(2011/01) Jan 2011


better check with gynae if hot plaster advisable, cuz it's medicated after all. Might want to read the fine print on the package too, usually it will state if it is ok for us...


Thanks! I going to my GP again for another bottle of the cough syrup! Hope all the illnesses get away soon!

Hi Girls,

I did asked gynae before on sleeping positions. and he only say dun sleep straight on back, left or right is ok.

and no matter which side i sleep baby also kick haha i think it's becos we cramp baby to the side, no space for them to stretch.

Wah.. finally can smell weekend soon..!!!

been marking like mad this week..



i applaud mothers who want to go natural..

i think i'll go for happidural.. i mean epidural.. i dun think i wan to find out or try my tolerance threshold. my sis who has high pain tolerance actually opt for it.. and she say the "drug-free" mum in the next labour ward was screaming when she was delivering.


this is horrible.. can't sleep well.. the ligament beneath the bump hurts. also, the groin area, between the thighs and body also hurt badly for me. wonder if it's because i walk or stand too much due to my teaching profession. every time i toss/turn on bed, can feel that area hurts. often, more painful than walking.

angeline, try pile up pillows and sleep incline if that happens. hope it works for you.


take care MTBs.. drugs are no good.. go for fruits, vit C and zinc. these are supposed to increase immunity. weather is hot too.. may cause "heatiness" drink more water and something cooling..like barley.

i'm super looking forward to drink coconut juice. i was told my other mothers to drink coconut juice in 3rd trimester. this will prevent the newborn from being "red/heaty" when being born. anyone has something on that to share?


super craving for that.. also read that massage can be dangerous unless you find someone who's trained and experienced.. i dun wan to risk it. 3rd trimester le. some spots/webbing between toes or fingers can actually cause early delivery. worry pre-mature..

post natal massage:

hire those company or freelance ladies. what are the MTBs take on this?

increase in feet and ankle size:

i've increase near 2 feet size!! from 38 to 40!!

will it shrink back? i dun see the boney lump in the inner ankle anymore! looks like those toddler chubby feet and ankle!! HELP! water retention? high salt intake?? what can i do beside putting feet up?

one thing to share on how to estimate if you are closer to delivery.

the number of fingers you can put between the breast and your tummy. the more fingers you can put in between, the closer you are to delivery date. cuz baby has start to descend downwards. an easy and idiot proof way to monitor.

hope this help all the first time mums like me out there.

Hi all..

have u all started stocking on items?

Anyone got a list?

Also what bottle brand is good?

Some say Avent, Dr Browns, Tommy, MAMS



Have not posted here for quite a while....


Pls try not to sleep on your back. I read somewhere that it is not good for baby cos it compresses some blood vessels. Recommended to sleep on left side.

Prenatal Massage

Going to do it for 1st time next Mon. Really looking forward to it. Anyone knows how often we can do it and how many mths we can do until?

Postnatal Massage

Same malay massage lady coming to my house to do both my pre and post natal. She also did for me for my 1st pregnancy. Only did 3 times tho cos i slimmed down pretty fast. Could fit into my old clothes when my bb was 1 mth old.

Weight Gain

Gained 3 kg at 24 weeks, bb was abt 600g.

Vitamin C

I remember that it was not good to take too much vit C when pregnant, but cannot remember why. Probably can goggle it to find out more. I stopped taking my vit C supplements when i got pregnant.

The mums here gain little weight leh.. I put on 14kg even with careful eating. Doc says as long no high blood pressure and GD, dun worry too much..

Alr told my hubby that i going back to my training after childbirth to get back my fiqure. He better cooperate by looking after the baby when i exercise. LoL..

For ligament pain, becoz i go swimming every other day. I do stretching in the water. It helps. My IT band didnt hurt much..

I gonna try the Malay auntie recommended in other thread this weekend. Will post my verdict.;-)

Hi mummies,

I recall some time back there were some links on confinement shampoo and shower gel (the ginger shampoo). Anyone still has that link? I can't seem to find it now. Would like to order that. Thanks for your help!


I've been monitoring my diet for a week now, and although I've been eating very healthily, sugar levels still borderline (like 6 plus-7 plus after meals). Doctor said I will most likely have to go on insulin jabs cuz now only 25 weeks so still long way to go. And he said that it will become harder to control the levels as we progrss in pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Abit scared scared leh to take insulin jabs. Did you have to do that when u had GD?

Hi workingwife,

No, I did not hv to take insulin jabs.

Now you are only 25 weeks?... my gynae says that GD will develop only when we are ard 28weeks. So, I will be doing my test in my next checkup.

Ya, my sis says for serious case, need to take insulin jabs daily after every meal to monitor the sugar level.

Also, just for you to take note if you are doing total breastfeed. You may need to monitor your bb closely for signs of dehydration. Typically, they say that BF baby don't need to supplement with water coz our breastmilk contains like 80% water? So when my bb was just 3 days old, she had to be admitted to NICU for monitoring as she had fever due to dehydration as she wasn't drinking enuff.... coz normally the first few days, our milk supply also not in yet, and milk very pathetic.... so for you to take note.

Can share what have you been eating so far?... did you cut down on carbo (rice, noodles, bread)? Some fruits also have very high sugar content...

TGIF ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am planning to have relaxing weekend this time, no outing, no parties only will be teaching my DD for exams and sleep sleep sleep.......really sleepless this whole week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies

I havent been posting for a long time..hope everyone is doing well!

I am probably the only person who got to cfm the baby gender at 24 weeks. #2 been shy and refused to show till Tues. It's going to be girl girl #2 for me...kinda happie cos of the money I can save. A wee bit disappointed cos going to close shop no matter what and probably won't get a taste of having a boy. Anyway, bb is healthy and active and that's most impt.

Weight gain...sensitive issue man...I have gained 6 kg so far. But it's a 3 kg per month type. Lost weight in 1st trimester. So just last 2 months I gained 6 kg. If I go by this rate, I will have another 12 kg to go...which is a BIG NO NO!!! So, desperately watching my diet now. I still have 10 kg from my last pregnancy to go lor. I will die if I gain another 12kg now!

Din have time to read through all that I have missed but just want to share a bit of what I know here.

Working mum: My friend has GD at early stage of the pregnancy and had to take jabs from 28th week onwards. but after giving birth, she is all cleared. She cut down a lot on her fave like ice-cream and chocolates. Diet watching is impt. In same cases, it could be genetic. But good news is, for most mummies, it will go away later on. Just be a bit more disciplined from now onwards. The end is near...jia you!

Re: Breastfeeding and dyhydration of babies

Remember to have a lot of fluid after giving birth. As Hoshi has mentioned, BM is 80% water. If our body has no water, there's no way there will be milk for babies. It happened to me in day 2. Lactation consultaion could see colostrum but she said it's drying up because I was not drinking enough fluids. So, I down a lot of milo and ginger tea in hospital.

Re: Shampoo

If you are going to be doing the full confinement with no hair wash, there's this brand called Avene in watsons and guardian. They have this powder type of shampoo.

Hi Sherill, yes rest is important [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rest well this week than can go Baby expo next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hoshi,

yeah, 25 weeks now. I think its earlier for me cuz I'm having twins. And the doctor said twins have a higher tendency to develop GD, and as they grow, the hormone levels will be higher, hence preventing insulin to be effectively produced. He said its gonna be hard to keep controlling diet for the next 12 weeks so better to use insulin - less stress, can still maintain healthy diet without shortchanging nutrients. I did notice that my sugar levels are getting higher these past few days vs last week despite eating same food, so now I also feel that maybe insulin is the best way to manage it.

My normal diet - 1 bowl oatmeal + milk for breakfast, 1 hard boiled egg mid-morning, 1 cup brown rice + steam chicken + steam vege for lunch, 1 fruit (apple/peach/pear) for mid-afternoon, either yoghurt or 1 slice cheese for evening, then 1cup brown rice, steam chicken/fish and vege for dinner, and lastly 1 fruit or 1 glass milk at night. I try to make sure I eat every 2-3 hours. All meals prepared at home as I'm not working now. so its really already very basic, plus I noticed my weight dropped 0.5kg in the last two weeks due to this adjustment.

Wah working wife your diet is real healthy!! Good job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must learn from you !

Thanks Lily for the link!


thanks for the words of encouragement. Glad to know that the GD cleared off after delivery. I do admit I was having too much of sweet things in second trimester. Since finding out couple of weeks ago, totally cut out all desserts, sweet drinks etc. Now only drink plain water and milk. I tell myself its only 12-13 more weeks, I can do it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily - what to do leh... before I found out abt GD, also ate alot of desserts. My weakness ice cream and cake! now have to stick to this diet. Bland and boring also must tahan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome working wife [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but your diet now is good so your twins will be healthy no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me i also kind of diet abit as am going to 3rd tri nex week afraid that i cant catch my breathe.. i am eating normal diet but been drinking honey every morning and snacking alot in the nite which is veri bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so must really try to cut that out and the worst thing is normal dinner i cant swallow see chips and all saliva drip...

Wah, working wife, ur diet is so good! I think it's good, coz brown rice releases sugar slowly into our blood stream... I did not even eat as healthy as you when I had GD the other time round... Now I must make u my role-model...

I also need to control my diet coz after my taiwan trip, I gained a lot, now abt 8kg, and gynae says I can only gain 3kg for my remaining pregnancy... but the more I try to control, the more I seems to eat... jialat!...

hi mummies,

its sleeping on the right better, cos you wont be crushing your heart. anyway its up to you.

I now sleeping on 2 pillows on my back. I cant sleep side well, and have to prop up a bit, so I wont feel the tummy weight come crushing on my lungs.

my legs are getting tired and keep treathening to cramp anytime.

I read that not enough calcium intake also can cause cramps.


me too, am snacking on chips alot in the office. Loves milkshake and fries and coke.

Lily H: u booking which package? i looking at the 10 days package. Still deciding whether to book through origins..

Engaging a malay aunite to do the prenatal massage for me tomolo. If she is good, then likely to engage her.. around be less tan $500 for 10 days.

Hi Apple, can let me know whether she is good? how much she charge for prenatal? keep me posted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 500 for 10 days is cheap wo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Workingmum: wow u are very disciplined. Good job...jia you!

I am definitely not disciplined. Just down a cup of koi milk tea...2nd one in the week....I am sooooo dead.

Kimmy: Csec can massage but have to wait...some massage lady will advise 1 week to 1 mth months wait. My gynae advised 6 months wait...but I waited till 3 mths...honestly it dps on your comfort level. for me, after 2 massages when I tried 1 week aft the op, I din feel comfortable. So I waited. By then it was a bit too late Although can see effect, but limited.

Hi Tien, me too jus down one Koi nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimmy C sec its better to wait 2 to 3 weeks but depends on yr condition in my 1st pregnancy i do it after 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but this time round i dont know abt my recovery will see how then.

Lily H: No prob.. Now she charging me $40 for 1 hr prenatal massage. I think we have to pay for the cloth binder for postnatal if i not wrong.

Lily: Hi5!! Which Koi did u go? I went marine parade one..only found out recently that there's a branch near my place. Perfect drink for the terrible weather.

Hi kimmyksc, my gynae told it it's ok to do massage as long as dun massage the stomach part. I started my massage on the 5th or 6th day after my C-sec. The massage lady told me tat if we start too late, there won't be much effect. She just do gentle massage on my stomach and of cos binding. But she did not bind the wound part.

Tien! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] went to the clementi one..can u imagine q for 40mins -_-

my FIL actually asked his frens which massage lady their daughters or daughter-in-laws engaged. so most probably will take the one that was recommended by FIL's fren in the end.

ladies, do check if there's other cost for massage like 1. cloth binder, 2. massage oil, 3.transport cost for the massage package.

Lily: I went to buy and went off to eat my lunch ahahha...tea ws ready by the time I finished my lunch hahahaha....cos I have no patience when it comes to queuing...restless lah..

Hi mummies,

hw's everyone? me bn missing so long coz hb overseas.. n me got so busy with my toddler girl. No time to do my own things [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anybody has tummy pain? I got this very sharp pain inside my belly the day before yday.Right side. Lasted about 2mins. Pain till i wana cry. sob sob. Luckily after that no more pain.

Today belly also pain.. but it's top part. Juz not so painful. Wonder what's going on.. hmm..

Wah chabby so nice of yr fil [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tien, for my can't lay cos not near to eating place anyway the place not near to my work place so it's once in a blue moon

Hi tien,

I went to buy e dry shampoo from guardian liaoz... E brand is Klorane - 2 type one is pure powder type one is like hair spray type - both same price @ 14.90

Try Liao will update..


pls call your gynae or see a doc if you worry.

i dun mean to scare you but i once read about a prolong (over nite) and severe tummy-ache in the magazine and she tahan till the next day to go hospital. the kiddo was strangled by the umbilical cord and gone by the time they go hospital.

All MTBs, if you feel unwell or suspect anything, do go see doc or gynae ASAP ok?


ya. my FIL has been more than just nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very grateful for all that he has done.

hey mummies,

Thanks for ur concern.

Me feeling better today. Can still feel baby moving, turning n kicking. So I think should be ok bah. Will monitor a few more days for bb movements.

Tummy getting tight already. Feeling so heavy. Anyone feel the same?


@mummies who r ill... Pls take care & recover soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can I check, when is a gd time for postnatal massage if we wanna natural birth? Why must we go for such massage?

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

