(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi Babykoh!

Glad to hear you also have abby movements [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am not first time mom but it is as magical for me and hubby and specially to my daughter. whenever she tries to touch my tummy the baby kicks at her hand and she jumps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and she is super happy when baby never kick my hubby at the same time. She thinks baby is already playing with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Sherill

your girl n hubby can feel the movements? for me i can feel but my hb put his hand on my stomach he still cant feel it yet, maybe my "du pi" too thick hahaha

Hi pinky,

think u can buy from the local distributor for medela pumps. But they are super expensive. For the freestyle model, think they are going for more than $800, while if get from US, it's only abt US$300 or so...

Mummies expecting little girls,

Now u can dress up your little princess...! The clothes are really really nice! all the pink pink and ribbons!.... really fun.

Regarding Baby Movements,

not sure whether it's bb movements of not, coz I felt some movement near the middle/top part of my tummy.... my colleague says that movements should be near the bottom part of the tummy... although I'm 2nd time mummy, I really can't remember.... How abt u all? Where do you all feel the movements?

Also, any mummies planning for a trip before the bb comes? We will be gg to taiwan next month!... so happy, but think tiring coz bring my gal along too...

coconutz, my detail scan will be on this friday! keeping my finger crossed too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

keep us updated ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherill n babykoh..only i can feel it now..:D

hi hoshi,

ya..im so envy of those having girls! i wana have girly toys at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha..

as for movements, i can feel it in the middle n also bottom part..guess bb now are getting active? can swim around our tummy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

woa...which part of taiwan are you going? we will be goin to Hawaii on the 2nd week of sept! am so lookin forward!

hi mummies

How's everyone doing?

seems like many of us know the gender of the bb already. COngrats!

Me still waiting (impatiently) for another 2wks to go before my detail scan. my 1st one, i hoped for a boy, but gave me a girl. Now im hoping for a boy again.. but during my last visit almost a mth ago, my gynea said it's 70% girl. Again. well... I feel a lil disappointed. But I dun wana affect my lil bb inside me.

Hi mummies,

I am new here, this is my 2nd baby. My first is a boy born in oct 2008. My edd is 11.1.11. Going for my detailed scan this saturday, hopefully can know the gender then. I am staying overseas, and still deciding if I should go back Sg to deliver. I had my first in Sg though. Can someone update the table for me? I am 32yo.

Baby movement,

Maybe this is my 2nd one, I felt baby movement weeks ago. Now every night I can feel the baby kicking/punching me, very active. I feel the movements around the lower/centre of the tummy.


We had already gone for our babymoon 2weeks back. Just a R&R trip. I am hoping to go for another trip though. Haha. Greedy.

ilovemiffy, coconutz, may your wish to have a girl will come true ;)

hoshi, envy u that u can go taiwan holiday. me booked a resort at Sentosa to spend time with my family only. your girl quite big already, think shud b easier for u to cope ba.

as for my bb movement, i actually notice movement over my tummy sometime lor. when my hubby see the movement he will put his hand over my tummy to feel. he say he did feel bb inside but don't know what she is doing. my girl also excited when she see the movement over my tummy but she say she can't feel it with her hands. but she will stroke my tummy. so sweet of her.


sure. will definitley update all after my scan.


me thinking of gg taiwan too... hmm... but how to manage the trip esp when y gal is gg? i was tinking of bringing my son, but me cant carry him when he is tired and he needs to take a nap in the afternoon too...

i was thinking of a more leisure trip like to phuket...

Baby Movenment :

I too felt the movenment but at the lower side of tummy. But not always though having this type of feeling. But I do feel occasional Braxton Hicks.

It's so nice to be able to go on a trip too bad I can't travel till my pregnancy ends. Taiwan is a beri nice place to shop and eat .....

2nd time mummies,

do u feel more tired for this 2nd pregnancy? i feel very tired le... cant keep up with my active toddler and i feel more distant from him esp when i cant carry him. the most i do is to hug him or cuddle him when sitting down.

coconutz, me too feel very very tired. I cant carry my girl for long also. Do u hv a gd sleep at nite?

I cant sleep well at nite. Always hv nightmares so end up like not enuf sleep.


i cant sleep well too.. i will wake up every night ard 2am + and toss and turn til 6am before i start my day. prob tats why i m tired ba...

i keep having dreams tat i have bb boys.. dreams are always opp...so hoepfully will have a gal... keke

i juz rejoined fb! wa, all mummies's profiles are so young and pretty! muzt have bao yang very well... suddenly i feel so old liao


*sprinkle sprinkle* come catch the baby girl dust. LOL


I can feel some movements @ times too. Don't worry about not being able to feel anything, soon (when you tummy is too small for baby) you will be wondering why baby is moving so much. I remember my #1 doing Kallang wave in my tummy. You can see the movement from one side to the other then back. Very funny.

1 Sept coming soon liao, another week to go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, my gal is pretty big already... my big gal also have challenges taking care although it's easier. We will just bring stroller along, if she doesn't want to sit, we just use it to lump our shopping stuff.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

It's a short trip for eating cum shopping ard 6 days in taiwan, so most likely will stay at taipei... not sure where else to go since it's our first trip to taipei...

regarding, resort-trip cum relax, can try going to port dickson... we went there over the long national day holiday. Resort very very nice and relaxing.. nothing much to do except nua... haha..

ilovemiffy, u so good, can travel so far to hawaii....

how come so many of you gg for detail scan le? :-/ me still got to go for one more Gynae visit 2wks later before the detail scan 1 mth after next gynae visit. like Miaiko, am getting impatent liao...

coconutz, if you manage to go for a holiday trip oversea with your boy share with me your experience can? i also hope to bring my girl for a short oversea trip before i deliver #2 but can't manage to convince my hubby to go.

i am also feeling tired but not as bad as 1st tri time. can sit with my girl for a tv prog and some games. i will try to hug her and talk with her when watching tv and games to keep myself awake lor. i know as long as i try to stay with my girl, she will not scream for me to carry her. but by 10PM i can't take it anymore and have to let my hubby take over liao.


such a long wait. when's yr edd?

actually my hubby won some travel vouchers to taiwan during his dnd and he is hesitant to go now cos i m preggie. i m still trying to convince him to go. otherwise if we go post delivery, will be difficult esp when i m intending to total bf my #2 lor.

Hi Mummies,

Long time no post.. have been so super busy at work!

My #1 is a girl too, so I think naturally, people will "hope" that this baby is a boy. I take it this way. If this is a girl, it will be good for my girl, because there is always that bond between sisters, and how they will always be each other's companion even when they are old.

If this is a boy, it is also good, cos then I won't feel so heartache over all the lovely, pink, flowery, sweet beautiful clothes which I have given away over the years.

Really, just enjoy the baby that we have been blessed, other people are ignorant, we shall ignore their views unless they are going to sponsor my kid.

Wow! Envy the ladies who are going away on holiday! I want to go some where too, but air tickets are soooo expensive! The natas promotions are all for travel at year end... very sad...

Hoshi, did you stay in that water chalet place in Port Dickson? The one with the mini animal farm? I think kids will like that place. It's just that the water is a bit too murky for my liking. Was thinking to do Taiwan also, but Taiwan will be very tiring leh.. too much walking, can't buy too much stuff also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Miffy, envy envy! Aloha!!! Must visit all the shopping outlets in Hawaii!

Coconutz, actually it's easier to bring the babies along when they are on total BF, then no need to worry too much about their food! Just need to bring lots of diapers.

hi all mummies..loads of mummies here knew the gender already, i gotto wait for 6 more days to my detail scan on 30 Aug. :-(

@FB: Yeah, I just joined

@baby moving: yes, i felt it everyday. my baby can suddetly give me a big kick. it's around lower & center of my tummy. big kick should be by legs i guess..baby more active in noon and nite. You can start to give baby listen to songs, good for baby, heard when baby born will be more *guai*, dun know how true lar :p

@trip: How I wish my hubby got time to go holiday with me. He is too busy with work. I purchased a batam 3D2N package from colleague, hopefully can go sometime in Sept.

Time flies, another 3.5 months for me to prepare and welcome a new life into my family. So excited


i experienced active letdown when i latched on my #1 and he often choked on bm. so after 4 weeks, i switched to full time pumping. worried will experience the same thing again.... very troublesome to pump and take care of bb during hols.


ya, must go now when u can. coz when no.2 comes out, really no time to travel. Me too, planning to BF as long as I can. and think need to wait till no.2 is at least 1.5yrs then can travel... sigh... so hubby says will bring me go taiwan eat and shop... haha...


We stayed at Legends Water Chalet... it's a very relaxing place. Yes, the water quite murky, but in the early morning, can see jellyfish out in the water from our room.... very relaxing just to sit and breathe in the fresh seawater.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya lor. very long wait hor... my edd 17Jan. clinic sae they only do detail scan in 5th mth.

ha! i no hav travel vouchers. if not i will hav strong point to convince my hubby to go le :$ think if this yr no go oversea tour, next yr the most i can only bring my children for cruise. i wanted go cruise this yr but cruise t&c state pregnant cannot :=/

Hi mummies,

How to join the facebook? what is the name of the account [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am new her and found topics very helpful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] same here been feeling the baby movements often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ENjoy to all the mummies going away for holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coconutz, means you have very good supply lah! Ok, next time if we got no enough milk, then u donate yours ok? Hahahaahaha!

Hoshi, did you drive up to PD? I remember the drive is quite long and bumpy, in the sense the road not very smooth leh...

arrr... coconutz, i also hope i can choke my #2 with my bm... hee hee i hope i can supply both my children with bm if possible.

Che.V., just logon to your FB acnt, copy and paste the link which Komp posted earlier and click join ;)


yr hubby so good. my hubby scared i will be too tired : (... so trying to psycho him to go while we can.

we went to desaru during my 1st tri and prob he is worried i will be too tired like how i m during tat time... cos i simply nua in hotel room and swimming pool ...keke

hi mummies! me just drop my boy to swimming class! its super hot!!! am now blowing full blast for my fan n aircon! its 37degree!

going to pick up in another half an hr time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jass, catching!!!!!! somemore pls!!!!


hoshi, im takin this chance to go hawaii frm tokyo which is about 7hrs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not wonder when i can travel again lo!

misty, hahaha..ya..im so lookin forward to aloha everyday! kekkee...am goin to shop like mad if possible with my hb n boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ting, yr EDD is earlier than mine. But I also going for detail scan at 9 Sep which is about 2+ weeks away. Why is yrs so long? Cos by 9 Sep, I will be about 20 weeks.

So envy those going holiday. I also felt like going somewhere but my hubby said too tiring... And my boy is still too young... Plus must save $$..

Daphne, i also don't know lei. mayb more things to see ba. the assistant at my gynae's clinic sae detail scan at 25th week. i think juz nw i posted wrongly. 25thwk shud be after 6mth.

so how you feeling after one wk rest after your amnio test? back to work already?

Hi mummies,

I just went for my detail scan last Friday and confirmed I'm having a boy. Everything seem fine except that one kidney is slightly prominent. I am a little worried but doc says it is fairly common, hopefully the little one will grow out of it.

BTW, any mummies using Baby Jogger prams? We are looking at the City Mini model but it does not seem to be available anywhere in Singapore...bummer..

ilovemiffy - Would like to check with you if there are any baby stuff worth getting in Japan? My sis is in Tokyo for business and asked if I needed anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks in advance.

coconutz, dun evny leh..me goin back to sin for good in oct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i love japan too..hahaa..

congrats kikapo! now u can start shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

err..actualy there's alot of stuff worth getting for bb here..probably u may wan to check your needs and ask your sis to check it out for you?

tonnes of variety here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] with good quality!

Hi Ting, back to work today. The files are piling up at my table... faint...

I'm feeling ok. Just patiently waiting for my amnio test results...

Re: holiday

i brought my girl to HK when she was 1yr old. now planning to go HK again in early Oct before i get too big and tied down with #2

hope i my girl will behave and not ask me to carry her too much :p


Would like to join this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Am expecting my 2nd boy.. EDD is 3 Jan. Gynae is Dr Mary Yang at GlengE. Staying in Bedok.



2nd time mummies,

I feel very very tired this time round. I am a SAHM. Now need to entertain my active boy. Do you all notice any change in behaviour of your first one? Suddenly my boy doesnt go to sleep on his own anymore. I need to keep him company until he falls asleep every night. And he is suddenly super sticky to me. And after our short trip, now he still continues to wake up at night crying on some days. Faint.


I have also not been sleeping well at night. Then always need to wake up to pee. After that very hard to get back to sleep.


I think it depends on the destination. For us, on some days we just do more relaxing stuff. So afternoon we will all nap in the hotel, before going for swim after that. Then night time we all slept at 9pm with the boy since there is nothing much we could do.

Hi pinkimum,

Feel very tired too. My son is so active that i have a hard time keeping up with him. i think its a boy thing. He was very clingy and slept badly during my first trimester but now i am hoping it will be much better. Have also moved him out of my room to get better rest. I think they can sense the "competition"?

Nowadays, i leave it more to my hubby to handle my son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think they have lots of fun running around and exhausting themselves so that mummy can take a nap.

Ilovemiffy - Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think it is very hard to get my sis to get anything especially when I dunno what I need..haha...pretty much got the big ticket items minus the pram and car seat now..but thanks anyway.

I advanced my babymoon a couple of weeks ago, maybe can go for a cruise with hubby before I get too clumsy..

Hi Mummies,

can't see my baby gender yet on my last checkup. Have to wait till my detailed scan on 15th sept liao.

I just came back from a 2D1N trip to Malacca. self drive. Quite enjoy the time with my girl and hubby. Ate a lot too!!

Kikapo, I went on a one week cruise with several stopovers before I give birth for #1. I was already 20-24 weeks preggy already and it was not bad.

Change in behavior in #1: It happens to me too. Become sticky and demands for milk feed at night. I hope it will pass soon...

