(2011/01) Jan 2011


What is your personal feedback after consuming the placenta (pills)? I am still undecided.


How come 2.45kg at 36weeks is below ideal? My baby is 2.49kg at 36+weeks n my gynae said that everything is fine n on track! Guess different gynaes use different benchmark? I have put on 9kg so far. Same as Grumpus, I do not have much appetite to eat.


Excited for you about tomr! Did the hospital call u to tell u what to prepare? Or what time to stop eating? If you have got fingernail/toe polish, pls remove it. My fren went for mani/pedi b4 her delivery cos she wanna be 'swee swee' when people visit her in hospital, in the end gotta clean all off!!!


11 days? You delivering 31Dec? Same as ivftwins?


You will be induced next week? Me also popping then, if everything goes smoothly.


Hi kikapo & luckymummy, it's a kind of socks tat improve the circulation of blood. Esp for those after c-sec. The one I bought from KKH is white in colour. Looks like normal socks. Actually I have a pair which I bought from some health place long time ago. It cost about $100+ at tat time. Think now it's cheaper. Not sure wat kind is the scholl ones.

Luckymummy, my c-sec time is 8am on 18Jan. Think most likely you will give birth before yr EDD. And I dun think he can run between our 2 rooms as mine is C-sec and he needs to be there all the time for the surgery. Haha....

TMC food/drinks,

So what exactly is supplied under the amount we are already paying? Just the standard meals? How to find out what else is not included?


Very expensive socks!!

LOL yeah...I'm still thinking about asking him if I can undergo elective c-section. Dunno if he will immediately deny me.


Does the one we bought from bebelounge spree count? Or is this a different one entirely?

Dry shampoo,

I went and bought the one from Klorane. $14.90 from Guardian. Seems like a very tiny bottle...50g only.


Binder : the one we bought is more for after-birth slimming. The one I mention is the elastic kind. It's for wrapping around the C-sec area so tat it tighten the wound and make it less painful to walk about. I ever see KKH pharmacy selling before. Think can buy from outside also. It's just a plain white elastic binder.

Socks : Think they have cheaper version now.

Bottles > I now have 5 different types of bottles..haha...think I bought too much!!I have the drop-ins from PlayTex and the Ventaire ones also from PlayTex. The BPA ones from Avent and also the Medela ones. I also have some glass bottles. Need to figure out some system to use them and warm milk....headache!!

Any mummies still working? I will be working till 4 Jan cause my temp will only be in tomorrow and will need to train her up...super tiring man!

Haha kikapo.. Sama sama.. I only dun hv the glass bottles... Think at least for the playtex drop-ins not so bad.. Jus need to wash the teats and rings.. Dun hv to worry abt the bottle... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kikapo, yah, still working. Think most of the mummies here are still working... But I really feel so tired already. No mood to work and really feel like just starting the maternity leave....

Oh btw kikapo.. Abt the bath tub, that time I bot from the fair at expo in nov.. same coy I bot my cot, mamalove, but I cannot remember wats the brand.. Pd abt $30, and comes with the safety netting. Think u can try ikea.. Just that u need to buy the safety netting separate if u want to use the netting for baby..

Kikapo, I will be working till 14 Jan as my C-sec date is 18 Jan. My company actually found a temp staff to cover my work but she keeps on making mistake and very careless. So, she's fired. Now looking for another one. Also having super headache now cos no time to teach already.

I bought a normal bath tub at those hardware store for my #1. Did not hv the netting for baby. I only bought a non-slip mat from kiddy palace to put inside the bathtub. Will use for my #2 also. You can buy the bathtub from kiddy palace also but think it's quite exp.

Hi chercat

yes my c sec on 1 jan so when pp count down to the new year I count down to my op and my baby arrival heheh


thks for the info on the socks.


I bought my bathtub from one of the kaki bukit babystores, the ones next to each other. Think it was around $20+ and includes the infant seat so you can wash baby easily. Think I will be quite clumsy for a while so the positioning seat should help. The wording/brand? printed on the tub itself is poppet.

Me still workin till this thurs can't wait man...

Still coaching my temp and hope she will last as she keep askin me is my boss demanding and hard to handle I say jus do yr work shld be fine sigh can't tell her much later she run away lay

Darienna > Yah, i think the drop-ins will come in very handy when we are too lazy to wash and sterilise.

Work > I feel so tired at work, and feel quite paisey in a way, cause I don't feel very productive lor...am glad the temp is coming in, but she already 'chut' pattern, say she wants to go study in April, so I may have to go on 3-mth ML then take a week here and there...instead of one shot 4 mths..sianz..

Thanks for all the info on bath tub..joke with friend that I had better get a bath tub soon if not bb will have to take his bath in the sink..haha..

Chercat> which date u popping? My induction will be on mon, 27 dec... =)

Kimmy> am feeling so excited for u!!! U'll be seeing your lil girl very soon!!! Sending love, hugs and kisses ur way! Wish u a safe and smooth c-sec!!!

daphne, good that you reminded us.

now i cannot remember where is my circulation socks i got from kkh last year when i went for my op to remove fibroid.

i got the slimming cinch from bebelounge too. So its useless till we start our jamu massage?

in the end maybe buy all from kkh.

do you remember what does kkh give us to bring home for bb? clothes?

i think they give a pack of sanitary napkin, diapers. how about bb clothes and swaddle cloth? I pack a set of everything for bb and myself.

Dear Mummies

Sorry for interrupting you

I have 3 * S$100 Babybaby vouchers for sale

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Ya you are not alone, me too…. End up I fell asleep in the living room on the armchair.


Cau u share the blog link too ? I have just got a helper 2 months ago, think I need to know more.


Jiayou jiayou.

Kimmy : good luck for smooth delivery !

AFM : I am in labour and admitted in labour ward [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope to deliver by today ! So far going for natural so very pain !


Jia you!!

Remember to stay calm and tell yourself you can do it. You wan to meet ur lil one.

be open to pain-relief options and ask for it if you need ok?


can u move about? if u can, try the following:

1. walk and lean against a heavy furniture or hubby when contraction set in.

2. kneel down and get ur weight supported by chair/bed

3. if it's bad pain, get on fours so baby will press on back.

4. sit on toilet bowl is said to help also.

try to think positive (each contraction means 1 step closer to meeting ur precious!!) and relax.

the more relax, you are the shorter the labour.

rest between contraction.

Sherill, jia you jia you. Very excited for you. Wish you a shun shun delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Get your camera ready!

morning ladies...


sending over lotsa good luck vibes over this morning...jiayou!


looks like u r running 2nd in place....yes try to relax! jia you jiayou....wishing u a safe and smooth delivery!!!!


Hope you are resting well in hospital now. Wish you a smooth c sec too. Cant wait to hear from you girls after you popped.

Sherill & Kimmy, Good luck!!! So both yr babies will share the same birthday as me....

ivftwins, KKH only provide baby's clothes when in hospital. So, you have to bring yr own baby's clothes,cap,mittens, booties & wrap for yr baby when going home. You can bring back the extra pads, diapers & wipes. They will give you a goodie bag containing all the diaper samples also. PJ will be provided.

oooohhhh!!! yes yes, jiayou sheril and kimmy!!!

keeping both of you in my prayers for healthy babies, smooth and safe delivery!!!

Kimmy & Sherill: All da best!! We all wish u gals have smooth deliveries... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daphne: Happy bashdae gal!!

mummies.....im on my way to hospital now..baby will arrive by 3pm...

Happy birthday to daphne..


jia you jia you....let's jia you together...relax n ur labour will be shortern...excited for u...

Thanks all mummies here for the well wishes..love u all

Not to mention Daphne!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mommies experiencing sharp pains in or ard V area when walking? very fast..comes and goes!!


Gotcha, thanks for sharing the link !

Sherill & Kimmmy,

Jiayou jiayou, all the best. Cant wait to see your little ones.


Happy Happy birthday

