(2011/01) Jan 2011

Elekos our babies same birthday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how many feeds ur baby taking now? My boy still need to feed 7 times in 24 hours.. Still not sleepig though the night yet.. But managing 4 to 6 hours of sleeping after last feed at 8 or 9pm..


Is it normal that my 7th week bb still drinking 80ml every 2 to 3 hrs? Tried increasing the amount but always leftover or sometimes even have 10ml to 20ml leftover from a 80ml feed.

Seeing the mummies here feeding 100ml plus to their bb makes me worry mine is not fed enough.

flyingpig is normal, mine also drinking 80ml nw, ask PD yesterday actually our bb drinking range is btw 60-90ml at 7weeks so dun worry is normal...

Get well soon Elekos! ur boy very smart wor, know mummy sick, dun bully her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Your boy is 1 day younger than mine wor.. hmm my gal drinking 130 ml le.. but yeah lor..she sometimes cries after feed but i very reluctant to give her more coz she has reflux and tend to puke out after 1 hr or so even after burp! waste of my BM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

XiaoPang, you can also get the pureen cloth diaper. comes in a pack of 12. think about 20 over dollars..

Flyingpig, is your bb gaining weight? you can also check whether ur bb drining enough by checking the number of wet diapers.. avg around 6? check that she is pooing around 3 times?

So what i fed her is normal. my gal is still having constipation. so cant monitor her poo. should i switch to other milk powder? currently i am feeding her with S-26. this is the 2nd time she got constipation already. but she fart alot!

Corale, ok i will go look ard for the cloth diaper.

Hey all mummies, mothercare @ Harbourfront is having sales up to 80% from 3rd -13th march! hehe.. wonder can grab something nice!

i should be going down to the mothercare sale later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bringing my gal along!


Yup what I mentioned was the diaper cloth.

You can try to switch to Friso. Most of my fren's have good reviews after switching to friso and constipation was cleared up. You can call them for sample or can ask for discount coupon to purchase milk powder. I received a $5 voucher some time back.

I am having the same problem with my baby on startle reflex. He simply cannot sleep deeply when on his back. No choice let him sleep on tummy but is stressful cos have to constantly watch him.

When will babies outgrow from startle reflex?

Flyingpug: is your baby peeing n poo-ing?

That is one way of knowing if they drank sufficient. Did u check growth rate with pd?

May I Check if all mommies here bring your babies to pd regularly every month for growth rate monitoring? Cos I bring my son to polyclinic for vaccination n nurses do no do a thorough check. Wonder if I should go to a pd every month.

Anyone gone for a holiday out of country without baby yet? If I continue to pump , how do I store n keep the ebm till back?


I also didn't bring my bb to pd for immunization. Have been going to a fren's clinic (GP) for jabs instead. What I did was to use those kind of tailor measuring tape to measure estimated bb height and I weigh myself before carrying bb and weigh again. The diff is bb's weight and is v accurate cos I just brought bb to kkh the other day cos he was breathing difficultly and weight is the same.

My bb does poo 1-2 times and change of wet diapers 5-6 times a day. She is due for 2nd month review next week and I will be delighted that she puts on weight then.


i would think so cos anything that improves the blood circulation should theoretically improve milk supply too.

same as the red date tea is also bu xue.

pinky, I'm supplementing with fm so only 5 feeds per day.

Xiao Pang, try to do cycling exercise and bring her knees to her abdomen 5x each. It helps in digestion and also aid in pooing.

corale, your girl born on jan 1 new year's day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

was it natural as in water bag burst or induced? mine was induced.

ivftwins, i'm brought my boy to healthway medical for vaccination as it's so much cheaper, they're having attractive infant vaccination packages. imagine PD charging $1800+ for 6-in-1 plus consultation :eek:

i brought his health booklet along and the doc will do a thorough assessment for him like measure height and weight, check his ears, heartbeat, pulse, test his reflex etc and record in the booklet.

Hi mommies

I have subscribed to Mummy's Review and received an article on 8 Ways to Help Fussy Baby Sleep Better.

If you're interested, please PM me your email address and will forward the article to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow! my mil cook red bean soup today! haha.. i gonna try and see how is the result. LOL!

my gal never poo but got heavy wet diapers.. is it consider ok?

Corale went to the sales already? anything interesting?

Elekos, i dont understand what you mean by do cycling exercise and bring her knees to her abdomen 5x each. hehe.. sorry i really dont understand haha..

Mag, u mentioned ur bb having difficulty in breathing n brought him to kkh. So wat did doc say? Mine also seems to have such problem. Do u mind describing ur bb condition? Thx!

Xiaopang, it's ok that BB latch till fall asleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

she will wake up when she hungry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just feed on demand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sometimes my angel suckle for 5 mins then fall asleep, 1 hr later she asking for milk then I feed again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

she's born 3.46kg, tmw 8 wks old, abt 6.2kg already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun need worry tat BB not drink enough as they are much cleverer than we think [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hungry cry for milk. Full go to slp. Semi-full but too tired, slp 1st then wake up when hungry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mothercare nothing much to buy le

am waiting for march taka sale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone know when?

Charleen, you are on fully bf? then you never pump out even your angel just suck for 5mins? feed her hourly is very tedious and cant really get a full rest. especially at night.

mine now 5th week is only 4kg. but when she is born she is only 2.8kg. hope she is not under weight.. haha..

mothercare got nth much meaning all things still expensive? haha..


my girl is on full bf also. i never pump out and my girl usually sucks for 5mins or so only. sometimes she can last only 1-1.5hr. sometimes 2-3hr. i just feed when she cry for milk. if she's not hungry she will not latch at all.

average weight gain is 1kg a month. yr girl is doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

grumpus, just let them latch on and never pump out the supply is enough for them to drink? and did you all pump out and see how much is the supply? like that how we going to store and when we go back work how ar? cause we cant let them latch on when we are at work wor..

just latch for 5mins and is only 1 side and can go back sleep? and last for 1-1.5hours? sometimes 2-3hours? wow.. i doubt mine can do that!

feed them hourly not tired? i think most tedious is at night.. how you all manage?


yup, if u keep latching bb yr supply will increase to meet their demand. yr bb is the best pump. i never pump out to see how much is the supply, cos wat u can pump out and wat the bb can suck out is very different.

i only fed my girl hourly in the 1st 3 wks or so. after that is mostly at least 1.5hrs. now is abt 2-2.5hr. at night when she's sleeping usually can last at least 2 hrs. by the time she suck finish, burp and go back to sleep is maybe 15-20min has pass. i still hv one hr plus to sleep until the next feeding.

err how i manage ah? just do lor, sleep when bb sleep. wake when bb wake. in fact i find pumping, washing, sterilising, warming bottle and feeding even more tedious. at night when i latch, while she's drinking i can relax and even doze off. when she's done, just burp and put back to bed. dun need to spend extra time pumping and washing up.

anyway i hv an elder 3 yr girl, so maybe i'm used to less sleep already.

if u hv time, u shd read up on this breastfeeding website www.kellymom.com it addresses many of the concerns u hv.

Hi Claire

yes there is search for Jan 2011 Pretty Mums

see u soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Grumpus, my baby is already 5weeks old but she still cry for milk every hourly thats why i choose to pump out and feed her so can monitor the amount that she drink and she can sleep longer so do i can rest longer too..

thks for the website hehe.. i will go read about it. =D

Elekos.. So good! Only 5 feeds a day? I doing 7 feeds.. Ebm 150ml and fm doing 130ml..

Mothercare sale.. I only bought a pack of pajamas for my boy as he is outgrowing the current ones.. Not that many items having good deals.. Most also 15% off only.. Only some items have more discount.. IMO can wait for Taka baby fair if you wan to buy strollers, car seats etc.. Clothes can buy from online shops.. Cheaper..

Hi Elekos ya 5 feeds so good my still 3 hourly and my gal coming to 9 weeks this sat ..jus a day older than yrs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how u stretch the feed?

Xiao Pang, hold your baby's ankles, bend her knees and do cycling motion like when riding a bike, 5 sets of 10 times. Then bring her knees to touch her abdomen slowly for 5 times

Charleen, Taka baby fair is from 9 to 28 Mar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm like grumpus too. I latch my baby on completely and also never monitor hw much he drinks. I too feed on demand and sometimes can be feeding him twice in an hr cuz sometimes he just sucks for 5 mins. I wake up abt 4 times each night to feed him when he cries. Average I sleep abt 3 hrs at night and 2 hrs on the day. Yes it's v tedious and tiring but I enjoy the bonding process.

My baby gains abt 300g per week and is pooping well so I'm nt concerned abt the volume of milk he drinks. Don't stress yrself out too much, if baby is a happy one then all is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elekos, Ok i got it! thks! i will try it later.

Chelleybaby, but what if she sucks only 1 side and fall asleep? it is difficult to wake my gal up after she doze of when she is sucking?

should i stop all formula and let her latch again?

but if we dont monitor our amount, when we get back to work dont think it will have enough milk for her wor.

how about outside? and the shopping centre there isnt any breastfeeding room. =(


for me, I only nurse on 1 breast per feed and sometimes on the same breast for 2 feeds if the feeds are v close. This way I can make sure he gets to drink the creamier milk cuz his feeds are relatively short as he is a small but frequent drinker.

Which phase does yr baby fall asleep at? If she has been actively sucking for awhile and has gone into the nibbling phase (comfort sucking) then I think it's ok to let her doze off.

For shopping centres tt do not hv a breastfeeding rm, I will just find a quiet corner and nurse my baby there with a breastfeeding shawl. Occassionally I will pump out maybe 3 times a week to store in the freezer so my mum can feed my baby if I go out for awhile and so that my hubby can feed my baby at night at times and baby can get used to the bottle too.

If u hv enough BM with baby satisfied at each feed then I don't feel it's necessary to supplement with FM, unless of cuz baby still cries for milk. At the end of the day, don't stress yrself, do what u r most comfortable with. Happy mummy = happy baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chelleybaby, okie.. thks for your advise. i will take note. maybe later can go mothercare and shop for some nursing shawl. hehe..

anyone know how to use the double ring baby sarong carrier? i try to figure out but i still cant get a hand of it. haha..


Moms in mind sarong sling comes with a video showing how to use. Do u hv the video? After tat it's just practice practice practice

Mummies, can teach how u let ur babies sleep on their tummies? I tried but each time i put my boy on his tummy, he will wan to lift up his head instead of lying on e side of his head. Den his face will become v red n he will cry after a while...

Grumpus, the sarong sling is my friend pass it to me. she lost the cd so i cant really watch it. any other ways i can see it? if not i have to go buy another sarong sling already. where can i get it ar? i want the double ring de. i dont want those got sizes de.

LZZ, maybe your boy dont enjoy lying down like that? and you have to give him full attention if you choose to let him sleep on his tummy. i also dont know how to let my gal sleep on her tummy, i only know how to let her sleep on my body with tummy facing tummy. haha..


usually bb hv to be asleep or drowsy already then u can put them on their tummy to sleep. if they're wide awake cannot, they will struggle and cry.

i usually carry my girl till drowsy then put her gently on her tummy and pat pat gently until she sleep.


last time can download the instruction sheet (not video) from the moms in mind website. and can also order the video separately.

but i just went to their website and seems it's taken off already.

if i hv time to scan in the instructions, i'll email to u.

Grumpus, thks alot! i have the instruction manual. but just still not too sure about how to go about it. especially the ring side.. haha..

sometimes i wonder is it really safe? or we still have to use our hand to carry them. i somehow feel abit insecure leh.. lol.. scare..

Xiaopang, me same as u, i only noe how to make him sleep on his tummy against my body.

Grumpus, thanks, i shall try. These few days upstairs having reno, lots of drilling going on. My boy cant sleep well on his back, keep getting startled. So tot of letting him sleep on tummy while i watch over him.


My bb was breathing very hard amd fast compared to his usual breathing and he also refused to drink his milk though it's time for feed and he just kept crying after drinking for 5 min. Quickly brought to kkh and he was sleeping by that time. Doc said bb is alright cos they have diff breathing pattern as they are young. Nurse used suction to clear mucus from nose cos there was a lot of it stuck.

What about your bb? Is yours feeling better?


u need to practice lah.but it's totally safe once u get the hang of it. i sling my girl from few mths old until now 3 yrs old.


u try lah, it does take a bit of practice to set bb down gently on their tummy. i think it's better to let them sleep on tummy while u watch over them than to keep carrying. cos when they get bigger u won't hv to watch anymore.

Mag, mine also breathe very fast n make a lot of noise when drinking milk. He drinks very kamjiongly. I asked doc or nurse before n they slso said diff bb diff pattern.

Few days ago his nose was also stuck by his dried mucus, but it dropped out itself n now his nose not that stuck. As for crying adter drinking milk, mine also like that, i suspect is colic. So i feed him gripe water n it seems better now..dont cry that much..n must burp him when he cry during feeding...

Mag and puix2, is your baby sleeping in air-con room? cos the aire will be drier hence more dried mucus stuck in the nose.

You can try the Pigeon nose pump to remove the dried mucus. But normally if baby feel uncomfortable with dried mucus, he will sneeze a few times and they will drop out.


Mag and Puix2, or maybe you can get the baby twister with round head. so you can help them to clear those mucus that you can see on the surface. dont dig too deep in as you wont know how deep is it inside and it might irritates them. so just clear whatever you can see.

