(2011/01) Jan 2011


haa...so far so gd, my in law seems ok with it, guess she also know my style, and she know nowaday we can do many research online, unlike last time. Hope everything goes well. I do appreciate her help for sure :)


6kg is nothing..ya, mummies here say orange will cause baby have more phlem, not sure about grapes. Me too, like cold drinks but gotto control also..I like watermelon but cannot eat too much also. self control is important


Oh wow, thread move so fast today!


Thanks Ting for putting up the link. =)


I am 34 weeks today, and feel like I suddenly balloon-ed when I look in the full length mirror today! =(


Been feeling like very easily get "heaty" these few days, so been loading up on coconut juice and watermelon juice. Know its not good with my GD condition, but a lot of water also doesn't help! Like very "zua" like that... hmmm

Conflict w mom/MIL:

Thanks for all the comments, makes me feel a bit better knowing that I'm not the only one and that some form of conflict is unavoidable. Guess will try to please the old folks, do the best that I can't... I think I also cannot tahan the no shower/no hairwash for entire month, will go crazy!

Any Mummies awake?

Hiaz. I am having difficulties falling asleep these few days. Sat was the utimate.. Sleep at 4am+. Yesterday also fell asleep abt 2am.. Now 1am+ still wide awake..

Im oso still awake..my ds still dun wanna sleep too..cn play with his new toy somemore tat we bot for him..haiz..juz nw wen to buy some basic bb stuffs..will do e washing of my ds preloved bb clothes & e rest by tis wk..

I always sleep late..2am+, 3am+..but daytime will take nap if sleepy..

Tis wk gg 34 wk..feelin so heavy oready..my left & right inner thigh groin very achin with sharp pain..v difficult to walk..worse wen my ds want me carry him...worry if bb wanna come out so much sooner than expected...

Morning mummies...


Poor girl. Is your baby kicking you or just having insomnia? I've been sleeping like a log coz I am tired with my boy who is having Terrible 2. Threw tantrums 4 times today when I work from home. V sian... draining ya. Hope he will stop this behavior soon. Don't think I can cope with a fussy toddler and a screaming NB.


Ya... stocking up coconut everytime I visit NTUC. But its so heavy to lug back.


Me too, gynae said that the ache is due to ligament stretch or something. Quote from him: 'Its normal'. Everything is normal for him coz I guess he has been all sort of complains from MTB. LOL. Do you still carry your boy at this stage? power!


I have got this cravings for soft drinks last month too. Haha bet I wont get a gift from santa this year as I gave in and drank lots of it. Opps. Apart from baby, I'm not suppose to drink too much as I'm still in braces.


Having school holidays now? Do you still need to report back to school or have you handed over all your stuff?

Morning mums, feeling v sian everyday n dont feel like going to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] At times really miserable.. feel so aching... and yet have to force myself up then go to work. How I wish to be SAHM again. Haha

@Pooh, yr maid must be very happy if she sees u type that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Reia, I realise also some toiletries smells different at these places. Do Swanston sells FM and Diapers? Difference in quality so far still okay for FM/diapers and detergent that I've bought from the medical hall.

@CL, most also told me that to book 4 bedded will auto upgrade to 2 bedded... so far my frds all like that. One of them, 2 bedded all full so got free upgraded to 1 bedded...so lucky.

I'm also guilty of fizzy,cold soft drinks!! Everyone's ard me been nagging =/ since my first trimester.

I dont have sleeping problems, in fact I can fall asleep easily and within 5 mins in dreamland and deep sleep. Sometimes I snored so loudly I wake myself up even..... and no matter how much I sleep, I dont seem to get enough..

@Jass, I still carry my #1,who is 4 yr old! At times really bo bian, like yesterday he slip and fell n cry big time.. no choice have to pick him up and carry him..


U are my hero!!.... I cannot carry my gal any more, and my inlaws and hubby also forbid me to carry her... But I will carry her whenever I can, coz I miss the period of carrying her too... My no.1 also very poor thing. Since I got preggie, hubby also dun allow her to sleep with me, coz she always kick people and hubby afraid she might kick me...


Sometimes I also give in to my temptations... haha.. But with GD, I try to make the food intake interval as long as possible. (at least 2 hours) so that body has the chance to try to digest the sugar... Weekdays, when I'm working, still can control... it's weekend, always eating and eating... haha... but from my last checkup on Friday, I did not gain any weight from the previous checkup after testing positive for GD... Baby's weight at 32+ week is already 2.2kg...

Morning mummies feeling already exhausted... No seat for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


LOL, your description abt the snoring part is so funny. I seems to be less tired during this pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have been sleeping at abt 12 and auto waking up at 7 even during weekend.

O dear, poor boy. What happen? Slip on wet floor due to the downpour yesterday?


You are on the MRT? Try squeezing to a space near the seats and pray that some kind soul will give up their seats.


Me too... my #1 is always kicking and turning 360 degree in his sleep. When I slept with him at the initial stage, I'll try to put a pillow inbetween us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha no choice leh and also I find them quite ke lian... like totally outcast from mummy once we're preg.

My hb is also very against me of carrying him, at times he will scold me for carrying him also.

Sleeping separately, we tried to put my boy in his own room... really muscial bed at night.

Firstly it's hard to squeeze with him at night on a single bed (his bed) for bed time stories...after he falls asleep, I wake up to go to my own bed to sleep... in the middle of the night he will cry and walk into our rooms to look for us and 3 of us will squeeze together again, then either me or my hubby will not be able to fall back to sleep and we will move to his bed/room to sleep. Really funny and tiring during the initial trying weeks. So now, we gave up, I slept with my boy in the MBR and my hb sleeps on the sofa...

PM, you're right, I haven't seen diapers and certainly not FM in Swanston. But previously when I go I'm always looking for my own stuff, didn't notice baby detergent etc which apparently they do have so was thinking since they have pads maybe they have diapers but I just never noticed:p

Getting a bit worried from all the comments about kicking keeping mummies awake. I do feel my unborn baby moving from time to time but seldom violent kicks (maybe like once a day or less). So kicks don't keep me awake, though sometimes for no reason I can't get back to sleep after a bathroom trip. Is my baby abnormally inactive?

At last appt I lost 1 kg, baby gained 0.4kg so my dr doesn't seem worried. Likely caused by adjustment in diet after testing positive for GD. Baby's now 2.2kg at 33 weeks, but must remember that this is just an estimate, I shouldn't be too obsessed about it.

Lily, stare someone into giving a seat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I never do that, too shy, but some of my friends will.

@jass1408, it is really what is happening most nights, my sleeping partner aka my boy sometimes will wake me up n tell me "dont make that noise, i cannot sleep"

@Lily, squeeze yr way thru and stand infront of the "reserved seat". I always do that =P

Reia, think they do carry certain brands of baby shampoo.soap like sebamed, lactacyd, kodomo etc.. my elder boy uses sebamed since birth and I sometimes buy from there as well. Diapers quite bulky, I have not seen... if have let me know :p

Baby inactive - Dont worry, some babies just dont move as much, some hv more movements in the day and vice versa... as long as he's healthy and gynae chopped bb is fine that shld be assuring enough... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2.2kg @ 33wks is good weight..... I am approaching 32wks on my next visit, hope BB can exceed the 2kg mark as well.

PM, reia, kimmy

of cuz need to roar la.. i put 1.9 in 2 weeks.. not 1 month..so this means 4kg in 1 mth.. argh~


school holidays but still going to school when needed. tmr going back to school to settle some admin for next year CCA stuff. have not hand over my stuff yet. dun think there's much to hand over bah


stand in front of reserve seat! curse those people!


jus monitor your baby movement. if doc says ok..then dun worry unduly. stress not good.


try not to carry your older kids. it's better for your spine and health.

Jass,reia, pm

yes standing there and after that no choice no space so move to centre and pp there are either sleeping or reading well sigh wat can I go not easy from buangkok to outram park long journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lily, poor thing. Next time, take from Buangkok to Punggol. That's what I do these days... otherwise, never able to get a seat.

Good morning! Such a cozy weather right? MUz be the haze again.

Its very irritating for me to see pregnant woman standing in a crowded train! Dont understand why some people are juz so "not automatic". Funny thing is when they reach their stations, they can get up n rush to the door and "fly" off so quickly then, why do u need a seat when u are so much.. haiz.

Thank God that all the babies are of good weight. Next week will be my gynae appt, by then i will also be 33wks, pray that my boy will be of good weight and hopefully me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/blush.gif]. Btw, did all of you mummies took the GD test?? 1st pregnancy I took but I was overseas then this pregnancy in SG gynae didnt request it so far, is it compulsary here and if it is, when? I dunt wan to take ar.. im so super scared of drinking that super sweet n concentrated syrup! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning.... Strong smell yest evening (from haze??). Luckily the smell's gone this morn.

PM, not sure about the free upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded. Previously, they always do tat at TMC cos they only hv 1 4 bedded room. But recently, it's increase to 3. At first I booked the 4 bedded thinking of the free upgrade. But then later, I started to worry about the toilet part, so I change to 2 bedded.

Ya i know misty than it will take me 2 hours to go to work liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] "sob sob"

no choice lor, pray hard that bosses are more understanding... I find that I cannot stand still for long. If I have to stand, then my ankles will start to swell, but if I have to walk, then it is still ok....

yes misty, me feeling cold sweat break out as trying very hard to balance and dun get knock down by pushing people..plus stand too long the back start to ache..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and not forgetting still hav to waddle all the way to the EW line [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hahahaa, Lily, no choice leh, so expensive to take cab to our work place. Once I had a 7:30am meeting, so I took a cab. Cost me almost $25 I think!!!!

reia>> so far at swanston i only see baby wipes, shower gel, accessories cleaner.. no FM and diapers.. my hubby did comparison with a pack of pigeon wipes that we bought from OG.. most of the ingredients are the same except the one from swanston is missing rosehip extracts or sth like that..

re: baby wipes

both the pigeon wipes sold at swanston and departmental stores like OG are all from thailand.. only difference hubby and i see so far are just the rosehip extracts and the one from swanston is slightly smaller in size.. swanston selling pigeon wipes 80 pulls x 3 packets for $6.90 compared to OG selling 82 pulls x 6 packets for $19.50.. swanston also sells johnson & johnson baby wipes at the same pricing as pigeon wipes..

re: confinement with Mum/MIL

so far havent had much problem with MIL as i've been staying with her.. as always older folks tend to be more naggy so i'll just do selective hearing..

re: nursing bras

i bought mine from OG.. cheap but super ugly.. hubby commented why so auntie design.. haha..

re: baby movement

i constantly feel baby moving around.. but at night i just cant find a position to sleep well even though i'm tired from going out.. baby tends to tickle my bladder.. bleah..

re: hospital bag

starting to slowly pack my hospital bag already.. feels so surreal.. like baby's going to arrive any time soon..

Yes Misty, i took cab home before as too tired..cost me 25 too and the cab driver driving skills made me wan to puke! keep braking and braking cant stand it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so not worth at all..

Hi mummies!

Have been silently reading the archives but been too busy at work to really reply. Now that holidays r here (chabby, yep I'm in same profession as you) n edd is nearing, I'm getting more excited!

Had a quick read and thought I could help in answering some questions.

Re: mothers' milk tea and raspberry tea leaves

There's this popular brand called traditional medicinals that sells both products. Used to get it from bp but hv been seeing them at vitakids (paragon n united sq). Those staying in east, there's this organic shop at b1 parkway parade next to the sausage store, that carries them too.

Re: weight gain

Ideally it's 13 kg. But like most hv mentioned bfg will help! I. One of those unfortunate ladies who gained 30 kg during 1 pregnancy. But I managed to lose 22 kg through bfg for 7.5 mths. Wld probably lose everything if not for this 2nd pregnancy. Sadly i hv gained 10-11 kg so far. Sigh hopefully, I will be losing the same amt after delivery.

Shycloud: east? Yep... That's me!

Ting: can you help me to update the table? My #2 is also a girl. Thanks in advance!

Hopefully I can come in more often these weeks to chit chat more!

Hi Mummies,

why not try ocean? Been buying lots of stuff from there long time ago [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think their things should be fine since they are there long time liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi tien,

finally someone from the east! *wave* haha

i haven pack my hospi bag yet...so many things to do must tidy the room, wash the bb clothes, arrange the diapers, bathing items and bring out the steriliser and pump etc...haiz..

my gynae called back and ask me to monitor my spotting issue. i told him its only for a day and he advised if red spotting persist, must see him immediately...next appt with him is this fri.

tien>> me same profession too! but still got plenty of work.. bleah.. so not motivated to complete them..

lily>> ocean dont have as much products and the shop is very cramped compared to swanston.. also.. swanston is still cheaper.. hur hur..

Hi Mommies

I am selling this Combi Enjoyme Swing Chair which can also be converted to a highchair for $85, with free delivery. I have used it for 1 year. (Note: the belt is under the cushion in picture)

The retail price is $181.55.

PM me if you are interested.





Morning mummies!

Regarding weight gain, not to worry such. I have a Fren who put on 29 kg during her pregnancy but she managed to regained her actual weight after birth with exercise of cos. I personally gained 15kg at my lady checkup. All my frens thot I am gonna be due in 1 or 2 weeks!!

Was at ocean Chinatown 3rd floor sometime back and I remember seeing them selling the pigeon liquid cleanser and kodomo baby bath as well.


you can pm me your email. I will do the list for central. Anyone else staying ard central area?

Shycloud: *wave wave* I'm also very lazy when it comes to preparing for this one! Was just making a mental checklist of the things I need to do... Super unmotivated! I guess because I still hv 8 weeks to go before edd. Think I'll only start when I hit 36 wks.

Pinky_J: wow! Another social engineer! I hv more or less cleared my work but still hv cc duty next week... Mine has sat duty too!

tien>> i have CCA duties too.. still doing up my SOWs as there are major changes for the whole sch.. bleah.. also gotta set exams and common test papers for next yr as well.. bleah..

@pinky, thanks for all the info. Wow, am impressed your hubby did the comparison.

@Lily, where is ocean?

@Julia, I don't think the glucose tolerance test is given as a matter of course here. At least its not the practice of my ob to do so because she mentioned that normally she wouldn't send someone like me for the test since I don't check off any of the risk factors. But she does give me a urine test strip every visit and once it picked up excessive sugar so she sent me for the test.

Hospital bags and others:

I haven't started putting everything together either, all the baby stuff are in my storeroom :p I'm hoping the nesting instinct will motivate me to do everything quickly before baby arrives!

Confinement with mum/MIL:

I don't think I will every be able to handle confinement with MIL, our living habits are too different even without all the superstitions that I turn my nose up against. My mum generally seems very bo chup about all these confinement taboos. Hope she remains as opened minded after birth and not get influenced by all her friends. Anyway she's staying with me but doesn't intend to take a full month of leave so at most she'll only get to nag for a week or so then I can do whatever I want in the day (no confinement lady either) Yay!


Actually I feel bad when people give up their seats but uncomfortable when I don't have a seat, so its a lose-lose situation.

Mag, was jumping with joy when I saw someone compiling list for central finally but realised you mean central central. Will you guys welcome someone like me staying in CBD area? So envious of the ladies staying in residential areas like the north east, much easier to form playgroups.

tien>> that's e culture on my side.. we set papers 1/2 yr in advance.. so plenty of work to be cleared before i scoot off for ML.. plus my EDD is very near.. countdown 5 weeks.. bleah..

reia>> hubby's e one into details, i'm just into getting the items.. lol.. reversal of roles there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

reia: I was also a bit worried when my fren keep saying that their babies can kick strongly. Now think that my baby movement is same as yours. I have never been waken up by violent kicks too. Just can feel bb is moving here and there from time to time. I will even wake bb up every morning just to make sure he is ok. hehe...


Thks for the link. Will check it out when I've cleared out the baby room.

I've bought everything (I think) but it still feels like a lot has not been done.


your situation and doctor sounds just like mine. Am gonna have soupy stuff as much as possible from now on. And try to stick to brown rice.


I feel your pain!! Really not sure how else to cut back already. Cut back on carbo? Take more filling high fibre vege? Doctor says I'm feeling so tired at 33wks cos I'm essentially carrying a 36 weeker. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I also tend not to fall asleep easily after waking up to pee. Then become very exhausted in the daytime. If there's a chance to nap still not so bad, but working days are the worst.


where is this swanston and ocean? They sound interesting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ting, please help to update on the following changes for me. My gynae change to Dr. WK Tan.

Hospital : TMC

Delivery: likely forward to 25 Dec by C-sect


Bunny, wow, christmas baby, how cool.

Puix, phew, glad to hear someone is in a similar situation. So good you can wake him up. I can't make my girl move, she just moves when she feels like it.

Luckymummy, the swanston I go to is on the second floor of people's park complex. I seem to recall there is another one on the ground floor of one of the buildings in Chinatown, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

Thanks - Reia. Really look forward Bb to be born on x'mas day as planned.

However, afraid that might be earlier. Recently, noticed increase in v discharge and on/off m cramp but dr said likely BH. Any mummies encounter too? Worried about all these suspense....

When is the best time to take coconut drinks for "liang" arh?

Afternoon ladies!


Ive been experiencing this aching since ard 5mth..1st was left side..upper inner thigh at groin area- achin + acute sharp pains..wen gg out at times sudden pain cannot walk hav to pause a while..tat time even climbing stairs cn feel pain..yar doc said normal oso but told me try not to force if cant walk stop a while..got giv me calcium tablet..nw my right side has affected too..& turning fm right to left on e bed is really painful..haiz..1st preggy dun hav tis symtom..

My boy la he vry close to me one..so sumtimes demand me to carry him..v tired lor onli short while den i hav to put him dwn..if my mum saw me carry him she always say dun carry la..wait bb kena pushed even dwn..


You are welcome to join. Just PM me your email then. Can arrange for some playgroup/gathering during ML [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ocean and Swanston is at Chinatown, people's park above the hawker centre. Swanston 2nd floor and ocean on 3rd floor. Both shops sell toiletries at relatively cheaper prices than outside


The young coconut is those small light yellow kind not the big green ones. Pasar malam usuallyhas those and sells for $1+ of not like some mummies mentioned, you canget at ntuc.


Thanks Mag for helping to inform..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I been patronising ocean since long time ago [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chabby/Lucky mummy,

same here no wonder i am so tired ..as our baby heavy? thou i dont know the weight but my gal always grow advance whenever i go check up so now going to week 34 and my gal will be week 36 +- dayz.. -_-"

