(2011/01) Jan 2011


My boy's nose is stuck with his own dried "nose dirt". I have no idea how to make the dirt out, seeing my boy breathe in difficulty make me feel so sad...do you experience this?



Do u see the dirt near the outside of his nostrils? If yes u can use a small cotton bud to swipe it out or u can get this plastic tweezer from pigeon and just pluck it out. But only do this for the ones close to the outside!!

Yes grumpus is right. My PD gave a saline nose spray "Sterimar for babies". Supposed to spray to loosen the dirt and then roll the end of a tissue and gently dig it out. Easier said then done, cuz after spraying my baby's nose, he will be screaming his head off liao...

The dirt is quite deep inside n it block almost the whole pathway....cant pluck out. Not sure will it come out itself when bb sneeze?

puix - the dirt will come out by itself when bb sneeze. That day my gal sneeze and i put my hand in front of her nose, a really big piece of booger landed on my palm.. me and my hubby started laughing cos it was like adult size.

Puix, what grumpus say is right. What I did is after my girl is done with her bathing, I use a small cotton bud dip it water squeeze dry then slowly put in her nose and try to take the dirt out. Perhaps u can try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also thought of using wet cotton bud to take out dirt but afraid i will push the dirt more into his nostrils. I tried once, when the cotton bud touched his nose, he starts to move here move there...really difficult to dig ler...

Ladies, just wanted to share that it is very dangerous to put any bud etc into bb nostrils or ear since they are still very small . We might end up worsening the situation . Out bodies (their too ....) are designed to expell out all dirts or wax on it's own without blocking nose or ear. So, the dirt will come out once it is already blocking bb breathing by sneezing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Pls don't try it ! If u really really concerned see a PD who are more specialized into it !}

My pd also gave the saline spray... And I find it quite effective. It will 'wash' out or dissolve those dirty things and bb Will sneeze it out. His nose is v dirty n block and pd says he most likely is breathing thru his mouth thus wind got into his body and colic etc etc..

Btw don't need to see pd to get the spray it's avail at pharmacy.....

Puix2- my boy didn't scream... Perhaps u can try half depress instead of full so that pressure is not thar strong.

my boy just sneezed like 6-7 times, not wet sneeze so guess he's clearing his nostrils ;) but I do use cotton bud to gently dig his ears after bath weekly, cos his is wet kind (like mine) so won't be able to drop out.

i'm afraid if I don't dig his ears might become smelly and may get infection

ladies i am encounter such prob nw as my ger nose get stuck and cant breathe smoothly that lead her cant really go to slp easily and wake up easily, have already gone to pd and get the spray nostril from pd but still the same.she cant get to slp day and nite and makes me really duno hw to handle and have reflux all day..i am going to get crazy soon if she continues to be like that, any advise to hw to handle?

Hi ladies.. I just saw ntuc flyer.. Fairprice xtra having offer for nepia diapers.. 2 packs of medium or large sized diapers for $28.45.. Pretty cheap.. Compared to usual price.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thinking of going to get 2 packs myself this weekend..

Stylish Nursing wear from Dote Studio for sale at up to 50% off retail price. Retail prices range from $69-$139. All BRAND NEW WITH TAG.

Pls email [email protected] for details.


All these and many more...


Hi Mummies,

Just to share that for nose dirt, I've been using wet cotton that is rolled into a tip. Use it when dry. I'll gently push it into my baby nostril and the dirt will stick into the cotton.

Hi mummies,

Can I check how do you store your EBM?

Now I store in Avent VIA cups.. but I can express out abt 180ml or 200ml each time, and if all store in one cup, my baby can't finish.. and will end up wasting the milk... so how?

Hoshi.. I also using the via cups.. My suggestion is you can pour in the amount that your baby can finish and the excess pour into another cup.. Continue to pour in the excess from the other pumps to the cup containing the excess until you make up the volume that your baby can finish.. .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope that helps!


Why can't u store all in one cup? When feeding time just dispense the required amt into the bottle then heat up. The remainder keep in the fridge for the next feed. If not enough for the next feed then combine with the ebm from the next pump into the bottle then heat up.

Err u all know tat if u want to combine ebm they shd be at the same temp? Meaning freshly expressed ebm (which is warm) shd not be combined with chilled ebm. But ebm tat has been chilled separately in the fridge can be combined.

yup yup, so my fridge always hv 2 bottles of ebm that is of little qty from previous 2 batches when i want to store my current batch then will combine these 2 bottles together

How come cannot combine different temp ebm together? I have been doing that coz each pump doesn't give me sufficient for 1 feed.. :x so far my boy has been drinking and no problems..


if u combine and feed immediately is ok. is not good to combime different temp ebm to store. pouring the warm ebm into the chilled ebm will increase the temp of the chilled ebm. so the chilled ebm would hv been chilled, warmed and then chilled again. so not good.

u can just swirl the bottle gently to recombine the fats before pouring.

pinky not sure the excalt reasons but i think food w different temp cannot mix together afraid of contamination.

I will shake the bottle first to ensure homogenous before pouring....

I'm doing what grumpus do also. Pour from storage bottle into feeding bottle then heat up. And yes, not advisable to combine already chilled EBM with fresh EBM cos of the different temperature.

Can I ask what is the interval between each feed during the day? My gal is 6 weeks old, during the day she sleeps a lot and does not wake up for feed. Shld i wake her up or let her wake up herself? When she was smaller my CL will wake her up every 3 hrs, but now that she is older not sure if I shld do the same. She is drinking 4oz each feed.

mommies.. usually if u pump after latch.. how much milk do you yield? i pumped out 40 - 60ml of milk after latching my son.. normal? or seems very little? =(

Me oso trying to increase BM supply taking fenugreek, pumping, massage etc.., but so difficult, cos my son feeds every 2 hours, irregardless of FM or BM.. for FM, he drinks anywhere from 120ml~150ml, for BM, dunno cos latch direct..

so with him feeding so often, i dun even hv time or energy to pump, cos by the time he is done feeding (takes almost an hr) and sleeping (if he sleeps at all), its time to feed him again.. anyones baby also like mine? any tips on how to insert a pump session between feeding?


do u burp yr baby throughly after each feed? My baby used to hv quite a bit of reflux too until I started burping him dilligently. Also, hold him upright for at least 10mins after the burp, don't put baby down immediately.

As for the sleep issue, sigh, my boy also like tt. Hardly sleep recently, I can be up with him till 6am with him fussing and crying on and off, falling asleep for only 10mins each time. Just praying it's a phase he is gg thru. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

darienna, my boy also feed every 2 hrs.. he usually takes 40 min to feed if BM.. usually after 40 min.. i will burp him, change diaper and pass him to my parents to play with him or pat him to slp.. then i quickly go pump for abt 10 mins.. finish pumping and wash up.. i left with an hr.. i'll just quickly take a quick nap till my boy wakes up again for his next feed..

if feeding FM.. usually he will drink faster right? should allow u more time to squeeze in a session to pump~

Thanks grumpus and poor mummy.. Have taken note.. :x thank goodness so far my boy alright,, if not I will feel very guilty,,


Oh..I did mix EBM and BM, but i forgot i mix immediately after pump or after I store inside the refrigerator which is the same temperature as thawed EBM. Will take note on this. thanks mummies

Brought my baby to see PD yesternite at Jurong East blk 214 cos of her wetty ears. The PD is very detail and check many other stuffs, not only ears. She listen to my baby heartbeat then say got the 漏气 sound, worried the heart got hole. My heart almost fall out when the PD telling me all these. I am very worried but also have faith that my baby is healthy. Sometime those overly detail PD can really stress mummy up.

That PD ask me why my baby's lips got the white stain, I told her is due to the milk cos we clean her internal mouth during morning bath only, drink milk throughout whole day, sure will have milk stain, then the PD use a tissue to rub but the stain still exist, then the PD say is not milk stain cos can't run away, then she say is *fungus*..I rub my baby mouth with wet cloth immediately after we reached home and the stain is gone.

I told my hubby that I dun feel comfortable to see that PD, she is overly detail till very scary

Can you imagine I waited 2hours plus in the clinic. That PD super long winded, spent almost half an hour to see ONE patient

Dear mummies,

I have 4 bottles of home made confinement red rice wine to let go at $12 each bottle.


no preservatives added

best for confinement, blood circulation and remove wind "qu fong"

pm me if interested

Dear mummies,

I am not sure if i am pregnant as it is too early to test but this few days i am having white discharge which is uncommon for me.Is this pregnant symptons or i am actually having so kind of infection.I am so worried as i am trying to conceive.I also pee alot,keep running to the toilet.

Any Mummies went thru this?Need advices.

Kimmy - ear infection the ear shld smell v smelly.

FOr cleaning wet ears i use towel to clean the exterior and blow lightly into the ear to 'dry' it.... Very old fashioned method i know.. Haha

Little bb, How long did u missed Yr menses? I detected my preg when bb was 2 weeks old ven before menses due date. If u are v worried n unsure best person to consult is gynae.

Mummies, i have a question about pumping milk. If we have to pump every 3hrly, say i pump at 8am n finished by 9am. Should i pump at 12pm or 11am for next session?


I have bought the medela freestyle breastpump but i find it even more not smooth for me to use it. or maybe i am use to using pumping 1 side at a time but now got to pump 2 side together and i cant cope it as i got no hand to massage while i am pumping. and before pumping i massage but the transparent water milk is already dripping down. do i still need to stimulate first before i go into expressing the milk? both hands got to hold on to the bottle abit tough to do the setting etc. any easy way to guide me along?

And about the cleaning part. after each pump i will wash all the pumping parts. and we got to separate all the parts including the pumping rubbing and wash it right? and i have to pump every 2hours but it is not auto dry yet. so i got to clean myself so i can start pumping.

What if we are outside how should we clean it and pump it?

Really cant get a hand of it. =( no much milk and dont know how to use the pump.. laghi stress!!!!


luckymummy, Ya I use wet cloth to clean the external part and cotton bud to clean the surrounding of the ear hole. Can see khloe's ears is now better. As for the smell, I would say is smelly, tat's y I suspect is ears infection. Best part is I clean khloe ears yesterday while she is drinking milk (feeding by in law, and khloe more calm), my in law say no need to clean, khloe is too young. SERIOUSLY!!! what kind of logic. Everytime I gotto explain the hygience??? TIRED!!!


Jurong east st 21, blk 214 - anne chong clinic. Very obvious clinic once you turn in to the car park. Dr. Anne was not in when I bring khloe there, is another PD seeing my baby.

Xiao Pang,

My way of pumping,

1. Prepare a wet cloth, and put next to me while pumping.

2. I will clean both breast with cloth b4 I start

3. massage a bit b4 I start, unless letdown then I will just start to pump without massage

4. pump abt 8-10minutes

5. Remove, clean breast with wet cloth (cos a bit sticky), then massage for 2-3 minutes

6. Continue to pump for at least 3-4 minutes or till no more milk.

I did not use the strap and did not massage during pumping.

I would say you have already get used to the first pump. dun feel stress, you will get used to medela soon.

Washing part,

Yes, I will remove all the parts and wash. B4 I put it for air dry, I will swing away the water (it helps to fastern for drying). I will make sure it's not wet wet type when I pump, a bit of wet is fine.

Sterilizing part,

Bottle of course. I will restore all the parts first, then sterilized only the *open mouth* area, which means the *mouth* where we place the shield and the join at the bottle. Cos if the yellow rubber is too wet, when we pump, will pump a bit of water into the tube, the medela service center staff did told me that *water* can spoil the motor. Since the rubber is only *pumping*, our milk will not flow thru the yellow rubber portion, hence I did not sterilize that portion. Air Dry way is tough by medela's staff.


I also can't manage the handsfree dual pumping, so I only pump one side at a time.

I have to wear a bra in order to pump so it's less messy and the milk won't drip from the other side. I have quite low supply so every drop counts! I find that wearing a nursing bra to keep the bra pad pressed against the breast not being pumped from helps to stop the milk flow somewhat...still leak a bit, but not as messy compared to dripping all over.



u can jus use single pump if that is more comfortable for u. so far i've never use dual pumping as i need 1 spare hand to massage as i pump.

i'll let the pump stimulate and then massage/hand express w the other hand when the breast is almost empty.

1 hand hold pump and using the same hand/arm that hols the pump to "kiap" a empty glass bottle to catch any foremilk from the other breast.


1. do not put the parts into the steriliser. cuz it's too hot and cuz the parts to turn yellow quickly

2. there's no need to wash the tubing. only wash the breast shield and the pump kit

3. when "sterilising", dip the breast shield and pumpkit using 60 degrees water after washing w soap.

4. if water gets into the tubing, jus on the pump for a while w nothing attached to the end to let the motor suck air and dry the tubing.

Kimmy, for the massage, where do u do it? As i know the milk will shoot everywhere when u massge the breat, how do u handle this? I massage first in toilet, then only start pumping in bedroom.

Lucky mummy- u can get a breast shield and put it on the leaking breast. I use it to save milk from leaking breast while pumping the other, then pour it in together with the pump. Yes Every drop counts, usually the leak adds up to abt 10ml per side for me.

