(2011/01) Jan 2011


my girl also used to need to stick to me on the bed to sleep. i started with still letting her sleep on my bed but i use bolster and pillow to 'block' her from coming to stick to me after she is asleep. if she wake up during the night to look for me i will just tell her that mummy is still here and to go back to sleep. i let her hold my hand so she can sleep back, rather than sticking to me.

the 1st wk is a bit disruptive lah, but after a few mths i find that she can go back to sleep by herself with just holding my hand. so one night i move her to her own mattress. after her milk instead of letting her sleep on my bed i lie on her mattress and tell her that we'll be sleeping there instead.

at first she make noise lah saying that is not her bed etc...but i just tell her "u want to sleep on the big bed go ahead but mummy is sleeping on this mattress"

since she is so sticky to me naturally she guai guai lie on the mattress with me lor. after she has fallen asleep i move back to my own bed.

the 1st wk also very cham, everytime she wake up she will try to climb back onto my bed, i will carry her back to the mattress and lie down with her again until she calm down, then i use the same method of telling her to go back to sleep, mummy is still here and she can hold my hand to sleep.

gradually she come to accept the mattress as her own bed and sleeps through by herself. sometimes she will still wake up crying and looking for me i will just tell her shhhh mummy is still here go back to sleep and she will sleep back herself.


The boy is finally sleeping. Phew.


My boy is turning 2yo is oct. We told him not to climb the cot again. Partly our fault to put the cot next to the big bed, made it easy for him to climb onto the big bed. We had since repositioned his cot against the wall instead. I am also thinking of getting him the adjustable cot so next time I will transform it into bed. I don't think he is ready to sleep on a bed yet. And we will need to childproof his whole room if he sleeps on bed.

I understand the heartpain when the kid cry. I would just keep talking to him, give him one hand to hold, one hand pat him to pacify him. Like grumpus, I would keep telling him that mummy is here, go to sleep.

Mummies with #2 or more,

How do you plan to put the kids to sleep next time? Like who will go to bed first? I think most of the time my hubby is home too late to help put the kid to sleep. So I wonder how to handle 2 kids alone at night.


My boy used to sleep in the bed with us till about 2 years old. We have decided to let him sleep on his mattress in our room. Either my helper or I will sit with him till he falls asleep. However, he still wakes up in the middle of the night and crawl back to our bed. A few months back, we decided to have 1 parent sleep with him on another mattress. He is ok liao. Just wants a sense of security I think as he will sometimes roll over or try to touch us in his sleep just to make sure we are there.

Haha now I have the king size bed to myself! The daddy and son sleeps on the mattress. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not a bad idea when #2 is coming.


Wah, A is very independent leh!


O dear, climb out of it. Dangerous. Can sleep on children's bed or mattress instead. I stopped putting my boy to sleep in playpen after he tries to get out. Scary!


Your cramp sounds bad. Did you get that during your last pregnancy?


I have been getting my helper to put #1 to sleep coz my job requires occasional travel and #1 is sometimes too sticky to me. To get him used to the arrangement.

Hi Ting, get ur kid to slp in cot since baby...

My 2 kids sleep in cot since bb then now sleep in toddler bed of their own.

Mummies labour pain is in fact bearable by human. I always thot i very scare of pain, but managed to gave birth to my first 2 kiddos natural, with help of gas only. you can do it too! It's quite an experience.

usually #1 will take longer to give birth. Subsequent will be alot faster.. so u might not wanna get epidural or it will go to waste. Unless u really wanna be pain free...=p

little oxygen, poor mummy, pooh and popomin.. our edd on the same day! almost CNY.. are u anxious on when u will deliver?

this time round i really have no idea will it be early or late..hope is exactly CNY rabbit yr.. but then which means that i gonna miss the CNY fun and food...


Delivering before CNY will also miss all the fun and food coz it will be confinement ma. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take it as a time to slim down ba. Just wondering if am I still eating reunion dinner with my family / in-laws.


For leg cramp whenever I get it I just stand up quickly and within seconds it is gone. It is caused by baby sitting on the vein below uterus and whever you lie down straight on your back it may happen.

Try to lie down tilted or on side (left preferably).I remember it happened to me only in 8th month for #1 but this time started in 6th already.

Thanks Sherill for the tips! I also had leg cramp for my no.1, so painful... it comes only when I was 'stretching' my leg.... aiyo... My MIL advises me to wear socks to sleep so that it will help to keep the legs warm and lesser cramps..

Don't like next year CNY, coz we can't eat all the goodies, and we have not slim down yet... sigh!..


We did not childproof the boy's room, so don't dare to let him sleep on mattress or bed. I scared he will wander off in the middle of the night or open up all the drawers when he wakes up.


Dr Tham said it is likely to be a girl cos he had quite a good view and there was nothing sticking out. lol. But he didn't want to say it is confirmed a girl. That's why I'm anxious to know if the detailed scan can definitely tell gender.

Re: leg cramps, when it happens accidentally cos I stretched my legs, flexing my foot back towards my body helps quite fast. Faster than enduring the pain, clutching my calf and waking my husband to help me massage the pain away. Standing on the floor will achieve the same result, but that takes longer, by that time usually damn painful already. Hope this helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jass, my results will be out in another 1 to 2 weeks time.

Luckymummy, if Dr Tham say it's a girl, then most likely he's correct. Cos usually if it's a boy, will be able to see the thing sticking out during 16 weeks. Tat time he manage to tell me the gender during my 16 weeks also. But this time I only see him on 17 weeks for the amnio test. So, did not manage to ask him. Anyway, detail scan can tell already.

Re : Leg cramps

Usually I will stretch my leg straight and press my feet on the wall. This will get rid of the cramps.

Re : #1 sleeping

My boy was all along sleeping in his cot since he was born. But when he's about 8 mths, I let him sleep on a queen size mattress. I bought another queen size mattress to stack up to 2 layers to sleep next to him. (so ttl 3 queen mattress in my room) Which means I'm 1 layer above him. I did not want him to think tat I'm sleeping with him so as to let him be independent. So being 1 layer above him shd help. It's been 2 mths now and he seems ok with it. The cot is now empty waiting for my this bb next jan. Hee...

Wah Daphne, your room is so big can put 3 queen mattress!

My room very small coz we put in a built-in wardrobe, and the space just nice for one queen bed. In-laws also got a lot of comments on the positioning of bed, like cannot face door directly, etc. So really, we got space limitation. Don't know how to arrange the space for 2nd one...

Hi hoshi, the queen size bed is one at the side and the other 2 stack up together. My room is actually 2 rooms knocked down into 1. Cos tat time I felt tat my masterbedroom too small. I hv a walk-in wardrobe so I dun hv the wardrobe blocking my bed problem.

So, my baby cot will be place at the other side of the room near my computer table. Nowadays, all the new hdb rooms are really too small. So, now I only hv 2 bedrooms left instead of 3. Will hv a problem when the kids grow up. Might need to move house. Headache!!


i'm in the same situation as u! we knocked down 2 rooms to make master bedroom otherwise really too small. now we have one king size bed, one super single bed and one bb cot in the room.

next time sure need to move house if i want the kids to sleep in their own room.

i'm still figuring how to position the baby cot in my room. Will have 2 baby cots, one inside my room, another one will be the next room. I plan to let baby sleep in between us for first few months so tat midnite feed milk will be easier, but after reading all experience, i started to worried if baby refused to sleep in their own cot one day :-(...plus ppl say if sleep cot too much, the shape of their head will be *flat flat*, i need to buy a *sarong* for baby to sleep so tat their head will be rounder...too many stuffs to prepare...being first time mummy, everytime when i walk into mothercare or to any babyfair, i bcame idiot cos i really dun know wat to buy, how to start...:-(

PS: Heard Isetan got baby fair, but not sure when it will end.


no need to buy 2 cots lah. some cots hv wheels, u check whether the cot can fit through yr room door or not. my standard size cot can fit through the door.

during the day i pushed the cot out to the living room and at night i pushed back into my room.

Daphne and Grumpus, me too! Knock 2 rooms into one, then have a king size bed and a super single. I have been trying to move my girl into her own room for the longest time but fail miserably! Now wondering where the baby will sleep because I don't have any other useable walls. That's why I also wonder, if I do hire a maid and have a CL, how to squeeze so many people into my tiny flat!


last time when i hired my CL, my CL hv to sleep in the living room cos my MIL slept in the other bedroom.

last time when i still staying with my parents, we hv maid that sleep in the living room too. every morn they will roll up their mattress and keep in the store room or somewhere, then at night bring out again

but i agree is very cramp and inconvenient that's why this time round not hiring CL and still no maid either.


Will like to join you here.

Nick: Jovial

Age: 33

EDD: 110111

Gynae: HK Ho

Hospital: Mt A

Child: #2

Gender: Gal

Area: Central

To those Mommies who fail Oscar Test,

I have been through this and can feel your worry and fear. Just want to drop a note of support!!

The Amino test is not painful and it will be over very fast within 2 ~3 mins. Just stay calm.

My risk ratio is 1: 24!!!! Muc lower than what I have read some mommies here are having. This numbers clashed my world and caused countless worries and stress on me and my hubby during the 3 wks, we have to wait to take Amino.

Fortunately, now all things are over and we are happily expecting the arrival of our second gal.

I find this test result causing a lot of worries & stress among the PTB. When I start to share my experience, I realized many of my friends ard me experienced it too and thankfully, all the babies turn out fine.

So for those going to take the test or waiting for the result. Don't worry so muc (the little one will feel it). Things will turn up fine.


Hi Ladies, Thanks for all the kind advices on tips to move #1 to their matress to let them sleep by themselves. Have talk to my hb abt that but he still insisted on his original plan to focus to train #2 to sleep by herself first. he say too much effort to move #1 now esp i been sleeping like pig since am pregnant. :$ if my #1 look for me in the middle of the nite i will be very siong. so he say just leave her be for the time being and not to disturb her routine.

hoshi, me have cramp at my leg every morning during my last pregnancy. Gynae advice me to take calcium before i goes to bed at nite and it helps. you may wanna try.

kimmyksc, not to worry first. cos every bb is individual. i hear of some bb just don't have problem to adapt to any changes.

i must say having bb sleep with us really makes breastfeeding very easy. sometime can even let bb feed on while i continue to zzz.

i happen to come across the babysafe pillow which claim that can prevent flat head syndrome. you may wanna take a look.


my girl use to sleep in sarong in the day and i thought she can sleep better in it and longer hours. but if you let bb sleep in sarong, u must remember to consistently check the spring and parts. for us we upgrade the spring once it seem loose. for those mobile sarong, must ensure stand won't topple.

one thing which i thot maybe you ladies can consider to get one if u find good offer is the thermometer. i bought a braun ear thermometer and it is very useful.

I got the babysafe pillow before for my gal when she was just born. I find it not very useful coz the pillow a bit 'high' for the neck area. It's better to just use towel or cloth diaper to double-up as pillow....

Going for my detailed scan next Wednesday... Can't wait to see bb again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_happy.gif]

Ting, totally agree with what you said. Think it's easier to let #2 sleep by herself, rather than to introduce too much changes to #1. Sekali after bb born, then #1 want to squeeze back with you in the same room! Any offers for thermometers? I am wondering how "effective" those "gun" type of thermometer are... cos for those ear kind, if you don't place it properly, it gives an inaccurate reading also, and need to keep buying the plastic caps.

Jovial, so we must contact each other ah.. in case our babies really become neighbours in the nursery! hahahaha!

Agree with Hoshi, got the babysafe pillow for my #1. The neck area is a bit too high. Somehow I find it prevent baby from turning her head. Personal tot, not a good buy.

Hi Misty,

We have the same EDD and same hospital!!! Ke ke may really end up be neighbours. I hope my baby will come out earlier in Dec and become a Dec baby like my #1. ;)

BTW, when is ur detail scan? Which gender u wish to have?

I'm using those gun type of thermometer... apparently it's very popular in childcare centres too. I bought from the BP at think $115 or $105 (can't remember).. It's better than the ear type (Braun) coz the ear type need to replace the plastic cap quite frequently.

Jovial, my detail scan will be next monday! I don't have any preference for gender lah, just accept what I have been blessed with! But I do hope that bb won't come out in Dec!!!! Not strategic to come out in Dec cos I have many work factors to consider lah.

Hoshi, so the reading is quite accurate? I feel like getting one of those, then can go "BANG!"

Oh ya. I missed out the gender for Jovial :p

hoshi, jovial, Thanks for sharing. luckily i haven buy the pillow :p

as for the thermometer, i also have one that works like the gun type. but i think accuracy wise must +1deg depend on the model if i not wrong. my hb, mil and myself all prefer the ear thermometer cos the reading seems and feels more accurate. err...because the thermometer is for my girl to use only so we don't change the cap very often and we only use the thermometer when necessary. so one box of replacement cap can use very long.

Grumpus / Daphne / Misty:

Like you I will have rooms issue next time as I combine 2 rooms but did not knock down the wall. As its opposite facing room, we kinda build a door at the passageway so that we can have a 2-in-1 room. Hahaha for the sake of a walk-in wardrobe too.


My Braun thermometer is dead. Any idea where to get it repaired? I have totally forgotten about this till you mention about Thermometer. Sigh... Bought it just before #1 is born. Less than 3 year old, and minimum usage. Heart pain.


Ya, agree that the gun thermometer is more user friendly than the ear type. Able to take temp easily, esp when you have a fussy baby. If my thermometer cannot be repaired, i will definitely get the gun type.


I am hoping for year end baby too.. But hahah guess I didnt work hard enough plus bz with work travel. Hahah but a bit hard to have Dec baby now that my EDD is 24 Jan.

jass, forget abt it is good mah. that means u not using it for sometime liao ;) don't bother to repair, get new one la. i don't think repair cost will be cheap. i happen to drop by the oversea spree threads on SMH yesterday and saw someone consolidating purchase for braun thermeter. i hear my hb say us selling the branded thermometer much cheaper compare to the departmental stores here. if u have lobang u can engage them also.

Thanx Ting & Sherill for adding me in!!

Jass: Ya, a bit hard for u to achieve "target" ke ke. Me also off but will try to eat more, hope by then BB big enough to come out. (If overdo or go wrong direction..... all makan things go to me.... I will faint. Ha ha ha ...)

Just a silly question from me. Though I am going to be 2nd time mommy. I still feel awkward to BF my baby. Guess this is a key reason I failed to BF my #1 the previous time.

Anyone have same feeling? Or I am the odd ball?

Hey, Ladies who bought from the Taiwan spree, do you find the clothes very small? I ordered mainly bottoms, but I find that the free size ones are quite small leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


same here, i'm a 2nd time mummy but still hv so many qns abt breastfeeding cos didn't manage to successfully latch my #1.

jovial, grumpus, me feeling quite unsure on breastfeeding too. last time also how i went thru it. hope my #2 can be like her sister so pro to latch on so that i don't have to worry much :p

Hi mummies,

Been reading the recent posts on whether to have a Dec or Jan baby.

My EDD is early Jan but I wish to have a C-section & I can choose late Dec dates too. Any advice on whether it is better to have a year-end or Jan2011 baby?

Some people told me Dec babies 'lose out' in terms of knowledge development cos when they join classes for 2010 babies, some of the Jan2010 babies have already accumulated 12 months worth of 'experience & knowledge' as compared to a year-end one.

Any mummies with year-end/Jan babies or any other comments? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

misty, ya. i think the cutting not that big esp for bottoms. i got a jump suit from the taiwan spree and i have to adjust it to maximum else very tight. the 3/4 legging is alright but alittle translucent. but overall very comfortable.


Yes, I got the babysafe mattress... quite good... and comfy.. sometimes when I pat my gal to sleep I will also fall asleep... We actually bought a sofabed from seahorse, then find the bed too hard, so we put the babysafe mattress on top, and it's quite comfy...


I strongly want to BF, coz didn't really have much success with my no.1. But tis time it's a boy, so I feel a bit awkward too... haha.. but nonetheless, will try my best to BF him as long as I can..


Need to check the measurements on the website before you buy... some cutting can be big, some can be small.... so i try to buy those that comes with sizes so that can fit me better.

Jovial, Grumpus:

Managed to bf my #1 for about 7 mths. Thou its not fully bf. Was quite fortunate that my boy was ok w both expressed and latch. It seems to be really good for him as he rarely fall sick.Hoping to bf for 1 yr this time round and have enough supply for #1. LOL. Fingers cross as I had supply problem last time.


I have the mattress. Quite good as it made of latex materials with holes for ventilation. More cooling for baby.

Ting, Grumpus & hoshi,

Thanx for letting me know I am not the only 1 facing this problem. Was feeling odd. Seem like many mommies have no or little problem BF there babies. But I am always half hearted.

Guess got to find some books to read up more.


my #1 is a jan bb and my neighbour has a dec bb. our kids frequently play together. honestly i am very glad my #2 is going to be a jan bb again although some parents might think is better to hv a dec bb cos the kid will go to school one yr earlier, finish one yr earlier etc.

but comparing my girl with my neighbour's girl i can really see the difference. in terms of development they're not that far apart but yet my neighbour's girl has to start school already and 'compete' with those kids who are 6mths or more older than her.

whereas when i bring my girl to playgroup i can see that she's ahead from many of the other kids.

of cos this is only more apparent when they're young lah, by the time they are maybe 7 or 8 yrs old that 6 mths difference will not make much difference anymore.

so i guess is still a personal preference bah.


I only managed to latch on my boi for ard 6 weeks cos i have active letdown and he choke on bm. gthereafter i feed him ebm thru bottle. tis time round i hope tat my prob will not persist and i can latch him on longer. else, so troublesome to pup, feed and sterilise.

Hi mummies

went for my detailed scan today and i m having a boi again. haiz, no chance for gal cos my factory will close after #2. bb is healthy but my placenta is very low. gynae fear i ay have to go for csection if it has not improved. i hope to go for natural again : (


Dec or Jan baby???

My gal is Dec baby. It happened that my neighbour boy is a Jan baby.

Any difference?

Well, when my gal was 1,2,3 yo you can really observe, physically the boi boi have a much better motor skill and he looks BIG next to my gal. Its difficult to know that they actually the same age.

But I see that this gap closing. Now going to 4th year. My gal has catch up in motor skill and phyical size. Even when you compare her in class, she is not the smallest.

In speech, thinking skill and maturity, I will say my gal is not falling back even she is really a year end, end baby. Maybe gals more advance in speech and more mature.

I was quite concern when I first send my gal to school, worry abt whether she wll be bullied, whether she can be on par with peers. Today, I conclude, yes year end baby will really have some gap from Jan babies on motor skill, but they will catch up.

And its important no matter which month they are born or so, to give our little ones as muc exposure as possible.

My little opinion. ;)


I only ordered tops and the free sized ones cos they looked like they had the most room to 'grow into' over the next few months. Even then they seem a bit small. Now can wear, but not sure for how much longer unless I don't mind my bump being very defined and 'exposed'. Will have to see how I feel about that later on. Now I still feel very self-conscious when people stare at my bump rather than look at my face.

daphne, really ah, then I'm really looking forward to next thur! I'm dying to know!

