(2011/01) Jan 2011

Congrats Sherill!! Rest well n update us when u feel up to it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Next on the list shld be Cookiefleur.. Another 5 more days on 27th... 加油!加油! So exciting.. :D


morning ladies...

congrats to kimmy and sherill! both of you have done well!!!


good to hear tat ur doing well for bfg...keep it up!

Wow...it makes me excited and anxious that finally Jan mummies haf started popping...its telling us that soon it'll be our turn...super duper excited!!!

yesterday got 2 episode of pain attack.

turn out to be painful false contraction.

got gynae appt later and i forgot to bring my list of Qn..aiyoh.. i so forgetful~

Hi, thanks for all yr bday wishes. Had a wonderful cake yest bought by hb. I'm now officially 35 yrs old.....

Added 2 more columns in the table for height & weight. If anyone wants to add in the baby's name, just let me know...

Sherill, congratulations.. Rest well and update us on yr gal's particulars.

Kimmy, I chose Khloe cos my son's name is Lukas. And I wanted a gal's name with L & K inside. So, chose this name in the end.

Hi daphne,

Pls include me into the list.

SMH-ID: lalithashekar


EDD: 29 Jan



Gynae: Dr Jasmine Mohd

Hospital: KKH



Gender: Boy

BB's Name:

Area: Jurong West

There seems to be lots of girl babies in the Jan list. How exciting... So many tigeresses.........

Hi Daphne,

Pls help me update my details:

Nick: Chelleybaby

Age: 28

EDD: 12Jan

Gynae: Dr Chua Yang

Hospital: Mt A

Gender: Boy, no. 1

BB's Name: Daniel

Area: East

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chabby> take care! my memory has also been failing me. hahaha...

darienna> yup yup! I can't wait! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] excited for it to be my turn... hope everything will go well.

chercat> which hospital will u be at? maybe we'll be labour buddies! hahahaa!

Congratulations to the 2 new mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Reading about deliveries has sent my nesting instinct into overdrive...packing like mad at home now.

Hello mummies!

today very quiet..

back from gynae checkup at 38wk3d.. baby weighing in at approx 3.4kg.. =x

still waiting for signs..

Hi pinky, wow.... yr baby already 3.4kg at 38wk+......

But anyway, all these are estimates. I remember for my #1, my gynae told me the day before my C-sec tat my baby is about 3.3kg and he's born 3.59kg. Some gynae might estimate more and some less. But 1 thing for sure, yrs is not small.... haha..

fiona and daphne>> yeah.. my gynae has been telling me i got big baby.. if bb still dont wanna come out naturally, i gotta go c-sec by my edd.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he's worried my birth canal is not big enough and there could be complications..

grumpus, yeah, but at tat time I really tot my #1 will be less than 3.5kg. But he came out almost 3.6kg....

Pinky, 1 thing good about bigger babies are they are easier to handle. So, dun worry too much.

daphne>> sometime back Straits Time had this article on big babies at birth had higher possibilities of health related issues when they grow older.. it does worry me a little though..

Thks for d advice

Mummies ,i m now in thomson cos bleeding this morning my whole pantyliner soaked,so scary. Need to stay for a few days to minitor. Was given ocytocin to mature bb lungs n some med to stop d contraction. Scolded hubby say must be him who caused it then he scolded me back say see la I too emotional caused bb distress.

Pinky, dun worry so much.. Think those are really huge babies. As long as yr baby does not exceed 4kg at birth, think shd not be an issue. Btw, boys tend to be heavier than gals at birth.

Littlepigpig, take care and try to rest more.

congrats to kimmy & sherill!!! do update us on ur daily experience with the new bb ya...=p

i feel excited and anxious also...


dun get yourself so stressed up. Rest more n be cheerful. Both u n hb shld look forward to the day of bb's arrival. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckymummy: I got the spandex jersey in colour anthracite. It's very good. Not too thick not thin. Cannot see through also. I use it for nursing, my own shawl And baby blanket

Hey mummies,

same as pinky, just got back from gynae appt today.

mine is 3.3kg at 37 weeks 4 days..added 300g in a week. =(

my gynae will be away from tomorrow and back on 1st jan..she say if i'm not due by 3 Jan appt, she'll arrange for me to be induced before my EDD which is 9 Jan.

lil rascal is causing me pain since yesterday..muz be it's too heavy le. weight down on my bladder and internal organs..aiyoh...

Hi mtbs !

Thanks a lot for all the wishes you guys are so wonderful that you made me feel so special [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am still in hospital discharge is tomorrow morning ! I started small pains Monday night 2 pm and when I timed they were regular after every 5 min and shen I counted 12 th in exact one hour I panicked and called nurse in labour ward. She asked me to go down ! Hospital bag was ready so after hot drink n biscuits n almonds for extra energy we went down to hospital at 4 am! After prelim check doc admitted me though I was only 3 cm dilated ! In begining until 12 noon progress was so slow but then around 2 pm I am. 5 cm and pain start to increase a lot ! They gave me some gas for drowsiness ( not laughing gas) and kept asking me epidural which I already determined not to take [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

However, I took an injection for drowsiness but nurse told me if baby born within 4 hr of injection she has to be in icu for observation! After another 3 and half hour of horrible pain after induced water break she was born naturally 5.35 pm at 2.690 kg! But due to that injection had to be in Icu until today! Though I started BF last night but have to go up n down to her ward ! She just came to my room first time only!

Discharge tmr morning! Loved staff here, facilities, my gynae's patience and almost everything ! Took B1 ward so hope bill won't be too high!

DD n Hubby so happy! Hubby in delivery suite all the time but almost fainted after watching that horror movie for first time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now I n baby doing good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] end well then all is well ! Girls hang in there n you will hold your lil ones soon ! I really miss my bump now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck!

Wow! Thanks for sharing your birth story, Sherill!

So brave of you to tahan without epidural! *clap clap*!

Great to hear that both you and baby are doing well. Have a good rest!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies,

Congrats to Kimmy & Sherill!

I just went for my check up today. At 37weeks, the girl is 3kg. Did a VE, my cervix is opened. That means I am ready to be induced. Still deciding on the date. Am thinking of 1.1.11. Not sure if it will be difficult to get a 1bedder at TMC. The last 2 times I was there, only managed to get the 2bedder for the first night.


I was hospitalised at 33weeks for bleeding and contractions. And I managed to pull through to 37weeks now. Don't worry. Take the time in hospital to rest well.

Congrats kimmy n sherill! Do rest well and enjoy Xmas with your little darlings. Sherill, I'm also hoping for natural birth, so reading your birth story kind of gives me some motivation to press on with natural unless gynae gives the no-go-ahead.

Littlepigpig, don't worry too much until u stress yourself out ya? Take this time to get as much rest as possible, and I'm sure u n ur bb will be fine.

Just went for my gynae appt, and OH MY GOD! My girl at 32 wks was 1.7kg, and this time at 35wks, she went up to 2.7kg! I only put on 1.3kg over these 3 wks, which means all the weight gain was due to my bb! Gosh! I hope she gains weight more in bone mass than in size, otherwise can't do natural delivery le.

Congrats to Kimmy and Sherill!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow.. Sherill, I will be trying without epidural too. This is my first and I am not sure whether I can take it. Many ppl have been giving me the doubtful look when I told them I want to do without epidural. Hopefully I can endure!!

Hang in there all other mummies..


Don’t think too much okay, just rest well. Just think of the baby ! Sometime my hubby also drives me up the wall. Just focus on the baby.. Don’t worry your bb will be fine, how many weeks are you? Should be over 36 wks yea ?


Your bb is at a very good size ya, don’t worry its gonna be fine.. Previously doc estimated my no.1 at 3.6 but she came out 3.2 only.


Well done, go without epidural.. Good to know u girls are discharging soon, take care. Hope to see pictures of your little precious soon.

Today I went for my gynae check up at 36weeks, and we were shocked to find out that my baby is in a transverse position. Hai ~ the last time we did a scan was at 32weeks, head was down, wt est.2kg I was so happy but now.... the thought that it could be a Csect I am alittle worried. Any mummies out there been through Csect ?? Now busy reading about Csect to get myself mentally prepared for the Op & post Csect recovery etc. Always heard people said that the recovery period for Csect is very painful, is it true? Have been so busy with moving house, training the new maid etc my wt gain is merely 8kg so far. Alittle concerned if the little one is gaining weight ?? From 31weeks till now at 36weeks I only gained 1.5kg ?? Ummm....& anyone have any tips to help the baby to rotate ?


what an amazing birth story...and so strong of you to endure without epidural. congrats again!

Congrats to Nisa's safe delivery of a baby boy!


Don't worry too much about baby's positioning, it can still change up until the last minute. Your gynae may be able to manually turn the baby, or you can try to give baby more room to turn by being on all fours as much as possible.

Hi pinky_j, you consider full term le. excited hor?

i also hear news report on too small baby at birth having health problem when they got old lei. i thot for your bb's weight at 38wk pregnancy is very good. if i remember correctly, shud be along the healthy range for the pregnancy growth chart. so no worry abt it. as for delivery method, i feel that normal delivery is usually difficult esp nowadays most pple work in office and lack of exercise. i read that 1st time delivery is esp difficult cos is the 1st time u exercise those related muscles oveer that area. but u very young lei. if i were u i think i will give a try for normal delivery first. if really cannot then opt for c-sect. Good luck!

congrats Sherill!!cant imagine the pain without epidural!!!so brave of u!!! respect u! hehe..


I have the same prob too..my hub helped me check ytd (he's a dr), said that bb's head is still not down, (same as my scan at wk 32), now already wk 35. :S just continue to pray tat bb will somehow turn at the last min. if not, yup, should be doing c-section as well...hv to read up more about c-section too, i'm js afraid that the recovery period's longer, as I will be back in Msia (perak) for my confinement after bb's born (hopefully asap lar) ..:S sighz.

hope our bbies will turn real soon!!

If possible, Daphne, can help me add into the list as well?:p thanks thanks...

Nick: Maumau

Age: 27

EDD: 31 Jan

Gynae: Dr Su Lin Lin

Hospital: NUH

Gender: Boy, no. 1

BB's Name: hm...still deciding.

Area: West

thank you!

do visit http://fluffyheartz.blogspot.com/2010/12/photo-frames.html for nice photoframes/cards for newborn![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sherill, you are great! you made thru your delivery with epi. i salute u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lina, don't worry abt the delivery method . C-sect ok wan. chop chop within 1hr done le. but for ur case,u already at 36wks le. must quickly decide on your delivery date. i guess latest by 37 wks u got to decide cos bb usually comes anytime after full term at 38wks. and if u experienced contraction or any other labour symptoms, then yours will become emergency c-section and ur hospital charges will be different and also u got no choice but to go for FA and hb cannot accompany u at opt theatre.

Waiting for my turn to see gynae..

Will update again later..

He is rushing for delivery..

Hope he won't leave before seeing me..

Hi Sherill,

Thanks for sharing yr labour story. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sounds exciting and really kudos yr endurance without epidural. =))


Thanks mummies for being so encouraging! Still hoping for natural.. praying hard and keep telling my boy to make delivery smooth smooth for me.

Sherill, definitely great to read abt ur delivery story.. thanks for sharing!

