(2011/01) Jan 2011

Daphne, yeah. got 3 of them is C-sect and their OB advice them to use the wrap oso. I think it depends on the condition of the wound and whether ur gynea approves or not lor.


mummies, I juz emailed the organiser. Waiting for reply.

If u all are keen, we can start collating a list of names.


remember I did my 4d scan much later for number 1. Today I think becos my gynae was late as he went out to deliver baby. So guess he feel bad for me to wait so after detail scan, he did 4d for me. Don't have to pay!!!

He commented baby still small not so clear. N printed 1 copy for me. So I actually gained. Can c bb more!!!

I have gained 2.5kg so far. My no. 1 I gained 8kg thru pregnancy. Oop  too fast tis round??!!!!!

Kimmyksc: not a silly qn. Guess if all nutrient goes the correct place, baby will be bigger size n mire ready to come out. But if natural, muz see when baby happy lor.

I ask gynae just now if baby ready in dec can she come earlier? My first one was induce cos she full term n did not grow muc. So doc induce her.

My gynae say for our Edd , possible baby will be ready. Will monitor n give advise when nearer.

Jovial & hoshi, i dun know if those food that i eat is really healthy, i dun eat chips cos my baby dun like..and i also dun eat much meat cos baby reject also :-( Have no idea if baby get enough nutrient. Weight gain so far on track but dunno is BB growing or mommy expanding..

haa...understand wrongly about *busts*, stupid me..I can't wear all my bra except those already old and lose type, already bought new one, otherwise, very uncomfortable, i even ask my hubby if I can go dun wear bra to work..same as my tummy, sometime feel big, sometime small..dunno if this is normal?

I have shortlisted few baby names (girl and boy together), any mommies here know any site can get baby chinese name?

Hi All

My edd is 13 Jan 2011 ;)at Mt E by Doc Kowa

My second kid and its a gal..now at week 20 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My first kid already 6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome lily,

wow ur #1 so big already!!! Guess u will feel like 1st time mommy cos so long Liao. My #1 is going to 4, me a bit lost sometime. Looking forward to smell bb smell again!! 

Hi Miaiko, can check if your friends got feedback that the tummy wrap will stay in shape after many use? i got a tummy wrap from my Gynae to be use after my c-section delivery. but it doesn't seem to stay in shape after reusing for few times.

Ting,ok I go ask my friends n let you know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks! Jovial [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya its a gift..not plan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes totally like first time hahaha

Ting, all my friends feedback that their tummy wrap did not go out of shape at all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Helllo ladies,

Seems like many of you already know the gender of the baby. I am currently 19weeks, waiting for my detailed scan on the 5/6th Sept. During my last check up when I was 16 weeks, the doctor kinda of think its a boy. I saw the leg kicked and a very RUDE picture of genital sticking out. I wondered if I was seeing things?? For those who have seen the ultra sound for a boy, is it a very rude image of the balls + penis ??

My no.1 have been pram trained, whenever we are out she will be in the pram. Feeding, sleeping etc. She is about 11 months now, with no.2 coming soon I was wondering if I should get a twin pram ? Or should I get another single pram ? Any advise ??

Ohh good luck to all mummies who are going or waiting for their amino test results..

Wah Lina, u are so early.

During my checkup, my bb's buttocks was facing us, but his legs were open, so I only saw the balls balls...

Not sure abt pram, but since she's still so young, should consider getting another twin or single pram. My gal now at 5yrs now likes sitting in pram, lazy to work. When she's younger, she refused to sit in it. But the problem with twin pram is that it can be quite big and inconvenient to maneuver around.

Haloo .. I am keen in the wrap too ... I guess it can also be use when the tummy gets bigger rite?

There's a question ... all the mummies her who have felt the movement / fluttering feeling of bb ... do u feel it daily? I am getting worried when I don't feel her .... any advise?

Hallo Mitch

regarding bb movements, i do feel it daily. although at times, i m pretty worried that i cld not feel him move. then i realised that sometimes we are bz with work or errands, we cld not feel the movement when bb moves. i told my hubby regarding my concerns and he was saying that even adults needs to keep still sometimes and rest : )

Hi Mitch,

me too worry when cannot feel her move. But tink coconutz is right. Remember only at last 2 months then got to do bb movement tracking.

Guess we mommies tends to worry. But should try to keep positive n trust our gynae n bb. ( I am talking to u.... And also to myself ... Ha ha ha, me also the worry kind) 

Hi ladies, am interested to join in your chat.

Baby's EDD is 10 Jan, seeing Dr Caroline Khi @ TMC.

Miaiko>> how much is the wrap? i am interested too!

Mitch>> sometimes I think I don't feel baby movements too... then when I lie down to go to bed, then suddenly, like baby moving a lot! So I think coconutz is right, when we're occupied with something, we dun notice that baby is moving!

hello ladies,

can i join u all.. been a slient reader for tis thread.. my due date is on 23jan and this is my 2nd bb.. hmm hav yet to check my gender cos currently in US and here they dun encourage scanning bb every month not like my 1st when i get to see their growth... here oni can listen to heartbeat... but they still hav detail scan so will wait patiently for that day to come.. hehe

Hi Miaiko,

I am interested in The Cinch body wrap too. It is S$130 for the one with the hot/cold pouch right? Thanks.


My tummy also feels damn tight n stretched after meals and that leaves me so uncomfortable for hours. In fact I have been eating lesser than before pregnancy. Secretly happy about that cos I do not want to balloon out!

Thxs Jovial, Coconutz, cookiefleur ... thinki sometimes I am really paranroid....how i wish I can have the whole ultrasound machine at home ... can monitor daily ...

I also dun feel my bb's movement daily... a bit worried too... but read from babycenter that bb's movement can start as early as 16 weeks to 22 weeks... so dun worry too much. Coz my detailed scan will be next wed...... so will wait for it...


I'm also interested in the wrap.. went to research a bit and seems that reviews are quite good. Also, the price seems quite ok coz US selling like US$86... so after conversion and shipping, $130 seems quite reasonable. Pls keep me updated on the BP.

Mitch - Why don't u consider getting the doppler so you can listen to your baby's heartbeat? Maybe it will help to put your mind at ease...

Miaiko - I am interested in the wrap too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Ok. I'm compiling a list of ladies who want to buy the Cinch Tummy Wrap with pouch for cold/warm pack S$130 (usual S$150):

1) Miaiko

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11

5) cookiefleur

6) chercat

7) hoshi

8) kikapo

Ladies, the Cinch cold/warm pack to be placed in the tummy wrap, it is sold separately at $16. If you want, please put beside your name.

Other mummies who wants to join the purchase list, pls put your name down too.

Currently, organiser said will give us free postage as the price is already discount and also strictly controlled by the brand owner. If we can get 20 or more mummies to buy, I think we can try negotiate again. hehe

Hi ladies,

i haven't been writing in for a while.

Just wanted to share a good buy i made today.

Went to Robinsons to recky on prices of baby products.

Realised that most items were on 20% discount.

So we bought a Philips Avent Single Electric Pump with a Philips Avent DECT baby monitor (bundled together at a price of $349.

And with min $300 spent at the kids/nursery dept, they are giving a $50 voucher!

So we immediately used the voucher to buy the Philips Avent Electric Sterilizer which costs me $69 after the 20% disc and $50 voucher. Usual price $149.

WOnder if the above was really a good buy but i was happy with my purchases!

Btw, the above offer is only until 5 Sept!

Thanks Miaiko! Yes, would like the pack too...

The cinch tummy wrap list:

1) Miaiko

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat

7) hoshi

8) kikapo

Wow Bethel, didn't know Robinsons is on sale! Cool! Thanks for the tip! Hope it doesn't end anytime soon as I prob don't have chance to go till end of next week!


What's the purpose of the hot/cold wrap? Is it more effective or what?....

Went to NATAS fair whole afternoon yesterday. Realised that when I came back at night, my feet a bit swollen... may be due to water retention? Or walk too much..

KiKapo : I also had tot of getting a doppler .... but I also dun wish for false alarm as is quite difficult to use.

Cookiefleur, noted

The cinch tummy wrap list:

1) Miaiko

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat

7) hoshi

8) kika

Hoshi, let me check with organiser on the detail usage of the cold/warm pack and revert.

Hi everyone.

Sorry to intrude your thread.

I am a July 10 mummy. I have one baby plus for sale. Condition is 9/10. Just bought it at March Taka Baby Fair.

If interested, do PM me.


How's everyone on a SundaY?

My bb has been so active yday, kicking and turning so much inside. SOmetimes bb will bulge out of my abdomen like a big mango. Haha. Then I'll ask hb to quickly come sayang bb. hehe.

I still waiting for another week before my detail scan. such long wait ......zzzz.....


Like you, I'm so looking forward to the milky baby smell! Hee~


Just wonder if the material will kinda gather at some area and cut into our skin. I used 2 different type of wrap previously and experience such prob. Quiet painful so wasn't very persistent in using them... therefore got a big bulging tummy in the end *sob*

I also gained 20kg during my 1st pregnancy. Only shed 10Kg. So now I have to be really careful in case I gain another 20Kg and can't shed it. But I have been snacking too. Haha


oh... me same case as u. gained 20kg for 1st pregnancy and lost only 10kg. Now sill hv 10kg left. My tummy still big lor. *sob sob*. Thats why Im determined to get the wrap to help slim my tummy down also.

I also bought a wrap before from mothercare and it cuts into my skin lor. That's why when i know my friends had been using The Cinch,Im determined to get one also. my friend showed me before the wrap and it feels very soft and comfy (like innerwear). The organiser told me it will not cut into the skin.


Poor us. Sob~ Hope this will work well for us after delivery *fingers crossed* Ok... I'll like to get one too.

Its such a rainy morning... nice to cosy up in bed. There goes my cycling plans to East Coast.


So good.. I still can't really feel the baby's kick yet... still not that obvious to me although I'm already in my week 18.... next wed gg for my detailed scan and will see how's bb progress...

Wah, jass,

u still can go cycling?... my tummy so huge already have problems getting into car... hehe... wat's more to say, on a bicycle...:p

Hi hoshi,

Hope your leg is not swollen anymore. I think its more if we have walked too much and prolonged standing. So i am advised to elevate my legs at least for 15-20 mins every night. THis also prevent varicose veins. I have noticed also my shoes getting thighter.

But doc said we have to report any signs of edema ( swelling) might be sign of water retention.

Have a great sunday everyone !

hi ladies,

is the wrap really gd? i'm in US now mayb will go and buy 1 also.. hee.. but after my 1st birth i do a 5 days massage its was real gd as it remove alot of wind and water from my body but so say this time round i cant enjoy the massage.. hai..

oh ya abt Stretchmark: has anyone use clarins SM cream and firming oil? is it gd and how much is it selling in spore?

Cinch Tummy Wrap with pouch for cold/warm pack S$130 (usual S$150). Organiser giving our thread FOC postage:

1) Miaiko

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat

7) hoshi

8) kika

9) Jass1408

hi all..

today i saw medela PIS advanced backpack going for 599 and freestyle going for 749 at first years in Paragon.. how is the price?

anyway metro at paragon having 20% discount and there's a mothercare inside metro at 4th floor with a number of items on discount too.. i nearly wanted to get a pack of 3 bodysuit sleepwear for $54 before 30% discount..

anyway i've been told can buy medela directly from distributor at toh guan and there's a lot of baby stuff too.. probably going to take a look there soon!

i must find the address.. coz i dunno where my hubby placed my brochures.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm so pissed with all the traditional thinking. My MIL show me a cup, those keep warm cup and she started to say it's very good to use during my onfinement month bcos can keep hot, so i told her i can't take over/too hot drink, keep hot also no use, then she started to say it's very good and tell me how's her confinement period last time, no shower for 1 month, not going out, no FAN!!!, only come out eat then go back to room like bride. My hubby started to say, can on air con nowaday, then she kept on saying not good blah blah blah...then i told her that her confinement period is about 40 year ago, that time weather is not so hot. then i also told her hygience is more important, nowaday baby will also reject smelly mommy. Then she started to say it's for our own good, now won't know, when we grow old then we will taste the bitter. I feel like asking her since her confinement period is so super traditional, why she can still get *feng shi*, leg pain, can't walk for long...etc

Then hubby also KNS, ask me to ignore MIL, even say no need to eat confinement foods, just eat normal. He say since I dun believe traditional thingy,y eat. so sad!!

Can someone tell me what is the temperature 40 years ago? How can they compare like that.

End up shed tears in the room :-(

Sorry...Just feel like vent out my anger.


just wanted to share that if you have family or friends who get DFS discount, you can get them to buy the Clarins stretch mark cream and tonic oil for quite a good deal...

I just got my sister to buy both the cream and oil for me and it only cost me S$124.66..think it is quite cheap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

miaiko.. i found the address..

J&E Baby & Mothercare Ptd Ltd

81 Toh Guan Road East, #03-01 Secom Centre

Tel: 65623008

This is the address on the back of the freestyle brochure i picked up during the taka baby fair.. most likely i'll end up choosing a PIS advanced instead of freestyle..


pre-nat yoga

Hi MTBS, I'm from the Nov 10 MTBs thread and currently forming a group to do pre-nat yoga from 18 Sep onwards. The students can opt for 6 wks or 8 wks, as some of us are preparing for birth. kindly let me know if you are interested. Pm me or email me any of your questions at [email protected]


Blk 154 Bishan Street 13

#01-22 S(570154)

Timing: Sat 12:15pm-1:15pm

P/S: It's alright to do yoga after the first trimester.

