(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi all,

I'm 16wks nw and went to the gynae again today.

Major freaking out when I heard the results from my last blood test:

1) I'm Rh negative, which means my blood type is negative (super rare). And since my hubby's blood type is positive, I'll have to undergo extra 3 injections to ensure that the antigens in my body does not react with my baby's, who is most lkely to be of a positive blood type. Now I got complications in my pregnancy, so stressful!

2) Blood test result for down's is 1:300. Like quite high right? Sigh so stressful again! But my gynae says it's not necessary to do the amnio as high risk is classified as 1:250. What do you ladies think?

Plus today my baby decided to sit cross legged all the time during the scan... haiyoh, guess i got to wait another mth to find out the gender.

Sigh such a stressful day...


Hi Mummies

I am abt 12wks+ this week. I was wondering if I will be able to see the baby gender when I am 15 weeks. My next checkup is in 2 weeks' time.

Dr tried scanning 2 weeks ago but stil able to see if there is anything in between his/her legs.

Anyone able to scan at 14-15weeks mah?

Shalan - my amnio will be done by at TMC not at my gynae clinic.

Michelle - is your result of 1:300 from the oscar test? The cut off is 1:300 for oscar. My result was abt 1:450 but i hv decided to go for amnio.

Bethel, i also hate to drink water.. have to drink alot.. but still got the bitter taste so sian.

i also have outbreak on my face, so sian too. wonder if it boy boy. hahah.

Kom - i think so too.. i think some ppl got, some ppl dun have..

Morning ladies... what a fridae...rainy!!

Popomin: haaa... outbrk on face is boy uh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pooh: i think should be able to see gender.. caz i was able to see the gender whn i was 15 weeks.

Hi all, my #1 is a boy but I did not hv pimples outbreak. Also not for this pregnancy (even though dunno is boy or girl). Think it's different for individual...

Pooh, for my #1, my gynae was able to tell me the gender on 16 weeks. Guess boy is easier to see earlier. But the final confirmation still will be the detail scan on 20 weeks. My SIL's gynae told her on 16 weeks tat it's a boy but when she went for her detail scan, it turns out to be a girl...

Komathi: hehee yup i will.

Daphne: talking about gender is making me more anxious to know mine. 3 weeks a very long wait for anxious mummy like me. hehe..

My friend is having a pimple outbreak and just found out she is having a boy at 16 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so anything is possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Heavy rain, all dark, appear to be night.

Nisa: anyting is possible... pimple outbreak , i would blame hormones. I have gd skin..but i am having a boy! It depends...u will noe soon nisa...3 weeks more.

Hi all,

I am at my 14 weeks now. Does anyone still having MS at 14 weeks?

MS is making me feeling terrible, especially i had to vomit all the supplements out! Liddat baby how to get the nutrients [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

angeline: i was like you during my 1st tri..i'm at my 16 weeks now and still merlion-ing though it has reduced a lot. nowadays will tend to merlion at nite. at least once daily...

Nisa, gosh..

So did u manage to put on weight till now?? I had massive weight loss in my 1st tri. So quite particular in seeing weight gain.

Angeline: so far been gaining 0.5kg every mth. a slight improvement though.. I lose abt 3kg during my 1st tri. Gynae says it's normal. so i guess baby is doing fine.

nisa: i gained 2.5 already...ur so skinny.. i am already 59..sad...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nisa: oh really.. i am thinking i am startin to show too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].little tummy comin out already. gd lor.. ppl give u seats.. i am nt given seats maybe they thought its ma belly. i wear slightly lose oso.

hi komathi

Congrats for those who know bb gender..

last wed, i went for check up with Dr Irene chua and she didnt tell me gender thought i m in week 15+. I ask her and she said ,it is jus guess only and can only confirm in 25 aug for full detail scan.

she told u gender ?

ivftwins, i also eat 3 meals a day. now is 16weeks3days.

angeline - i have my MS till 16weeks. only these 2 days was fine..

all mummies, is ur memory getting worse? I was watching mega structur last nite but feel sleepy, when it turn into advertisement portion, my hubby ask me to go sleep but i refused and i told him i want to watch the show. Hubby then ask me wat is the show, and you know wat. I FORGOT.I can't recall till the advertisement finished..I'm worried if I will forgot my way home one day :-(..


My appetite is crazy. sometimes it's ok sometimes i just vomit.

kimmyksc, goldfish memory is common! I too having such symptoms. I can forget something i said/hear in just minutes!

Hi all mtb,

I have totally no mood to go shopping wo... Tho I m definitely growing out of my clothes... No mood to meet frens no mood to watch movie... My frens also commented I look qiao cui.. Super tired and haggard looking... :mad: where is my pregnancy glow?

Sputnik: what exactly is an oscar test, is it the NT test plus blodd test? I only know my down's risk is 1:300 as written in the lab report for the blood test. There is a line in the report that says the cut off for high risk is 1:250.

Sigh, i'm having nightmares everynight!!!!


i tink pregnancy glow is non existent...at least for me! lotsa hair dropping, pimple outbreak and putting on weight... haiz. tink they juzt said to make us hapi. lol.

Nimkulut, me too! In 1st tri becos not feeling well cannot go out. Now though feeling better, I cant stand being outside for 2-3 hrs, no mood to shop & dont like crowds too. I resorted to shopping online for some clothings, hehe...

I still get the giddy spells when I stand too long eg q-ing up for food in hawker centres more than 10mins :s

coconutz, I'm dropping alot of hair too, mine is long hair so maybe even more obvious. I thought the pregnancy hormones are supposed to make our hair more luscious and lesser hair fall. Only after give birth then the hair will drop more. I wonder if now already drop so much hair, am I going bald after giving birth.......!???! haha....


where did you do your blood test? In KK, they didn't call it anything specific - I just chose the package for Down's Syndrome that included the ultrasound scan AND the blood test.

My blood test showed my risk to be 1:150 but having said that, my scan went fine. Nose bone could clearly be seen and the NT measurement was good too. It's probably cos of my age - I'm 36.5 years old that tipped the scales for my blood test.

In any case, I've booked the amnio test BUT I'm seeing my gynae next week and I'm going to see what she says.

Hi thae,

tats rte .. she was able to tell me its a boi. Caz it was obvious i guess..but final confirmation is always best at the detailed scan.I will be there on the 25th aug too.. what time is ur scan?

hi komathi

my apt is 4.00 pm. wat abt u?

last wed, bb is face down and may be she could not see it coz of bb position.


I had my scan done at the gynae's and the blood was drawn and sent to the lab. My scan was fine too but the blood test came back 1:300. Thought about it, decided not to pursue further, shall just wait for the detailed scan next mth.

Good luck with yr amnio kristalangel! Don't worry everything will be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi thae, my scan appt. Is at 430 pm! Appt with doc is at 6 pm. Hw bout urs? Ahh bb was facing dwn tats y it wasn't visible. Next scan the gender can be seen for sure. Hwz ur weight gain n everything? Normal?

Hi Ladies,

Congrats to all who know the gender of the baby & passed the triple test with flying colours. I am currently 15 weeks, based in Abu Dhabi with my 10months bb girl & hubby. Still waiting for my Triple test results, fingers crossed. Next gynae check up will be 18th week, hope I get to know the gender of the baby.

Seems like I am not the only one who did get the fair share of MS during 1st trimester but didnt get the boost of energy at 2nd trimester yea. Feel so cheated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


How are u doing in Japan with your pregnancy ? Any craving for SIN food.. I missses SIN food so much whenever I am preggy.

hi komathi

i didnt gain weight. mine also 6.30pm with dr. i dun even recognize head and legs when bb was facing down. u got msn?.


Please include me in the list, I am having my next visit on the 4th Aug.. Hope to see the gender by then..

Age: 34

EDD: 12 Jan 2011

Gynae: Douglas Ong

Hospital: Mt A

Child: 1st one


Area: Bukit Panjang

Morning Ladies,

I had my visit last sat, but baby was sitting cross legged, so can't see gender, have to wait till detailed scan 4 weeks later.. sigh...

Re: Discharge

I had some yellow greenish discharge for the longest time, then last visit, gynae "painted" me with a purple solution, then he concluded no infection, maybe caused by yeast or my polyp, and he left it alone wor...

Sigh.. so tired... For this pregnancy, don't feel that 2nd tri is particularly fine leh. Still feel tired and appetite is like sometimes good, sometimes horrible. Still feel v bloated. Then can't sleep well at all, plagued by dreams all night, if not, will just wake up in the middle of the night.. headaches.... sigh... sorry ah, monday blues.. a lot of complaints...

HiHi, Good Morning to All,

finally got someone same Gynae with me le.

Hello smurf. we not only same Gynae. we same age also lei ;) me also seeing Dr Ong this Wednesday. May I know what time is your appointment?

Hi misty, me also have discharge. i read that its normal. will let my Gynae know also. hope its not infection. me also like you MS on and off. appetite also not there everytime. now worse thing is no matter what time i goes to bed in the evening, i will definitely awake at around 330AM and stare into ceiling until about 6AM...tired man!!

