(2011/01) Jan 2011

hi mummies

i m a silent reader on this thread. my gal is 53 days old. she was on mix of breastfeed and bottle feed until she was one mth old.

she got constipated and i changed to 100% breastfeed. Now totally refusing bottle feed. she screams out when she sees bottle. so only breastfeeding and dunno how much she is drinking so far.

pls advise me how to make baby accept bottle feed.


Thks all mummies for all the advise.. i will try out 1 by 1 to see which 1 suits me best. i hope i can get use to pumping both side soon. so as i can save more time especially the night time haha!

i pump every 2hours and i only get like 1oz wor. can i like pump every 3hours or 4hours? or should i continue to pump every 2hours so that my body systems will know that i need more milk? but pump every 2hours is tedious and got limited time to do own things wor.. and the pumping kit is not dry too. =(

i got no time to pump today and i waited til like 7hours that let my gal latch on me. oh my! hope it wont decrease my milk supply! because we are celebrating my gal's baby shower >_<!


maybe you can try pigeon round neck bottle as the shape is something similar to our breast shape. =) i dont know whether it works anot but can give it a try.

hey mummies,

can i ask whether can i combine EBM together.

like for e.g. like ytd i got left 2oz of EBM and this morning i also got 2oz of EBM both store inside the fridge for hours already can i combine them together so that my fridge will not be full of bottles.

Can I? or better not? =)

xiao pang, you don't need to wear bra, the handsfree strap hangs around your neck and holds the pumping kit. you can check out the link I gave you to see how it works ya ;)


it is good to use? will the breast shield stick to our breast while the suction is sucking? where can i get that handsfree strap? i am quite interested hehe..


u can combine ebm if they are the same temp.

but note that the expiry date of the combined ebm will follow that of the earliest ebm.


My boy nowadays keep crying n shouting in the night for hours. Yesterday night like from 1am to 6am, n finally too tired then Fall asleep. Feed milk also cry n need to burp him many times during feeding but he refused to let us burb coz he refused to sit up for us topad his back n cry rigorously. I think he has colic... I fed him woodward gripe water yesterday night. Not sure will it help.

May i know how many times n how much per feed shohld i feed him?

Anyone's bb is behaving in this way?


Does he hv wind in his tummy? Tummy bloated?

Sometimes my girl struggles from the sitting position when burping too. Can try other positions like on the shoulder. So far I found this position to be the best for fussy uncomfortable bbs

His tummy bloated i think n got pop pop sound.

I tried put on shoulder, sometimes he is ok n most of the time he still crying loud.. Sigh..so sad to see him cry like this, he must be in great pain....n he always sleep not sound enough...

Mummies trying to increase supply, you can try drinking a glass of anmum lacta milk plus 2 pills of fenugreek in the morning for breakfast! Last few mornings I have been doing that and supply went up for the next pump! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can give it a try!

Xiaopang.. I only drinking anmum.. So not sure about the rest of the brands.. But I guess as long as we take milk, should help to increase ba..


Do u use ru yi oil? My #1 was a very gassy bb, tummy always bloated. After bath and evening wipe down I would put ru yi oil n massage tummy. Before every feed I would also put oil to help her burp more easily.


Oh n u need to find a comfortable position for him or at least find a way to calm him down first. If he keep crying he also cannot burp.


my baby at times also like that. Can keep me up the whole night. Cry as though in pain, whole face red and whole body v stiff. A vicious cycle of drinking milk, burping, screaming, crying, pooping and changing diaper over and over again. For me, I will rub the oil everytime I change his diaper when he acts like that. Hold him tight tight when he screams and walk around and reassuring him till he calms down then lean him on my shoulder and try to burp him. Sometimes he falls asleep for a few mins in my arms then wakes up screaming like wanting to drink milk and the vicious cycle returns.

I do give gripe water when he cries like tt but not too much. I mix 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of gripe water. I give less than half of the mixture cuz sometimes he vomits if I give too much. But after giving it, must remember to burp him well again.

Yes it's v v tiring but it doesn't happen everynight and colic lasts for only 3 mths, so look on the bright side. In the day, must make sure u burp him well to reduce any build up of wind in tummy and try to nap when he sleeps then got energy to stay up with him. Hang in there!

Hi Xiao Pang

Yes, the handsfree strap will hold the breast shields and bottles while you massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have an extra one to sell, if you interested I can sell it to you. Email me at [email protected] for more details.



U need to use it regularly and result won't be instant cos yr bb already accumulated wind until tummy bloated. U just hv to keep helping clear out the wind slowly bit by bit n prevent more from building up.

Hang in there, he'll outgrow it soon!

mummies how much does your little one is drinking now? i am facing problem with latching on.

i realise whenever i let andrea latch on and she doze off after like 10mins then i have to wake her up to latch on the other side same thing happen diff to wake her up. then after 1hour she cry for milk again. then got no choice i got to let her latch again. and i can feel my breast is empty already. but she is still not full. so after an hour i fed her with formula like 2oz and then she nap for like 30mins then woke up and cry for milk again. then i fed her 1oz again and she did not get back to sleep then again 1hour again she is hungry and i got to fed her another 1oz. this continue for a few hours and total she can drink up to 5oz. is it normal?

given a 5weeks old baby can drink so much. and in between i did fed her some plain water too.

i think bottle feed is better than letting her latch on as it will spoil all the timing and her appetite.


has this been happening all this while or only these few days? if only recently, then could be growth spurt.

if all the time like tat, then maybe she wake up and cry not for milk? maybe she just want to suck for comfort.


i realise is when i breastfeed her and she is always like that. and she cant sleep at night maybe is cause she is not totally full. thats why keep crying for milk. and eat til she feel super full then sleep.

got a few times i did tried to let her latch on after feeding her so many times. and she really doze off til next feed. sometimes hate breastfeeding as we cant monitor how much milk she took. =( but still we have to let them drink breastmilk!

feeling so angry that my supply is so low and she keep cry for it. =( sometimes even delay the time for pumping out. aww...!!!!


Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I have a brand new (sealed) bottle of GNC fenugreek pills for sale.

The expiry date is 01/2014

Selling at $18 inclusive of normal postage. (Retail price is $29.50)

If interested, please PM me, thank you!


Actually when u first start breastfeed it is NORMAL tat bb get hungry aft one hr. As u keep latching more frequently, yr milk supply will increase n bb will drink more then slowly they'll last longer.

My girl is 7wks now, from day1 I just keeping latching and yes in the beginning every one hr sometimes one n half hr. Until now she can drink enough to last 2-3hrs. But sometimes still she will cry for milk after one n half hr. Sometimes she catnaps 30 min sometimes she sleeps 2hrs. But she is putting on weight well n is a happy bb.

Hi mummies... need some advise. My gal sleeps a lot, like today, she sleep and sleep almost the whole day and miss some of her feeds, i try ways and means to wake her up also dun work, she just carry on sleeping. I worried that she not drinking enough....


I did let her latch until i so tired. every hourly and i cant rest or do anything. cause her timing is unpredictable. so i pump out and let her drink so i can monitor her and have a fix timing for her to drink her meal etc.

pumping out is the same as latching on from babies right? at least now i got abit of spare time to pump out my supply. but still low.. sigh! drank papaya soup, eat fenugreek but it doesnt seems to help. maybe latching from babies works faster?


Latching on will ensure yr supply meets the demand of yr bb. Pumping will also stimulate n increase yr supply, but unless u can pump as often as yr bb feeds, there'll always be a mismatch in supply vs demand.


Sleeping is good for growing too. Yr bb is bottle fed? Although she doesn't wake up but she will stir right? When she stirs n is close to feeding time, just pick her up n feed her. Bbs can drink n sleep at the same time.


what should i do like that? now i am trying my best to pump every 3hours but sometimes baby cries and i cant pump out til like ard 4-5hours instead of 3hours. and my each pump is only ard 2oz-/+. it seems like never increase at all. sigh!

Grumpus - yup, she is on full EBM. Haha, sometimes she does not even stir even when over her feeding time. I will try to wake her up but she just refuse to get up, even tried with cold towel on her face also fail. When i see her stir and is close to feeding time, i will quickly grab her and feed her... LOL


hmmmm......just try yr best to pump as frequently as possible and give yr bb watever u can.

or u can latch first then top up with FM so that u ensure u latch frequently. then slowly reduce the amt of FM u top up.


for my elder girl, i was very particular abt feeding her regularly cos of her small size. so usually i'll her half an hr past feeding time. if she's still sleeping i'll just pick her up and stuff the teat in her mouth. most of the time she'll auto suck. i dun even bother trying to wake her.


I thot we cant let them drink BM follow by formula straight away right?

i will try latching then pump out but usually is empty hehe.. low supply is like that.. lol..

thks =)

grumpus - ya, i also tried stuffing the teat into her mouth when she semi asleep, sometimes it works, but sometimes she just refuse to suck and let the milk pool in her mouth and then it dribbles out the side...

Hi Mummies, Sorry to interrupt. I'm a MTB due early Aug. Looking for confinement lady. How's urs if u engage one? Can I hv the contact if she's good? Thanks alot in advance!


oic.. okie.. i will try. let her latch first then follow by formula. how many oz you give your little one ar?

Btw, anyone heard of drinking holick or huai san soup can increase milk supply too?

back from a chalet trip.


I realized my milk supply increased few days back, then I try to find out what I had eat. I dunno if it's bcos of that, but you may try..I EAT SEAWEED!!!

Medela freestyle,

Okay..Pardon me, My memory is sucks. Actually can use just ONE hand to pump TWO breasts. How I do is I will bend my hand like a L shape, one palm holding on a pump, then use the elbow to press on another.

E.G, bend my left hand, left elbow press on left breast, left hand press/hold on right breast. I will also bend my body, lean forward and rest both bottles on my legs. Sitting on bed or chair also can. Right hand also can..So when I stop and need to massage, I will first remove the one that holding by my hand, rub breast with wet cloth, make sure milk surrounding at the shield flow into bottle (every drips count!! elbow still pressing hard on the other breast), unpluck the tube and place the bottle on the table, then do the same to the other breast. After massage, place the bottle back (start with the one that press using elbow) to the breast and continue pumping.


Press nipple to prevent dripping. I usually massage after I pump for 8-10 minutes, by then no more dripping.


haha.. i thot where you been.. howcome no see your post.

The seaweed you mention is those 1 piece 1 piece consider tibits de ar? or boiled seaweed soup?

Under confinement we can eat that?

Hi mummies,

May i knoe which brand of formula milk powder u all using?

Have been using similac but heard my sil said that it is gassy...wonder if there is a better choice to switch to?

since my bm supply not high so got to top up with fm....


xiap pang,

hehe..yalor, hubby hiao go and book a chalet at coasta sand..

the seaweed that I ate is like the titbits, not the boil one.

sunno if can eat during confinement..seaweed is kid of veg in the ocean, not seafood type..should be alright, may be u dun eat too much. I ate only 3 pieces..big pc, given by sister..will go buy when go shopping at ntuc...

puix2, i am using Enfalac. Tried Nan in the begining but when i compare content, enfalac has more DHA,etc. Heard Nan is more fattening as well.

I have been feeding FM after BM whenever BM is insufficient. My son is ok. Maybe he is used to it.

Kimmy: i hope when i go for my holiday next, my milk supply will increase. Currently i am pumping 150ml which is what my son drinks. so nothing to store. Soon he is going to increase intake and my poor breast is going to work harder

Hi mummies.

I'm from Feb 09 MTB thread. Im now expecting my number 2. Anyone has a good confinement lady to recommend? I didnt had one for my first kid as my mom did my confinement. But i need one for this 2nd bb.

Kindly email me at [email protected]



Is anyone using enfalac? I just switched over from Friso and to my shock my daughter's poo was green and very watery the next day (she had a few feeds of Enfalac the previous day). According to some books, formula fed babies could have green poo, but the amount was A LOT (as in the diaper nearly couldn't contain it all), and very watery. Wondering if she had diarrhoea but I'm puzzled as I thought formula causes constipation, not diarrhoea.


any kind of tibits seaweed right? lol.. low supply sia.. anything that give hope die die also must try sia.. my friend say holick also do helps.. haha.. can worth a try. drink milo til i abit sianz lol..

what grumpus ask also true la.. maybe is cause you are more relax so produce more milk too.


did your gal got constipation before she switch to enfalac? ya milk powder will cause constipation but not all types of milk powder and it depends on how your baby can adapt to it too. like my gal got constipation 2times cause she is taking S-26. =x



could be the teat hole size is too big and bb cannot swallow each mouthful of milk and hence leak out the sides. did u recently change the teat size?

or bb not interested in drinking and not really swallowing, so leak.

