(2011/01) Jan 2011

Gingersnaps: Ya the skin doc I visited is crazy! She gave me Kenacort. I searched the Internet n could not find anything that says it's safe for pregnancy.

The whole experience was very traumatic for me. I was so afraid she will kill my baby. She is not professional at all. Only care abt getting rid of pimples n not afraid if she will harm my

baby! I kept reminding her that I'm pregnant. Now I'm praying

that baby will come out fine.

I will not recommend her to anyone. Very tempted to write my whole experience In forums but simply not in the mood for it


My advise to mummies is to insist on no steroids or antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. I regretted not insisting on that.


morning ladies...


sorry to hear abt your encounter...aiyo y the dr so unethical??? did your pimples get worse bcos of the injection?

hi ting, noticed that you are dr douglas ong's patient. did you take the NT test, Papp A test or triple test? if yes, can i know how much it cost without consultation?

Bethel, maybe you should lodge a complain abt this doc to SMA! How can she ignore the concerns of a patient and don't even allow you to seek a second opinion? Have you called your gynae to ask him or her about it?


Im not sure about long term stay. Definitely need to apply for visa and interview by embassy etc etc. It's better to check directly with the respective embassy.

Hi pinky_i, my #1 was breech so I need to do C-sec. I was also born breech but my mum managed to give birth to me naturally. And my twin sis was still waiting for her turn to come out. So, maybe our child really follow the parents in a way.

Nowadays when baby confirmed to be breech, we need to do C-sec. But my mum's generation can still go natural. Wonder why???


Thanks for the info, will try to check it out. You have been very helpful.

Are u expecting no. 1 or 2 ? Know the gender yet ?


U r most welcome. Expecting no. 2 now. 1st child is girl. Gynea said no.2 most prob girl again. but hb n my no.1 say is boy. haha

What about u?

wow!! tink a lot of us here are having sleeping problems...

i can wake up like 4-6times each night, though I sleep at 12am or 1am. then no matter whether it's night sleep or afternoon naps, once i fall asleep, I start dreaming... always wakes up with a tired head and body... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone have any good solutions?

hee.. other than this sleeping problem... I think I'm enjyoing my 2nd trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] appetite start to come back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

o ya!! anyone having hard time to get confinement lady? I tried to call 3, 2 reject immediately cos our EDD too near CNY.. the 3rd one, say will help till CNY, but ask for same amount of pay!! meeting her tmw, to see if can pro-rate or not.. :p haha... was tinking, if EDD is 13/1, if baby comes out late, then spending 2days in hospital, means CL only work for about 2weeks or lesser!! same pay?! this is like robbing during fire outbreak!!!

don't mind paying slightly extra but definitely not when they treat us as "cai tou"!! this is even better pay than a uni grad!! is 2x my pay when i started work after my NUS degree!! sianz....

hee... looking forward to my detailed scan to know bb gender.. having a feeling tat it's a boy and my hubby even dreamt of a baby boy, though he prefers a baby girl... but anyway, boy or girl, babies are GOD's blessings to us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm tinking of whether to try natural birth without epidural.. haha!! cos my mum gave birth to me and my 3 elder bros without epidural (guess there isn't such thing then), so tot if I should try try :p

haha... still rem my sec Maths teacher said that giving birth is a great challenge! a fun one too!! and she said esp the labor part!! hee...

@bethel and mummies with outbreaks:

I suggest just tolerate for a while and these will go off. My dad and bro who are doctors said this is part of pregnancy for some (thank God I'm not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but instead my skin got better). Dad said that it'll go off soon and cos of our hormone changes, the more medicine we apply, it may become worse. Also, a lot of this medicines for outbreaks are quite toxic (for bb). So just tolerate for a few mths and it'll b gone soon.

hard, but I think as mummies, we had already gone through the worse like morning sickness, headaches, etc... so outbreaks also just tolerate.

Best thing to do:

Try to keep your face free from any cosmetics. just some moisturiser and some sun block if you often goes under the sun. Keep your face clean and if oily, dun rub, just bloat the oil away.

I used to use tea tree oil, also stop completely.

God bless! :D

hi all mummies,

for me it was the waking up to pee in the middle of the night. Have resorted to stop drinking water from 830pm onwards so that the frequency is reduced. Think it helps slightly. I also hate it when i can't sleep and my husband is snoring away contentedly beside me!


when is your next check for gender? I will be going on the 10th and I can't wait. I would like a girl but I think it is a boy.

No makeup?! don't think I can manage that. At the very least must apply a thin layer of powder, but that doesn't cover blemishes leh.

With regards to pregnancy clothes, I am finding it really hard to continue wearing my normal clothes. Pregnancy pants have helped somewhat, but the normal tops are too tight now and make me look fat rather than pregnant. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies to be,

Has anyone felt that their pregnancy symptoms seem to be going away in the second trimester? I used to have bad heartburn in weeks 8-12 but lately I find that i don't get it anymore. Also, nausea feeling seems to be going away, appetite getting better, and even constipation not that bad. I am 14+weeks now.

Also, I sometimes get cramps in my abdomen area. Sometimes its on either side, which I read could be ligament pain but when I checked with my doc, he said it seems too early for that. He said it could be wind. Anyone experience the same?


your skin doc was really too much! have you check with yr gynea on the medicine that she injected? Dun worry too much now cos i think the baby will be able to feel our stress.

me hv been visiting the loo pretty often too. especially whenever bb moves.. then oh-oh..gotta go.

Anyone felt bb moving yet? I hv! and I can feel bb bulging out occasionally on my lower abdomen. when that happens, I'll sayang my bb. keke

sigh.. my detail scan n gynea visit is still 4wks away. such long long wait.

Hi myproud, i took PAP-A blood test + compulsoory HIV blood test + NT scan during last Gynae visit. i can't remember exactly how much le. but i know is very expensive. i think i paid almost $600 for all the tests.

Miaiko: I can feel very clear baby movements now. and to my surprise last night my hubby was trying to play with baby and baby kicked right on his hand......he laughed.

My detail scan is next week and I started 19th week today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

same here, i try not to drink too much water at night, it helps to cut down the frequecy to the toilet and most of the time i can sleep throughout the night :)

visiting my doctor tomorrow, hopefully baby open the legs..haha

Hi all, guess I'm the 41st mommy to join this forum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Relieved to know I'm not the only mommy experiencing poor sleep & diet & bloatedness, etc.

Age: 31

EDD: 30 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr Joycelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC

Child: 2nd

Gender: Unknown

Area: Bishan

Any mommies currently experiencing bad backache?? I'm using quite a lot of chinese medicated oil too on my head, nose & upper tummy to relieve my sleeping issue.

Thanks MTBs for all ur concern.


my pimples are under control for now cos the doc did pixel laser treatment on me. It dries up my skin & the layer of dead skin is peeling off now.


dun think i want to take the effort to lodge a complain. i will just treat it as a learning experience and put the whole event behind me.


yah i did chk with my gynae, she didn't say if the medication is safe or not. think it is not scientifically proven to be safe so usually doctors will not commit to saying whether it is safe. amazing that the skin doc is so daring to use it on me and had the cheek to say it is safe cos only injected on my first layer of skin.

gynae just said if i am worried, i can make an earlier appmt with her to check on the baby.

So i will be seeing her this thurs.

yah hubby said i shud not dwell on this anymore as my mood will affect baby. cos i was rather upset n worried abt the baby the past few days that i really feel like crying.

All i can do now is keep praying that baby is safe. The praying also helps me sleep better at night!


do you know / remember when can start drinking coconut juice?

Im on iron tablets now and hv bn a lil constipated, so went to buy 1 coconut to drink. It helps to clear my bowels, but not sure if it's too early to drink it in 2nd trimester.

Hi fellow mtbs!

Been MIA for soooooo long. Work and #1 been keeping me busy.

Working wife and little oxygen: Abdomen cramp and backache are quite common I guess. Abdomen cramp could also be due to uterus expanding. Soon, the itch will come in. For me, my backache, I suspect, is due to the epi injection when I had my #1. Kinda hoping that it will not get worse as the pregnancy progresses.

Miaiko: Coconut drink should be taken from 3rd trimester onwards actually. But if you ask doctors, they will probably say can eat and drink whatever you like.

Bethel: Don't mull over it already. Your hubby is right. Mood will affect the baby. Just continuing praying if it makes you feel better. Now just focus on eating well and resting well to make sure baby grow well and strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi miaiko

for the constipation, u can buy fiber drink fr pharmacy or papaya juice everyday. dun let get constipated.

Thae, papaya juice???? I am a non papaya eater... so can't imagine people drinking papaya milk....

Miaiko, I remember coconut is for nearer to EDD, people says it helps to "clean up" the baby? I don't know, I also don't like coconut drink, so never took any at all.

Bethel, yah, don't worry so much already. Sometimes lay man like us tend to worry and think too much, like for docs, hair colouring and treatments are perfectly fine during pregnancy, because the chemical do not enter your blood stream at all. So don't worry already, baby will be ok.


Prune juice helps me a lot for constipation. For serious cases, try half a cup on an empty stomach, it should work, but pls ensure there is an opportunity for you to 'go'. It would be very embarrassing if you are in the middle of something important and you have to dash off. Prunes are also quite yummy as a mid afternoon snack.

Speaking of outbreaks and facials, is anyone here still going regularly for facials? Do you still do the machine type facials or you avoid those completely?


i still go for regular facials. my mum is a beautician [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

she said that during pregnancy should avoid those machine type facial and avoid the massage.


do you know y shld avoid massage?? i also went for facial and i noticed the beautician also didnt massage my neck and shoulders like b4.

I always ask my hubby to massage my feet and shoulders for me . is it alright?

Dear All Mums!

Pls. dont take papaya juice or fruit in pregnancy as it is known for abortive elements [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and famous to bring on the periods [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Take high fibre instead!

hey sherill

thanks for informing us. all along i m taking papaya juice and dr also didnt tell me not to drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Lucky that nth happens to me yet.


yup if preggie the beautician will avoid massaging neck and shoulders.

according to my mum, massage is stimulating so should avoid just in case it brings on early labour.

as for hb type of massage i think is ok if is just rub rub press press abit to relieve the aches and tightness but not too much also. for me a use heat pad on my shoulders and feet if it's aching.

Hi all.

Sorry to intrude on your thread.

I would like to recommend my confinement lady to those who need one.

She is really very good. I am currently engaging her for the 2nd month cos my BB is quite abit to handle.

She is very patient with BB and can see that she loves BB alot. She took really good care of my whole family (including my 2 dogs).

When I brought my BB back for review with my PD, even my PD complimented to me that I got myself a good confinement lady cos she is very knowledgeable and ask me to learn more from my confinement lady.

If anyone is interested to engage her, you can PM me or email me at [email protected] for her contact number.


At least I can confirm that I shouldn't do the machine facials. The last time I went the beautician didn't massage for me and I felt quite cheated. Guess it is for my own good!


I didn't know papayas stimulate periods or is cooling. Luckily we are sharing info here.


I still go for pedicures...can't really stay away from everything! I thought that as long as I don't do it too frequently, and the place is well ventilated I should be safe. Although some people tell me better to be safe than sorry. Quite confusing to hear so many taboo things that can't be done.


Pls incl. me in this list.

Age: 35+

EDD: 30 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr Kowa

Hospital: Mt E

Child: 1st one


Area: Pasir Ris

Is anyone having problems trying confinement lady? I'm feeling abit stressed cos it's during CNY so having troubles finding 1... :|

hi mummies!

Hope everyone had a gd lunch!

Thanks all for sharing wat to take to help ease constipation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My beautician says can only massage shoulders. Cannot massage the back bone area.

She also recommend me to go for pre-natal massage. Those Javanese massage. Apparently it's to relieve muscles cos when our tummy get bigger, we will feel the backaches.

Anyone been for pre-natal massage before?

Hi mummies,

1) My Brest Friend Pillow in very good condition at $50

2) Brand new Mothercare Multi purpose support pillow at $65 (Original $81.50)

- For use during pregnancy & post birth

- Supports your bump at night

- Can be used in several positions for daytime

- Support during pregnancy & while breastfeeding

- Moulds to your body

- Removable machine washable cover

- Help baby to learn sitting position

Pick up at Queenstown.

Pls PM me if keen.

Pics: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/4325016.html?1280903911

papaya cannot eat? In moderation can ba? I been eating for number 1 and 2 but not everyday..........

Bethel; I think i enquired for rustic nirvana can only massage from 5 mths onwards

just to update here....

back from gynae check up...tot can see baby gender, first 1-2 minutes quite ok, leg still open but need to scan again to get confirmation, end up baby crossed his/her legs :-S...so notti...then we (myself+doctor+daddy) shake the tummy, baby seems comfortable with the *play* and refused to open the legs..i gotto wait for my next scan to see gender :-(

baby think is a free massage..so shiock!

Hi kimmyksc

ur bb is so cute and knows how to enjoy massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] . i also can't see bb gender coz bb faces down. so have to wait for next scan...

Hi all,

Anyone went to the taka baby fair yet?

Went early this morning and bought some essentials. yay!

By the way, anyone plan on using cloth diapers? Lotsa brands in the market like bumwear or babyland.. no longer the plain folding white nappies. Shd be cheaper in the long run right?

oh.. i juz found out..

Taka BB Fair 4th Aug -22nd Aug [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



same with #1, i will be using cloth diapers. but i din get the fancy type. just the plain traditional diapers. i dunno much abt the fancy type, but i do prefer cloth diaper cos my son doesnt have any nappy rashes at all.

