(2011/01) Jan 2011

During my detail scan, I also have low placenta, however Gynae says it's normal at this stage unless I have spotting or it doesnt get better towards the later stage.

Anyone with bad constipation and piles?


evlin, i will try your recipe too. i am having very bad backache too, esp when i am getting out from lying position.

i had this too when i was pregnant with #2 and the backache was gone after delivery.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items.

(u'll find bumbo seat, FP swing, strollers etc)

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do not leave postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them.

calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!


I'm also taking chinese herbs prescribed by my daughter's chinese sinseh now... I think she also gave me the same medicines that you mentioned, coz I saw my medicine got 淮山 and 枸杞子. And I also got backpain at the lower back near tailbone.


pooh is right. If u see the 3 lines, means it's a gal. For my boy, can see the parts very clearly.. can't be the fingers coz the gynae can see their hands/fingers if they put it at the genital area...

Hey Chabby,

I'm also going for the cord blood banking seminar on 2nd Oct! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@low lying placenta: I had this problem too. like what other mommies do - walk slow and rest more. I went and clean the house on Saturday, feel so uncomfortable after the housework, and feel so guilty cos I feel backache and tired. din feel baby kicking today morning till noon, feel super worried. So, for those low lying placenta mommies, seriously, dun be stubborn like me, rest more and be a queen.

@cloth diaper: I bought 3 different brand of new born diapers for testing, very kiasu. Like many mummies here, will use diaper for night time, day time will start will cloth diaper, if really too troublesome, then will switch to diaper.

@cord blood banking: Hi Daphne: You were saying that the same cord blood cannot be use for the same child if there's a need? Is that true? Anyone can share more information.

Hi kimmyksc, I'm also not sure if it's true. It's wat the lady from the public bank told us. Tat's why I'm thinking there's no point keeping. She said tat cos if the child has some disease, then the cord blood will contain the same trace of the disease also, thus not advised to use. But it can be use on siblings.

Maybe anyone who knows more about the cord blood banking can really advise on more info.

Fabiola,my spotting is on/off and can be seen when wipe with tissues. Sometimes come with the pricky pains or " twilling" sensation.

Tend to worry. My gynae just say - watch n see!


How do you find the yoga instructor? It felt good to finally be doing some form of exercise after so long, but my thigh muscles are really killing me.

About cordblood banking, guess I'll make a trip down on the 2nd to see what it's all about and clarify all these qns.

Hi I also hav spoting since yesterday so went to see doc lucky all ok so was given 3 days bed rest doc was also afraid it's something serious lucky no he say I mus relax and dun rush and walk fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think i really have to learn this walking slowly.....

On low placenta, I was told mine's low 3 weeks ago. Was spotting and rush and see gynae. He gave a jab and progesterone support for 2 months. May want to consult ur gynae.


I think the instructor is not too bad lah..but some parts I find her 'tempo' very fast leh..,or maybe I am just unfit...haha..and her 'instructions' during the deep relaxation is also a bit weird..but for 100 bucks, and a location near my place, I have no complains lah..haha...Plan to throw in a swim on sunday after yoga on Sat..hopefully to soothe the sore muscles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think there is an ongoing medela BP spree by tan Leng Leng.. But as the sets brought in are from US, there is no warranty.. Cost for the freestyle is US$299, so after conversion back, plus shipping and Gst shld be abt s$500. Depends on exchange rate.

Hi Bunny

My placenta isn't low either. I feel tight at times only. I have to lie down in order to ease the tightness. I do not have stains though. I seldom have abdominal pain in my tummy. More towards bloatedness.

My gynae did mentioned asking my hubby to bring me for a stroll in the park.

@Bunny and Lily: before knock off from office.. when go to the toilet and wipe with tissue i found a very light brownish discharge..>.<..but very little only..like 1 thin line on my tissue..is this consider spotting? no "pulling" sensation at all.. now reach home,nothing..no more discharge..what should i do?

Daphne, Kikapo and Kimmyksc:

You can use the cord blood of siblings to treat other siblings, subjected to compatibility and no trace of similar genetic default. i once read an article of a couple TTC in order to have stem cell that can be used to treat the elder sibling who need it.

Initially i din wan to do cord blood but after check w hubby, (history of cancer in his family) decide to be kiasu about it.

Anyway, the company have to run test before banking after you send in the cord blood. they'll reject if it is not suitable for banking.. that'll cost you $600 for Stemcord.


i've a fren's wife who bought medela BP from Tan Leng Leng spree. she said quite reliable. Also, Medela is good.. but ex.

but i read the online reviews.. may want to opt for Ameda as it's cheaper and as good. cost around $300+..

or will get avent manual as manual seem to be able to drain BM more effectively than electric ones.. kinda at a lost now.

hubby say buy both.. he must be thinking when i deliver, the baby inside carry cash along w it.. siao!


pls see a GP take a few days rest.. could be spotting or tired. take precautionary measures. call your gynae office for advice tmr during office hours.


can i ask for a favour?

could you update me/us on cordlife pricing and package after the seminar?

haven't decide if i should go.. thinking of attending breastfeeding class instead. would like to do a comparison before deciding.

@Chabby & Bunny : I will monitor it tonite and tomorrow morning..until now no more discharge..maybe because of too tired because yesterday went to the kite festival and walk too much..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..my 1st time encountered this thing..

Hey Chabby,

Yes I'm definitely going to the seminar so I'll find out more and update everyone!

And if any of you ladies have friends or relatives going to the UK soon, can ask them to buy breast pumps and other essentials there. Exchange rate is good now and it is really alot cheaper (check out the mothercare UK website!)! Moreover, you do not need a A/C converter for the "plug head" unlike US sets as UK also uses the 3 pin plug!

Dear mummies-to-be,

Is there anything to be brought from australia that is cheaper or more worthwhile? My hubby is there for work and asked if i need anything from there. I have no idea...

Hi all... I also buying e prudential insurance... Premium 100 a mnth for 100k coverage....cos my hubby colleague's bb was born with some complication - which results in super high medical bill for e tot... He also cannot buy insurance now cos everything will be excluded...


from experience, nothing in australia is cheaper or more worthwhile. even australian brands when converted over will somehow come up to abt the same as what we get here.

thank you thank you to everyone for showing the link to medela spree.I agree with chellybaby that buying from UK save on hassle of converting the power. US products power tend to be different and plug is different.Was checking Mothercare price and think amazon is cheaper. Price saving is substantial comparing mothercare/amazon and singapore. I may take the risk with amazon purchase. Just that if there is any problem, can we bring it to medela singapore service centre?

Bunny> I was week 20 when it happen. I am now week 23.


if there is any problem u can bring to medela singapore. just that the repair will be chargeable cos the overseas warranty is not recognised here.

the other way is to send back to the overseas service centre and claim warranty. u will hv to bear the shipping cost to and fro. but cos the savings is already quite substantial, it's still worthwhile to 'lose out' a bit on the extra shipping.

btw, those considering to buy from UK can check out boots too. www.boots.com

their pumps are quite cheap too.

Thanks Chelleybaby. =)

Fabialo, how are you feeling today? better?

Remember to call your gynae office to ask about your discharge problem ok?

Daphane: Cord Blood banking is for the the child whom u bank and will match 100%. What they use it for is to regenerate new cells use for treatment. Currently can be use for treatment of leukemia,certain autoimmume disease,some congential disorder ... etc.

If u had done cord bld banking for ur #1, matching to siblings is 75% and to parents is 50% but to the child is 100% match.

Differences b/w public and pte bank is if in any case ur child needs the cord bld, for public bank they will find match and u won't get back ur own, for pte of cos is ur very own lah.

Cord blood banking is like an insurance you buy for ur child , u duno when will u use it or never at all.


*hi5* I have also donated to the public cordblood bank. Wondering if I should donate or keep it this time round too...

Hi mummies,

@Chabby: Im fine today, no more stain,only feel a bit pressure on my lower abdominal..just called my gynae clinic..the nurse said if today no more stain or very bad cramp feeling i just need to rest more and observe within this week..dun walk to much..when i see the doctor next week just need to inform him about this..

nowadays i feel the baby kicking very often..especially when i lay down,i can see my stomach moving..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding spotting, I also had that in the first trimester. Happened when I was on holiday and was too tired. Remember being very scared and went back to the hotel early to rest. After 2 days of taking it easy, the spotting went away. So the lesson is to listen to our bodies.

@Luckymummy11: i keep on saying sorry to my baby yesterday..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..at that time you had the spotting, did you call your gynae?

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me at home need to rest but feeling veri bored..

still hav light spotting this morning..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so really cant move alot..

hi fabiola, if hav spotting better to call gynae and they will advise you.

Mave and Lily: Take care and rest as much as you can until spotting is away for at least 24 hours. Try sitting with legs elevated and lie down also feet elevated with a pilllow. You will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any more spotting talk to OB Gynae.

@Lily and Sherill: thank you for the advise..will rest more..now just feel the pressure on the lower side of my stomach..but no more stain..will observe within this few days..

Get well soon Lily..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No didn't call cos will incur long distance charges, and anyway it was really light spotting. If it had worsened I would have gone to a doctor or a hospital there straightaway. Maybe I could feel it was fatigue? I felt better once I rested (cos holiday you walk and walk as don't want to waste time and money), and there was no more spotting in the morning.

Maybe can take the afternoon off and put your feet up. Take care.

Thanks Sherill and Fabiola [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya we must not get too stress up..hard for me i am those jan cheong type hahh

Faiola and Lily H,

do rest as much as possible ok?

i remeber my sis had very bad spotting that she was hospitalised and jab..Doc order was Complete Rest in Bed.. even going to toilet need to call nurse.

my baby is hyperactive also..

can see it move inside. tummy can change shape with one side higher than the other and can even see wave pattern on tummy besides it's kicking..

was watchin tv yesterday.. it just kept moving. so i show my father-in-law who happen to be watchin tv w me..haha =)

Lily H, since you are resting at home, try watching some sitcom, read comics or so something you enjoy that is not physically demanding to get your mind off.. so less gan jeong.

Fabiola :

I had this spotting during my 18 weeks too ... my gynae ask me to crib and rest ... and he gave me duphaston and 1 proluton jab

@Luckymummy: thanks!! will rest more..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Lily H: me also gan jeong type..hehehe..but now have to slower my walk and think of the little one inside..take care ya!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Chabby: yes,will rest more..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya ya..it happened to me also,yesterday nite watching the baby moving around here and there and show to my hubby..really fun yeah? the wave especially..;)

@Mitch: the nurse asked me to rest more and observe..will do it for sure..any spotting i need to call the gynae clinic asap..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies here who DO NOT intend to breastfeed at all? Not even the very first suckle?

I also realised there are quite alot of 2nd time or more mummies here. Any one who did not bf for the 1st child due to whatever reasons?

Reading about all the latch ons, pumps, brands of pumps, engorging etc makes me more n more blur. Intend to simply stick to formula milk from the very start to minimise fuss. As for bonding with baby, this is the least of my worries, I just want a hassle-free life after delivery.

Pls advise.

Hi mummies. Glad that all are fine at your end.

Rest well.

Had some spottings this morning, worried. Intend to see the dr tonight.


@Bunny: what happen with you? the spotting come again? is it alot with cramp feeling? hope you are fine..rest more yah..

Mommys, have all of u booked ur post natal massage yet? This rustic nirvana quoted $988 for 5 sessions home visit. Tot it is a bit ex.


Hi Bunny u take care too!

how come so many of us encounter spotting mus be our life too stress up!

We must learn to relax in our stressful country ....

