(2011/01) Jan 2011

hi mummies...

Congrats Sherill....:)


Dun worry, it's not that scary at all...nurse push me from ward to operation theater at 1:30pm. nervous but not scared, then they put me on drip, then followed by epidural (in sitting position). The procedure is not pain at all, I only feel a bit *suan* when they inject the epidural, then slowly feel my leg getting heavier and gone numb completely, they will move me lie back on the theater bed, clean my tummy area and insert the urine tube. Doctor came in and check then will get the husband in..Husband just sit next to me with the camera on. Hubby say he can see from side that the doctor has cut me and put the hand into my belly etc but he dun dare to take picture. Baby is born within 20 minutes, then clean and leave her on my chest while waiting for the other preparation and then baby will be out from theater cos too cold.

I remember nurse told me the baby's head is now out, then they press on my belly to help push the baby out completely. then my baby cried and doctor carry her high and show to me, then i touch her hand and cry together with her..

It took less than 20 minutes, then nurse send the baby out together with the husband, i stay inside for another 30 minutes for stitching and monitoring for 15minutes, then push back to ward. First day only lying on bed. 2nd day, will remove the drip and urine tube then start to walk a bit. First day is always the start, will mederate pain and wound is more stif. Today is better and I can move so much faster than yesterday. Can discharge today but hospital will still charge me full day rate, so I decided to go home tml noon since already charged me...

Milk started to produced and I managed to latch my baby. Khloe is doing well...

Mummies who go for c-sect or natural. Dun worry.. Have faith to yourself, we all can do it well...

Jia You


Hi mummies! Back from 35wka check up..

Put on 1.3kg n baby is 1.8kg..

He put on 700g..

Choose a induce date with gynae Liao..



Thanks, I hope he moves down..


U also the same situation? Yea I never think of Csect so now must really read up about it to get myself mentally prepared.


Hows the post delivery recovery time ? Longer ? More painful ? For no.1 it was natural birth, by 2nd day I can walk around & 3rd day I am walking freely. Recovery was quite good.

Thks Kimmy and Sherill for sharing ur birth stories.. Inspiring...

Me oso want to try natural w/o epi.. Hope I can tahan the pain... Hehe.. Will really test out my pain endurance level... :p

Kimmy, u're just like me when I had my #1.. cry together. hehehe.

Mums, any remedies for heartburn other than eating the antacid? Feeling very discomfort the whole day.

Hi Kimmy and Sherill,

Congrats. Hope I can do it w/o much pain and fears.

Scare on the injecting of epidural part, inserting the catheter, measuring of the dialation. Worst of all, its the cutting up part (of course, pple says u wont feel a thing) but still scare lor.

Tmrw going to see my gynae. Hope bb has total engaged and is growin well.

Sherill & Kimmy,

Thanks for sharing your birth stories. Wow, Sherill you are damn damn brave to insist on not using epidural. When I knew I was pregnant I already decided on the 'easier' & shorter way out, Csec. Kimmy, I hope my Csec can be smooth like yours. These few days keeping my fingers crossed baby can still tahan inside me till my chosen date. I dun wanna experience any bloody show, contractions or have water bag bursting.


Pity we won't be labour buddies in the same hospital. Mine is RH. But our babies will hopefully share the same birthday next Monday, hee hee!!!

Hi Kimmy, if u only stay 2 nites, why is the hospital charging u full day rate for today?

Wat's the cut off time for discharging today?

Just went for gynae visit today. Baby is 2.4kg at 35 weeks and I put on 2.5kg these 3 weeks.

I'm not in office today so could not update the table. Will update tmrw.

Btw, Sherill, wat's the height & name of yr baby?

Nisa, congratulations..update us on details also....


try sitting up and eat small meals to prevent heartburn. but antacid will help ease the effect quickly.


i swell like pig trotters for near 2 weeks le.. dun subside.. sob~


once they give epi, the rest u dun feel much pain de. my boss gave me some frenly advice yesterday about labour. she say after epi, you can't feel much of the pain n thus may be difficult to time the push. so dun worry too much. take it as it comes. that's my mantra now.

I have swollen legs too...see already feel very sad...Gynae says it can't be helped...so just have to bear with it...I tried to rotate my feet but it was so tight and painful.

Was with gyane yesterday and put on yet another kilo in 2 weeks. Baby is now 3.4kg, personally I think he is growing way too fast..so doc says to watch my sugar intake..bye bye ice cream...

Doc also asked me to swing by again next week to do a CTG instead of waiting till 3 Jan, which is my original appointment date...it is anytime now!

Miaiko: hee.. no reason.. cuz my gal also induced around 38 wks..

so i just ask dr ang just now whether i can induce anot..

he say ok.. den i can choose nice date.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkimum: I am discharged after staying for a night costs me $1200plus! Hoiw long u stayed that time? But i still feeling contractions but i dun seem to know how to time the contractions leh. I just get the tightening feeling and its lasts for at least 15 mins each time. then maybe 5 or 10 mins later i get the tightening feeling again. Also still ve spotting although not socked pantyliner like that day.

Still feel very uneasy.

Mummies who experinced it, hoow do i time the contractions?? Those tightening feeling that I experinced are contractions?

Kimmy: a very big thank u for sharing the experience esp pain level n when the husband comes in. Hubby carried bb out for family waiting outside?

Did you ask for more pain killer added to drip on first day?

Can u feel the cut action when doc cut or stitch?


I stayed for 3nights and it cost me $3000+! The day I went to the hospital, I actually soaked a regular pad. And I continued spotting for a few days before everything cleared. After I was discharged, I still take ventolin for the contractions. Are you on any medication now? On and off I still have the tightening feelings. My gynea said it is okie as long as not regular and does not get more painful.


Please update me on the table. Thanks!

Nick: pinkimum

Age: 33

EDD: 11 Jan

Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua

Hospital: TMC

Gender: Girl

no. 2

Congrats to Sherill and Kimmy on your new born babies ! Rest well and have a great time bonding with the lil one.

I am down with slight runny nose.. after 2 nites of xmas party with my frens at my house.. oops.. need to get enuff rest. haha

I am now at 36 weeks, seeing another cover gynae on monday as my gynae is officially away till 1st Jan. Hope that BB can wait for Gynae to be back *cross legs*.. hehe..

CL, Darienna> same here- hoping to go natural without epi. Maybe laughing gas if it gets really bad. U guys tried breathing exercises? They're quite useful when I get intense leg cramps- hope they work when in labor... Hubby not supportive though, he'd rather I get epi- are yours?


Thanks for sharing your Csect delivery procedure, coz now I may have to consider that option due to the position of the baby. Really didn’t see this coming.. All the best to you, hope you have a speedy recovery.

been suffering from false contraction these days and it's starting to cause me discomfort on the lower ab. google up and wld like to share these:

1. Dehydration can make muscles spasm, bringing on a contraction, and is thought to be a factor in extended Braxton Hicks contractions. Adequate hydration can alleviate Braxton Hicks contractions.

2. Rhythmic breathing may alleviate the discomfort of Braxton Hicks contractions.

3. Lying down on the left side can help ease the pain of contractions.

4. A slight change in movement sometimes makes the contractions disappear.try walking or change activity

5. A full bladder can sometimes trigger Braxton Hicks, so urination may end the contractions


I'm also having frequent braxton hicks, taking ventolin to control but the med does not stop it. Tightening is the contractions, stomach become hard like rock, usually last abt 1 min or so? But my gynae say since i have been having it for so long (for past 1-2 mths) and i am still not in labour, it is ok. But i still think that it may lead to me popping early which i dun wan. For those taking ventolin, how often do u take it?

Hi pnlixue,

my hubby is more worried abt the side effects. Of coz some ppl ard us did try to psycho us by saying its easier and less tiring. He asked if I want to reconsider Esp when one of my fren had to go thru emergency c sect after trying natural for many hours as her baby was in distress and she was simply too exhausted.

Well, theres no right or wrong.. Most imptly u must be comfortable with ur decision. Im still determined to try without epidural unless it is absolute neccessary. Haha.. I told my hubby can save couple of hundreds if I do without!

littlepigpig - i hv been taking it for past 1 to 2 mths! But previously only take abt 1 a day, only recently then i take abt 2 a day. But my friend say if continue taking nearer EDD, bb may not engage, dunno how true that is.

Good morning ladies and Merry X'mas!

Havent been loggin much since I went on leave last week to settle some home stuff and finally packed my hospital bag and get everything ready for bb's arrival. So excited to know that 3 mummies have already popped! Wondering who will be next...

Chabby: Like you been having BH and started only yesterday. Full bladder is a chore and always need to empty it like every 2 hours... But sometimes the pain is consistant, wondering if I really have to change my Christmas dinner plans...

Hope we all pull thru Christmas and praying for safe deliveries for the next batch MTBs!

Thanks to sherill and kimmy for their birth stories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rest well and post pics soon

just finish my check up, done my pre admission and all

doc advise baby and all good so fingers cross shld be ok for op on 1 Jan 2011!! Feeling the excitement !!;)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

just went for 34++wk checkup, baby's still in breech position.sighz. and to my horror, i realized i had some bleeding when i was doing the urine test.:S Told my gynae, did a scan to see the placenta's position, (it was totally fine, no placenta previa) as well as the cervix (totally closed also)...went on to do CTG, no contraction and bb's heart rate's fine.

Dr asked me to rest at home, (thank God I do not need to be admitted into hospital)

Anyone of u are experiencing some bleeding too? an advise?





I was on ventolin 2tabs x 4 a day. Then slowly cut to 3x then 2x a day. And last checked, my cervix is opened at 37weeks. Anyway, I am ready to deliver anytime now. So I just stopped the ventolin today. If baby is not out by next week, I will induced on 1.1.11.

Any SAHM here? I wonder how to handle a baby and a toddler. Any tips?


i'm a SAHM. I'm also wondering how to handle my toddler and a bb.

I guess will just have to take it as it comes.

wow..I also want a 1st Jan baby!

I just had my 37th wk checkup.. bb is a good wt of 2.8kg for natural delivery accordingly to Dr.

Dr did a VE and said i might deliver early tho not yet..

Is it normal to bleed after VE????

hihi everyone!

all ladies seem to be doing well/ok as we are nearing our due dates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we're at the last stretch! jia you everyone!

I'm looking forward to my induction next Monday, although kinda hoping that baby will pop sooner! hahahaa... its tough to get to sleep, cos feeling so heavy and breathless everytime i get onto bed.

i've done VE also, but no bleeding although its quite painful... baby was at 2.9kg at 37 weeks... baby should pass the 3kg mark when i deliver by monday... heehee.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks girls!

Now I m home and fighting with BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she oredi learned to latch on n suck but I have a LOT ! (OUCH..........) swelling and pain in both breasts ! Any remedies?


Looks like u're having engorgement.

Either express after latching cos bb is not emptying yr breasts enough. the excess u can freeze for next time or keep for night feeds (so somebody else can feed).

or if u dun want to express at all then use cold cabbage leaves to apply on yr breasts to control the swelling and pain. BUT if u use this method, yr milk supply will actually reduce so u need to keep latching bb to control the supply. eventually u'll reach a balance where supply = demand then u won't get engorgement already.

Good Luck!!


I think that is wonderful news that your supply is a lot and that your baby is latching on well! :D congrats!

I think depends on how long you wish to BF... my friends who are pro-BF and always rather to have > supply than demand advise me to pump out and store if my supply is good and more than what baby demands...

But if you're not intending to BF for long, then you can try putting the cold cabbage leaves etc, heard that it will help with engorgement but might reduce supply...

Hi all, a busy day today at work....

Yeah, grumpus & cookiefleur, the advice is right. My SIL tot she had lots of supply, so she put cabbage to stop the engorgement. In the end, her supply drop and she had to stop bf when baby 3 mths old. So, it's better to think twice before putting on cabbage...


beside cold cabbage leaves, u can get those cold compress packs to help ease the engorgement. once you feel better, you can try express some out so that it won't hurt so bad.


my gynae intend to induce me if i've not pop by 3 Jan. (my EDD is 9 Jan)

Is it true that induction is more painful??

what can i do to avoid the fate of induction? do more squats??

p.s: my gynae has yet to perform any VE on me to date. hmmmm..

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, I have some items for sale:

1) BNIB AVENT Feeding bottle anti colic 125ml BPA-free type - $10 (retailing at $15)

> 3 pcs available

2) BNIB AVENT Airflex Teat for 3m+ set 2pcs/set - $4.50 (retailing at $6.60)

> 3 sets available

3) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic M sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 6 sets available

4) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic Y sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 3 sets available

5) BNIB Pigeon Breastmilk Storage Bottles 3pcs/set PP bottles - $10.50 (retailing at $15.50)

> 6 sets available

6) BNIB Pigeon Laundry Detergent 1 kg - $6

> 3 boxes available

7) BNIB Pigeon Bottle Nipple&Vegetable Liquid Cleanser formulated with edible ingredients 700ml - $8.50 (retailing at $12+)

> 6 packs available

All items are brand new and unopened bought this year only.. If you buy more, price can be negotiable.

Pickup location: Tiong Bahru MRT or Jurong East MRT (weekdays only)

Merry Christmas!

Merry X'mas Mummies,

Everyone keeps commenting that my stomach is much lower and thinks I will pop soon but I really hope bb can wait till 3 Jan cause my gynae is on hols till then...

Met some experienced mummies for X'mas dinner last night and they told me that engorgement is very very painful, one even said she would rather go through labour again than to have engorgement.

The solution she says is to get hubby to help to massage to break up the lumps. Hubby will have to be more forceful, she says when we do it ourselves we will not use so much strength cause it is so painful..just like when we rub our own bruises so it is better to get hubby to help. But she says once the blockage is cleared then it will be ok. I was told the 3rd day after birth is when engorgement happens...

After listening to that..I am officially terrified!!


you may wan to keep some lactation consultants numbers for emergency.

Breastfeeding mothers support group (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm): 6339-3558

Sister Kang Phaik Gaik (Mt A): 9839-9477

Mrs Wong Boi Boi (TMC):91593264

Parentcraft service: (during office hours)*

KK Women's & Children's Hospital

Ask-a-Nurse: 1900-5568773

Lactation Services: 62934044

National University Hospital*

9119 3502 (24 hours)

Singapore General Hospital

6321 4530 / 31

Mt Elizabeth Hospital*

6731 2180 / 82

Mt Alvernia Hospital*

6347 6641 / 9839 9477

Gleneagles Hospital*

6470 5852

Thomson Medical Centre*


East Shore Hospital

6340 8681 / 84

Raffles Hospital

6311 1516

Private Practice IBCLC

Doris Fok :Hp 96387660

(8.30am to 5.30pm Mon-Sat)

Betty Lee :Hp 98330170 Pg 93180276

Christina Kwek: Hp 93679293

(Breastfeeding classes available)

KW Chew: Hp 98158283

Wong Lai Ying: Hp 96733300

Do remember each consultation w them will set you back by $80-$100. some phone lines are chargeable by per minute basis. so try to pick up as much as possible while you are hospitalised.


Thanks for all the advise ! Yes it is engorgement and swelling! I even had fever yesterday and severe pain even without moving it was hurting a lot and I had to hold things to get up from bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] took panadol and my new philipino maid to give ice pack ! She bring it n asked why I m using it when I told abt pain she massage breasts with almond oil on lumps for 30 min and squeeze out some milk ! I was much relieved in night ! Today better and yes I didn't feed my baby with formula for more latching even if it hurt me a lot when she suck!

I hope Bf will be sucessful this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

merry Christmas !

