(2011/01) Jan 2011

Lily, never... cos I don't want to deliver too early. But for my girl, I was about 2 weeks early! Like you lah, I want to be able to bring her to school for the first few days, make sure she is ok. But if #2 wants to come out early, then I also have no choice lah...


smurf, please email bebelounge to check as I can't confirm on her behalf.

miaiko, poormummy didn't give any details till now, so i have removed her.

mummies, there is a mum&tots fair and a parenthood fair coming up end nov. any idea which one will be more worthwhile to go?

me also have been having bad dreams. Everytime preggy also hv weird and bad dreams. haiz.

me hv been coughing real badly for a week now..since after sore throat. so uncomfy. cough till ribs pain. I wonder how my lil bb is feeling inside whenever I cough. Hope it's not affecting her!

for TMC MTBs,

I think I recall the tour guide mentioning that the $75 for hubby is for meals.

I have friends who deliver at TMC and they just tell the nurse that hubby not staying over (so they don't get charged) but the hubby sleep on sofa and have meals at the coffeeshop opposite TMC.

First time mummies...

Child birth is not that scary la. Don't scare yourself and worry so much. Juz go for it.

At least for me.. it's an exciting process. I wasn't afraid but rather looking forward to it. The only thing I dread is the contraction pain, which is really unbearable for me. Normally I would hv period cramps and I will turn pale and feel cold. Contraction pain is alot worse than period cramps.

Epidural helps relieve all my pain but yet I was able to feel enough to want to push.

So mummies, don't worry so much. Baby healthy is most important. When you are in labour, all you think about is get baby out in good state. Mummy's pain is nothing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm selling my Fisher Price Precious Planet Playgym, bought in August 2010, hardly used because I have the LG playmat as well.

Bought for $150, price negotiable.

Pls PM me if interested.

Miaiko, you're really brave to say mummy's pain is nothing! Apparently you can ask for the epidural to be administered in lower doses so you still have enough sensation to push effectively, but depends on the person administering the epidural. This request worked well for a colleague but another friend was simply told that the dosage can be reduced but if as a result the pain relief doesn't work, not his problem.

Do take care re your cough. Don't worry about affecting the baby, there's so much fluid cushioning her, she's probably enjoying the bounce!

Mummies, like cookiefleur, I would appreciate advice on whether mum&tots or parenthood fair is better. Its a lot of pain dragging hubby to the end of the earth that is expo, need to pick my battles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, if I could sleep in advance for next year I would!

Are we likely to still enjoy the discounted price for Bravado seeing how we're mostly repeat customers?


nope no news. I think not enough mummies to start a class. Quite sad about it. So I sort of practise at home lor. And get strange looks from my husband when he sees me. :p

Thanks for all the updates on the extra $75 for TMC husband stayover. Looks like we definitely will not declare his presence then.

Hi Miaiko

Thanks for the encouragement. However, I don't experience any pain during my period de. So I can't imagaine whats the level of pain for menstrual cramp. Think I just have to bear with it bah.

Hi Skycloud

I also having dreams - BAD dreams [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I dreamt few nights back that I was about to deliver but when the baby is halfway, my gynae told me bb is not fully develope yet so he pushed my baby in and sew me back. Wah, tats the worst nightmare man. lol

My hubby told me I think too much during the day liao. haha


Me..me...I dream that I delivered my baby, but dunno why her nose white white, like haven clean...haha..wat a weird dream..


ur dream extreme sia...push and sew back..walao...really think too much

Hospital stay,

My fren teach me saying that I can request to stay in the hospital for many days, bluf the hospital say house still under renovation. Of course this will cost a bomb but stay in hospital is really *rest* cos the nurse will take care of the baby, then deliver the baby to u every 3 hours for feeding, then u go back to sleep. Someone did tat, stay for 10 days. Sounds relax but TMC additional nite cost 250/nite :-S

hahah Kimmy, i like this part abt the hospital stay hahah but pocket mus be big to hav this kekeke

Dreams ..ya..i did not mention my for me deliver early also bad dreams..as in the dreams realise that everything not ready and freaking out..these few nites all abt giving birth so did not sleep well..sigh..

Envy you all most of the mummies here deliver at TMC[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not many deliver at Mount E thou..


not about angmo white white...ever since doctor told me tat my baby's nose is big (think follow daddy), I have been thinking about it. Then when I dream of delivered my baby, the first thing I see is the nose..hahah..white white like skin peel like tat..aiyo...terrible...


Mount E not bad wat...I din choose mount E cos expensive leh..hahha

TMC already cost a bomb..

Milk storage bag vs bottle

Experience mummy can share your opinion on this? I haven buy yet. My concern is dunno how much milk I can produce (sounds like a cow), so haven buy but guess somehow still need to prepare rite?

Baby bonus

issit 4k for 1st child? Storage cordblood can pay using baby bonus, not Children Development Account rite (CDA)?


First child is also eligible for this dollar-dollar government matching contribution rite?


for the 1st 2 wks to a month u prob dun need milk bag. what i did was start off with using bottles for storage. then when supply exceed demand then invest in milk bags to freeze the excess.

also if u plan to latch directly in the 1st few mths then u also won't need any milk bags/bottles yet.


u so cute haha...think too much lah

now 1st child got CDA...wa kao my #1 born before 17 aug, so lugi...sianz


then just hv a couple of storage bottles stand by. when u hv excess can easily buy milk bags online and mailed direct to yr hse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimmy, no la think TMC and Mt E cos is around the same for me i follow my gynae lo so is Mt E.

As per grumpus advise, i hope i can get excess..kekek..i dont plan to latch on all the way..intend to pump out like milkcow :p than can bottle feed at nite so i can rest and latch on only during the day..hopefully once milk supply come in i can freeze them in bags..in Mar Thread there are pp selling bags and can giv good advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or mayb mummies here can provide good advise too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, I already ordered 3 boxes of milkbags. For my #1, I used a lot and had to ask my SIL to order twice for me through internet. But I saw someone post earlier regarding milkbags so I went to check. It's quite cheap - as on promotion + free postage. So, I bought 3 boxes to stock first.

Usually for the 1st 2 to 3 mths we won't really need the milkbags. Only need to use when baby start to drink less no. of time of milk .


should be ok. where are u delivering? when u r in hospital, can be thick skin and ask the nursery for empty glass milk bottles. the glass bottles can be sterilised and reused. anyway the nursery will throw them away if nobody takes them :p


Me TMC, on xmas day...if they r going to throw it away then I will ask for few..When pump using the medela freestyle, it pump direct to medela bottle, then we pour into the milkbags rite? first time mummy, really have no idea..


At least u know u got supply...I dunno mine leh cos my boobs not increase a lot..I also wish I can store extra milk so tat I can get my MIL to help when I'm super tired..

Kimmy and lily,

you've got mail. =)

i remember cord blood is paid by CDA account not baby bonus.

milk supply and milk storage

i haven't buy pump yet. once confirm got milk supply, will send hubby down to KKH to buy from their shop there.

their shop is call "first few years". they even have a website that you can order from. their medela freestyle is about $700+. cheapest i could find so far for a brand new local set.

heard that milk bags are better as it takes up lesser storage space in the freezer.


Pooh, your dream is scary.

so far i keep dreaming of myself not doing certain things becuz i'm pregnant. but never seem to have any dream regarding the baby. but dream of water bag breaking.. must be i paranoid after reading books on birth process.


what i did last time was pump into the bottle and store in the fridge. then dispense to feed from there.

when i reach a point where i hv no more spare bottles or the earliest pumped milk in the fridge is already reaching a day old, then i will transfer the milk from the bottle into a milkbag and dump into the freezer.

after awhile when yr supply stabilises, u'll sort of get a system going.


My #1 too lugi from the CDA account coz born before 17 Aug.


Any idea where to get the cover for the glass bottles huh? I used both glass bots from friends and milk bag previously... but threw away the bots liao.

Re: Milk bag

Might be better than storage bots if you have enough supply to freeze as it takes up less space. Bought 2 packs previously but only used up 1 bag coz not enough supply. I gotta be more discipline to pump this time round.

Time for me to dig out my sterliser and pump to see if they are still working haha~


the glass bottles use standard size covers so wat i did last time was gather covers from old milk bottles. i throw away the bottle but keep the cover. ask from friends etc for their old milk bottle covers. u can also buy NUK covers, 2 in a pack but they're pretty ex.

i remember last time some mummies said can get from kk pharmacy also, just covers only 5 in a pack for $x

Lily, I bought the nanny milkbags this time round. Not sure if it's good but think shd be ok and the price is quite cheap during promotion. $8.50 for 25 pcs in a box + free delivery. Will let u all know the quality after i receive few days later. Cannot remember the brand I use last time.

Actually I bought a few avent 120ml bottles and cover. I will usually pump direct into the bottles and keep in fridge so tat my MIL just need to change the cover and feed straight away after heating up. (Just place the bottle into a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 mins). If I pump more than I need, I will pour into the milkbags and store in freezer.


if yr MIL just change the cover and feed straight away, then wat if yr bb cannot finish the milk? cos u dun pump exactly wat bb drinks right?

Grumpus, I will usually pump about 80 to 90ml into each bottle for a start and slowly increase the ml in each bottle if not enough. If baby cannot finish, will pour away. But for my #1, he would usually finish all the milk. When he cried for more, the next round, I will increase the ml.


oic, different method bah. i just pump everything i can from my boobs, until boobs empty, lazy to change bottles while pumping. so the amts in each bottle can be very different. then when i want to feed bb i will pour out 80-90ml into another bottle to warm up and feed.

also cos my girl went through many different types of bottles and teats cos she's a fussy drinker so it would be too much hassle to change the storage bottles to match the feeding bottles.


Received your email..thanks...Will follow the schedule..

Storage milk bag,

That day I brough a container back to SG, and I told my MIL that this one is to keep milk storage bag, then she gave me a shock face. Dunno if she think storage breast milk in fridge is weird :-S


You mean we can feel the boobs empty when pump out the milk?

I wan to remind myself to be more hardworking, pump out milk to maintain the excess.

Experience mummy,

Do we pump every hour? or once every 2 hours?

Hi grumpus, my boy was not fussy at all. He would drink from watever bottle and watever amount I gave him. So, I need to control the ml so tat he won't be overfed.

I would also pump till boobs empty. So watever excess the 90ml, I would pump into another bottle. I fix the amt of milk in each bottle so tat my MIL just take, heat and feed. Those extra milk tat I pump into another bottle will be kept aside for add-on in my next round of pumping.

I've prepare about 6 bottles for standby.

experience mummy,

When we should start drinking coconut drink? I heard is 1 month prior to Due date. If my c-sec date is on 25 Dec, so I should start drinking early Dec?


Thanks..So I will make sure I pump every 3 hours...pray I have enuf supply


yup. confirm w mummies. they all say 1 month before term or 36 weeks onwards.

yeah coconut juice.. i've been so looking fwd to it.


wow! i want that kind of bb too! so easy to feed :p


yup like wat Daphne said, when boobs fill with milk it will be heavy and fuller. once empty it will be soft and flatter. i also pumped every 3 hrs. if u dilligently pump every 3 hrs and empty yr boobs each time, sure will hv enough one.

hi jan,

I will be waxing too before my c-sec. in fact i wanted to ipl them away, but no salon will do for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif], the clinic charges are to ex.

These lately everyone predicted that I will have early labour bcos of my low tummy appearance. I am worried abt that too. it seems like his head never turn up!


Hi grumpus, haha...., yeah, my boy is very easy to look after. Think when he was about 4 mths old, he already sleep through the nite. No more nite feeds. Even now, he will still finish any food I give him and all milk. And watever we eat, he will want to eat also. He's not a fussy eater....

I hope my this gal will be like her bro...

