(2011/01) Jan 2011

For diapers, I find the best few brands are:

- Pampers Premium

- Nepia

- Mamypoko

They are more expensive than other brands like huggies, petpet...

U need to trial and test which brand suits your bb best coz scared of diaper rash, etc...

I should be getting nepia. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ apple true [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so we can book together lo to get the extra gift or mayb we shld say if this thread mummies sign up can get bulk disc?? kekeke ... how abt that huh? no harm trying rite?

@ hoshi, yes i agree i use nepia before quite good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the japanese brands are quite good. Huggies they hav few range the one specially for newborn shld be not bad?

Think i wil be kiasu will apply thin layer of desitin cream to prevent i remember las time my son suffer a great lot under napp rashes..very painful and poor thing..

Do take note that the huggies newborn can fit up to 4kg only. the good thing is that it have this "star" thingy. once the "star" thingy disappear means time to change diaper.

so if yours is likely to be a BIG baby of 3+kg (which is quite the norm these days), will be better to store S size huggies..which is for 3kg-7kg.

Placenta processing

my male colleague told me he process it for his wife! wash and then dunno how.. soak the placenta in wine and let wife consume the wine. he took up TCM studies before. i almost fainted when he told me that. He say his wife gave birth during hungry ghost festival some more.. imagine him carrying a bloody placenta home to process.. i admire him for that!

like what apple says, placenta is good for complexion. for your info, you can keep the baby umbilical cord also. can dry it and keep it.. saw it on some TCM show that you can grind it to feed the kid for some ailments. my mum still have my umbilical cord kept in a pack. she show me before.. i was like "-_-


you may want to use disposable for nite time also. will be a hassle to change so many cloth diaper at nite. i intend to use the cloth for day and disposable for nite and going out..


your disclaimer not powerful enough!!



HI Chabby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] receive your mail [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the placenta thingy sounds quite scary...for me i wont be considering it at all..

As for diapers i personally prefer the diapers than the cloth type as i find the cloth type too troublesome :p

hi all

been bz and MIA for a while.

Juz went for my 27 weeks checkup today and kinda worried. doc wants me to be on 2 weekly checkup cos my bb is overactive and he wants to be on the cautious side in case the cord gets entangled round his neck. anyone with overactive foetus? n unlike first pregnancy when he is quite alright if i dun chart the bb movment, tis time round,he wants me to chart it and show him during my checkup. sigh...n my placenta is still low.

Chabby: Thanks for the info on the diapers and the breast pump... Will have to depend on my mom's preference for the diapers during the confinement period. Believed cloth diapers will miminise the nappy rashes so try use as long as i can tahan the washing..

Coconut: What is the number for ur baby's movement? I counted my baby's and he can move more than 10 times by lunchtime..

Lily: when is ur EDD? I intend to book origins in Nov. 3 mths before my EDD.

Hi mummies...wow you gals are good! Thread moving soooooooooo fast.

NimkulutL AH! I must have mixed up the 2 brands. Avene is usually around the same display. Yes, I just checked the bottle, you are right! But no matter what, it won't beat REAL washing of hair.

coconutz: It's good that your doctor is monitoring. Talk to baby more and maybe play more calm music to the baby. Now sure if it helps but no harm trying. Everything will turn out fine...no worries...

Re: Diaper Bag

I have attached the list I did up when I had #1 for your reference. Quite a number of things ended up unused because Mt E provided quite a bit. So, no harm chacking with your hospital on what are the must brings. Hope this helps.

Documents and important admin things:

 Admission letter and receipts to claim medisave

 Parents' IC and Marriage cert for bb's birth registration!

 Cord life box and instructions to inform Cord life

For Mummy:

 2-3 Pyjamas/open front nightdress

 1 going home outfit (Brown dress)

 2-3 nursing bras

 10 Disposable panties

 30 pcs of Maternity towels

 1 box of disposable breast pads

 Abdominal Binder

 Slippers

 Toiletries

o Shampoo

o Soap

o Facial Wash

o Facial care

o Lip balm

o Toothbrush and toothpaste

 Face and bath towels

 Wallet and phone

 Reading materials (Optional)

For Daddy:

 Top-up Cashcard and lotsa change for vending machines

 Toiletries

o Shampoo

o Soap

o Facial Wash

o Toothbrush and toothpaste

 A Change of clothes

 Camera (fully charged)

 Snacks and Reading materials

For Baby:

 2-3 vests or bodysuit

 1 going home outfit

 1 receiving blanket

 Cap/hat

 2-3 sets of booties and mittens

 1-2 bibs and handkerchiefs for feeding

 Diapers (if want to use own)

 Nail clipper or scissors

 Car seat

Other optional stuffs:

 Breast Pumps, in case hospital charges and for engorgement, if it comes early or for C-sec

 Cooler bag and storage bags for breast milk

 Sterilising tablets for breast pumps


Hi girls,

I'm also be eating my own placenta and in fact you can get ppl to process it.


Coconut & Chabby,

My boy also easily caught 10 movement in less than 30 mins and big powerful kicks somemore!

Btw, wanna ask, anyone know how to relieve leg cramps? I had mine 1st last night! OMG think my nightmare is starting!!

Hi Gd Morning!

hmm.. how come bb over-active need to see gynea twice wkly?

Wif my first child, she was also hyper-active in my tummy. easily 20-30 movements within an hr. But usually nite time. Gave me many sleepless nites.

Placenta -

I ever tot of processing mine to consume too. But seems so expensive.


Im letting my bb wear cloth diaper in day-time and disposable (huggies/pampers) at nite. Got my hb to buy gDiapers while he was in US past few weeks. haha. This brand's pretty expensive but I like it. find it good to use. Let my toddler girl tried before.

Angeline: Wow! You are gutsy to eat your own placenta.

You can try to straighten your leg and flex your ankle. Hold that position for about 10 seconds the pain shld be relieved. Try avoiding foods like eggplants, lady fingers and cold drinks int he day helps too.


Me also got leg cramps already. Think 3wks ago started. Juz have to massage lor. Think we have keep our blood circulation going. We can do warm foot bath to improve our blood circulation. But remember the temperature should not be too high as we are pregnant now.

I recommend doing simple lower leg stretches before sleeping for calf cramps.

Point and flex your feet about 8 sets, clench and unclench your toes 8 sets, rotate your feet clockwise and anti clockwise 8 sets. (Learnt from yoga class)

The aim is to get blood circulating there cos after a long day at work where we sit and don't really move those muscles much, can cramp up at night. Can do the same exercises while sitting at your work desk too.

After I religiously started doing this the cramps have gone away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey coconutz: Long time no see!

How ru? DO you know what you having? Boy or girl? I thot it is good that baby is active rather than no movements which makes mums worried. I am 29 weeks and still having another appointment 4 week later at 32 weeks.

Take care!

I was at Mrs Wong's parenting class last Saturday and she says to put on some socks (better stillif you have those soccer socks that are knee length) when you go to bed to prevent cramps.

Ladies, have your gynae requested to increase the frequency of your visits? My gynae has asked that I visit her once every three weeks...i understand it will then become once every 2 weeks and eventually once a week...am so afraid boss will make noise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My boss ask for my leave forecast for the remaining of the year. Initially wanted to take leave for my checkups Nov/Dec.. coz will be more frequent mah.... But then, since it's year-end, everybody will also be clearing their leave, so I guess I just take MC then lor... I plan to start my maternity leave on 27 December after Christmas... how abt u mummies?

Btw mummies, how do you monitor your bb's movements? For me, my baby is very active ard 6-7am, and at night when I'm abt to sleep.... day time only after lunch... so don't think I can monitor my bb's movements like 10kicks every hour?... or maybe my skin too thick, can't feel the kicking unless he kicks very hard.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

Hi all

when using the doppler to detect the heartbeat, my gynae can take a long time to do so cos my bb is moving constantly though he is an experienced doc. it is not the same with my #1 when he can do so easily even though my son moves a lot too. currently for #2, he can be head down one sec and then transvere the next sec lor... so he fear the risk is there.

i can easily feel 10 movements within 15 min le...so when chart his movement, will definitely hit 10 movements by the first hr.

so i guess exercise is the key to solve leg cramps. on working days i dun suffer from cramp. only got cramp on weekend when i laze in bed all day.

i was told to soak feet in warm water also. beside cramp, can help to relieve my swollen pig trotters (literally since i'm born in the year of pig!).

true true.. Touch Wood. Until now i havent get any leg cramps yet... Been religiously going swimming since wk 23... Plus doing stretching in the waters really helps..


oh u reminded me that i need to go back swimming too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chabby,

Ops...so sorry...I should use stronger words for that link.


Same as many mommies, I plan to use cloth nappy in the day and diaper in the night..But heard baby poo frequently, so guess nite time also need to change diaper frequently..

Leg cramps:

Touch wood, I haven got it yet but I have the cramp is coming feeling last nite, so I quickly do the necessary stretching to prevent it.

Active baby:

My baby also very active. Today can feel that he turn a lots. Will consult my doctor on this coming Friday.

gynae visit:

My fren already inform me saying that we will be seeing doctor every week when near to delivery date. Hoshi, at least your boss bother to ask you. For me, only my colleague know, my boss diden ask cos is a new boss joined 3 days ago, haven got a chance to speak to him and you know what, nobody is taking over my job, no replacement and high chance I will need to work from home during my maternity leave. So sad and started to feel the stress now...

Mood change:

I'm perfectly fine during 1st & 2nd trim. But these few days, I can feel that I can take it seriously over a small little thing. Is this consider minor pre-natal depression? Or just simply hormone change tat affect my mood? I will cry and feel sad. Plus hubby also not that understandable :-(

i got a SMS from stemcord:

"visit us (stemcord) at S'pore expo from 22-24 oct. Enroll at $300 off plus one time $50 off yearly fee. payable with babybonus. call 64712002 today"

ok. i'll go sign up this week. dun need to wait till the Mount E talk. the price after the $300 discount should be $988. same as the price as their talk offer.


it's normal to have bigger mood swing. i'm like that too. we'll be around to support each other. dun worry ok? as for the job, take one step at a time. that's no point fetting over the future. will only add more stress to ourselves. enjoy the moment and worry later.

I've also got a new boss...she's busy handling the work left by the old boss and hardly has time for me, so I had to trigger the request for a back fill during my maternity..and guess what...my new boss was just happy to take a back seat...sigh...

BTW, mummies who have bought the Cinch, do you guys know if the binder after the jamu massage can be replaced by the Cinch?

Hi ladies,

I have not been sleeping with my leg straight eversince the start of 2nd tri for fear of leg cramps at night.

Had wanted to eat my own placenta too, but after seeing those pictures and gynae advise I drop the idea. U got to really clean it, otherwise it is also full of germs like any other meat if not processed properly.

I never track my baby movement, doc never taught me even for my 1st boy. But he is active especially after meal time.


I intend to use the Cinch after completing all the massages. Coz during massage, they might use certain oil, which I don't want to 'stain' the Cinch....

The organiser says that can use the cinch immediately after delivery provided it's natural delivery... But I dun think I want to do that, coz with all the lochia, and changing of pads, will be very troublesome...


dun be sad... think positive. That means that your company needs you badly, so your job will be secured. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].... anyway, if you are on maternity leave, it's your entitlement and you can ignore your company's work, unless it's urgent. Hey, the government is paying the company for our maternity leave, so it's our entitlement. Somemore, during maternity leave, we will be so busy taking care of the bb, where got time to do office work?....

Hi Mummies, busy today just manage to come in only now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the topic now is leg cramps and eating placenta?

Leg cramps for me i felt tat do stretching before sleeping helps alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and covering your feet with blanket too tat wat i do now and touch wood it really helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah...I try not to think about it but sigh...so hard to control our thinking..


One of my colleague expect me to do from home lor. When I tell her that I will start my maternity from Jan, she then say - oh, I tot u r planning to give birth around xmas period. What the hell rite, so what... I need to rest especially confinement month leh...she's just irritate me so much... (She is over 35 yrs old & single)


Sad to say that I am not needed for this company, My position is new in this company and the boss that hire me has left, so hardly have ppl know my exist and my job scope. They have no idea who I am and what I am doing. Ya..where got time to do when we are busy taking care of bb, if have time also must catch the sleep when bb is sleeping. That's y i'm worried about this..

Hi Kimmy,

Dont think so much keep a cheerful mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whatever it is. Just do your part. Not your fault that you are hire and your boss left or wat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hoshi - I agree, think I will do that too..the Cinch not cheap and I will be very heart-pain to stain it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimmy - Your colleague is so horrible and not understanding! Taking care of a newborn is not easy...we will be working round the clock literally so where got time for work...and you are right, we need to sleep when bb is sleeping if not we will not have enough rest. There is a reason why we need that 4 mths of maternity leave. I am also planning to go on leave from w/c 27 Dec, cause who knows if bb decides to come earlier...

HI Apple, my edd is 13 jan but my is c sec so will be 1st week of jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boss was intending to split my work up to my colleagues. Told him better to get covering person in shld be better. But my boss is leaving in Dec, so dunno what my new boss's plans. I also taking full 4 mths. No choice because i got quite a lot of leave. If i dun consume them within the finanical yr, the remaining will be forfeited.

kimmy: Dun worry so much.. Take things one at a thing ba.. Cant solve everything overnight too.

Thanks mommies..

Have evil colleague and also nice colleague lar. Nice one even ask me to switch off my mobile throughout the maternity period..But I know is tough...Let see how to deal with it...


I plan to work till 17th Dec, if c-sect, will be around 25-28 Dec...one week time to final clean baby room and prepare for the new member..hahha


remember maternity leave is an entitlement.

make sure you leave w a list of people who'll take over parts of your job scope while you are awhile.

ya.. get another phone line. haha.. switch off the one that your office has. muhahaha.. your colleague smart. i like! alternative, i've a colleague who connect her line to pizzahut delivery.. when she didn't answer.

she say "dun waste your call time.. order something to eat since can't get me."

i use to worry left and right. hubby keep reassuring me and telling me that that's too much thing in the world to worry. so what's the point of worrying.. does it solve the problem? if it doesn't.. so why worry?


Got this flowchart for you. refer to it when in doubt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



does ur tummy feel very tight now?

Mine is getting tighter and tighter! like a very full balloon! omg. think i muz start applying even more oil & stretch mark cream!

Chabby, had a good laugh over your flowchart with my colleague. This made my day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Miaiko, yup very tight and full. especially by night time. I'm not sure that oil/cream is working leh.

Morning mummies,

My tummy also very tight and itchy...try my best not to scratch but some times cannot help it. I will still apply the cream even though my case already up the lorry (already have some stretch marks)...but you can should continue to apply the cream..hope it will help you guys...

A colleague told me his wife did not really apply cream religiously but had no stretch marks...so I am resigned to my fate that stretch marks are beyod my control. I just bought this scar lightening cream from a SMH spree...hope it will help a bit...


the moisturizer shld help to reduce the itch. do continue to apply religiously.

do worry, at this stage.. sure big and tight. can't imagine we've 10+ more weeks to go.

Me too! Super tight tummy.. Din apply oil or moisturizer on tummy cos I have pimples growing... Diaoz...

My bb gal likes to stretch out her arms/legs lol stretching my already tight tummy skin even further... Wonder if she is trying to make more space by stretching...

Yup.. my boy also does alot of stretching.. Few night ago, can see the outline of his body when he push against my tummy.

Maybe shld try to apply the moisturizer immediately after your bath. This also helps to lock in the moisture too..

ya 10+ more weeks...counting down..

i am using essential oil instead of cream and it helps alot to control the itch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thou my case also goner la already hav stretch marks so still apply diligently so hope it will jus stay tat way..and not increase more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

