(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hey Ting,

This Douglas Ong, is it the same one who is writing the columns on the megazines?

Hee, I am trying to avoid taking medicines leh.. but may have no choice but to go buy panadol later to eat... Then also very gaseous! Keep burping non stop!


Dear mummies...

Me having monday blues too...baby did not like the curry puff I had for breakfast and I threw it all back out...now feeling quite terrible...was hoping to take the day off to rest but got work to complete..really feeling quite miserable...and colleagues commented I look tired...think that is a nice way of saying I look like crap...

I get headaches quite often too...but I try to put off taking panadol until it gets really unbearable...

Haiz....really feeling quite depressed when I should really be enjoying the pregnancy....


same here. i m oso awake ard 3am and waited for the day to start.


tink panadol is ok for pregnancy. if dun take, will ruin yr day and the headache may get worse. for me, i will take pandol cos i have migraine.

morning ladies...

re: headaches

i'm also getting occasional headaches too...yes, its very frustrating...especially when have lotsa work to do...haizz

So many of you are having headaches [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Take enough rest dear and have a break in between work. Rest often and slow down at work a bit to give your body enough rest. Take care

AFM, I also wake up at night specially to go toilet and then cant sleep for another 1-2 hrs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My gynae was asking me about whether I am eating well and sleeping well, then I told him not sleeping well, cos keep waking up! Then he just laugh and say it is nature's way of preparing our body and ourselves for motherhood... DUH....

Hi Misty, Ya. My Gynae got write in magazine but i forgotten which magazine already. He is a funny guy.

For the panadol, don't take more than 1/day. if one doesn't help relief your pain then you need to take MC to rest at home liao. as for the gas, do u think is the type of food u ate that generate gas inside u? chinese say coconut, beans will have gas. for me is when i hungry and don't eat, i will have the bloated feeling. very uncomfortable.

Coconutz, siong hor. everyday wake up at that time. then get tired after 6AM and fell asleep. then late for work... i tried just get off bed and surf net and do my laundry but like that i will have to spend my whole lunch time nap at office ... i remember my last pregnancy not like this wan lei. really tired.

hi mummies

how r all of u?

my next gynea visit is still a mth away. feel so long. it'll b same day as my detail scan also. feel quite anxious to know the gender.

previously i shared that i sent my maid back to her home n looking for another helper. WEll, i found 1 already. these 2 days so busy training her. I feel soooooooo tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yeah lor... n sometimes when i looked at my hubby who is deeply asleep, i was wondering y women so chiam huh? we tahan sleepless nights, ms and labor pain. bfg thereafter and the nitty gritty things like, packing diaper bag before gai gai, making sure diapers is enough, preparing for first solid etc. women got to do so many things le : (

Hi all, I stopped coming on to this forum for a long time and am surprised to see I've missed so much! Anyway, below's my info. Looks like I've added the first girl. Very interesting since I recently went to a friend's daughter's birthday party where all the kids were girls except for her one single nephew. Husband commented that all my friends have girls and friend at party commented that there is some evidence to say that stressed people are more likely to have girls. Haha.. not sure how much truth there is to that!

Age: 28

EDD: 14 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr Christine Yap

Hospital: Undecided

Child: 1st

Gender: Girl

Area: Central

Hey mummies. im from march 2011...

Just wanna ask, any one found out the gender of your baby during the 12th week scan?

Care to share??

Gnulyl: 12 week is too early to see gender by ulrasound and it cant be accurate. However, it can be known by amnio or CVS in 11-14 weeks but dont think Doc will do these test just for dgender determination in singapore.

sherill - just asking only... Cos my friend who has already given birth, told me her doc in TMC managed to tell her the sex of baby at 12th week scan..


Dont be sad.. this too will pass. Soon u will feel better & enjoy your preggy. I used to feel the same for my previous preggy too. I threw up 2 weeks in the row, in the bed, didnt eat nor drink at all. By the time I hit 4-5months I feel much better & even went Turkey with my hubby..

Coconutz, agree with u. we have too much things to worry as mommy. but if let me have a choice, i think i will still choose to go thru this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw can anyone share the $$ to hire indo. or phili. domestic helper?

Hi, sorry to disturbing here & I would like to recommend my confinement lady, Auntie Ya Yin, who is currently doing my confinement for me.

Auntie Ya Yin is very friendly has easygoing personality. She is energetic and experienced, having been in this line for more than 10 yrs, love baby and is able to handle my baby well.

She can cook good confinement food, never grumpy, and she doesn't keep nagging me on the dos and don'ts of confinement. Best of all, she is encouraging breastfeeding & experienced enough to advise me benefit of breastfeeding.

Other than taking care of me and the baby, she also does the household chores for me, as we do not have a maid at home. She is very systematic in what she does and she keeps the kitchen neat and tidy.

I don’t earn any commission and I just wish help her to find other assignment as a token of my appreciation to her.

If you are keen to engage her, you can contact her at:

8402 8386 (Singapore number)

012-459 9824 (Malaysia number)

Hi ladies, I am feeling under the weather as well. Having headache now and I still have not recover from my flu and cough .............


I m currently hiring an indonesian helper. her salary is $400 and $170 levy. We paid her $350 when she first joined us and gave her an increment of $50 after she renewed her contract with us last year. She doesnt have any off days.

Hi Ting,

I am visiting Dr Ong this Wed at 7.10pm..what about you?

Ya I agree Dr Ong can be very funny and down to earth. He told me to enjoy the pregrancy and dun wori too much. Just eat things in moderation will do.

Apple, yah lor, I thot Filippinas get slightly higher, at $360, so I am rather surprised that an Indo helper can command $400. But if she is good and it is a reward to her for doing a good job, then it's worth it lah...

Misty, apple

the rate for indonesian helper has increased already. My bro is hiring one too and he is paying $370 for a fresh maid. so we tot $400 shld be quite fair for her, esp when she dotes on my son, obedient and does her work well.

i remembered calling up some agencies 2 yrs + back who prefer that the employer liase directly with the maids who are working here. imagine my horror when one maid quoted me $470!!! crazy le... she has been here for 10 yrs and wanted to bargain for that amt of salary.

my previous 2 helpers r filli. both were new with salary of $350.

the current new helper i go is indon, ex-sg with salary of $380& no off days. she always tell me Ok Ok,.. but Im not sure if she really knows lor. She's here 2nd day with me only. she works very slow and Im not used to it. haiz. stress

Wow 40 mummies and counting...

I'm also having problems sleeping at nite.

Especially last nite was bad.

Cannot fall aslp. Then when I finally sleep, I keep dreaming and waking up like 2-3 times.

Then this afternoon I'm feeling very crampy in my lower abdomen. Dun even dare to walk out of my seat too much.

Wonder if it's due to the anti biotics I took.

Anyone took antibiotics during pregnancy before?


as long as her attitude is positive. i tink can close one eye and get used to her style. after she adapts to her work, then prob she can pick up her speed.

i remembered my maid is lousy with cooking when she first came here. green vegetables fry til yellow and dry. n my hubby and I keep encouraging her and now culinary skills very much improved.

Bethel: I just finished a course of antobiotics last week. Don't think I have the crampy feeling after taking antibiotics but I do experience cramps in my lower abdomen at other times..

Hello, Thanks for sharing the $ on hiring domestic helpers. i thought $400 to hire someone to work for us at home 7 days is quite reasonable. considering 28 days working day/mth, they charging ard $15/day for them to prepare meals, to clean house, taking care of children... but of cos if kana those problematic helpers then will be different story lor.

Mummies who are not feeling so well:

Trying going for TCM lah... I also fell sick twice... first time went for one round of antibiotics. This time round I went for TCM. The sinseh by feeling my pulse, knows that I'm having headache, back pain, flu, stiff neck... hhaha... after taking her medicine for one week, all cured. Now taking her 'an1 tai1' medicine and on-off taking pao sheng to bu3 my body, coz my heart not very strong, very easy to get out of breath.....

This friday gg for my checkup, hope can see the baby's gender!


Same same! Its impossible to zzz well even tho I feel sooooooo sleepy . I woke up in unearthly hours like 4am n can't zzz back no matter wat I do lo...

Omg I look qiao cui enuff with 7hrs of zzz Le lo... Now with isomia somemore..

X@ went to spring maternity on e weekend for some pants... E auntie ask: eh gal u pregnant meh? 2 mnths ah?

Me: 16 weeks, 4 mnths

Auntie: what? So small?

Hubby: *worried****

How much is the agency fee there in Singapore ? Does anyone know how it works if I decided to bring a maid out of Singapore ? Now doing the math whether if its much cheaper to get a maid in Singapore then fly her back here with me or juz get a maid here in Abu Dhabi ... The agency fee here is expensive & apparantly their service sux.

Lina, i think you may have problem taking maids here n bringing her to Abu Dhabi, due to their passport and permit issues. suggest you Go to filli embassy or indon embassy website to check it out.

Agency fee: from $268 to $600+ depends on which agent you go to.

If new maid, there's maid loan to pay upfront: $2k+ to $3k+

If transfer maid, and her loan payment not completed, there's placement fee to be made upfront

Just to share.. I intend to bring my previous filli maid with me to USA as we wld be there for a few mths. But this is not allowed, as she is new, and she needs to work for us at least 1yr before we can bring her overseas. To malaysia is ok.

hi all..

anyone full force in preggy clothes yet? i've just cleared my wardrobe of my non-preggy-ish clothes to make way for larger clothes.. so pathetic.. now week 18 le.. 2 more weeks to detailed scan with doc..

now i'm worried that bb will be huge.. been "growing" big quite a bit.. second time mummies.. will bb follow parents? my hubby was late by 2 weeks when he was born..

Same state as most mom. Tired, sleepy, extremely bloated at night, bad appetitie during dinner. Ok for breakfast. Not eating fish during meals. Not taking fish oil cos toobig to swallow. Haiz.


Have u seen the skin doc yet for yr breakout??

Me also having bad ance breakout on my foreheasd ;( i dun even dare to look to lift up my hair to see, will make yr goosebumps stand!! It's that bad!


yes i went to see a skin doc already. and i regretted seeing this doctor.

She was very agressive in getting rid of my pimples that she wasn't afraid that it will harm baby.

She injected steriod/antibiotics into my pimples!!

I was so upset with the whole incident.

Anyone who is thinking of visiting a skin doc, please insist on no antibiotics or steriods. It is really not worth the risk!

Gynae said to just leave pimples alone as it will keep coming out until end of pregnancy.

Bethel : i took augmentin during pregnancy because of swollen lymphnode on my neck.. twice during the course of pregnancy. doctors say this is the safest antibiotics for pregnancy.

Ur skin doctor is really agressive.



Good luck with the scan, hope you get to know the gender of your little one. I am going for mine in another 2-3 weeks time at 18weeks.


Cannot bring the maid oversea for holiday / short term stay ? How about long term stay with residence visa ?

Thanks for the info.


2nd pregnancy for me, the bump seems to show faster than the 1st pregnancy. Don’t know if the timing of birth will be similar as the parents. But for my first child, she was induced like me.

