(2011/01) Jan 2011

xiao pang - u can also try eating papaya to increase breastmilk. Some people also say eat pork trotters will help. I was like you when I had my no 1, willing to try anything to increase my ss. When i had no 2 was not so stressed and my ss was better so could give my gal full EBM by the time she was abt 2 weeks old. Now got quite a lot of excess and freezing at least 1 bag a day. Keep pumping, it really helps. I don't latch my gal but pump out to feed her.



I did drink papaya fish soup with trotter inside. but it doesnt seems to help much leh.. sianz.. stress sia.. not i totally got not enough for her and got to feed her with formula too, dont say can freeze 1 bag a day. sigh..

wonder why it dont increase. is it the way i pump or what? or maybe is cause i dont pump at when the time reach due to my gal cries when i want to pump my milk out. timing just not right!! T_T!!

Xiao pang u are not alone..i think i am worse than u...initially i think i have build up just enough milk for my bb..but then came the mastitis n drolped my supply..imagine i have 3 times mastitis n now my supply also drop down a lot....not enuf for 1 feed...

Xiao Pang, depending on my bm supply, supplement between 2-3 oz fm, but night feeds at 7 plus and 11 plus are fm only. My last pump is at 11 plus after my boy sleeps, will feed him the bm with fm supplement when he wakes up around 6 plus 7am next day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I suggest that you try to use hand and squeeze out the excess if pumping doesn't help.

babykoh, think you better see a doc as panadol cannot cure bad flu. Also, doc can advise which med is suitable for bf.


my supply increased b4 my holiday..tat's

y i suspect the seaweed that i ate boost up my supply...


any seaweed also can ba..hope it really help to boost up milk supply..

Jia you


haha...wish it help! The seaweed that i ate quite big pc, almost an A4 size..given by hubby's sister, she bought from ntuc, say is famous titbit now and sometime sold out in ntuc..

Sleeping hour

i woke khloe up at 12midnite (otherwise, she will sleep through) and feed her milk, then play with her a bit, she sleep till 6am for her next feed..so happy..

Hi mummies,

It's been a while since i posted. So envious tat most of u r still able to bf ur babies. Sad to say i hav stopped bf-ing my baby, he's now on full fm. My supply was too low, only managed 20ml from both sides for each pump.

It's a pretty tough decision to stop bf-ing him. I had to spend abt 45mins to sterilise n pump milk n only managed to squeeze out so little milk. I took fenugreek, drank lots of fluid but my ss simply din increase. It was pretty stressful cos i wan to give my baby e best.

Discussed wif my hubby n sought advice from frens n decided to stop. Now i use e time to bond wif my boy, play n tok to him. Seeing him responding to me n recognising my face n voice is a v rewarding experience. I can say i'm now a happier mum n i hav more time on hand to rest n read up on how to better take care of my boy. Nowadays when i wave my hand at him n say hello, he'll b v excited n raise his hands also, as if waving back to me. So happy :D

Regarding fm, i used to feed him S26 but he ended up wif constipation. So i switched to similac n he's happily passing motion now. His poo also changed to watery greenish poo but i read from similac brochure tat it's normal cos similac contains vege fat tat will help to loosen e stools.

Switching to full fm is also tough on our wallets cos my boy can finish 1 tin of milk powder a week. But PD says he's putting on weight healthily (5.6kg now) n will b a tall baby in future (takes after his daddy) so e money is well worth spending [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope i can fully bf my 2nd child if i'm blessed wif another one in future [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elekos, i'm staying at redhill.

kimmy, think we're referring to the same popular A4 size snack, inside 1 pack 10 individually wrapped pcs ;)

LZZ, which part of redhill you stay? opp mrt? don't feel bad that you have to stop bf, you have already tried your best. I tell myself should i stop bf one day i should not feel guilty cos my bro and i also not breast fed but we still grown up healthily


I stay at bukit merah view(own hse) and bukit purmei(hubby's hse)!

We shall have a mum's meet up at tiong bahru plaza! haha!!

Elekos, you mean 11plus you never pump til the next morning when your boy wakes up?

How did you all manage to let your little one sleep so long during the night time?

My gal is 5 weeks old and i fed her 4oz each time and she will wakes up every 3hours wor. even midnight also the same.

I also want eat seaweed but i forgot to buy!! alamak!

Oh ya! any mummies knows during confinement can we take duck meat? lol..

Hi All!

Am new to this forum, and my gal is now 2 mths old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiao Pang, last pump at 11 plus but will feed the bm plus fm supplement next morning when my boy wakes up.

How I managed to let him sleep so long during the night? I also don't know leh, he just started that in week 6.

My CL didn't allow me to eat duck meat, not sure what's the reason though...

Hi Ladies, How have you been coping? me back to work le. claiming my extended maternity leave next month on. feeling so tired today...

Hi Corale! my gal is 5th week now.

Elekos, How much you feed your boy during the 5th and 6th week? dont know i over fed her or fed her not enough. =X

Elekos, i stay beside gan eng seng pri sch. E 3 point blocks behind those opp redhill mrt. Ya i've been psycho-ing myself tat at least i've tried to bf my boy for a few weeks. My niece n nephews all grew up on fm n they're v healthy n active so tat's a consolation to me also. My boy will b 2 mths dis sat. Time flies 

Hi Elekos! ur boy is 2 mths old today? so his DOB is 2 Jan? same as ur boy, my gal suddenly slept long hours from week 6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hi Xiao Pang! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies.. i bought Fenugreek from GNC and wondering what should be the dosage in order to increase my supply. Currently taking 2 in the morning but didnt increase by alot. The lady in GNC says i can take up to 8 but quite concerned about over doing it ;p Can someone advise?

Corale, so can i say that after 6th weeks all babies sleep long hours at night?

I took 6 a day.. 3 in the morning after breakfast 3 after lunch. but i just started not long ago so cant see any result yet.. haha..

Elekos, so you dont pump in the middle of the night anymore? like that will it affect the supply of our bm?

hi corale, my boy just pass his full month! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm taking 4 fenugreeks a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night.. the GNC lady actually told me max is 6 pills a day.. but someone mentioned that they are taking 9 pills a day.. maybe you can slowly increase ur intake if you dun see much results initially..

i'm contemplating of increasing my dosage cos my supply is only just enough to feed my boy now.. i dun have extra to store when i get back to work in may.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xiaopang: you can roughly calculate how much to milk to give ur gal with the following formula..

(Baby's weight x 150ml) / # feeds a day

Eg.. my boy now weighs 4.36kg and he feeds about 8 times a day..

(4.36 x 150) / 8 = 82ml

thats roughly how much milk I can give my boy.. of cos if it's not enough.. i can give him another 10 - 20 ml more as some babies just needs more milk..

XiaoPang, whether babies sleep long hours i believe depends on individual babies. Maybe you can try letting ur baby sleep elsewhere etc? i realise my gal prefers her rocker rather than her cot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Gina!

I also do not have enough to store when i get back to work! I managed to store about 6-7 bottles (90ml each) in the freezer during the first month because i mixed FM at night. Subsequently her demand is way too much for me to handle!

Hmmm.. maybe tonight i shall take 2 more at night and see the results..

Any of ur babies hv colic?

My bb is 6 weeks now and she cries every nite between 9-12pm.

Anyone experience this? How to handle?

nothing seems to be able to soothe her.

we carry her all the way until our arms are breaking.

re: toys for baby

wat kind of toys do u'll give at this age?

I'm thinkin of getting something to distract my gal so that she wun slp so much during the day.

Haha! my gal also just pass full month!! last sat!! hehe..

Gina, my gal 5th week and i give her 120ml liao wor. is it too much? will i over feed her? next checkup i will ask the doc to weigh her.

Corale, my gal is super light sleeper. abit of noise only she will like kena shock and will wakes up. sometimes still cry very loudly. she very difficult to get into deep sleep. i am still finding out a way to make her sleep longer and deeper too. maybe she feel insecure? so far i cover her with swaddle she can sleep longer and abit deeper and feel more secure. but afternoon i cant possible wrap her like ba zhang and let her sleep like that. if i have to wrap her i have to on air con. and cant possible i on air con every afternoon. thats not a solution =(

wonder is there anything that can just wrap her hand infront of her chest so she feel more secure and she wont feel hot. LOL!

welcome corale,

my baby is 9 weeks now..

fenugreek intake,

TMC ask me to take 3 capsules 3 times a day, but i din follow, tat's sound a lot to me.


my baby also like tat...i take it as she is overly tired, we take turn to carry her and walk around in the house till she fall asleep then only put her to bed. i even got night phobia that period. now is ok already.

u can talk to them or let them play the mobile musical to distract them..

Hi Bethel,

I bought the combi Rashule. it can be a rocker, high chair or changing station.. all in one! it's also my gal's bed ;p Somehow she prefers this to her cot.

XiaoPang, you may wish to consider getting those beanie pillows to put across her tummy so that her hands wun jerk and wake herself up? otherwise just use the nappy to swaddle her.. not so hot.. My hubby swaddles her very tightly at night using the TMC swaddle and it works wonders..

hi kimmy!

TMC recommended 9 in a day? wow.. thats alot! how many did u take in the end?


ya, i also shocked to hear that. I started with 2 capsules then now reduced to 1 capsule 3 times a day :)

Hi wting

I will miss my girl badly once I start work.

xiaopang: when is ur gal born? haha.. ya u can check her weight at ur PD.. my PD mentioned before some babies just needs to drink more..

my boy like ur girl.. touch him abit, he will also like get shocked, then wake up and start crying and screaming.. my MIL ask him to swaddle him to sleep.. but in the daytime, so warm.. i see him swaddled up i also feel warm for him.. so i only swaddle him at night after his last feed so that he can sleep longer..

maybe can try putting husk or bean pillow? then she will feel more secure?

i wonder hor.. if tiger babies all like that... LOL.. like so pek chek lo!

bethel: at this age, they are curious about sights and sounds around them.. you can try the cot mobile.. if she keeps crying.. maybe u can try letting her listen to white noises like hair-dryer and vacumm cleaner? they say white noises can calm them down..

if its really colic.. i rem reading that u can try helping them do bicycle exercise for their legs.. it helps to relief them..


You can try the swaddle cloth from mums and babe. I tried using huggies swaddle cloth but somehow my boy will wriggle his hands and legs out after some time. Swaddle cloth from mums and babe is good such that it has Velcro and bb legs and bb is wrapped nicely and tightly and feels like someone is carrying them. My boy is 6 weeks old and he has been sleeping till 6am every night after his last feed at about 11 or 12

Corale, I did try to put the beanie pillow across her tummy. but still dont work at all. what is nappy? where can i get that? is it hot to swaddle during the day time?

Mag, where can i get that? I am currently using the swaddleme those that is ready to swaddle my gal. also use velco but my gal still managed to squeeze her hand out of it. can you tell me where can i get it and how much is it? it is like hospital we have to wrap them ourselves? thks!

Hi mummies,

keep latching ur BB even if ur supply is low. Drink hot soup. Also dun feel stressed out. All these will help in ur flow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

though now my ss not as gd as when CL with me but improve after the drop. Was so happy when I get back the feeling of engorgement! Haha!!

The more fm u give means the less u latch ur BB, means ur body wun get the signal to catch up the dd. Sometimes frustrating n even painful but got to persevere in the latching [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all the best!

Hi Xiaopang,

Think we are talking abt the same thing. Mine is also swaddleme and I bought from mums and babe at $49 for 2. My boy also tries to wriggle himself out of the swaddle. You must make sure that the inner Velcro are stuck together to prevent the hands from coming out. It works for my boy.

Charleen, i have tried keep latching my baby. but i feel more stress because i dont know how much she have drank. and worst is she latch until she doze off somemore is difficult to wake her up. haha..

because my supply is low and got to feed her hourly is even more stressful. i choose to pump out and monitor my baby amount. but at times i will still let her latch. pumping out our body will get the signal too isnt it?

anyone tried the seaweed already?!?!?! so eager to know whether it works anot.

xiaopang, i use the cloth diaper to swaddle her during the day.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Btw you can try sleeping bag for babies. I received one as a gift and it's good for active babies. Can't remember whether I saw it at mothercare before

Mag, if use sleeping bag their hand will be out wor.. and my gal is light sleeper abit of noise only she will like got a shock and shake her hand and whole body wor. like dont have the sense of security. sigh! i dont know how to make her have a deeper sleep. unless i swaddle her with the swaddleme. but during the afternoon, the weather is warm so impossible to swaddle her like that.

the $20 for 10piece is the diaper cloth?

Xiaopang, try letting her sleep on her tummy. Though recent papers reported some mishap of sleeping on tummy. I let mine sleep on tummy in the day since I can monitor her every now and then to make sure her face is not stuck as she tends to turn her head even though her neck support is not strong yet. At least she can sleep for a few hours.

i'm having bad cough and took promethazine before sleep, for once i slept so well... my boy today first time in history slept through without feed for 10 hours since 11pm last night. maybe he knows mommy is unwell so let her sleep more :p

giNa, i supplement fm cos my ebm is not enough to meet his demand.

Xiao Pang, week 5 think was 120ml but week 6 started giving 150ml cos he didn't give the satisfied look after finish drinking and he was reluctant to be burped and started crying.

