby Carrier

* $3 OFF per piece for 15 orders

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Here's the link:



Now I'm starting to worry about my choice of medela freestyle. Last night I went for Mrs Wong's prenatal class and she was hinting that medela is not very good as a pump. Claims that she sees a lot of mummies who fail at pumping when using this pump. Oh dear. I hope it's only cos they are not determined enough. I am very determined to make my investment pay off.

Any mummies have feedback on whether medela bottles are too small, as in hard to clean the inside?


Thanks. So my supply of 2 packs of s size should be sufficient. My husband goes to JB a lot for petrol so can dispatch him to go find if necessary.


My mum seems keen on using cloth nappies, the kind must fold one (she's old school) so I will let her do as she likes during confinement but if I'm the one washing once she's gone I will confirmed go back to disposables.


I'm hoping that I can latch directly. Saves so much effort and hassle of washing, sterilising...but at the same time feel kiasu and dun wan to find myself suddenly needing bottles if cannot latch but can pump. Think I can pour out the BM from the medela bottles into my spare avent bottles if really necessary.

Cos I also heard horror stories of babies refusing certain bottles and teats and mummies who have to experiment with almost all brands and types of teats. Very hard on the pocket!!

Btw I also learned from Mrs Wong last night that we should try to introduce the bottle after the 1st month when breastfeeding has been firmly established. Especially important for mummies who are returning to work. Cos once babies get used to the breast, certain fussy babies may completely refuse the bottle, which will cause you big big problems after your maternity leave is up.


will all hospitals give you glass bottles? Must I get some kind of cover for them in case they break?


It seems like mamypoko is considered the premium option for quite a few mummies here. Ok, will standby those for night use.



The list of approved institutes can be found here



My hubby also go JB often, can also get him to buy if not enough..phew...can save some money. Ya, the old school type of cloth nappy. I also bought that and tat day fold it into nappy style, tat's reminds me of *young age*. Quite cute and feel sweet to do the folding job..hahha..now free lar, next time may become frustrated..haha

lacthing vs bottle feed

This is true, gotto train them to drink from bottle especially for working mummy. I got 2 frens face the issue. baby refused to drink from bottle, and one of my colleague gotto rush back home during lunch to feed the baby...another one, baby still latch at 1 yr old, and bite her nipple..

