(2011/01) Jan 2011

@ ivftwins, i have jus roughly booked for one but will have to confirm near to the dates again..

yes rustic is ex lay...


chercat, the fuss aside..

but breastfeed babies are healthier.

that is the key reason why most of the mums deal with the hassle and perserver with breast feed.

i intend to express to minimise the hassle. cuz latch on feeding is more time consuming. but despite this, will still try to latch on and feed first.

i'm a first time mum also. so..i gues it'll be on the job learning bah.. although i intend to go for breastfeeding classes.

rest more mommies..

I have just registered for the upcoming cord blood seminar on 2nd Oct. Hope to understand more before making any decision.

@breastfeed: Hi Chercat, hope you will change your mind to BF your baby, it's good for your baby. Here is a link to see what are the benefits


My friend was so stress and sad for not being able to BF her baby due to low supply. It will be tired for sure, but once we get used to the bump or whatsoever, It's not that hassle anymore.

I took out my new medela breast pump last few week to test and try, I spent more than 30 minutes to understand how to *fix & use*, quite hassle but sure manageable when you used it more often.

@Bunny: hope everything okay with you ya..keep us update ok..rest more..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies, How you doing? has been some days since i last visited this forum.

me went for my detail scan yesterday. fortunately my detail scan came back with all good results. saw my baby hugging her head with her little hands, she is lying very close to my uterus at first but turn and change positions many time during the whole scan. then when my Gynae finally done with the crucial check and about to begin to take 4D scan of her face, she just stubbornly face down. luckily Gynae manage to get a printout of her face for us to keep by the end of the scan. She weigh 500g during this detail scan. hubby say she looks like my #1 (whom everyone say look like my hubby) but i think this #2 looks like me :p anyway i m very happy that baby development is on track and i am not overweight *phew* one month later will be the glucose test.

Chabby, kimmyksc,

Thanks for your input. Most pp would say that bf is better but i have witnessed a real life example of someone i know. She did not manage to bf her #1 due to no supply, so bo pian gotta give formula. Her #2 whom she managed to successfully bf often fell ill, n the doc said her milk may not be 'good' from the start cos she herself also quite weak.

Now, her #1 going to pri school is a smart n talkative kid. While her breastfed #2 is abit how shall i put it... not so bright.

So i guess case to case varies. Still havent made up my mind to totally NOT breastfeed, but i m still more inclined towards formula. Why should mothers feel guilty if they are unable to bf? Haha.

chercat, hhmm...if tat's the case then really not sure already..hahaha..I plan to BF for first few months then mix with formula..

Hi Mummies,

Please try to take things slow and keep to a slower pace. I am trying hard to remind myself of that every day because I am so used to walking quickly.

Re: Cord Blood Banking

Haven't really attended any talks on this, but my friend told me that it is a "nice to have" or "just in case" kind of thing, so if have the extra cash to bank the cord blood, then don't think so much, can just do it.

Re: Breastfeeding

I bf my #1 till she was >1 yr old, but maybe cos my milk was not that good also, she is not that resistant to illness. I have friends who bf their kids, and their kids REALLY, seldom fall sick. But unfortunately, I did not get to "enjoy" that benefit. But bf really is convenient, once you get the hang of it.. I mean, keep yourself hydrated, and you are a walking cow! No need to bring hot water, bring formula, bring cool water... no need to wash so many things also. Of course, different people have different opinions. I have some friends who choose not to bf, and their kids turn out fine too!

Ting, so nice to be able to see 4D scan of your baby!!!!

hi mummies,

how come a few of u got spotting? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how does it happen?

gotta take good care n be extra careful all of you (& me. keke)

Chercat, i remember someone told me before that feeding bb with fomula milk is like feeding them medicine. all chemical. breast milk provide the best fomula for our babies becasue they came from us. choosing brands of fm for bb may also be quite headache. most branded fm comes with advance fomula that we don't know how our babies will react to it. it may not be hassle-free to just give our babies fm lor.

and hor no matter what, our children will naturally be bond to thier daddy and mommy unless we totally no "grow-up" with them.

chercat, breast feed time, the mommy also have to eat well. cos most of the food we eat will goes to our bb. there are food that we should avoid or not to over dose.

think child's health also depends on many things ba. if the mommy didn't take good care of herself during pregnancy may also casue bb not so healthy.

my mil told me she gave her #1 fm while her remaining children breast milk. she notice her children recover from their illness very quickly except her eldest. she told me that her eldest son will take very long time to recover when fall ill even till now.

err...as for intellegence wise i didn't know breast milk got anything to do with it lei. but i think all my mil's children equally smart lor.

agree with Ting about bb's well-being depends partly on the mummy during pregnancy.

Haiz.. we mummies have such Huge responsibilities hor


i totally agree with Ting that feeding fm is not as hassle free as u think.

if u hv one of those bbs that can eat and drink anything then good for u.

but a lot of bbs get constipation from fm and then u hv to keep changing brands to find one that's suitable for yr bb.

my #1 is one of those bf for a yr and she never had any bowel probs. but once she switched to fm after 1yo she frequently had difficulties passing motion. i changed fm brands numerous times to find one that did not cause her to constipate as badly. but still till today we struggle with regular bowel movements. i'm only thankful we didn't hv to go through that when she was just a bb. at least now we can do more, give fruits, more water, probiotic supplement etc etc.

imagine struggling with constipation in a few wk old bb, how much can u do?

as for immunity, bf bbs does not mean they are immune to ALL diseases, they just get a headstart in the antibodies. ultimately they will hv to build up their own resistance to all the new bacteria/viruses out there.

of cos mummies shd not feel guilty if they're not able to bf, but fm should be a fall back and not a 1st choice.

if u never try at all, how do u know u're unable to bf?


Bb health really dependent on me ah... So guilty la... Have been secretly eating ice cream every now n then...

My little princess also super duper active wo... Sometimes tap tap tap sometime poke poke sometimes flip flip... I really hope I have an ultrasound machine at hm or something... Really interested to know what she is up to.. Lol

I dun have spotting, but I do feel e stretchy n tight n painful sensation at e bottom corner of my tummy... Wonder if it's due to overexercise also... Doc ask my hb to bring me walk walk and he brought me to MAcRichi!!!! Walked for 2.6k lol... Faints ah...

Chercat, dun be too stress by whether you wan to BF to give FM. It's really a personal decision at the end of the day.. there are pros and cons for each of the option.

i agree w Ting that baby's health is not determine by breastfeeding alone.

Regardless, i'll like to try and perservere to BF before going for FM.. if no choice, i will top up with FM..

Nimkulut, your hubby very cute..haha..and likewise, i'm guilty of eating ice-cream, jelly, bubble tea, orange juice, raw salmon ..hehe.. if baby born has alot of phlegm...sure is my fault!

chercat - i bfeed my no 1 for 1 year, i find it totally worth it. She really very seldom fall sick for the first 2 years, and even when she did, it was very mild. Only after she started childcare then cos exposed to more germs so start to fall sick. I agree that it is not easy to breastfeed, but it is something that only we as mummies can give our babies.

hi bunny and fabiola,

I also had 3 episodes of spotting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the doctor said my placenta is low. But said sometimes at this stage more mommies to be seen with low placenta bt hoping it will move up the succeeding months. Bedrest is impt and moving slowly. Lets keep hoping for the best.

Seems like most of you mummies have felt your baby.. but I still do not feel any strong movements. Only tickles or tingling sensation. So I wonder if that is my tummy rumbling or my baby!

My friend who has just delivered in Aug, is breastfeeding her baby. Barely a month, she is already exhausted and warned me to sleep as much as I can coz I wun have time to next time if I want to bf. My hubby told me most importantly dun stress myself out. Afterall, most of us at our age grew up drinking formula. So let nature take its course..

By the way, any mummies here started to have stretch marks already? Last few days I noticed that my tummy is getting "redder". I wonder if it is the signs of stretch marks!! I was pretty lazy before that, putting stretch mark creams like once every few days when I remember but now I do it DAY and Night everyday!

Thanks for all your comments abt breastfeeding. I will see how when the time comes.

Up till now I am not those super motherly or excited kind, or willing to sacrifice alot of myself. I eat, drink lots of rubbish, sleep damn late, colour my hair, never talk to baby... all the things that most pp would frown upon. I have also not shopped for any baby necessities yet. I am still in my own la-la land, n quitting my job (no choice had to leave due to its very physical nature) just left me feeling restless n bored everyday. I just wanna get this whole pregnancy over n done with n return to work/my former lifestyle. Thats why I am hesitant to breastfeed at all.

Sorry for ranting here.

CL, no stretchmarks yet but tummy starting to itch on-off. too early to say..cuz a colleague says she got her at the last month of pregnancy..suay!

Chercat, i also eat and drink alot of rubbish util my colleagues confiscate all these junk food from me..also, i'm most probably a weekend mum when i return back to work. so dun be stressed out by what everyone else do...do what you feel is comfortable at your capacity ok? take it as it comes.

but one thing you need to prepare yourself for is that it'll most probably be very difficult to return to your former lifestyle the moment you have a kid. you may want to start looking at reliable infant care options since you want to return to work soon.

chercat, don't think too much for now. in case u got urself into post natal blue later. if you are able to eat and sleep like before you got pregnant, then just be it. i think its good also. i wish i can be like that also. but i just got too routine after i got pregnent. 10PM naturally will want to go to sleep. bo bian. i also crave for junk food sometime. eat a little lor. if put on too much weight also difficult for our labour later. as for hair coloring, i think shud be alright if not do it so frequent lor. i saw hairdressers also got pregnant and have cute little naughty babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies,

@Casey31: how are you now? my spotting only last for half a hour only..only when i wipes with tissue then after that no more..hope you are okay..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Nimkulut: so cuteee ur lil princess..keep moving around..hehehe

@Miaiko: maybe all of us just too stress and tired..you also take care ya..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Bunny: how are you today? hoping that your spotting go away..

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ Fabiola glad that you are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ Chercat dont worry i also do haircoloring and intend to go for one perm and color in dec before i am due so that when i deliver i will be prety prety as its CNY ma..

Lily H,

thought most of us will be doing confinement?

parents are already planning for renunion meal at restaurant w/o me already loh.. sigh~

No "hao liao" to eat this CNY.. another sigh~

so i can't be bothered..since i'll be stuck at home..will do my colour and perm closer to going back to work.


I am 25 weeks and starting 26th. I am very worried today cos my BB is not acitve since last two days. Some time I just feel she is inside but she never kick as she used to kick since whole month.

Is this normal? should I be concerned?

@ Chabby as i am due on 13 jan but am on c sec so mite be earlier so it will still be CNY when my gal celeb her first month and sure hav visitors coming..so mus be nice ma.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi good morning - all "mei mei" mummies.

@Fabiola - am OK, hope that all will be fine and to all of u too!

Have any of u engage CL yet? Any good to recommend? Heard of the agency - PEM, not sure good or not. Any tried and tested case?

Heard no diff in charges btwn agency & private.

Hu Bunny glad tat u are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes i have engage CL already kiasu as not so easy to get CL esp during CNY most of the CL that my frens recomend dun work during CNY. i engage pte de..

Hi sherill...same as you, my baby used to kick a lot but cut down quite a bit since few days back. Was super duper worried but baby still kick on and off..so I diden call my gynae..dun know issit normal :-(

@ Hi Fabiola. I am okie with girl but juz a little disappointed that I couldn't give my hubby a boy. Although he is prefectly okie wif girl too.

@Hi Sherill... I too also feel sometimes the baby is not active. Sometimes I hardly feel her movemements for days. Its quite normal. Don't worry.


regarding the frequency of kicks, the books mostly say it is normal for babies to have active and lull periods just like adults. Just as we are not active all day, babies also are not awake the whole time. They are especially prone to sleeping when we are busy moving about cos our movements will rock them to sleep.

At first I couldn't feel my baby's movements also as my placenta is in front and cushioning the kicks. But now I feel it at night, just as I'm lying down (cos no activity) and sometimes in the middle of the day before a presentation / speech (baby also feels the adrenaline rush?)hehe

Think the doctors will only get us to monitor the kicks much later on?

Sherill, if you are worried can call your gynae for clarification as I'm only 23 weeks along and dunno how it should be at 26 weeks.

kimmy and pooh: I have heard there are quiet days and since now I am entering 7th month i understand there will be less space for kicking. Just had a sweet drink with lunch, hope to feel movement within an hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

Jus to intro my agent to u all should u decide to get insurance for bb from prudential. She is very detailed and a MTB herself.. So she understand e potential risk and current anxiety we are facing.

As I only started working recently, my savings buffer is not a lot - so we probably going to manage if my pregnancy n delivery is super smooth... So I got e insurance to give me a piece of mind... I think we can only signup for e plan if our pregnancy is between 22weeks and 32weeks.

Name: Soh Qian Hui

Mobile: 9100 0826

sherill, I understand your anxiety. Sometimes i will get worried when i don't feel baby moving for a few hrs. Perhaps you can try and do some stretching to get your girl to adjust her position. I know my girl will kick when i lie down on my back, maybe she can stretch her legs this way ;p

I hope your sugar fix will make her more active, good luck.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Spotting - So far I had only one episode during 1st trimester, although my placenta is spotted low during the detail scan. Doctor still advise me to walk slowly and try not to squat..??

Anyone experiencing bad burping? I'm still burping non stop since 1st trimester! So irritating.

Breastfeed - Up to individuals I think, my #1, I dont have milk for the first 3 days and have engorgement very painful.. i was so depressed. For post natal - Rest is definitely v important, thus I have allocated more $ this time round to engage maid + CL, hoping to get enough rest.

Hi Bunny - I am engaging PEM for my upcoming confinement. So far ok from them , after paying the deposit, I didnt hear much from them, guess its normal only upon delivery then will call them up again to arrange for CL to come to my house.

Sherill, my Gynae was checking if i can feel baby movement during last check-up in my 23weeks already.

yours is totally can't feel anything for the past 2 weeks or just not much movement? if you really worry, then just find an excuse to visit your Gynae asap to do a scan. don't worry unnecessarily lor.

for me, once awhile i will not feel baby movement. what i will do is that i will try to lie on my bed sideway so that will press on my tummy alittle to make bb uncomfortable. of cos much control our weight. just press to the extend till u can feel bb move. it works for me. cos when i lie in that manner, bb will shift alittle to change her position :p


This is how you should count the fetal movement from what i read in pregnancy guide yesterday.

1. take note of time and count for 10 fetal movement (kick, twist, anything!).

2. if you've 10 within an hour, there's no cause of concern.

3. if you don't, rest, lie down, change position, drink something sweet or cold. then count again in the next hour..*honey+water will be good as it enter bloodstream in 20min.

4. if you do not achieve 10 movement within 2 hours, CALL GYNAE!

hope everything will be good for you.

Do note that the baby is most active 1-2 hours after meal as that is the time it reach them. I usually keep track when i use babyplus.

Ting: 2 days not 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Right now I can feel she is squirming inside and slowly kicking, but kicks are not that hard she used to do since last whole month. I will see if it gets better. Cant lie down cos I am in office [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i heard PEM not bad. A girl fren delivery a few months back. she engaged PEM and her feedback about them are good.


Hi fabiola,

So far no more spotting but I had couple of episodes already. Gyne just told me to avoid long walks to stay in bed for couple of days.

Hope everything is alright with our tiny one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

