(2011/01) Jan 2011

hello mummies-to-be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm new on this jan11 thread. *wave* having my #2 in jan.


Hi mom, any side effect from eating durian frequently? The season is too good to miss. Have taken it a few times alr. Beside high level of sugar n fat, thinknits safe?

ivftwins: yeah, definitely safe to eat durians. just rem that too much of it will make you heaty and make bb gain weight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all..

just came back from a 1N trip to KL over the weekend.. super duper tired.. tummy rather big now.. looks fat instead of pregnant..

anyway.. i bought some maternity wear from Funky Mama Maternity and apparently they have a online shop as well.. designs not too bad and comparatively cheaper than shops like EGG. bleah.. i bought 2 tops at 20% discount n total damage was 178.50RM which after conversion is abt 78SGD..

will be going down to the baby fair at taka either later today or tmr since hubby and i not working tmr as well.. going to check out the prices for the bottles.. thinking of getting 2 small and 2 large ones first.. not getting the steamer though.. still considering the breast pump as i'm likely to take half a year off from work and intend to wean bb off bf once i start work..

ivftwins.. my sis-in-law told me that eating durians can improve bb's complexion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's rather safe as it's "heaty". do try to drink more water after that to remove the heatiness bah..

Thanks. I love durians n this is the season to enjoy! Since I am in c-section I m not quite concern with big baby at delivery.

I also love durians, trying not to eat too much though, scared bb will become too big and also gain too much weight.

Hi Pinky, i would suggest you get a breast pump because it may not be easy to get milk flow ( at least from my experience). With a breast pump, you can pump and help to increase the milk flow -sending signals that there is demand when bb is not feeding. moreover, if you intend to have post natal massage, it may come in handy as the post natal massage may take 45min, which might conincide with your bb feed time. also, with a breast pump you can pump during the nite instead of direct feed in case you are too tired, to wake up every 2 hrly.

gingersnap>> which brand are u using? i saw the Medela and Avent ones.. i cant decide.. would manual be better? i was thinking of trying without breast pump first.. if really cant than i can ask help from my sister-in-laws to help me get a pump when the need arises during confinement.. hehe..

anyone tried to bf and give formula at the same time?

and i think i'll go to taka bb fair after my gynae appt on 17th since i'll be nearby at gleneagles..

morning MTBs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I aminto 20th week today and have a anatomy scan tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On breastpump, hubby n I went kaki bukit n taka on Sunday. Info overload n went home drained.

Which brand of stroller n breast pump good?

If baby feed in bottle will baby like to latch on? I m worried abt this.

Any moms using quinny buzz or sense stroller with feedback?is quinny cheaper in europe?

Hi pinky, I gave my #1 formula twice a day for the first mth and change to once day when he reach 2nd mth. The rest will be breast milk. The baby need to be fed at least 8 to 9 times a day during the early mths. Think when reach 3rd to 4th mth, will slowly reduce to 6 to 7 times a day.

Hi morning MTBs,

Thank god its a tues already.. wish i had more days off but then not feeling quite blue cas its already tues.

Sherill: Great! ur 20 weeks already.. howz ur tummy coming along? keep us updated on the anatomy scan 2marrow!!Gd luck!!

I still got wait another 3 weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Daphane

Yes saw yr post. Thanks for the checking for us! I was at SGH yesterday cos my mum was hospitalised and I saw the same one that I am taking and also 2 other brands that other mummies said they taking , I think Obimin and something else I cant remember. I will be going down to buy later.


if u want me to help u buy the natal care fish oil, can let me know. Can pass to you next time , i suppose u go to the dr woo's clinic at tiong bahru?

Hi littlepigpig, u going down later to KKH to buy? But did u hv yr gynae's prescription? Cos not sure if they allow off the counter. Anyway, the obimin is $5.89 each (include GST) at KKH.

Hi littlepigpig, how much is the fish oil at SGH? Not sure if we can take other brands cos I've been taking obimin multi-vit all along (also for my #1).

Hi littlepigpig, think all the public hospital sell cheaper than our gynae's clinic. Think the obimin will be around the same price.

hi daphne

Thanks for the info. $30.60 is cheap.so only can buy from KKH right?

Little pigpig, i am going to Dr Woo tml may buy from him for this month first then get prescription from him to buy at KKH, thanks! when is ur next appt?

WOW!! congrats to those who know the gender and also really envy the mummies that can already feel BB movements... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh... my detailed scan on 1st august, how to buy things?! sigh... any suggestions?

Anyone got a list of what to prepare? so much infor from everyone, till confused!!

all elderlies said durian good for bb.. but then i read in medical book say not good le.. most prob cos high in protein..

haha... but heck care! been eating durians almost everyday, cos found a really good store selling near my JB house :D

any idea on which brand of bb pram is good? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went to the baby fair and can't find the prams and car seats i am interested in...

Charleen, if you are willing to spend, Peg Prego is good... I saw the quality and its very good & nice appearance... but ex... about $800 plus...

If you are interested in average price range like me, i am looking at Capella & Combi... Anyone else have good, average priced brands to recommend?

Where can we find Capella & Combi prams/strollers and maxi-cosi car seat (0 to 4 yrs old)??

Hello mummies,

My gynae gave a preliminary verdict of a baby girl for me. But he added a disclaimer that I'd better wait for the 20th week scan to confirm before I announce it to the whole world. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On strollers, I have just inherited a maclaren mx3 from my sis-in-law and it is huge! We had problems stuffing it into the car boot and had a hard time finding space for it in the store room. So...I would say go for a smaller but sturdy stroller. I don't know how I will manage this stroller on my own.

Totally agree with luckymummy...

I guess strollers at a weight of about 5kg should be manageable when we, mummies, are on our own... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HiHi, me back from my long rest since last Gynae check last Wed. i got 2 days MC for my flu then fri company got national day celebration...todae me really no mood to work :p

Well.my Gynae has confirmed that me carrying bb girl. me quite disappointed actually cos cannot close shop lor. my Gynae seems quite sure about the result cos he added remark on the scan print that mine is a bb girl. Anyway i m relief that my bb development is on target and she is very obedient inside me when Gynae doing the scan. i can feel her activitied inside me sometime [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae given me medicine for my flu. i took one only and is really effective. GP medicine complete whole course liao still haven recover. so i think maybe u ladies may want to consider getting some medicine for flu, cough and sore throat from Gynae to stand-by at home just in case.

As for stroller, i got one Combi brand. only single fold. is quite light weight. but i find it not so useful as compare to baby bion bb sling esp when go park or shopping. Think if wanna get stroller, shud go for those umbrella fold type. more compact. maclaren got one very popular model but i chk online is about $400+. i not sure worth the $$ or not cos also don't know if bb wanna sit inside. my colleague recommend me go Giant/JL buy those around $50 light weight umbrella fold type when there is Sale.

hi babykoh,

the fish oils at sgh is slightly different from the one we got from dr woo. SGH is selling Natal Care Plus while the one we get from dr woo is Natal Care Triplus. The concentration is different. Natal Care Plus contains tuna oil 400mg, providing omega 3-marine triglycerides DHA 102mg, EPA 27mg, arachidonic acid 18mg, oleic acid 70mg and d-alpha-tocopherol 4mg.

Daphane, the obimin tablets cost $8.80 at sgh. But the obimin doesnt contain fish oils. There's another called Obimin Plus which contains fish oils and it costs $45 if i recall correctly.

There's also another brand called NerogainS which cost $38.

All these don't require prescription, can just buy from the pharmacy. Hope it helps.

strollers can look at lucky baby for cheap buys.. that brand is sold in malaysia under sweet cherry if i'm not mistaken..

so far i see quinny is good.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby likes those 3-wheels kind.. i'm ok with anything as long as price ok and easy to use.. but quinny super ex.. i've only heard complains of combi strollers being squeaky after some time..

car seats hubby n i are looking at maxi-cosi although we may get from his sister as his nephew can "upgrade" to booster seat alr..

so far i havent bought any baby stuff except 2 babysuits.. haha.. i've got loads of hand-me-downs to be used..

Hi Pinky,

I used medela mini electric plus double pump. it is good that you buy double pump cos it is faster and helps to balance the flow on both sides. I am not sure which is better though, my cousin uses avent manual pump and she likes it and says that it helped her in her milk flow. but i think its quite tiring.

It is good at least you have a back up plan to get your sister in law to buy for you. Just make sure you have everything in place if you intend to breastfeed. Like what daphne says we need to feed the baby every 2-3 hrly so that is like abt 8-9 times a day on average.

Gotta prepare yourself that you might face difficulty having a good milk flow. I gave my girl formula milk when she was about 3 days old because she starts to have jaundice and according to my post natal massage auntie, that's because she is not having enuff food to help her liver function properly.

At first we thought i would have milk flow as long as i feed, but this is not the case for me, i guess stress plus tiredness and the intervals probably put a strain. it was only after 2 weeks or so that the milk flow was better, and engorgement is something you have to manage it well with the increase in flow. Also you have to make sure your bb can properly latch on ( as in will not fidget when feeding) so that you can openly bf in public by covering a shawl over him.

For strollers, i am using Combi now (shocking pink), served us quite well though my little girl now prefers to walk.. we use it to carry our barang barang and let her slp in it. when she likes it she will stay in the pram for a long time, when she doesnt no matter how you coax her she just want to be out. I am looking to buy a Mcclaren, but is still tinking if it is necessary. The pram you buy have to be able to lie the bb flat if you intend to use it in the early months. that is what i read as the bb's spine is not developed so better to put them flat on the pram


you can supplement bb's diet w fm when bm supply is low or you wanna bb to sleep longer. the same amt of fm tends to make bb fuller as compared to the watery bm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]for last feed for the day (before my #1 zzz for the night) i used to feed fm so that i can get more zzz too.

re: stroller

personally i feel that those light weight stroller @ giant will not be suitable for newborn babies as babies can't really support their necks well. those that can recline slightly might be better. those lightweight ones will be good when babies are older coz its definitely easier to maneuver around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i used the same type of pump too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, how old is your #1?

hi little pig pig so you buy from SGH? i was thinking of getting from KKH (if its exactly the same as wat Dr Woo gave us) i will be going down to Dr Woo today and get him to give me a prescription and buy at KKH

Hee hee

hi any mtb taking TMC child birth courses? i jus called they have an intake on 11sep for Mrs Wong class every sat 7-9pm, wanted to take earlier but only left weekend evening. with first born incentive the price after disc is $221.50

Hi babykoh, the fish oil I'm taking is the natal care plus. Not the Natal Care Triplus tat littlepigpig is talking about. Not sure wat's the difference or if KKH hv the triplus one.

The multi-vit I'm taking is the New Obimin. Not sure if it contains fish oil. But I think it's not neccessary since already taking the fish oil separately.


Just came back from my appointment this morning, and to my surprise it was not the anatomy scan but just routine scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Doc gave me full scan after 4 weeks @ 23 weeks. Which week you guys are having your full scan ?

He also predicted it to be a girl.......I was thinking blue though cos already have pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies...

How are u guys feeling today? I am starting to get really forgetful, almost forgot to bring my bag to work one day..haha..

Sherril - I am scheduled for detail scan on 20 Aug, and I am about 19 weeks going to 20 weeks then...

babykoh - I signed up for the 4pm TMC child birth class starting from 23 Oct...wanting to go for classes a little later so I can still remember what we learn..

Any mummies feeling the itch on their tummy? I realised that my underarms, tummy and inner thighs get really itchy...so irritating...

Hi kikapo, I am also getting very very forgetful. Can forget things tat my hb told me yest and been having weird dreams every nite.

Did you start to apply strechmark creams or any other oil? If yest, then maybe u are allergic to it. If not, then maybe is the expansion tat cause the itch. Try to apply moisturizer incase it's cause by dryness of the skin.

Sherill, my detail scan is scheduled when I'm about 20 weeks also. Cannot wait to know the gender of my baby. I'm hoping for girl...

MTBs, Did any of you dun feel pregnant at all? I'm about 16 weeks now and no more MS. But still cannot feel the movement of my baby also. Therefore, dun feel pregnant. Cannot remember if it's the same for my #1 around this time.. Hope everything is fine till my amnio test next week.

I'm also scheduled for my detailed scan in my 19 weeks going to 20 weeks. Think normally detailed scan is scheduled on week 20.

Hi Daphne,

Thanks for informing me abt the price of the fish oil. I'm checking with my sis too see whether she can get for me as she's working in a hospital too..

I'm also in my week 16, no more MS, but still cannot feel baby's movement, although my tummy is huge now.... feeling very tired, aching shoulders and back...


i'm also 16wks, cannot really feel bb movement and never had MS. so i still dun feel pregnant. other than the fact that my tummy is bigger.

i remember it was the same with my #1, i told my dr i hv very easy pregnancies cos i only feel pregnant for the 2nd half of my pregnancy.


Is the itchy skin due to the expansion of your skin or could you be allergic to the stretch mark cream? I was allergic to Palmer's cream and had terrible itch from my toes to my neck. The experience is terrible. Thus, if it really allergy, it will be better to stop using the cream. See a dr if the condition is really bad.


I'm hoping for a girl too... as #1 is a boy. Hubby still wants a boy thou. Sigh...

I'm also not feeling very pregnant at 16th weeks, no MS, no craving... just feeling bloated at times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So looking forward to my 16th week check this Sat. Hope baby will be guai and let us know the gender... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi jass, yr hb is the same as mine. My #1 is also a boy and my hb still wants a boy. But I'm hoping for a girl.

You are not in the chart rite? Btw, when is yr EDD?

My #1 is a girl, and we also hoping for another girl.... but turns out to be boy... Sigh... Anyway, boy or girl still the same so long as they are healthy lor...

Hi hoshi, agree tat being healthy is the most impt. Now tat yr #2 is a boy, it's actually perfect cos u will hv both a girl & a boy. Jie Jie can look after Di Di..

Daphne: Haha hubby same pattern. How old is your #1? My EDD is 24 Jan @ KKH, gynae: John Tee CS.

Hoshi: Yeah, its more important to have a healthy baby! Congrats on your little boy. You now have a '好' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

