(2011/01) Jan 2011

hihi all! wow, this thread is really moving fast! i haven't been here for about 2-3 months and so much archives already!

hope everyone is doing well, quite a few know your baby gender already! so cool!

my detailed scan is next monday, can't wait to find out gender and hope that baby is healthy! =)


Thanks grumpus. 24 weeks that means by next month. so rush [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone bought baby cot / baby pram yet? wanna share what you have got or are intending to get? =)

hubby and i went to the baby hypermart at kaki bukit last weekend, and the white color baby cots all so nice! but really ex too... =(

ting, dun be so upset....can plan for a short one nearby..actually not sure why cant go cruise when >24 weeks preggy, cos even take plane also can travel after >24 weeks..


I feel better compare to 1st trimester except the *fast fall sleep within 1 minutes* are the same as 1st trim. Now try to do complete house work once a week (wash toilet, vacuum, mop etc), guess it help during delivery time. My fren spend life as per normal, her delivery is real smooth till the doctor say this is the faster he ever see. Diluted at 9am, baby born at 10plus. Doctor predict 2pm..i always pray that mine will be smooth like her..

but everytime after a major housekeeping, back ache for many hours..

Thanks ting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] joined fb already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice to know all mummies with EDC jan 2011 are all sharing experiences [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am letting go on my Avent ISIS Duo Twin Electric breast pump which is still in good working condition as I have used it for only 4 months.

Pls PM me if you are interested. Thanks!


So when is your detailed scan going to be. Ya, think that will be done @ the 20th week. It will be 11 Sept for me. Looking forward to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: Holidays

Only went to Bintan for a 2D1N stay after I had my #1. Very deprived. Hubby finds it troublesome to bring my boy around as he eats really slowly and not to mention MESSY. LOL, so take it as saving some money lor.


Our hubby sama ya. When will you get the results for the amino test?


Congrats on your boy. It time to do shopping and search for name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah, glad to hear that you have a good trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What did you do @ Malacca? Amanda had fun?


When I think of my 1.5 days delivery for my #1 i start to worry. Haha people console me that #2 will faster but then the range is big if you compare to 1.5 days.

CheV, Steph:

Welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi. So far I used my cc for Victoria secrets only. But e fraud was on yahoo for a usd1 item.

For those interested in medela mini electric plus/citystyle/snack ball can check out OG. Just got e mailer n it is going for $309.

Just finished duty at YOG. Going to rest now!

Hi mummies-to-be,

I have a Medela Pump In Style Advance in good condition. My gal now is 1yr old and I have used this pump for 9months. Willing to let go at $380.

(Good working condition) local set. Items include are:

Medela Backpack

Medela Cooling element (use but still in gd condition)

Medlea cooler bag(use but still in gd condition)

1x manual piston (new)

2x bottle stand (new)

2x Membranes (new)

1x motor

1x DC adaptor

1x battery adaptor

(Accessories like shields/tubings/bottle is not include)

Interested, do PM me. thanks

Hi kimmyksc, i thot if can go cruise during Nov long weekend will be nice. ya lor. don't know why they restrict preggy to go onboard after 24mth.

Hi Che V, You are welcome.

Hi jass, my detail scan not scheduled yet. still need to go for one more Gynae visit next week. the detail scan could be one mth after next week.

Your 1.5days delivery really scary lei. did you have epidural that time? anyway this time round guess won't be that long lah. many of my colleagues who took very long to delivery their #1 did not take as long to deliver their #2. some even say that bb came out before they had their epidural. think u can try those prenatal exercises and prenatal massage. hear that it helps.

pinky_j, poor thing to have to work till so late. but think you need not work for long hr ba? its shift work rite?

you went thru Yahoo to order from V.S? i am trying to understand how to shop on Yahoo but not sure safe or not.

Hi Jass, 1.5 days delivery is scary...poor thing..*pat pat*...i hope this time will be 1.5 hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..my hubby family have those ancestral book, so they already have a list of chinese names for us to choose from..and for ang moh name, both hubby & my name start with J, so we are looking for a nice J name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mitch, yeah, we checked out Mums & Babes, but they don't carry the City Mini model anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] They only have the other models that are quite large.

@Cruise - So disappointing to know they don't let mummies on board beyond our 24th week...sigh..

Mummies with no.2 or more, can check whether this time u are going to opt for epidural? I had epidural for my no.1, no pain at all during delivery. But after that, the back pain is killing me... my MIL advise me not to take epidural this time round, but not sure if I can 'survive' the pain or not, coz for no.1, I did not experience any pain at all.

I be doing my detailed scan on 1 September too. But will only be at 19Weeks 1 Day... coz my gal's school is closed on 1 September, so I take MC during gynae's visit at the same time lor...

Re: Malacca

We also always self-drive up there... yum yumm... all the food is making me drool...

Jass: Basically just eating. Its just three of us, quite enjoy the family time. Amanda had fun! Cos she was allowed to eat all the forbidden food mah!

Is your #1 induced?

hoshi: same as me. No pain for me during delivery cos taken epidural........ I think I cannot tahan without it..........scared.......

My #1 is induced and I took epidural. And I gona take epidural again this time round. I also don't think I can tahan without it.

Hi All!

haha!! tink my bb getting more active.

felt it kicking yest and this morning when i wake up :D

hee.. I tink it's a very nice warm feeling to feel it. Hubby also felt it yesterday :D heee...

really thank God for all the blessings! Children are blessings from God, so boy boy or girl girl, as long as healthy, it's already a big big blesings :D hee... dun need to tink too much of the gender :D else BB will feel rejected!

hee... i tink if it's the older generation very jia lat, boy must b good, girl not good! sigh... nowadays, boy after married belongs to wife, but girl after married, the parents gets half a son more!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha!!! :D

so just enjoy our preg and look forward to our precious blessing :D


Hi hoshi, i not sure if it will make a diff if we don't take epidural for our #2 delivery. cos i hear pple say the side effect is life long. i also expereience the back ache and was quite bad sometime. my colleagues related to me that his wife also experience the back ache and it got worsen when she get older.


I din take epidural and my bad pain was very bad post delivery. I tink its due to my bfg posture etc and not due to epidural.

Actually i dunno if epi is really to blame for backache. Cos like coconutz say, her backache is probably due to her bfeeding posture. Which i agree cos when i pump, i also tend to hunch over so i had quite bad backpain. I also had epi when i gave birth previously. And not to mention carrying a baby around, sure kena backache one. After i stop pumping when my gal was one year, and carry her less and less cos she got older and heavier, i no longer have backache. Of cos now dun say since i am pregnant... LOL. My hubby also complain of backache cos he carries my gal around, so sometimes i think backache is not necessary due to epi but other factors as well.

Also heard that with epi, it helps us to relax during labour so we dilate faster. I had some friends so took quite long to dilate, so their gynae ask them to take epi and after that they dilated quite fast.

However, after saying all these, i was also thinking whether i can make it without epi this time round... haha.... we will see how it goes.

Really har? If that's the case, I rather go straight for epidural rather than go through the labour pain...

Think a nursing pillow is good for BF too... coz i remembered for my no.1, I was trying to stack pillows under my arms while carrying baby, and difficult to juggle them. Can get from WTS thread as there are mummies letting go of them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can save $$ lah..

hoshi - haha... i was also thinking of getting the bfeeding pillow cos faced the same problems as you previously, had to stack pillows and bolster under my arms. But there are quite a few brands of breastfeeding pillows, are they all the same? Anyone knows which is a better brand to get?

Hi all mummies!

I so envy those who can feel baby movements...I still feel nothing at all...perhaps my baby is a nocturnal one and only wakes at night. My detailed scan is next thur. Is it true that the gender is almost always confirmed then?

Why is it that cruise ships don't allow travel after 24weeks? That's quite early right? I rem getting an approval letter from my gynae to go ard until oct/nov on flights. I already had my babymoon trip cos we had planned and paid for it and we went anyway during my first trimester. Lots of walking involved cos we went Europe but we interspersed it with lots of rest and food breaks. Yah, we spent a lot on food. hehe

I'm definitely going for the epidural cos I have no idea how much pain is involved. I don't think laughing gas and all that is going to be enough for me. Bring it on, as long as it makes delivery less painful!

hoshi, sputnik

same here, i stacked pillows and bolster but still dun feel comfortable. hence i just hold my boi and end up having bad backache. wondering whether the pillow will help cos i m pretty tall. or the pillow regarding of height huh? i remember i need to hunch for my boi to latch on properly.

Think that time I tried latching my gal in hospital, and they provided the pillow for me. It was quite comfy. Think this time, I will bring my pillow with me to the hospital, so I know exactly the position to carry and latch my baby on.... hopefully BF will be easier...

Think there's a few brand - Lucky Baby and My Breastfriend Pillow..

Coconutz, think u can adjust where you want to place the pillow... coz the pillow is supposed to grip on to your tummy one... and if u are taller, u can place the pillow higher...

Think it's normal to feel the baby movements after 18 weeks (i read from babycentre). Initial movements may not be obvious to the mummy... me too. the movements are so subtle and I keep thinking whether is it the bb or just my tummy with lots of air.... haha...

luckymummy, I also did not feel much baby movements yet. Only feel bubbles and butterflies but not those bigger movements. Anyway it's still early. Will be able to feel more after week 20.

The detail scan will show the gender very clearly. So will be able to see the gender. Dr Tham did not tell u the gender when u see him during week 16?


On the breastfeeding pillow, i personally found it quite useful especially in our posture cos with it, you don't really slouch over to feed the baby, just adjust the pillow so that its high enough. It really benefitted me cos i was able to bf my first born well.. and manage to bf him until he was 2! save a lot on milk powder money...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the back ache/numb which i experience is somewhat origin from a spot (suspect is the spot where i had the injection for epidural). the ache/numb actually spread outwards from the the original spot which makes me feel very uncomfortable and can't sit up straight. i think i also kana the backache for the breast feeding. the pain is mainly at my upper back to neck area. sigh. my hubby commented that i been having lots of complaining on here pain there pain after my #1 delivery. for my present pregnancy, i having lower back aching. think am really old liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi, am urgently looking for emergency hpn of TMC Dr Yvonne Chan. Left namecard at home n her clinic is closed. Anyone has?

Apple: Nope, not induced. Haha what forbidden food did Amanda eat?

Ting: #1 is natural birth with laughing gas, thigh inject and finally epidural (which runs out within the last 1 hour) and forceps. Tried everything as I was reluctant to do epidural initially. But buay tong! Too tired as I cannot rest or eat much. Its a bliss after epidural. Will want that this time round if my dilation is as slow as #1.

Coconutz, Sputnik:

Agree. Personally, I feel that my post-delivery backache is due to too much bending forward to carry baby, change diaper and bad posture from breastfeeding.

I have my Breastfriend pillow. I find it useful for the first few weeks only. After I get used to breastfeeding, I stopped using it. I find it quite a hassle to put it on.

poor jass, 1.5 days is long..dun worry, your #2 will be a faster..

I started to ask baby come out early Jan so that I can dress him/her up for CNY, get ang pao...so silly

Ting, may be you can call up the cruise agency and ask..to me, cruise really ok to go leh...

re: BF pillow. Guess with that pillow will be better but my friend say sometime we may not know what is necessary, if no milk or baby dun like to latch, pillow will then bcome white elephant :-(..

re: epidural

Sometime I feel like just *chiong* without epi but really scared of pain. all commented that it's 100times more pain than usual menses...can't imagine :-S

coconut, your hubby so sweet, will give free massage everynite. My hubby din do that, he even ask for free massage from me..

kimmyksc, my colleague checked for me le. cannot lor.

coconutz, my hubby also offers to massage for me when i complain here pain there pain but cannot do it when my girl awake cos she will make noise and want us to massage her instead...sigh but after she is asleep we both also zzz...


my girl slept on my bed since 8mths old until 2 yrs old. when she was 2 i moved her to her own mattress on the floor in my room.

you asking how to train yr #1 to sleep on her own bed or specifically in cot/playpen?

Re: cramps

Had a terrible leg cramp in the middle of night 2 days back... quickly hit my hubby so hard and he had to groggily massage my leg in the middle of the night.. hehe... then groggily fell asleep again... Hate the middle-of-night leg cramp.... really painful!


Ur gal so cute! where is she sleeping now? with u guys?... think u need to make it a habit for her to sleep in the cot, can try putting in her favorite toys, etc...

grumpus, initially my hb n i intend to let our #1 sleep in playpan but she just refused lor. cry until we carry her out from it and pat her sleep on our bed. but when we attempt to move her back to her playpan when we thot she is deep asleep, she starts crying non stop again. so after attempting to train her sleep in the playpan for the first few days during her 1st month, we gave up. she been sleeping with us on our bed since then. we did try to move her to her own matress on the floor when she turn 2YO. she also can't sleep. we tried to move her to her matress when she is deep asleep (snoring) also. but the moment we place her on her matress, she wokes up and cry. so we gave up again and let her be. my hb and i thot of focusing in training #2 to sleep by herself instead lor. so am here trying to gather advices. not sure if there's any tips to train bb sleep in cot/playpan. think if my #2 also like my #1 so naughty, i may have to install tatami on the floor and all sleep on it liao.

Jass: Amanda ate Chendol lah, juices with ice..., sweets...... but surprisingly no cough. we control in sg, she cough.... hmmmmmm

Ting: My case is opposite of you. My girl refuses to sleep with us on bed. she wants to sleep on her own mattress on floor...........................


Not sure if your girl is too old to sleep in a cot now. My boy who is going 2yo, already managed to climb out once. Anyway, every time after holiday or trips back SG, he will have problem sleeping in his cot again. He would want to sleep on the big bed. He would cry every time I put him into his cot. I let him cry. I would sit next to the cot and keep talking to him, tell him I am next to him. Let him hold my hand or put my hand on him, to let him know what I am there. But must let him cry a bit before he settle down. Anyway, since I got preggie, my boy has been difficult at bedtime lah, stopped going to sleep himself now.

pinkimum,how old is your boy? must let him know cannot climb lei. dangerous.

kimmyksc, ya my naughty girl likes to be massage. when we stroke her, she will quietly stay at where she is.

hoshi, usually my girl just need her pacifier and her bolster to sleep during daytime. but at nite, she got the bad habbit to stick to either my hb or myself to sleep. her favourite toy is her train set and play dough. the more she play with them the more awake she is. she doesn't like soft toy lor. arrr! her pacifier is another headache thing which i need to get rid...


pinkimum, there is one kind of adjustable cot which can let you tranform to little bed for todlers to sleep till 6 or 7YO. my mom's place has one and i tried introduce it to my girl but she just treat it as play thing to climb up and down. i did leave her to cry but she will just cry on lei. her highest record is to cry continuous for an hr plus lor. i also heart pain.

