(2011/01) Jan 2011

Thanks for all your concern.

I really suspect i was having a mild food poisoning.

I didn't see the doc yet cos no symptoms now.

And yes baby is moving so i guess shud be fine.

Now i need to top up on my fluids and food as i didn't really eat ytd.

Re:Baby Bouncer

Experienced mummies, did you buy a baby bouncer for ur #1? Which one is cheap and good?

I was looking around on the web, fisher price looks good but expensive.

Those cheap ones i see from kiddy palace, dun seem to be able to last until baby is bigger.

Any recommendations?


All Mummies ... fyi ... happen to pop by mums and tots at expo hall 4 .. was really a disappointment .. onli 2-3 stalls selling bb clothings and the rest are some malay stuff for sales. No BB stuff at all ... dun bother to go down ....


Yeah, same feeling. Don't even feel like it's a baby fair ya. Mummies, don't bother going for it.


Take care ya. See a dr if you are still unwell k.


Yup yup, let's just focus on resting and eating well for now. Counting down... 2 more months for me and much earlier for you.

Hi mag,

Where u saw e combi urban walker classic UR-350Z ah? We also saw e 389 version free one cup at expo...

U know anywhere selling at 259? I wan to buy at 259 ley... Heng I saw ur post lo.... Hb wan to buy directly wo...


I was there longer, bought some books from the popular stall for #1. Could have bump into you there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think all of us are really approaching our due date soon.I can feel my stamina getting poor, stomach very stretched, tight, bb movement seem to tighten the stomach further....

i am getting paranoid about delivering way in advance now...have been telling baby today's date, when he is due, etc....

6 weeks more!

Pinky and Chabby

Hmmm.. both of u will be giving early than me. sigh.. Tot u guys will be around my edd. then we can give each other moral support. haha


Any of you happen to be at Ikea Tampines, giant or courts. Was there yesterday afternoon. My hubby and I felt there were alot of preg women abt my tummy size esp at Ikea. We saw at least around 8-9 preg women. Was so curious if any of u were there... haha


Ya. I am also v anxious over my delivering. Cant believe that I am going to give birth in another 9 weeks or less. scare..scare..


I was at ikea yesterday too! Probably I'm one of the mummies u saw. Hahaha... Was there looking for a bed that my mil can sleep in when she comes to do confinement for me. Was hoping that bed also can be used for my bb when she grows older. Like that can save some $$$. Somehow after I knew I was pregnant, I kind of started to notice and look around for other pregnant mummies around me. And seems like there're REALLY a lot of pregnant women around!


Most likely my hb and i will just carry bb in a sling first, then slowly decide whether we wanna get stroller later. As for bb car seat, i think buying it is inevitable. Dun wanna get caught by traffic police. And it's also for bb's safety anyway..

Hi Pooh

I was at Ikea at abt 9 plus 10 in the morning yesterday for breakfast. Aiyo, I didn't know Ikea is so popular for brekky over the weekends flooded with ppl.

But I guess after I deliver is the best place to bring bb to during week days not much ppl heehee and they have nice brekky too ...

Yotsuba : Yeah Car seat is impt for ur bb safety sake not much of kana caught by TP. But if u do like my frd .. she kana fine lor ... I think abt 1k leh.

Wow - The thread moves so fast over the weekend.

So many posts.

Re Stretchmarks.

That was what I heard also if mummy doesnt have most likely daughther wont have it too. Then my mum says that she doesnt have, so I happily think that I wont have it and didnt bother when I had my no1. Who knows it all appeared towards my 9th month,by then its too late for any remedy already i guess...

The joke is, until then I knew i was a premie baby... I was given birth on the 7th mth! Thus my mom had no visible stretchmarks coz tummy not that stretch yet... hahaha

Water Retention: Hmmmmm i think my water retention is quite bad. I quite look like a water barrel now.. only big on the bottoms. Sometimes if i drink too much water in the night, my vulva gets swell up too... Have to do kegel exercise more often.

I have heard from another mummy that her gynae advise her to drink 100plus if she has bad retention. May want to check with urs if wanna try this method.

Speedy recovery to those mummies who are under the weather. This preg I am plagued with bad phelgm. Been coughing out greenish and thick phelgm.


i scare scare also. mine is 6 weeks+ away. w the little tiger moving so much, can't help but to worry if he'll break the water bag w his non-stop poking/kicking.


i'm the opposite. i was holding the buy for car seat until other frens persuade me otherwise. safety is important and unless we dun bring him out. if not the car seat die die must buy. you may wan to go JB to buy got mine at Jusco at 129RM. work out to 50+ for the pram and has the fully lie down option.

@Bethel - regarding the bouncer, I had 2. One from FP (A gift) another is those netted ones....

The netted ones are v cooling good for bbs taking naps in it.... and it's material its like sarong (yao lan) can help to "round" bb's head...hehe

The FP ones are better for entertaining.. My boy could entertain himself with the toys hung up there for some times during his 3rd or 4th month. The vibration did not really work for me as a calming effect, so after the battery went flat i didnt bother changing it.


Morning mummies!


I had fever once and it didn't go away for days and I refused to take any medication. In the end just brew the Chinese med 'ling yang' and recovered after 2/3 days.


There was really not much there. Wasted time to go there and it was raining cats and dogs.


I bot the combi urban walker on my sis's behalf at $259 last month at the bb expo fair. It was combi the company itself selling and they said they normally do direct sale every few months. Maybe you can pop down to parenthood fair this weekend to see whether they are there. Alternatively, you can wait for isetan private sale. Saw at last sale that retail price was $329 which was the same at baby kingdom, but there was additional 10% off and $5 cash voucher was given for every $100 spent using HSBC card.

Hi, my aunt went for the food fair at expo yest and told me tat the mum & tots fair was very boring with only few stalls selling baby stuff which some of u already mentioned.

Guess this wkend fair organised by motherhood will be better as I've been to 2 fairs by them so far. Thinking of buying playpen from there. Hope they hv good offers...


me and hubby was looking at playpen yesterday at west coast plaza. the cheapest we saw was Lucky baby at $79.90 at level 2 shop near Popular. the shop downstairs, Lifestyle, sold Latido at $129 w a free matress.

Hi Chabby, I saw a lucky baby brand at Giant but the size was too small. Think diff sizes diff price. The Latido one sounds ok with free mattress. I had 1 playpen at home but it's shaky already so thinking of buying a new one. I prefer a bigger size one so tat at least can use for longer period of time.


then you shld consider getting a cot. cot are more durable band have more varied size than playpen.

Hi Chabby, I already had a cot ready for my #2. The playpen is for me to put my #1 inside when I need to do other things. And also for #2 next time. The present one I had at home is so shaky tat it looks dangerous when my #1 is running around inside.


Thought you were in the September 09 forum ! No wonder, otherwise we would have met for our no.1. Being at work is gd too huh, you get lunch time to go on the forums etc. Being a SAHM, there's just so much to do around the house hard to find time out to do the forum. I supposed I can come up with a TIME OFF period to blog etc.


Yea able to comfort the baby & rest at the same time is really great !! With my 1st born, the first 2 months I was at my mum's place and I used my nephew cot. It was tiring to be sitting down, reaching out to the baby to pat. Now its no.2 I am still shopping around for cots, cribs, mosses basket....all so complicated.. arghhh so wish I can use mattress tooo.

Regarding car seats, try to get one that can last through Stage 2. If I am not wrong, Stage 1 lasts from newborn till baby weight of 9kg. Previously when my hubby & I shop for car seats, we thought just opt for a small one. Our no.1 outgrow the carseat at about 6mths old (we were shocked so quickly we need to change again), so we went shopping for Stage 2 carseat. Then we compare the prices, we realised that from day 1 we should have bought one that can last through Stage 2 too. I am not sure if the guideline is the same in Singapore but just shop around. I believe they have bigger carseat that can fit for a longer period of time. Ohh we didnt opt for the combi detachable car seat + pram etc, coz reckon it will be too much hassle to remove & re-attach the car seat everytime we gets in & out of the car. Its purely up to personal preference [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, I am feeling nervous too.. now 32 weeks, EDD 20 JAN. Sounds pretty far away but then again people have been telling me that he can come as early as 36weeks. Esp. its no.2 & I haven't done anything..

Would anyone know if the motherhood fair next week will sell babysafe products? Thinking of buying the mattress (for mum's house) instead of a cot for now, and pillow with the indentation to prevent flathead. Does that work?

With my current low energy levels dunno whether can sustain 1-2 hours of pushing and walking in a crowded area though.

Does anyone feel breathless very easily? Sometimes without any actual exertion, like it's hard to breathe?

Me!! Sometimes I feel breathless when i'm trying to fall asleep at night even though I'm lying on my side. Then I go into panic attack for awhile before I remember to stay calm, sit up and try breathing techniques. Works for me, the breathlessness goes away after awhile....

Good to hear I'm not alone in this. After some experimentation lying on the left side works best for me. But it's very awkward to be breathless even when I'm just sitting on the sofa and vegetating. Maybe my posture is not right and my lungs or whatever are being compressed by the uterus.

Hi Chabby

I got mixed feelings lor. Cant wait for my bb to come out so that i could hold her in my arms. On the other hand, I am scared. Sigh


Did u ask yr hubby why he didnt want to stay over wif u? Mayb he is afraid that he will disturb u?

Hi Mummmies, same here freak out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feeling tired and restless and not in the good mood as feeling heavy and so clumsy..and lots of things not done been always having nitemares abt baby come out liao and all my things not done ..sigh..


i'm feeling the same as you.

can't wait for the baby to come out n dunno how much longer i can tahan w this huge watermelon and diet control (mild GD).

on the other hand, scare of D-day, dunno if i can cope w this helpless creature that relies on you. people keep saying once it's out, there are days u would wan to put it back into your body.


am surprised that you feel freak out since this is the second child. but i do understand that there's alot for you to worry about esp when the new member comes at a time when the elder one may need your attention also.

tired and restless, clumsy and heavy is the norm. guess all of us feel that way too. so much so that turn/toss on bed i can feel the pain in my groin area.

Lily & Chabby

Pple keep telling me... "ah ya.. delivery is nothing". Like what my hubby told me which i hope be an encouragement to all of u. He told me that I wont be the the first nor the last woman to give birth. If others can do it, so can u.

I feel its quit true lor.

I dreamt one night that my bb is out, then my gynae told me bb is not ready. so he push my bb back and sew me up. @_@

Ya chabby as too many things to worry and my prev pregnancy is too long ago lol and plus this preg more tiring and heavy not like my first at all


my hubby says the same thing to me also. "if it's that bad, most couples will only have 1 kid." or after reading papers on teen pregnancy he'll say "see.. even 10 year old can give birth.. dun worry too much ok?"

i dun have any dreams concerning baby.. only those on me being pregnant..so i guess i've to be grateful for no nasty bad dreams like yours.


i read in a book that pregnancy affects our memory. make us forgetful. which is why population has continue to increase over the centuries as we forget the pain some how.. hur hur..but i understand your concern. makes me wonder if i will plan for no. 2 and how to cope with no.2 and no.1 concurrently.

True chabby for me I am actually happy jus that my working distance too far making me too tired plus the timing is not so good anyway I keep telling myself mus count my blessings la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as so far so good except for the super heavy weight and I think plus all the hormones changes and lack of sleep hence all the anxiety blah blah blah

re: Delivery anxiety

Yes yes... feeling a anxious at times.. wondering when will it happen, how will that happen (as in contraction / waterbag burst / show). Recently my girl has been nudging me so much that my tummy feels super sore and stretched at certain area. Today she has been bumping my V area so often that I wonder if she is trying to burst the water bag and get out. LOL... think too much liao hor.


Hahah realised that I'm having weird dreams recently too. Not pertaining to delivery but just weird ones.


Yeah... can you imagine we are already so heavy and tired during our pregnancy, those teenage girls who can hide their pregnancy and give birth in toilet. OMG... power sia.


Just an update. Last fri after going toilet to do some business I saw blood in the toilet bowl. It got me all freak out and I call my Gynae immediately I was so scared n nervous, Gynae ask me to made a trip down to th clinic immediately which I did. After checkup, Gynae told me that I ve internal piles which cause the bleeding. I was not even aware that I have piles! But dr say it us common especially during our last tri.

So MTB please take note n dun b so panicky like me. If u see bleeding we ve to determine the source of blood - front or back, the qty of blood like menses - heavy or light?

Luckily there is nothing wrong w the bb.


Would like to check for those that will b bottle feeding, which brand of milk powder will you be choosing N why?

I am considering a mixture of both BM n formula but nt sure which formula I should choose. Please provide some advice.


Poor Mummy:

Thanks for the info on the bouncer.

May I know which type baby can use it till older?

Cos my fren was telling me the netted one can only last until 4-5 mths then baby will fall out of it.

So I was thinking of getting the FP Infant-to-toddler rocker, but it's very expensive.


Wow fever for 2-3 days without seeing doc?

I got so worried in 1 day. But luckily my fever went away the next day and i am well enuff to go to work today.


sounds scary. But it seems you're quite lucky to have piles and not have it hurt.


I think I'll be getting the infant to toddler bouncer too. Can get a small group of friends to share and buy for you? Most friends are quite relieved when you suggest things for them to buy. Most of my friends are still clueless about what to buy for babies.

I saw it going for $150 at kiddy palace and metro, without any discount yet. Can look out for the 20% off sales.


For FM, suggest you get the small tin first. Have to try and error to see which suits your baby. I gave similac for my #1 for a while, switched to friso as i realised that similac seems to be more heaty for him, causing constipation. Then finally switch to mamil gold as it suits him better than friso... caused some phlegm. Other mummy friends also had to try various brands before settling on one which baby doesn't mind drinking and suits him or her.

Morning Ladies,

I share all your sentiments!!! Actually, I think it's the same for 2nd time mothers, because every child birth and labour is different!

Smurf, think it is better for the PD to advise what kind of formula milk to give. This is because for my case, we have a lot of allegy and sensitivity issues, so the PD recommended those "HA" milk.

Morning mummies


I went to see doc and he said it's ok to eat panadol but I didn't take it at all. Just drank ling yang and fever did subside though it came on and off



it's the rite choice to go see doc. at least you know there's nothing serious. i'd have done the same, except my gynae not in SG till next week..hur hur.

i didn't buy any FM as like what jass and misty says. See what the hospital will offer to my kid. if there's not problem, will continue w the brand the hospital start off with. send hubby to go buy a tin from the pharmacy before going home from hospital. it'll be good to standby a small tin even if you have intention to BF.. it's always good to have standby in case the milk supply of let down dun occur.


i read that you can try mixing 100plus w water (1 to 1 portion) to help reduce headache or fever. Ling Yang is actually very cooling "liang". Go easy on it.

