(2011/01) Jan 2011

hi sherill and other first time BF mums,

Sometimes, we get the wrong idea that the baby is latched on but not sucking enough or doesn't like Breast milk.

I will share my personal experience.

When I gave birth to my child at KKH last year, I was very determined to breastfeed as it is the best milk for any baby to have. I was lucky becoz my birth was natural with epidural. After I had delivered the baby, the midwife placed the baby on my chest while she cleaned the baby. My gynae was stitching and removing the placenta.

Then the midwife asked me if I want to breastfeed or give Formula milk and I told her that I want to breastfeed totally even though I had no idea and was very tired from the labour. She quickly helped me to massage one of the breast and she squeezed some yellow liquid(coloustrum) out. She said I was ready to breastfeed as my breast production was ready. She helped me latch my baby onto my breast and intially I was alittle shocked but then I thanked her for teaching me. My son had colostrum for his first meal within 30mins of birth. Afterwhich, they took him to the nursery for jab and proper clean up and I was wheeled to the ward for rest.

The two days I stayed at KKH, for every feeding time in the morning, the lactation nurses come around to help us latch the babies and show us how to massage the breasts so that the production gets better. They provide guidance so that baby and mum enjoy this bonding moment. I thought I would be shy but I was very happy with their service and commitment.

Initally, baby doesn't know how to suck from the breast. so we need to squeeze some milk and rub it around the nipple and aerola area and some on baby's lips and tongue. Then baby will smell the milk and come towards ur breast. Once baby has got breast into her mouth, u help to press/squeeze milk into her mouth. This way, baby will know that she has to put her mouth at ur breast for milk and she much suckle or bite. As days go by the BF sessions will get more enjoyable as baby becomes an expert.

Another way to know if you are doing BF correctly is to check. When u BF, u will feel ur abdominal muscles contracting and alittle horny (to be frank).

I hope this helps, ladies u may wanna check out latching or breastfeeding video clips in the Internet/U-tube or even the classes at the hospitals.

Sorry Sherill, I didn't see ur earlier post on excess BM. In this case, U might wanna feed baby more or pump the excess for storage.

Becoz if u use cabbage and try to reduce the production, I wonder whether it will be difficult to produce more later when the baby needs more BM later on.

Feed the baby more frequently, every 2 hours. Is baby drinking continuously for 10 to 15 mins on each breast?

congrats to Nisa and Bunny who have popped.

Do share ur birth stories ya...

Best wishes!

hi mummies,

Managed to come here to read a bit.

I got engorgement too cos baby dun drink much and my supply to a lot too...I went to see lactationn specialis, they say too swollen till baby is lazy to suck, they places 3 layer of cold cabbage on each breast for 2 hours, i feel so much better after the treatment, then i manage to latch my baby after tat and my milk supply doesn't cut down at all. Now im having problem with too much milk, my MIL keep on saying drink *fresh* is better when she saw me store the first bag of colustrum. I told her that we can keep it in the feezer for several month, she gave me the BIG EYES!!! I got frustrated tat she doesn't know brestmilk is gd for baby. Im now try to wake my baby up in the day time to feed her average abt 1.5-2hour for about 15 minutes. Then will pump out the remaining cos if too much then will end up engorgement and fever...

experience mummy,

we can store our milk in freezer for 3 or 6 months? I still prefer to feed direct even after I pump out. waster if I pump and throw it away cos this MIL kept on saying drink fresh, let er finish, but baby dun drink tat much, how to finish??? Im so so so frustrated about this.

Thanks Lalitha !

It is better today though I don't have a breast pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] . But massage seemed to be good ! Also I m latching her on demand ! Which should help as well .

Nisa n bunny : congrats n have a speedy recovery .

Good luck to all other moms who r waiting to give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun think using cabbage to control engorgement will result in low supply for bb later on, provided u keep on latching bb. cos bb is yr best pump, if they're hungry they'll suck more and yr breasts will naturally produce more.

kimmy i had the same problem as u for my #1. my supply was wayyyyyy more than what my girl could drink. i was afraid to use cabbage to reduce the engorgement cos everybody say supply will drop. so i keep pumping out the excess. in the end i could not stop pumping and switched to feeding ebm exclusively and storing the excess.

the only advantage of doing it this way is that even after i totally stopped bf-ing, i still had enough ebm in storage to bf my girl for another few months. i stored my ebm for 6 months and occasionally gave my girl older ebm to clear stock

thanks grumpus...I used one for the cabbage, now gotto start pumping store to prevent too swollen...when did u start using bottle feed? Im worrid baby refuse to latct after bottle feed..im gonna waste 6 oz of my colostrum milk :-(...i only store it insid refridgerator not freezer..can I switch now? can store for 3 months if I switch now? need urgent help..

Hi Kimmy, think you have to consume the 6 oz of colostrum milk fast since you did not freeze it.. if i remember correctly, its not good to switch from the fridge to freezer and store it for another few months. that is only if you stored it directly into the freezer on the onset of storage. other experienced mummies to share?

i guess whether the baby will be able to latch after bottle feed depends on indiv bb, my 1st girl was able to latch even though she was bottle feed in the 1st month....think its trial & error...


i used to store in the fridge for 24hrs right at the back of the fridge. if cannot finish i'll transfer to the freezer. my fridge temp is set at abt 4degrees and my freezer temp is -19 degrees. i started bottle feeding from abt 2nd wk onwards.

i can only tell u that's how i used to store my ebm. it really depends on yr own comfort level when it comes to transfering and freezing.

Kimmy: I read it is ok to switch to freezer from fridge 24 hours if you couldn't consume it ! Good luck!

My bb is on Bf but I give her one bottle a day to let her familiarize with it in case I fall sick or couldn't feed . She still love to latch on ;)

thanks mummies for the answer. I have transfered it to freezer.


how much

do u bottle feed your newborn? I tried spoon feed today but not so succesful. Baby got slight jaundice, and she fall sleep v fast. Hard to feed longer time.

Just to share another tip on BF:

If baby falls asleep while BF, it does not mean that baby has drank enough for a feed. Try to disturb the ears or the feet to wake baby up to continue. Unless, baby refuses to get up to drink, then u know for sure that baby has had enough for a feed.

My son use to sleep within 10 mins of latching, then I checked with KKH. Lactation nurse said that newborns tend to sleep more as they are not used to the world outside the womb. They need to be cuddled and kept warm. So when mummies BF, they get comfy and warm... easier to fall asleep. But when I disturb his ears lightly or his feet, he will continue to BF...

Good Luck!!!


I got this information from the following website:


Guidelines on Storage of Expressed Breastmilk

Revised Guidelines - December 1999

Taking into account Singapore's tropical climate, the following are BMSG(S)'s guidelines on the Storage of Expressed Breastmilk.

These guidelines are very much more conservative than those recommended by several international studies. Working mothers who need to express and store breastmilk should evaluate their own storage facilities based on all available information.

MILK AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (17-32 Deg C) - to be Refridgerated as soon as possible

REFRIGERATED MILK - Up to 48 hours

(study by Pardou 1994, found that mature milk can be kept for 8 days at 0 to 4 deg C. A check with Local Fridge Companies in Singapore revealed that the Temprature of the Refridgerator Section of a 2-Door Fridge varies between 3 to 6 degrees C.).

FROZEN MILK in Separate Door Compartment - Up to 2 Months

(The Breastfeeding Answer Book by LLLI, says that breastmilk in a self-contained freezer unit of a refrigerator can be kept for 3 to 4 months. And in a separate deep freezer at -19 degrees C for 6 months or longer.)

Kimmy : i use bottle ( with new born size nipple) to feed . Doc told me for now 40 ml is enough for her for 3 hours so I prepare 40 ml with warm preboiled water and 1 and 1/4th spoonpowder milk acc to instruction on the tin . Baby make leave some amount depend on how hngry she is also she might behungry more than 3 hours later!

wow.. great to read all these breastfeeding experiences.. hope i can bf successfully after giving birth.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy holidays! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow so much talk abt BF.

I must share this book that i've read.

Title is "Successful Breastfeeding A Practical Guide" by Kang Phaik Gaik.

Kang is a Snr Lactation Consultant at Mt A.

I find this book very useful,informative, practical (esp for a 1st time mum like me) and very easy to read.

I borrowed it from the library (under S'pore collection).

It's a rather thin book so can finish reading in a day.

For those who haven't pop, can go get the book to read first!


For the red date drink, the ingredients are just red dates and dried longans? Are there any other ingredients? Shld i buy in advance or wait till i pop then i buy so that it will be fresher? Thot of preparing the ingredients now so that dun hv to rush to buy when i pop. Thanks!

Merry Merry Xmas to all mummies to be !!!


Woww 1st Jan bb, I may have a 1st jan bb too, depends on my scan tmr.


No contraction is good, don’t worry I have some spotting previously too.. coz I walked too much. Once I slow down alittle the spotting goes off.


Bb is in a good weight.


Congrats, bb coming soon.. tmr yea.. jia you jia you. Hope you have a smooth delivery & speedy recovery. 1st child ?


I went through induction with my no.1 at 41 wks, it was okay only if you don’t go on the drip. For birth to happen you need to have contractions & you must be dilated. Some woman doesn’t have both like me. NO contractions, no dilation. I went through induction, the nurse will put a pill inside you for dilation, then sometime natural contraction will kick in but sometime it doesn’t. I was lucky that within 3 hours after the pill was inserted, I had contractions therefore skipped the drip & dilation was fast, within hours was 5cm. I heard from a friend recently that it’s the drip that induce contraction that makes the process more painful. Don’t worry you will be fine, wow you are popping soon.. so excited for you.


Thanks for the info on storage of breastmilk.


Chabby had recommended some ingredients for red dates tea at the FB page. You can also go into any medical hall to ask the staff, they know such things well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I bought all the stuff last weekend and packed them into individual bags for easy handling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I can't have a 1st Jan Bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mine gynae insist to induce me on the 5th Jan cos just nice 37 weeks .... I m talking to Bb tt ask her to automatic pop on 1st Jan haha...

hi sherill,

i have do a rough count, if i pump regular, each day will have to store abt 5 bags of milk, and i still manage to latch my baby. Those milk end up will only increased in the feeezer..how? Any experience mummy can teach me how? My baby dun eat a lot, i can pump abt 4oz each time after feed her. Quite depress abt how to finish the stored milk

Woww Kimmmy,

Thats good news, your milk supply is so good. Did u have special diet to boost the milk supply ? I didnt have much for my no.1. Fingers crossed hope i get more for no.2


first of all make sure yr bb is getting enough.

if u sure she's getting enough and those u pump out is really excess then u can consider getting hubby or someone else to bottle feed for night feed? then u can rest more.

next time when bb start on solids u can add ebm to their cereal or soup.

or u will just have to reduce yr supply cos the more u pump and latch, yr supply will just go up.

yr supply will stablise around 6-8wks, so maybe after that u can pump less frequently. that's what i did, 1st mth i pump every 3hrs, by 2nd mth i drag to every 4 hrs. when my bb was abt 8mths, i pump only 3 times a day.

my girl was a very small drinker also and over the one yr i bf her, i've had to throw away abt 10+ pkts of milk due to expire. plus i had donated some to other mummies and also donated for research....hahaha


thanks for your feedback on induce labour. keep having BH contraction since last nite. dunno if it's a sign that i'll pop soon. 38th week le.


you can donate it by putting on forum esp to mummies whose babies are premature. it'll be really good and useful to them.


Good luck, hope you have a smooth delivery & enjoy your baby.


Thanks for your input on breastfeeding, I didnt do a good job back then with no. 1. Determined to do a better bF job with no. 2

Wow.. Thks to all the experienced mummies who shared on BF.. helps us first time mummies get off one the right foot.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cookie: stay calm n relaxed.. Will get to see ur darling tmrw.. All the best!!

Kimmy & Sherill:

So lucky to have enough bm... envious leh. Hope I can produce more this time round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lina & Darienna> Thanks for encouragment! A bit nervous now, but bags are all packed and ready to go hospital tomorrow morning for induction. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the best cookie!!

Chabby u take care and keep us posted

wa so good kimmy and sherill I wish I will have that much to store too!!!

Happy holidays mummies!!! I am literally counting down.....


so far i still do the taking care of baby by myself cos i dun see my MIL can do well. I dun wan to bottle feed now cos i scared my baby will refused to latch on.

I dun pump regular, i pump once it's real full. Now when i BF, the other side will leak, i shower with breast milk..quite messy..haha

my cup is A, now is C, too bad i bought cup B cos dunno will increased till tat size, gotto buy new bra when bring baby back to TMC for 1 week check. Mummies here, remember dun buy underwire nursing bra, not gd.

I din eat any special food leh..guess vege is gd for milk supply. Now when i drink, i can immediate feel tat my breast is producing milk.

Hope baby will sleep like yesterday nite, wake up at 4am for milk then 7am...but i still gotto wake up at 630 to pump my milk cos it's leaking badly...

Hi everyone, I have been a silent reader and it is a very informative forum for so many mummies to share their views and experiences. I would like to join in.

All the best to mummies who are popping....Jia you!

Kimmy - so lucky, bb already sleeping till 4am! That's quite an achievement yah..and no engorgement too & steady supply of milk with bb latching...hopefully we can also have your luck!

Dear Mummies,

Hi, I'm Kym from Blue Bambino Children Photography, I am holding a casting call for newborn babies (of 5-12 days old) and I know many of you are due soon! I need 2 newborn to shoot for a private workshop, please email me if you are keen to allow us to shoot your newborn. Please include your due date and contact number.

Our website for your ref: http://www.bluebambino.com

This would involve us going to your home and shooting may take 2-4 hours depending on baby. Only 2 photographer max will be present. Selected and edited image proofs will be given to the mummy 3-4 weeks after the shoot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please give me an email if you are keen, we are an all female team and has been operating in Singapore for 3 years shooting only children and babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our Email: [email protected]


Heartrate raced to 114 just now - coupled with dizziness... Anyone else felt e same? Also having isomia every nite~ sucks

Wun affect bb rite?

Jus remembered there was a discussion abt madela bottles not suitable to be sterilized using avent sterilizer cos it will make e bottles soft... Really? Confirm??


When u feed one side, other side leak is normal. Wat I used to do is just use a folded hanky and 'kiap' on my breast with my arm so I still hv both hands free.

The hanky after tat just throw in the wash. Better than having a milk bath :p


Get the breast milk shell collector. I also had the same prob last time. So now i bought the milk shell collector from avent. Can collect the milk if it's leaking on one side.. So won't waste it...


My gynae also says to induce me if I've not delivered by 3rd Jan.. We may be neighbours then.. Hee..


good luck dear. we wish u a smooth delivery w a healthy mum and baby. =)


be careful and walk/stand near to places w wall or railing that can support you. get up slowly.


i dun mind introducing the little playmates earlier. =)


about the shower, my boss actually sit me down to told me her experience. she say be prepared for mess. on bleeding down there, leaking up there. machiam like showering in bandung like that. so prepare all your things in advance.

- a face towel to cover and block the breasts

- then tissue to clean the blood

- wear undergarments

- then towel the rest of yourself dry.

Good morning everyone! Hope that X'mas has been great for all.

I am so envious of mummies who have popped. I still have to wait. Sigh...mistake in counting LMP cos of irregular menses means that EDD is delayed and now, it's on 2 Feb. Been having lots braxton hicks and now I am suspecting that I have slipped disc cos of some unknown pain at the back of my leg. So, tomorrow I will need to discuss with my gynae on the delivery plan.

Congrats to Kimmy and Sherill. I think you ladies are doing great in the bfg. Keep it up.

Oh, Avent Breast Shells is something mummies who intend to bf ought to get, not just for collecting milk. It's for airing the nipples to prevent it from getting sore. And the breast shells (without holes ones) are really good at treating sore and bleeding nipples. What I did was, I put warm salt water in the shell, seal it with the rubber cover and apply it over the nipples and hold it with the bra. That can help in reducing clogging and chances of infection, if you find yourself having sore nips.

Kimmy: Just keep storing the extra ebm in the freezer. You might want to consider giving your baby one bottle a day when she reaches 2 weeks old. Don't worry about them rejecting latching, as long as you keep it to 1 or at most 2 bottles a day. This is something I learnt from my own lesson. I was very reluctant to give bottles initially because of what the lactation consultants say but because I had a CL, I gave in to bottle feeding but I insisted on 1 or 2 bottles a day. Then I realised it helped a lot because I got to rest and also when I had migraine, the baby won't starve. But when my CL left and I was the one taking care of the baby solely. And since latching became so easy and convenient, I latched my girl exclusively. Then by about 3 months, she started rejecting bottles. This was a nightmare because I could barely leave the house for more than 3 hours. My mum had a hard time taking care of her. She would starve till I return home and just kept latching. My poor mum had to spoon feed her as a result. But somehow, she overcame it when she was abt 6 months old. I think she knew I was about to return to work, and I finally found the bottle that she prefers.

So, this time round, I will introduce bottle once I return home but limit it and try not to be lazy after CL leaves. I think with an older girl, now I cannot afford to be a full time milk milk machine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoshi and chabby>> i may be neighbours too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy is staying inside me too comfortably.. so if he's not out by 2nd Jan naturally, I'll be asking to be induced and deliver by 3rd Jan.. keke..

thanks mummies for all the advices. I finally have the courage to feed her with bottle, i started with 1oz, then follow by breast feed, after shower and she still hungry, so i offer another 1oz..at least i dun have to pour away my colostrum milk. Today manage to pump 6oz of milk but accidently drop it and 1oz gone to the floor, super heart pain! Itold myself, i must rest well and pump regulary, give the best to my little angel..

Jiayou all mummies, lost count who have pop and who is waiting to pop...jia you jia you..so long as u think positive and be patient, sure got milk!

Now one side of my nipple got a bit crack, pain...


im consider lucky cos my bleeding now has slow down a lot, end up i store too many night use pad, day use not enuf. Soon can change to panty liner...


wow! good job that you have so much milk! *envy* how to increase milk supply? I hv totally no idea. I dun enough milk for #1. Duno what did I do wrong last time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Really hope to be able to fully bf my #2 this time.

miako..i believe so long as we try...1oz also nvm...keep pumping regular, it will come...i just eat any foods tat served from hospital..drink all tat they gave, TMC serve milo every meal, soup as well...i drink all of them...full also drink..baby cranky when start to latch, i press bell for help..dun be shy, we pay for it...


Hi Daphne, can you help me to register on the chart?

Age:30, EDD: 1 Jan

Gynae: Dr Adelina Wong

Hospital: Mount Alvernia

Child#:1, Gender: Girl, Area: Central

BB's Name: Lezann Ang

