(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi Charleen,

Post natal massage can start 3 days after natural birth. The earlier you start the better if you go thru natural birth.

According to my post natal massage lady, the massage helps to clear the wind in our body, tone up the arms, legs and especially tummy area, because it has been stretched. It also helps the tummy to gain its original size back faster, as they will wrap and apply oil for massage.

As they will also push the womb area, it helps to push the blood clots out of your body too cos we do not have menses for the past 10 mths.

Overall, i find post natal massage helps the tummy to regain its shape, and the arms and legs to be less flabby. (My tummy was like 5 mths preggie after i gave birth. the post natal massage really helps me to reduce its size.)



good to know that you are feeling better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tummy feeling heavy also. trying to control my diet so i (and the baby) won't end up adding too fast and furious. worry can't push it out.

Lily and ivftwins,

read that article in mother and baby. can't remember which year/month. grab it off the library shelf. the mother in the article only say tummy very pain and tahan until she can't take it the next day. she said the baby died due to strangling by the cord. she was in her 2nd trimester of 20+ weeks when it happen.

caught my attention cuz i'm the type who's likely to bear w discomfort and pain. so remind myself not to take things lightly.

Any one has a good hospital bag packing list to share? so far i found this on http://thesavvymummy.wordpress.com/

Things to Pack for Hospital Stay

For baby

1 set of clothes for baby to wear home

1 pair of mittens and booties

1 pc of swaddle / receiving blanket (

For nursing baby

Nursing Bras

Breast Pads

Nipple Creams

For Mummy

Disposable panties

Maternity pads

Open button dressing gown/PJs

Going home clothes


Basic toiletries

For Daddy

1 set of clothes

Basic toiletries

To record those important moments!

Camera / video camera


Charger for handphone and camera

Important Documents / Information

Husband and your identification cards

Marriage certification

Doctor admission letter

Documents to claim from medisave

Cord Blood Kit

i've a doubt.

PJs, maternity pads, baby disposable diapers not provided in glen-e? or is it that it's provided at extra cost? experienced mum who deliver in glen-e pls advise.

hi mummies,

sorry to disturb. helping a fren to sell the following Kate Spade baby bags. freshly arrived from US.


This lightweight bag is ideal for moms on the go, with a water resistant lining and changing pad, side pockets for bottles and a roomy interior for mom's must-haves, too.

• kate print on light weight cotton canvas

• contrast light weight cotton canvas trim

• custom woven nassimi lining: emerald with gold dot in pink, navy with silver dot in silver

• 10.7"h x 15.2"w x 5.7"d

Retail: US$245/-

Now Selling: S$180/-

Please pm me if interested.


Lily H: Ended up the malay auntie's cousin came over to my hse to massage. We use my bed and must s/by 2 large towels for her.

Massage: Not bad.. Comparable to the prenatal massage i had at spa elements which cost twice as much..

Btw, u interested to try Babies Bellies (1st time trial @ 39.90 or Bella Luna (1st Time trial @ $28). I going to try to book at Bella luna to take advantage of the discount.. Hehe..


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Hi Mitch,

Have used this lady aunty Ngoh before. She works together with her sister so they will come together for 2 hrs. Charges will be $50 per time so it will be $12.50 per hr per person. They are efficient as well. Not too sure whether charges have increased. She's contactable at 91785306


Tried babies bellies last month but it's just so so. Doesn't help in any body ache. $39.90 only applies to the trial that is signed up during roadshow. Otherwise it's $40+

Hi chabby,

I remembered GlenE provided the maternity pads and baby disposable diapers (pampers premium). But if you need more, think they charge you for it. For PJs, no, they only have the hospital gowns..... But my experience is 5 yrs ago, so I'm not sure abt now...

Thanks hoshi.

i'm thinking of bringing my own pads as i prefer the adhesive version. bought the 35cm sofy night version le. dunno how the kotex loop type works. haha.

will bring my own PJs and 1 robe then.

Thanks mummies for the answer on post-natal massage for c-sect.

Hospital bag:

Me too, have no idea wat need to pack, cos all hospital are difference. some provide PJs, pads, swaddle, some hospital do not provide..

Baby cot:

Mummies here settle baby cot already? I haven even buy, will go baby fair and buy this week :) Heard cannot install baby cot until baby is born? any idea?

How to make baby head round without sleeping in sarong:

Dun wan to buy too many things, any mommies got idea how? Cos normally baby head get rounder if we let them sleep in the sarong.

Thanks Apple for the feedback [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how much is the massage? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Its Monday again, the expo is this coming weekend rite? Anyone going? I will be going to look see look see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] need to buy some stuff.


Hospital Bag, for me i prefer to bring my own pads, pj, swaddle etc. I know that hopsital are able to provide diapers and all even breast cream and all but all are chargable.

Baby Cot, am going to expo to buy the mattress, cant install till baby is born? No lay i wll set up everything before [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] up to individual bah i suppose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Las time my son sleep facing down on the front so his head is round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but its also his preferred sleeping style so i dont know this time round my gal will like the same style or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can't remember a lot of things coz so long ago liao... but I remember immediately after we deliver, the nurses will put on the loop padding on us. After that, when we are ok to get out of bed to pee, we can change into our own pads... I also bought the sofy night pads... haha...

I remembered bringing one nice PJ to the hospital. Coz day 1 we will still be wearing the hospital gown, then day 2 visitors will come, so have to wear nicer PJ... hehe... then day 3 discharge already loh...


u can buy the babysafe newborn pillow. The pillow has a round 'dented' shape in the middle, so that bb's head will be round. I bought that for my no.1, but in the end no use. My daughter prefers sleeping on towel.... we will just fold the big towel into 2, and use it as her pillow...

Even in hospital, the babies will be sleeping on a 'flat' sheet of cloth... so, I think still quite ok..

Lily H: $40 per 1 hrs session.

Me too going down to the Baby Expo this fri. Taking leave to avoid the weekend crowds. Expo is having electronics fair at Hall 4 this weekend too.

Alr bought the mattress at the Toy R'us warehouse sales few weeks back. Now looking for the suitable cot.

Thanks Apple [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can u pm me the contact number?

Me not taking leav as am taking leav nex fri for check up wan to keep my leave for year end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. mayb u can update us after yr trip on friday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks

Thanks Lily and Hoshi...May be I can try to let baby sleep on the foldable nappy...:)

Baby fair:

Yes, the baby fair is on this coming weekend (22 - 24 Oct). Will go down on Friday right after my gynae appointment in the morning. Already prepare to spend money this week :-S

Yeah tell me about it kimmy, i been spending quite alot on spree here at SMH :p bot clothings hard to resist...still have some small stuff to buy like diapers, shower gel (me + my gal), mattress, swaddle etc..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] spend a bomb on stroller too..:-O

Lily: Just pm-ed u:)

Kimmy: Me too.. Hopefully my hubby can take leave. Got extra credit cards and a pair of hands to carry things.. LoL..

Lily, u buy branded stroller ya....haha. I din spend much on stroller cos dunno if my baby will wan to sit on it. I saw money on infant car seat cos my fren can lend me. I bought different brand of diaper, to test n see which one better and i also have many small items haven buy, disposal breast pad, ru yi oil for baby, i gotto see the items to help recall..totally lost in the *baby item jungle*

Hi Apple,

Must ask hubby to go...help carry stuffs, credit card can settle when u reach home..hahhaha..My hubby will go with me but I think he will end up sitting at the burger king and make his business phone call..haiz....


am also taking leave on Friday to avoid the crowds!! Hopefully can find some good buys.

My sis is passing her breastpump to me but I am wondering whether I shld buy any spare parts like eg the tubing or funnel? Any advice?

Mag: Ya loh.. Parking is also a nightmare over there on weekends.. Must walk very far or risk summons.

Kimmy: My hubby confirm will be naggy on fri.. no need to buy this, no need to buy that.. Haha Hopefully got good deals for manual breast pump.. Havent buy it yet..

wah.. everyone going on friday.

I'll go after work on friday.. will try my best to reach there by 3+ to see before crowd comes in..


i spend very little on stroller.. bought in m'sia jusco at 129RM.. wahaha..i try my best not to buy so much clothes but just bought this over the weekend for little tiger CNY wear.



you may wan to buy and change all the spare parts for hygiene purpose. you may wan to ask other mothers who used the brand you are getting for advice. check the motor is working well first before buying.


i haven't buy diaper yet.. which brand is good for overnite? heard pampers is the best.. pls confirm. may wan to stock up a few pack of S size if the baby expo is cheap.


i saw some1 selling a BN avent manual breast pump at $90. you may wan to consider. feedback from the mothers at my workplace is avent is the best for manual.

This is my essential items list..hope it help you decide what is needed or not. unless it's really cheap cheap if not i'll refer to this to prevent impulse buying.

Baby clothes:

 6-8 set of clothes

 3-4 set of sleep suit

 4-5 pairs of mittens

 4-5 pairs of socks

 2-3 swaddles


 Cot with clean and well fitted mattress

 Pillow and bolster

 3-4 set of bed sheets

 2-3 blanket or large towel

 Cupboard to store clothes and essential

Diapers and bath

 cloth diapers

 Diaper cover

 Baby wipes

 1 nappy rash cream

 Baby bath tub

 Baby wash

 Baby oil and lotion

 Nail cutter or scissors

 Waterproof changing mat

 Q-tip/cotton swabs

 Cotton buds/pads

For breastfeeding

 3-4 nursing bra

 4-6 breast pads per day

 Breast pump

 Breast milk storage bags

Bottle feeding

 4-5 bottles

 4-5 teats

 Bottle brush

 Sterilizing equipment

 4-5 handkerchief/bibs


 Stroller

 Baby sling

Hello Mummies,

A friend also recommended me this infant travel support pillow that has the 'hole' in the middle. You can use it for baby to sleep in the cot or use to support his head and neck when he is sitting in the infant car seat. It is sold at Taka's Kids corner. There was a 20% discount last weeknd when I bought it so it was about $19. Comes in a lot of cute animal designs too..

Apple - Are you signing up with the masseuse for the post-natal massage too? Is her the Jamu kind? would you recommend her?

BTW, A friend of mine mentioned that there are 2 sort of post-natal massage, the Jamu sort and the Tui-na sort...she says that the Tui-na sort seem to better...any mommies has any experience with both types of post-natal massage?

BTW, babycenter also has a hospital bag checklist, here's the link:


The one thing that is missing from the list is the Cord Blood banking package.

Hope this helps!

@ Kimmy, ya my hubby wanted a three wheeler..so bought the quinny buzz and also bot a car seat as usually weekends we are out so stroller is a necessity. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for baby items, i actually wrote down a list jus in case i miss out anything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Mag, which pump are you using? for me i borrow from my fren medela freestyle so i definitely need to buy all the spare parts..

Hi Apple,

If you wan avent manual breast pump i hav one set as a gift unopened. Can sell to you cheap loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so now i hav 2 manual avent breast pump and one medela freestyle hahah

Chabby: Thanks for the list. I gotten alot of hand-downs from my friends.. no need to buy alot of things.. So hubby had to remind me not to buy duplicate things.. Will look at Avent for the manual pump. Any comments on pigeon's pump? ;-)

Kikapo: I currently using the sleeping pillow for support which as can be using as nursing pillow and pillow for the infant while lying on our bed. Bought it at a steal at the Toy R'us sales.

Shld be jamu massage. Still considering to use her or origins.. Orgins's package got hot stones massage for the breasts and teach u how to massage the baby. The auntie is giving free body scrub and massage for the baby plus 1 hr massage. The binders must pay separately. She charge $50 for 1 hrs massage. She's a free-lance, so based on trust.

I remember my tui-na masseur told me that TCM dun recommend massage within the confinement period as our bodies are still weak..

@ Chabby, thanks for the list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so my is almost there..mayb to add on another list for MTB, front opening pjs, shower gel , post natal massages packages ...keke :p

and for the diapers, tot i heard huggies also not bad? is it true?

Thanks Apple for the contact. For me i am still thinkg about the Maya or the origins as the Maya massage is 90 mins per session but kind of like the hot stones and the baby massage from origins so still thinking.

For nursing pillow am using the my brest friend pillow brought 2nd hand for $50 hope it will be useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lily: Noted. Any idea shld buy the pump later or now? Was thinking to buy after my confinement period. If can able to BF then, buy the pump... Headache...

Btw had u decide to use origins??

I got extra item.. Placenta processing..

Apple, for me i will definitely wan to breast feed so i wont buy las minute up to individual bah as my first one i BF for 1 month as tat time no rest so no supply plus the Confinement period is only 8weeks but not i hav more time on my side so better

not yet decide lay.. when is your due date? if ours never clash i mite conside yours too ;)

and how much is the binder?

wat is placenta processing? enlighten please apple [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the CNY cloth is too big i guess...but it's cute.

Diapers: I bought pampers, huggies, pet pet and some MY local brand to try out. Dunno which one is good leh. but my fren say *pet pet* not bad. size S might be too big, u need to buy new born diapers, but dun stock up too many cos u dunno how big is ur baby yet...those that I bought are small pack.

Lily: I also wan to BF the baby until he's 6 months if possible. My mom BF my bro for 2 years.. She powerful. I taking full 4 mths of maternity leave to also settle my new flat in mar or apr. So for me, not so urgent.

My EDD is 19 Jan. Wont lah.. They can schedule the massages mah... very likely will go for origins. at least it is a registered company mah. The auntie charge $50 for a new binder. Origins providing for free.

I intending to keep my placenta after birth, processed it and make it onto capsules. Said to prevent postnatal depression and increase Qi and improve skin conditions..

Wa kimmy, you really buy a few types [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think i will go JB giant or carrefour to buy too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]cheaper if they hav promotion there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone buying goon? been seeing this goon brand at isetan, taka and baby fair..good?

Apple, oh i see, hope i can do tat too. I will be off work most like from xmas onward all the way til 1st week of may so hopefully i can store enough and can continue as long as possible save on milk powder also kekek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh i see true hor origins look not bad and i think the pricing also quite reasonable rite? they hav buddy package sign up together get extra gifts? hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but the aunty you recommend the rates are even lower wo..but no hot stones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh first time i hear abt this make into pills..

I only bought a small pack of newborn Dryers to standby leh.. Bought in M'sia Giant... Will be using the cloth diapers at home and reserved the disposable ones when going out.

Lily: Origins is giving away the good diapers when signed up with them. Actually, we can considered to sign up in pair.. Lol.. I taking the 10 days package. U??

My hubby is eyeing on the placenta pills.. Can help to improve his pimple face... haha

Think the Baby Expo this weekend will have some good disposable diaper deals..I bought a 'starter kit' from Pampers when I attended a CordLife talk and they gave a free swaddle..My SIL says Mummy Poko is quite good too...

Apple - Do you have a medicinal hall to recommend to process the placenta? I've heard abt it too but wasn't sure they do it in Singapore.

Kikapo: From what i know got 2 companies doing the processing. One is mommycosyhaven and inthewomb.com

Mommycozyhaven is charged $200 for the whole process but they can only process 1 placenta at a time. So having to standby a ziplock bag and a icebox to freeze the placenta while waiting for them to pick up.

Another is charging $300 but they can pick up asap when u delivered. I taking the mommycosyhaven.

U can diy provided u not scared of the bloody sight. Must roast it in the oven at low temp with herbs then give to the medicinal hall to grind into powder and encapsulate.

Apple yes am eyeing at 10days too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

your hubby ?? lolz...

Hi kikapo, yes Mamy Poko is the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahha my son is a die hard fan las time no matter wat brand he use always hav nappy rash only not for mamy poko. but i am going to try other brands first for my gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple: Thanks for the info, I will go check it out. Hubby is a little old-fashioned but I am quite keen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyone you know who has benefited from consuming placenta capsules?

haa....malaysia still not the cheapest place to buy diapers, indonesia even cheaper..


hmmm....my hubby sure will scold me if I suggest to produce the placenta and eat. He will faint cos he scared of blood...let me test him tonite..haha

Kikapo: u can send email to [email protected].

Then ur hubby dont take loh.. U can google and see ba.. Alot of stars used goat placenta to help their maintain their looks. Placenta injections also cost a bomb especially in HK in place of botox.

Anyway, i am eating my own.. So not much of a issue to me... Haha..

Lily: Can.. We book together.. ok??


@ Kimmy, of cos la but indonesia not so near ma [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ apple can so u actually decided to take origins? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

